" let mapleader = " " " map leader to Space " set timeoutlen 500 " Set timeout length to 500 ms " I like using H and L for beginning/end of line nmap H ^ nmap L $ " Yank to system clipboard set clipboard=unnamed exmap surround_wiki surround [[ ]] exmap surround_double_quotes surround " " exmap surround_single_quotes surround ' ' exmap surround_brackets surround ( ) exmap surround_square_brackets surround [ ] exmap surround_curly_brackets surround { } exmap surround_backtick surround ` ` exmap surround_bold surround ** ** exmap surround_italic surround * * exmap surround_strike surround ~~ ~~ " NOTE: must use 'map' and not 'nmap' map [[ :surround_wiki nunmap s vunmap s map s" :surround_double_quotes map s' :surround_single_quotes map sb :surround_brackets map s( :surround_brackets map s) :surround_brackets map s[ :surround_square_brackets map s[ :surround_square_brackets map s{ :surround_curly_brackets map s} :surround_curly_brackets map s` :surround_backtick map s* :surround_italic map si :surround_italic map sB :surround_bold map s** :surround_bold map sx :surround_strike map s~ :surround_strike