var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to2, from2, except, desc) => { if (from2 && typeof from2 === "object" || typeof from2 === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from2)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to2, key, { get: () => from2[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from2, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to2; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; // node_modules/.pnpm/pagerank.js@1.0.2/node_modules/pagerank.js/lib/index.js var require_lib = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/pagerank.js@1.0.2/node_modules/pagerank.js/lib/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; function forOwn(object, callback2) { if (typeof object === "object" && typeof callback2 === "function") { for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) === true) { if (callback2(key, object[key]) === false) { break; } } } } } module2.exports = function() { var self = { count: 0, edges: {}, nodes: {} }; = function(source, target, weight) { if (isFinite(weight) !== true || weight === null) { weight = 1; } weight = parseFloat(weight); if (self.nodes.hasOwnProperty(source) !== true) { self.count++; self.nodes[source] = { weight: 0, outbound: 0 }; } self.nodes[source].outbound += weight; if (self.nodes.hasOwnProperty(target) !== true) { self.count++; self.nodes[target] = { weight: 0, outbound: 0 }; } if (self.edges.hasOwnProperty(source) !== true) { self.edges[source] = {}; } if (self.edges[source].hasOwnProperty(target) !== true) { self.edges[source][target] = 0; } self.edges[source][target] += weight; }; self.rank = function(alpha2, epsilon, callback2) { var delta = 1, inverse = 1 / self.count; forOwn(self.edges, function(source) { if (self.nodes[source].outbound > 0) { forOwn(self.edges[source], function(target) { self.edges[source][target] /= self.nodes[source].outbound; }); } }); forOwn(self.nodes, function(key) { self.nodes[key].weight = inverse; }); while (delta > epsilon) { var leak = 0, nodes = {}; forOwn(self.nodes, function(key, value) { nodes[key] = value.weight; if (value.outbound === 0) { leak += value.weight; } self.nodes[key].weight = 0; }); leak *= alpha2; forOwn(self.nodes, function(source) { forOwn(self.edges[source], function(target, weight) { self.nodes[target].weight += alpha2 * nodes[source] * weight; }); self.nodes[source].weight += (1 - alpha2) * inverse + leak * inverse; }); delta = 0; forOwn(self.nodes, function(key, value) { delta += Math.abs(value.weight - nodes[key]); }); } forOwn(self.nodes, function(key) { return callback2(key, self.nodes[key].weight); }); }; self.reset = function() { self.count = 0; self.edges = {}; self.nodes = {}; }; return self; }(); } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/vhtml@2.2.0/node_modules/vhtml/dist/vhtml.js var require_vhtml = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/vhtml@2.2.0/node_modules/vhtml/dist/vhtml.js"(exports, module2) { (function(global, factory) { typeof exports === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" ? module2.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : global.vhtml = factory(); })(exports, function() { "use strict"; var emptyTags = ["area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"]; var esc = function esc2(str) { return String(str).replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(s) { return "&" + map3[s] + ";"; }); }; var map3 = { "&": "amp", "<": "lt", ">": "gt", '"': "quot", "'": "apos" }; var setInnerHTMLAttr = "dangerouslySetInnerHTML"; var DOMAttributeNames = { className: "class", htmlFor: "for" }; var sanitized = {}; function h4(name, attrs) { var stack = [], s = ""; attrs = attrs || {}; for (var i = arguments.length; i-- > 2; ) { stack.push(arguments[i]); } if (typeof name === "function") { attrs.children = stack.reverse(); return name(attrs); } if (name) { s += "<" + name; if (attrs) for (var _i in attrs) { if (attrs[_i] !== false && attrs[_i] != null && _i !== setInnerHTMLAttr) { s += " " + (DOMAttributeNames[_i] ? DOMAttributeNames[_i] : esc(_i)) + '="' + esc(attrs[_i]) + '"'; } } s += ">"; } if (emptyTags.indexOf(name) === -1) { if (attrs[setInnerHTMLAttr]) { s += attrs[setInnerHTMLAttr].__html; } else while (stack.length) { var child = stack.pop(); if (child) { if (child.pop) { for (var _i2 = child.length; _i2--; ) { stack.push(child[_i2]); } } else { s += sanitized[child] === true ? child : esc(child); } } } s += name ? "" : ""; } sanitized[s] = true; return s; } return h4; }); } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/moment@2.29.4/node_modules/moment/moment.js var require_moment = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/moment@2.29.4/node_modules/moment/moment.js"(exports, module2) { (function(global, factory) { typeof exports === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" ? module2.