forked from mirror/Riven
Fork 0

Add array of all champions

Mingwei Samuel 2021-06-30 17:06:33 -07:00
parent 6307a0aa13
commit 07348a5c53
2 changed files with 208 additions and 318 deletions

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@ -22,316 +22,188 @@ use serde::{ Serialize, Deserialize };
pub struct Champion(pub i16);
impl Champion {
/// Aatrox (`Aatrox`, 266).
pub const AATROX: Self = Self(266);
/// Ahri (`Ahri`, 103).
pub const AHRI: Self = Self(103);
/// Akali (`Akali`, 84).
pub const AKALI: Self = Self(84);
/// Alistar (`Alistar`, 12).
pub const ALISTAR: Self = Self(12);
/// Amumu (`Amumu`, 32).
pub const AMUMU: Self = Self(32);
/// Anivia (`Anivia`, 34).
pub const ANIVIA: Self = Self(34);
/// Annie (`Annie`, 1).
pub const ANNIE: Self = Self(1);
/// Aphelios (`Aphelios`, 523).
pub const APHELIOS: Self = Self(523);
/// Ashe (`Ashe`, 22).
pub const ASHE: Self = Self(22);
/// Aurelion Sol (`AurelionSol`, 136).
pub const AURELION_SOL: Self = Self(136);
/// Azir (`Azir`, 268).
pub const AZIR: Self = Self(268);
/// Bard (`Bard`, 432).
pub const BARD: Self = Self(432);
/// Blitzcrank (`Blitzcrank`, 53).
pub const BLITZCRANK: Self = Self(53);
/// Brand (`Brand`, 63).
pub const BRAND: Self = Self(63);
/// Braum (`Braum`, 201).
pub const BRAUM: Self = Self(201);
/// Caitlyn (`Caitlyn`, 51).
pub const CAITLYN: Self = Self(51);
/// Camille (`Camille`, 164).
pub const CAMILLE: Self = Self(164);
/// Cassiopeia (`Cassiopeia`, 69).
pub const CASSIOPEIA: Self = Self(69);
/// Cho'Gath (`Chogath`, 31).
pub const CHO_GATH: Self = Self(31);
/// Corki (`Corki`, 42).
pub const CORKI: Self = Self(42);
/// Darius (`Darius`, 122).
pub const DARIUS: Self = Self(122);
/// Diana (`Diana`, 131).
pub const DIANA: Self = Self(131);
/// Dr. Mundo (`DrMundo`, 36).
pub const DR_MUNDO: Self = Self(36);
/// Draven (`Draven`, 119).
pub const DRAVEN: Self = Self(119);
/// Ekko (`Ekko`, 245).
pub const EKKO: Self = Self(245);
/// Elise (`Elise`, 60).
pub const ELISE: Self = Self(60);
/// Evelynn (`Evelynn`, 28).
pub const EVELYNN: Self = Self(28);
/// Ezreal (`Ezreal`, 81).
pub const EZREAL: Self = Self(81);
/// Fiddlesticks (`FiddleSticks`, 9).
pub const FIDDLESTICKS: Self = Self(9);
/// Fiora (`Fiora`, 114).
pub const FIORA: Self = Self(114);
/// Fizz (`Fizz`, 105).
pub const FIZZ: Self = Self(105);
/// Galio (`Galio`, 3).
pub const GALIO: Self = Self(3);
/// Gangplank (`Gangplank`, 41).
pub const GANGPLANK: Self = Self(41);
/// Garen (`Garen`, 86).
pub const GAREN: Self = Self(86);
/// Gnar (`Gnar`, 150).
pub const GNAR: Self = Self(150);
/// Gragas (`Gragas`, 79).
pub const GRAGAS: Self = Self(79);
/// Graves (`Graves`, 104).
pub const GRAVES: Self = Self(104);
/// Gwen (`Gwen`, 887).
pub const GWEN: Self = Self(887);
/// Hecarim (`Hecarim`, 120).
pub const HECARIM: Self = Self(120);
/// Heimerdinger (`Heimerdinger`, 74).
pub const HEIMERDINGER: Self = Self(74);
/// Illaoi (`Illaoi`, 420).
pub const ILLAOI: Self = Self(420);
/// Irelia (`Irelia`, 39).
