Mingwei Samuel c4a9993ac2 Remove tests on archived matches
Also adds `--no-fail-fast` to tests
2023-10-13 11:09:26 -07:00

79 lines
2.8 KiB

#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(custom_test_frameworks))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", test_runner(my_runner))]
mod async_tests;
mod testutils;
use testutils::*;
use colored::*;
use riven::consts::*;
// use riven::models::tournament_stub_v4::*;
const ROUTE: RegionalRoute = RegionalRoute::AMERICAS;
static MATCHES: &[&str] = &[
// New games with `match-v5.ParticipantDto.challenges` field.
"NA1_4265913704", // `match-v5.ParticipantDto.challenges.mejaisFullStackInTime`
async_tests! {
my_runner {
// TODO FAILING since 2022/11/28 https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/actions/runs/3571320200/jobs/6003088646
// // Champion Mastery tests.
// tournamentstub: async {
// let tsv4 = RIOT_API.tournament_stub_v4();
// let provider_id = tsv4.register_provider_data(ROUTE, &ProviderRegistrationParameters {
// region: PlatformRoute::NA1.as_region_str().to_owned(),
// url: "https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven".to_owned(),
// })
// .await
// .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// println!("provider_id: {}", provider_id);
// let tournament_id = tsv4.register_tournament(ROUTE, &TournamentRegistrationParameters {
// name: Some("Riven Tourney :)".to_owned()),
// provider_id,
// })
// .await
// .map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// println!("tournament_id: {}", tournament_id);
// let codes_result = tsv4.create_tournament_code(ROUTE, &TournamentCodeParameters {
// map_type: "SUMMONERS_RIFT".to_owned(),
// metadata: Some("eW91IGZvdW5kIHRoZSBzZWNyZXQgbWVzc2FnZQ==".to_owned()),
// pick_type: "TOURNAMENT_DRAFT".to_owned(),
// spectator_type: "ALL".to_owned(),
// team_size: 5,
// allowed_summoner_ids: None,
// }, tournament_id as i64, Some(300))
// .await;
// match codes_result {
// Ok(codes) => {
// rassert_eq!(300, codes.len());
// println!("codes: {}", codes.join(", "));
// Ok(())
// }
// Err(mut e) => {
// if let Some(response) = e.take_response() {
// eprintln!("{:?}", response.text().await);
// }
// Err(e.to_string())
// }
// }
// },
match_v5_get: async {
match_v5_get(ROUTE, MATCHES).await
match_v5_get_timeline: async {
match_v5_get_timeline(ROUTE, MATCHES).await