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : global.moment = factory(); })(exports, function() { "use strict"; var hookCallback; function hooks() { return hookCallback.apply(null, arguments); } function setHookCallback(callback2) { hookCallback = callback2; } function isArray2(input) { return input instanceof Array || === "[object Array]"; } function isObject2(input) { return input != null && === "[object Object]"; } function hasOwnProp(a, b) { return, b); } function isObjectEmpty(obj) { if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length === 0; } else { var k; for (k in obj) { if (hasOwnProp(obj, k)) { return false; } } return true; } } function isUndefined(input) { return input === void 0; } function isNumber2(input) { return typeof input === "number" || === "[object Number]"; } function isDate(input) { return input instanceof Date || === "[object Date]"; } function map3(arr, fn) { var res = [], i, arrLen = arr.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLen; ++i) { res.push(fn(arr[i], i)); } return res; } function extend(a, b) { for (var i in b) { if (hasOwnProp(b, i)) { a[i] = b[i]; } } if (hasOwnProp(b, "toString")) { a.toString = b.toString; } if (hasOwnProp(b, "valueOf")) { a.valueOf = b.valueOf; } return a; } function createUTC(input, format2, locale3, strict) { return createLocalOrUTC(input, format2, locale3, strict, true).utc(); } function defaultParsingFlags() { return { empty: false, unusedTokens: [], unusedInput: [], overflow: -2, charsLeftOver: 0, nullInput: false, invalidEra: null, invalidMonth: null, invalidFormat: false, userInvalidated: false, iso: false, parsedDateParts: [], era: null, meridiem: null, rfc2822: false, weekdayMismatch: false }; } function getParsingFlags(m) { if (m._pf == null) { m._pf = defaultParsingFlags(); } return m._pf; } var some; if (Array.prototype.some) { some = Array.prototype.some; } else { some = function(fun) { var t2 = Object(this), len = t2.length >>> 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i in t2 &&, t2[i], i, t2)) { return true; } } return false; }; } function isValid(m) { if (m._isValid == null) { var flags = getParsingFlags(m), parsedParts =, function(i) { return i != null; }), isNowValid = !isNaN(m._d.getTime()) && flags.overflow < 0 && !flags.empty && !flags.invalidEra && !flags.invalidMonth && !flags.invalidWeekday && !flags.weekdayMismatch && !flags.nullInput && !flags.invalidFormat && !flags.userInvalidated && (!flags.meridiem || flags.meridiem && parsedParts); if (m._strict) { isNowValid = isNowValid && flags.charsLeftOver === 0 && flags.unusedTokens.length === 0 && flags.bigHour === void 0; } if (Object.isFrozen == null || !Object.isFrozen(m)) { m._isValid = isNowValid; } else { return isNowValid; } } return m._isValid; } function createInvalid(flags) { var m = createUTC(NaN); if (flags != null) { extend(getParsingFlags(m), flags); } else { getParsingFlags(m).userInvalidated = true; } return m; } var momentProperties = hooks.momentProperties = [], updateInProgress = false; function copyConfig(to3, from3) { var i, prop, val, momentPropertiesLen = momentProperties.length; if (!isUndefined(from3._isAMomentObject)) { to3._isAMomentObject = from3._isAMomentObject; } if (!isUndefined(from3._i)) { to3._i = from3._i; } if (!isUndefined(from3._f)) { to3._f = from3._f; } if (!isUndefined(from3._l)) { to3._l = from3._l; } if (!isUndefined(from3._strict)) { to3._strict = from3._strict; } if (!isUndefined(from3._tzm)) { to3._tzm = from3._tzm; } if (!isUndefined(from3._isUTC)) { to3._isUTC = from3._isUTC; } if (!isUndefined(from3._offset)) { to3._offset = from3._offset; } if (!isUndefined(from3._pf)) { to3._pf = getParsingFlags(from3); } if (!isUndefined(from3._locale)) { to3._locale = from3._locale; } if (momentPropertiesLen > 0) { for (i = 0; i < momentPropertiesLen; i++) { prop = momentProperties[i]; val = from3[prop]; if (!isUndefined(val)) { to3[prop] = val; } } } return to3; } function Moment(config) { copyConfig(this, config); this._d = new Date(config._d != null ? config._d.getTime() : NaN); if (!this.isValid()) { this._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); } if (updateInProgress === false) { updateInProgress = true; hooks.updateOffset(this); updateInProgress = false; } } function isMoment(obj) { return obj instanceof Moment || obj != null && obj._isAMomentObject != null; } function warn(msg) { if (hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings === false && typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) { console.warn("Deprecation warning: " + msg); } } function deprecate(msg, fn) { var firstTime = true; return extend(function() { if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) { hooks.deprecationHandler(null, msg); } if (firstTime) { var args = [], arg, i, key, argLen = arguments.length; for (i = 0; i < argLen; i++) { arg = ""; if (typeof arguments[i] === "object") { arg += "\n[" + i + "] "; for (key in arguments[0]) { if (hasOwnProp(arguments[0], key)) { arg += key + ": " + arguments[0][key] + ", "; } } arg = arg.slice(0, -2); } else { arg = arguments[i]; } args.push(arg); } warn( msg + "\nArguments: " +"") + "\n" + new Error().stack ); firstTime = false; } return fn.apply(this, arguments); }, fn); } var deprecations = {}; function deprecateSimple(name, msg) { if (hooks.deprecationHandler != null) { hooks.deprecationHandler(name, msg); } if (!deprecations[name]) { warn(msg); deprecations[name] = true; } } hooks.suppressDeprecationWarnings = false; hooks.deprecationHandler = null; function isFunction2(input) { return typeof Function !