pub const IRELIA: Self = Self(39);
/// Ivern (`Ivern`, 427).
pub const IVERN: Self = Self(427);
/// Janna (`Janna`, 40).
pub const JANNA: Self = Self(40);
/// Jarvan IV (`JarvanIV`, 59).
pub const JARVAN_IV: Self = Self(59);
/// Jax (`Jax`, 24).
pub const JAX: Self = Self(24);
/// Jayce (`Jayce`, 126).
pub const JAYCE: Self = Self(126);
/// Jhin (`Jhin`, 202).
pub const JHIN: Self = Self(202);
/// Jinx (`Jinx`, 222).
pub const JINX: Self = Self(222);
/// Kai'Sa (`Kaisa`, 145).
pub const KAI_SA: Self = Self(145);
/// Kalista (`Kalista`, 429).
pub const KALISTA: Self = Self(429);
/// Karma (`Karma`, 43).
pub const KARMA: Self = Self(43);
/// Karthus (`Karthus`, 30).
pub const KARTHUS: Self = Self(30);
/// Kassadin (`Kassadin`, 38).
pub const KASSADIN: Self = Self(38);
/// Katarina (`Katarina`, 55).
pub const KATARINA: Self = Self(55);
/// Kayle (`Kayle`, 10).
pub const KAYLE: Self = Self(10);
/// Kayn (`Kayn`, 141).
pub const KAYN: Self = Self(141);
/// Kennen (`Kennen`, 85).
pub const KENNEN: Self = Self(85);
/// Kha'Zix (`Khazix`, 121).
pub const KHA_ZIX: Self = Self(121);
/// Kindred (`Kindred`, 203).
pub const KINDRED: Self = Self(203);
/// Kled (`Kled`, 240).
pub const KLED: Self = Self(240);
/// Kog'Maw (`KogMaw`, 96).
pub const KOG_MAW: Self = Self(96);
/// LeBlanc (`Leblanc`, 7).
pub const LE_BLANC: Self = Self(7);
/// Lee Sin (`LeeSin`, 64).
pub const LEE_SIN: Self = Self(64);
/// Leona (`Leona`, 89).
pub const LEONA: Self = Self(89);
/// Lillia (`Lillia`, 876).
pub const LILLIA: Self = Self(876);
/// Lissandra (`Lissandra`, 127).
pub const LISSANDRA: Self = Self(127);
/// Lucian (`Lucian`, 236).
pub const LUCIAN: Self = Self(236);
/// Lulu (`Lulu`, 117).
pub const LULU: Self = Self(117);
/// Lux (`Lux`, 99).
pub const LUX: Self = Self(99);
/// Malphite (`Malphite`, 54).
pub const MALPHITE: Self = Self(54);
/// Malzahar (`Malzahar`, 90).
pub const MALZAHAR: Self = Self(90);
/// Maokai (`Maokai`, 57).
pub const MAOKAI: Self = Self(57);
/// Master Yi (`MasterYi`, 11).
pub const MASTER_YI: Self = Self(11);
/// Miss Fortune (`MissFortune`, 21).
pub const MISS_FORTUNE: Self = Self(21);
/// Mordekaiser (`Mordekaiser`, 82).
pub const MORDEKAISER: Self = Self(82);
/// Morgana (`Morgana`, 25).
pub const MORGANA: Self = Self(25);
/// Nami (`Nami`, 267).
pub const NAMI: Self = Self(267);
/// Nasus (`Nasus`, 75).
pub const NASUS: Self = Self(75);
/// Nautilus (`Nautilus`, 111).
pub const NAUTILUS: Self = Self(111);
/// Neeko (`Neeko`, 518).
pub const NEEKO: Self = Self(518);
/// Nidalee (`Nidalee`, 76).
pub const NIDALEE: Self = Self(76);
/// Nocturne (`Nocturne`, 56).
pub const NOCTURNE: Self = Self(56);
/// Nunu & Willump (`Nunu`, 20).
pub const NUNU_WILLUMP: Self = Self(20);
/// Olaf (`Olaf`, 2).
pub const OLAF: Self = Self(2);
/// Orianna (`Orianna`, 61).
pub const ORIANNA: Self = Self(61);
/// Ornn (`Ornn`, 516).
