> - The `CodeSnapPreviewOn` command is not supported, if you prefer live-preview, you can pin `CodeSnap.nvim` version to `v0.0.11` to continue using this command.
> - The `opacity` and `preview_title` config has been removed from v1.0.0
> - The `editor_font_family` was renamed to `code_font_family`
Recommend using [Lazy.nvim](https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim) for installation, but you can still use another plugin manager you prefer.
{ "mistricky/codesnap.nvim", build = "make", version = "^1" },
### Build manually
Since v0.0.1 was released, the CodeSnap.nvim will cross-compile for the following three targets, then the CodeSnap.nvim will automatically determine which package to use based on your system, you no longer need to have Rust environment if everything goes smoothly.
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
- x86_64-apple-darwin
- aarch64-apple-darwin
If CodeSnap.nvim on your system still not works fine, there are a lot of reasons depending on your system arch or OS version, well you can try to build CodeSnap manually using the following config:
`CodeSnap.nvim` provides the following two ways to take snapshots of currently selected code
### Copy into the clipboard
To take a beautiful snapshot use CodeSnap.nvim, you can just use `CodeSnap` command to generate a snapshot of the current selected code, then the `CodeSnap.nvim` will write the snapshot into the clipboard, and you can paste it anywhere you want.