pub const ORNN: Self = Self(516);
/// Pantheon (`Pantheon`, 80).
pub const PANTHEON: Self = Self(80);
/// Poppy (`Poppy`, 78).
pub const POPPY: Self = Self(78);
/// Pyke (`Pyke`, 555).
pub const PYKE: Self = Self(555);
/// Qiyana (`Qiyana`, 246).
pub const QIYANA: Self = Self(246);
/// Quinn (`Quinn`, 133).
pub const QUINN: Self = Self(133);
/// Rakan (`Rakan`, 497).
pub const RAKAN: Self = Self(497);
/// Rammus (`Rammus`, 33).
pub const RAMMUS: Self = Self(33);
/// Rek'Sai (`RekSai`, 421).
pub const REK_SAI: Self = Self(421);
/// Rell (`Rell`, 526).
pub const RELL: Self = Self(526);
/// Renekton (`Renekton`, 58).
pub const RENEKTON: Self = Self(58);
/// Rengar (`Rengar`, 107).
pub const RENGAR: Self = Self(107);
/// Riven (`Riven`, 92).
pub const RIVEN: Self = Self(92);
/// Rumble (`Rumble`, 68).
pub const RUMBLE: Self = Self(68);
/// Ryze (`Ryze`, 13).
pub const RYZE: Self = Self(13);
/// Samira (`Samira`, 360).
pub const SAMIRA: Self = Self(360);
/// Sejuani (`Sejuani`, 113).
pub const SEJUANI: Self = Self(113);
/// Senna (`Senna`, 235).
pub const SENNA: Self = Self(235);
/// Seraphine (`Seraphine`, 147).
pub const SERAPHINE: Self = Self(147);
/// Sett (`Sett`, 875).
pub const SETT: Self = Self(875);
/// Shaco (`Shaco`, 35).
pub const SHACO: Self = Self(35);
/// Shen (`Shen`, 98).
pub const SHEN: Self = Self(98);
/// Shyvana (`Shyvana`, 102).
pub const SHYVANA: Self = Self(102);
/// Singed (`Singed`, 27).
pub const SINGED: Self = Self(27);
/// Sion (`Sion`, 14).
pub const SION: Self = Self(14);
/// Sivir (`Sivir`, 15).
pub const SIVIR: Self = Self(15);
/// Skarner (`Skarner`, 72).
pub const SKARNER: Self = Self(72);
/// Sona (`Sona`, 37).
pub const SONA: Self = Self(37);
/// Soraka (`Soraka`, 16).
pub const SORAKA: Self = Self(16);
/// Swain (`Swain`, 50).
pub const SWAIN: Self = Self(50);
/// Sylas (`Sylas`, 517).
pub const SYLAS: Self = Self(517);
/// Syndra (`Syndra`, 134).
pub const SYNDRA: Self = Self(134);
/// Tahm Kench (`TahmKench`, 223).
pub const TAHM_KENCH: Self = Self(223);
/// Taliyah (`Taliyah`, 163).
pub const TALIYAH: Self = Self(163);
/// Talon (`Talon`, 91).
pub const TALON: Self = Self(91);
/// Taric (`Taric`, 44).
pub const TARIC: Self = Self(44);
/// Teemo (`Teemo`, 17).
pub const TEEMO: Self = Self(17);
/// Thresh (`Thresh`, 412).
pub const THRESH: Self = Self(412);
/// Tristana (`Tristana`, 18).
pub const TRISTANA: Self = Self(18);
/// Trundle (`Trundle`, 48).
pub const TRUNDLE: Self = Self(48);
/// Tryndamere (`Tryndamere`, 23).
pub const TRYNDAMERE: Self = Self(23);
/// Twisted Fate (`TwistedFate`, 4).
pub const TWISTED_FATE: Self = Self(4);
/// Twitch (`Twitch`, 29).
pub const TWITCH: Self = Self(29);
/// Udyr (`Udyr`, 77).
pub const UDYR: Self = Self(77);
/// Urgot (`Urgot`, 6).
pub const URGOT: Self = Self(6);
/// Varus (`Varus`, 110).
pub const VARUS: Self = Self(110);
/// Vayne (`Vayne`, 67).
pub const VAYNE: Self = Self(67);
/// Veigar (`Veigar`, 45).
pub const VEIGAR: Self = Self(45);
/// Vel'Koz (`Velkoz`, 161).
pub const VEL_KOZ: Self = Self(161);
/// Vi (`Vi`, 254).
pub const VI: Self = Self(254);
/// Viego (`Viego`, 234).
pub const VIEGO: Self = Self(234);
/// Viktor (`Viktor`, 112).
pub const VIKTOR: Self = Self(112);
/// Vladimir (`Vladimir`, 8).
pub const VLADIMIR: Self = Self(8);
/// Volibear (`Volibear`, 106).
pub const VOLIBEAR: Self = Self(106);
/// Warwick (`Warwick`, 19).
pub const WARWICK: Self = Self(19);
/// Wukong (`MonkeyKing`, 62).
pub const WUKONG: Self = Self(62);
/// Xayah (`Xayah`, 498).
pub const XAYAH: Self = Self(498);
/// Xerath (`Xerath`, 101).
pub const XERATH: Self = Self(101);
/// Xin Zhao (`XinZhao`, 5).
pub const XIN_ZHAO: Self = Self(5);
/// Yasuo (`Yasuo`, 157).
pub const YASUO: Self = Self(157);
/// Yone (`Yone`, 777).
pub const YONE: Self = Self(777);
/// Yorick (`Yorick`, 83).
pub const YORICK: Self = Self(83);
/// Yuumi (`Yuumi`, 350).
pub const YUUMI: Self = Self(350);
/// Zac (`Zac`, 154).
pub const ZAC: Self = Self(154);
/// Zed (`Zed`, 238).
pub const ZED: Self = Self(238);
/// Ziggs (`Ziggs`, 115).
pub const ZIGGS: Self = Self(115);
/// Zilean (`Zilean`, 26).
pub const ZILEAN: Self = Self(26);
/// Zoe (`Zoe`, 142).
pub const ZOE: Self = Self(142);
/// Zyra (`Zyra`, 143).
pub const ZYRA: Self = Self(143);
/** Aatrox (`Aatrox`, 266) */ pub const AATROX: Self = Self(266);
/** Ahri (`Ahri`, 103) */ pub const AHRI: Self = Self(103);
/** Akali (`Akali`, 84) */ pub const AKALI: Self = Self(84);
/** Alistar (`Alistar`, 12) */ pub const ALISTAR: Self = Self(12);
/** Amumu (`Amumu`, 32) */ pub const AMUMU: Self = Self(32);
/** Anivia (`Anivia`, 34) */ pub const ANIVIA: Self = Self(34);
/** Annie (`Annie`, 1) */ pub const ANNIE: Self = Self(1);
/** Aphelios (`Aphelios`, 523) */ pub const APHELIOS: Self = Self(523);
/** Ashe (`Ashe`, 22) */ pub const ASHE: Self = Self(22);
/** Aurelion Sol (`AurelionSol`, 136) */ pub const AURELION_SOL: Self = Self(136);
/** Azir (`Azir`, 268) */ pub const AZIR: Self = Self(268);
/** Bard (`Bard`, 432) */ pub const BARD: Self = Self(432);
/** Blitzcrank (`Blitzcrank`, 53) */ pub const BLITZCRANK: Self = Self(53);
/** Brand (`Brand`, 63) */ pub const BRAND: Self = Self(63);
/** Braum (`Braum`, 201) */ pub const BRAUM: Self = Self(201);
/** Caitlyn (`Caitlyn`, 51) */ pub const CAITLYN: Self = Self(51);
/** Camille (`Camille`, 164) */ pub const CAMILLE: Self = Self(164);
/** Cassiopeia (`Cassiopeia`, 69) */ pub const CASSIOPEIA: Self = Self(69);
/** Cho'Gath (`Chogath`, 31) */ pub const CHO_GATH: Self = Self(31);
/** Corki (`Corki`, 42) */ pub const CORKI: Self = Self(42);
/** Darius (`Darius`, 122) */ pub const DARIUS: Self = Self(122);
/** Diana (`Diana`, 131) */ pub const DIANA: Self = Self(131);
/** Dr. Mundo (`DrMundo`, 36) */ pub const DR_MUNDO: Self = Self(36);
/** Draven (`Draven`, 119) */ pub const DRAVEN: Self = Self(119);
/** Ekko (`Ekko`, 245) */ pub const EKKO: Self = Self(245);
/** Elise (`Elise`, 60) */ pub const ELISE: Self = Self(60);
/** Evelynn (`Evelynn`, 28) */ pub const EVELYNN: Self = Self(28);
/** Ezreal (`Ezreal`, 81) */ pub const EZREAL: Self = Self(81);
/** Fiddlesticks (`FiddleSticks`, 9) */ pub const FIDDLESTICKS: Self = Self(9);
/** Fiora (`Fiora`, 114) */ pub const FIORA: Self = Self(114);
/** Fizz (`Fizz`, 105) */ pub const FIZZ: Self = Self(105);
/** Galio (`Galio`, 3) */ pub const GALIO: Self = Self(3);
/** Gangplank (`Gangplank`, 41) */ pub const GANGPLANK: Self = Self(41);
/** Garen (`Garen`, 86) */ pub const GAREN: Self = Self(86);
/** Gnar (`Gnar`, 150) */ pub const GNAR: Self = Self(150);
/** Gragas (`Gragas`, 79) */ pub const GRAGAS: Self = Self(79);
/** Graves (`Graves`, 104) */ pub const GRAVES: Self = Self(104);
/** Gwen (`Gwen`, 887) */ pub const GWEN: Self = Self(887);
/** Hecarim (`Hecarim`, 120) */ pub const HECARIM: Self = Self(120);
/** Heimerdinger (`Heimerdinger`, 74) */ pub const HEIMERDINGER: Self = Self(74);
/** Illaoi (`Illaoi`, 420) */ pub const ILLAOI: Self = Self(420);
/** Irelia (`Irelia`, 39) */ pub const IRELIA: Self = Self(39);
/** Ivern (`Ivern`, 427) */ pub const IVERN: Self = Self(427);
/** Janna (`Janna`, 40) */ pub const JANNA: Self = Self(40);
/** Jarvan IV (`JarvanIV`, 59) */ pub const JARVAN_IV: Self = Self(59);
/** Jax (`Jax`, 24) */ pub const JAX: Self = Self(24);
/** Jayce (`Jayce`, 126) */ pub const JAYCE: Self = Self(126);
/** Jhin (`Jhin`, 202) */ pub const JHIN: Self = Self(202);
/** Jinx (`Jinx`, 222) */ pub const JINX: Self = Self(222);
/** Kai'Sa (`Kaisa`, 145) */ pub const KAI_SA: Self = Self(145);
/** Kalista (`Kalista`, 429) */ pub const KALISTA: Self = Self(429);
/** Karma (`Karma`, 43) */ pub const KARMA: Self = Self(43);
/** Karthus (`Karthus`, 30) */ pub const KARTHUS: Self = Self(30);
/** Kassadin (`Kassadin`, 38) */ pub const KASSADIN: Self = Self(38);
/** Katarina (`Katarina`, 55) */ pub const KATARINA: Self = Self(55);
/** Kayle (`Kayle`, 10) */ pub const KAYLE: Self = Self(10);
/** Kayn (`Kayn`, 141) */ pub const KAYN: Self = Self(141);
/** Kennen (`Kennen`, 85) */ pub const KENNEN: Self = Self(85);
/** Kha'Zix (`Khazix`, 121) */ pub const KHA_ZIX: Self = Self(121);
/** Kindred (`Kindred`, 203) */ pub const KINDRED: Self = Self(203);
/** Kled (`Kled`, 240) */ pub const KLED: Self = Self(240);
/** Kog'Maw (`KogMaw`, 96) */ pub const KOG_MAW: Self = Self(96);
/** LeBlanc (`Leblanc`, 7) */ pub const LE_BLANC: Self = Self(7);
/** Lee Sin (`LeeSin`, 64) */ pub const LEE_SIN: Self = Self(64);
/** Leona (`Leona`, 89) */ pub const LEONA: Self = Self(89);
/** Lillia (`Lillia`, 876) */ pub const LILLIA: Self = Self(876);
/** Lissandra (`Lissandra`, 127) */ pub const LISSANDRA: Self = Self(127);
/** Lucian (`Lucian`, 236) */ pub const LUCIAN: Self = Self(236);
/** Lulu (`Lulu`, 117) */ pub const LULU: Self = Self(117);
/** Lux (`Lux`, 99) */ pub const LUX: Self = Self(99);
/** Malphite (`Malphite`, 54) */ pub const MALPHITE: Self = Self(54);
/** Malzahar (`Malzahar`, 90) */ pub const MALZAHAR: Self = Self(90);
/** Maokai (`Maokai`, 57) */ pub const MAOKAI: Self = Self(57);
/** Master Yi (`MasterYi`, 11) */ pub const MASTER_YI: Self = Self(11);
/** Miss Fortune (`MissFortune`, 21) */ pub const MISS_FORTUNE: Self = Self(21);
/** Mordekaiser (`Mordekaiser`, 82) */ pub const MORDEKAISER: Self = Self(82);
/** Morgana (`Morgana`, 25) */ pub const MORGANA: Self = Self(25);
/** Nami (`Nami`, 267) */ pub const NAMI: Self = Self(267);
/** Nasus (`Nasus`, 75) */ pub const NASUS: Self = Self(75);
/** Nautilus (`Nautilus`, 111) */ pub const NAUTILUS: Self = Self(111);
/** Neeko (`Neeko`, 518) */ pub const NEEKO: Self = Self(518);
/** Nidalee (`Nidalee`, 76) */ pub const NIDALEE: Self = Self(76);
/** Nocturne (`Nocturne`, 56) */ pub const NOCTURNE: Self = Self(56);
/** Nunu & Willump (`Nunu`, 20) */ pub const NUNU_WILLUMP: Self = Self(20);
/** Olaf (`Olaf`, 2) */ pub const OLAF: Self = Self(2);
/** Orianna (`Orianna`, 61) */ pub const ORIANNA: Self = Self(61);
/** Ornn (`Ornn`, 516) */ pub const ORNN: Self = Self(516);
/** Pantheon (`Pantheon`, 80) */ pub const PANTHEON: Self = Self(80);
/** Poppy (`Poppy`, 78) */ pub const POPPY: Self = Self(78);
/** Pyke (`Pyke`, 555) */ pub const PYKE: Self = Self(555);
/** Qiyana (`Qiyana`, 246) */ pub const QIYANA: Self = Self(246);
/** Quinn (`Quinn`, 133) */ pub const QUINN: Self = Self(133);
/** Rakan (`Rakan`, 497) */ pub const RAKAN: Self = Self(497);
/** Rammus (`Rammus`, 33) */ pub const RAMMUS: Self = Self(33);
/** Rek'Sai (`RekSai`, 421) */ pub const REK_SAI: Self = Self(421);
/** Rell (`Rell`, 526) */ pub const RELL: Self = Self(526);
/** Renekton (`Renekton`, 58) */ pub const RENEKTON: Self = Self(58);
/** Rengar (`Rengar`, 107) */ pub const RENGAR: Self = Self(107);
/** Riven (`Riven`, 92) */ pub const RIVEN: Self = Self(92);
/** Rumble (`Rumble`, 68) */ pub const RUMBLE: Self = Self(68);
/** Ryze (`Ryze`, 13) */ pub const RYZE: Self = Self(13);
/** Samira (`Samira`, 360) */ pub const SAMIRA: Self = Self(360);
/** Sejuani (`Sejuani`, 113) */ pub const SEJUANI: Self = Self(113);
/** Senna (`Senna`, 235) */ pub const SENNA: Self = Self(235);
/** Seraphine (`Seraphine`, 147) */ pub const SERAPHINE: Self = Self(147);
/** Sett (`Sett`, 875) */ pub const SETT: Self = Self(875);
/** Shaco (`Shaco`, 35) */ pub const SHACO: Self = Self(35);
/** Shen (`Shen`, 98) */ pub const SHEN: Self = Self(98);
/** Shyvana (`Shyvana`, 102) */ pub const SHYVANA: Self = Self(102);
/** Singed (`Singed`, 27) */ pub const SINGED: Self = Self(27);
/** Sion (`Sion`, 14) */ pub const SION: Self = Self(14);
/** Sivir (`Sivir`, 15) */ pub const SIVIR: Self = Self(15);
/** Skarner (`Skarner`, 72) */ pub const SKARNER: Self = Self(72);
/** Sona (`Sona`, 37) */ pub const SONA: Self = Self(37);
/** Soraka (`Soraka`, 16) */ pub const SORAKA: Self = Self(16);
/** Swain (`Swain`, 50) */ pub const SWAIN: Self = Self(50);
/** Sylas (`Sylas`, 517) */ pub const SYLAS: Self = Self(517);
/** Syndra (`Syndra`, 134) */ pub const SYNDRA: Self = Self(134);
/** Tahm Kench (`TahmKench`, 223) */ pub const TAHM_KENCH: Self = Self(223);
/** Taliyah (`Taliyah`, 163) */ pub const TALIYAH: Self = Self(163);
/** Talon (`Talon`, 91) */ pub const TALON: Self = Self(91);
/** Taric (`Taric`, 44) */ pub const TARIC: Self = Self(44);
/** Teemo (`Teemo`, 17) */ pub const TEEMO: Self = Self(17);
/** Thresh (`Thresh`, 412) */ pub const THRESH: Self = Self(412);
/** Tristana (`Tristana`, 18) */ pub const TRISTANA: Self = Self(18);
/** Trundle (`Trundle`, 48) */ pub const TRUNDLE: Self = Self(48);
/** Tryndamere (`Tryndamere`, 23) */ pub const TRYNDAMERE: Self = Self(23);
/** Twisted Fate (`TwistedFate`, 4) */ pub const TWISTED_FATE: Self = Self(4);
/** Twitch (`Twitch`, 29) */ pub const TWITCH: Self = Self(29);
/** Udyr (`Udyr`, 77) */ pub const UDYR: Self = Self(77);
/** Urgot (`Urgot`, 6) */ pub const URGOT: Self = Self(6);
/** Varus (`Varus`, 110) */ pub const VARUS: Self = Self(110);
/** Vayne (`Vayne`, 67) */ pub const VAYNE: Self = Self(67);
/** Veigar (`Veigar`, 45) */ pub const VEIGAR: Self = Self(45);
/** Vel'Koz (`Velkoz`, 161) */ pub const VEL_KOZ: Self = Self(161);
/** Vi (`Vi`, 254) */ pub const VI: Self = Self(254);
/** Viego (`Viego`, 234) */ pub const VIEGO: Self = Self(234);
/** Viktor (`Viktor`, 112) */ pub const VIKTOR: Self = Self(112);
/** Vladimir (`Vladimir`, 8) */ pub const VLADIMIR: Self = Self(8);
/** Volibear (`Volibear`, 106) */ pub const VOLIBEAR: Self = Self(106);
/** Warwick (`Warwick`, 19) */ pub const WARWICK: Self = Self(19);
/** Wukong (`MonkeyKing`, 62) */ pub const WUKONG: Self = Self(62);
/** Xayah (`Xayah`, 498) */ pub const XAYAH: Self = Self(498);
/** Xerath (`Xerath`, 101) */ pub const XERATH: Self = Self(101);
/** Xin Zhao (`XinZhao`, 5) */ pub const XIN_ZHAO: Self = Self(5);
/** Yasuo (`Yasuo`, 157) */ pub const YASUO: Self = Self(157);
/** Yone (`Yone`, 777) */ pub const YONE: Self = Self(777);
/** Yorick (`Yorick`, 83) */ pub const YORICK: Self = Self(83);
/** Yuumi (`Yuumi`, 350) */ pub const YUUMI: Self = Self(350);
/** Zac (`Zac`, 154) */ pub const ZAC: Self = Self(154);
/** Zed (`Zed`, 238) */ pub const ZED: Self = Self(238);
/** Ziggs (`Ziggs`, 115) */ pub const ZIGGS: Self = Self(115);
/** Zilean (`Zilean`, 26) */ pub const ZILEAN: Self = Self(26);
/** Zoe (`Zoe`, 142) */ pub const ZOE: Self = Self(142);
/** Zyra (`Zyra`, 143) */ pub const ZYRA: Self = Self(143);
impl Champion {
/// Array containing all Champion variants, ordered by their id value.
pub const ALL: [Self; 155] = [
Self::RAMMUS, Self::ANIVIA, Self::SHACO, Self::DR_MUNDO, Self::SONA, Self::KASSADIN, Self::IRELIA, Self::JANNA,
Self::RIVEN, Self::KOG_MAW, Self::SHEN, Self::LUX, Self::XERATH, Self::SHYVANA, Self::AHRI, Self::GRAVES,
Self::ZIGGS, Self::LULU, Self::DRAVEN, Self::HECARIM, Self::KHA_ZIX, Self::DARIUS, Self::JAYCE, Self::LISSANDRA,
Self::DIANA, Self::QUINN, Self::SYNDRA, Self::AURELION_SOL, Self::KAYN, Self::ZOE, Self::ZYRA, Self::KAI_SA,
Self::SERAPHINE, Self::GNAR, Self::ZAC, Self::YASUO, Self::VEL_KOZ, Self::TALIYAH, Self::CAMILLE, Self::BRAUM,
Self::JHIN, Self::KINDRED, Self::JINX, Self::TAHM_KENCH, Self::VIEGO, Self::SENNA, Self::LUCIAN, Self::ZED,
Self::KLED, Self::EKKO, Self::QIYANA, Self::VI, Self::AATROX, Self::NAMI, Self::AZIR, Self::YUUMI,
Self::SAMIRA, Self::THRESH, Self::ILLAOI, Self::REK_SAI, Self::IVERN, Self::KALISTA, Self::BARD, Self::RAKAN,
Self::XAYAH, Self::ORNN, Self::SYLAS, Self::NEEKO, Self::APHELIOS, Self::RELL, Self::PYKE, Self::YONE,
Self::SETT, Self::LILLIA, Self::GWEN,
pub const fn is_known(self) -> bool {
match self {

View File

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
const champions = require('./.champion.json')
.filter(({ id }) => id > 0)
.sortBy(({ name }) => name);
const constName = name => dotUtils.changeCase.constantCase(name).replace(/[^_A-Z0-9]+/g, '');
const constNamePad = 12;
const hashFactor = 256;
const strHash = (str) => {
let h = 0;
for (let c of str)
for (const c of str)
h = hashFactor * h + c.charCodeAt(0);
return h;
@ -32,18 +33,35 @@ pub struct Champion(pub i16);
impl Champion {
for (let { id, alias, name } of champions) {
for (const { id, alias, name } of champions) {
/// {{= name }} (`{{= alias }}`, {{= id }}).
pub const {{= constName(name) }}: Self = Self({{= id }});
/** {{= `${name} (\`${alias}\`, ${id})`.padEnd(33) }} */ pub const {{= `${constName(name)}:`.padEnd(1 + constNamePad) }} Self = Self({{= id }});
impl Champion {
/// Array containing all Champion variants, ordered by their id value.
pub const ALL: [Self; {{= champions.length }}] = [
const champNames = require('./.champion.json').slice(1).map(({ name }) => `Self::${constName(name)},`.padEnd(8 + constNamePad));
const step = 8;
for (let i = 0; i < champNames.length; i += step) {
{{= champNames.slice(i, i + step).join('').trim() }}
pub const fn is_known(self) -> bool {
match self {
for (let { name, alias } of champions) {
for (const { name, alias } of champions) {
Self::{{= constName(name).padEnd(constNamePad) }} => true,
@ -57,7 +75,7 @@ impl Champion {
pub const fn name(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
match self {
for (let { name } of champions) {
for (const { name } of champions) {
Self::{{= constName(name).padEnd(constNamePad) }} => Some("{{= name }}"),
@ -76,7 +94,7 @@ impl Champion {
/// Field | Name | Identifier
/// --------|------|-----------
for (let { name, alias } of champions) {
for (const { name, alias } of champions) {
if (name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/, '') !== alias) {
/// `{{= constName(name) }}` | "{{= name }}" | "{{= alias }}"
@ -87,7 +105,7 @@ impl Champion {
pub const fn identifier(self) -> Option<&'static str> {
match self {
for (let { name, alias } of champions) {
for (const { name, alias } of champions) {
Self::{{= constName(name).padEnd(constNamePad) }} => Some("{{= alias }}"),