== "undefined" && input instanceof Function || === "[object Function]"; } function set2(config) { var prop, i; for (i in config) { if (hasOwnProp(config, i)) { prop = config[i]; if (isFunction2(prop)) { this[i] = prop; } else { this["_" + i] = prop; } } } this._config = config; this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient = new RegExp( (this._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse.source || this._ordinalParse.source) + "|" + /\d{1,2}/.source ); } function mergeConfigs(parentConfig, childConfig) { var res = extend({}, parentConfig), prop; for (prop in childConfig) { if (hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop)) { if (isObject2(parentConfig[prop]) && isObject2(childConfig[prop])) { res[prop] = {}; extend(res[prop], parentConfig[prop]); extend(res[prop], childConfig[prop]); } else if (childConfig[prop] != null) { res[prop] = childConfig[prop]; } else { delete res[prop]; } } } for (prop in parentConfig) { if (hasOwnProp(parentConfig, prop) && !hasOwnProp(childConfig, prop) && isObject2(parentConfig[prop])) { res[prop] = extend({}, res[prop]); } } return res; } function Locale(config) { if (config != null) { this.set(config); } } var keys; if (Object.keys) { keys = Object.keys; } else { keys = function(obj) { var i, res = []; for (i in obj) { if (hasOwnProp(obj, i)) { res.push(i); } } return res; }; } var defaultCalendar = { sameDay: "[Today at] LT", nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT", nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT", lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT", lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT", sameElse: "L" }; function calendar(key, mom, now2) { var output = this._calendar[key] || this._calendar["sameElse"]; return isFunction2(output) ?, now2) : output; } function zeroFill(number, targetLength, forceSign) { var absNumber = "" + Math.abs(number), zerosToFill = targetLength - absNumber.length, sign3 = number >= 0; return (sign3 ? forceSign ? "+" : "" : "-") + Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, zerosToFill)).toString().substr(1) + absNumber; } var formattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?([Hh]mm(ss)?|Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|Qo?|N{1,5}|YYYYYY|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|y{2,4}|yo?|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|kk?|mm?|ss?|S{1,9}|x|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g, localFormattingTokens = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, formatFunctions = {}, formatTokenFunctions = {}; function addFormatToken(token2, padded, ordinal2, callback2) { var func = callback2; if (typeof callback2 === "string") { func = function() { return this[callback2](); }; } if (token2) { formatTokenFunctions[token2] = func; } if (padded) { formatTokenFunctions[padded[0]] = function() { return zeroFill(func.apply(this, arguments), padded[1], padded[2]); }; } if (ordinal2) { formatTokenFunctions[ordinal2] = function() { return this.localeData().ordinal( func.apply(this, arguments), token2 ); }; } } function removeFormattingTokens(input) { if (input.match(/\[[\s\S]/)) { return input.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, ""); } return input.replace(/\\/g, ""); } function makeFormatFunction(format2) { var array = format2.match(formattingTokens), i, length; for (i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++) { if (formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]) { array[i] = formatTokenFunctions[array[i]]; } else { array[i] = removeFormattingTokens(array[i]); } } return function(mom) { var output = "", i2; for (i2 = 0; i2 < length; i2++) { output += isFunction2(array[i2]) ? array[i2].call(mom, format2) : array[i2]; } return output; }; } function formatMoment(m, format2) { if (!m.isValid()) { return m.localeData().invalidDate(); } format2 = expandFormat(format2, m.localeData()); formatFunctions[format2] = formatFunctions[format2] || makeFormatFunction(format2); return formatFunctions[format2](m); } function expandFormat(format2, locale3) { var i = 5; function replaceLongDateFormatTokens(input) { return locale3.longDateFormat(input) || input; } localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0; while (i >= 0 && localFormattingTokens.test(format2)) { format2 = format2.replace( localFormattingTokens, replaceLongDateFormatTokens ); localFormattingTokens.lastIndex = 0; i -= 1; } return format2; } var defaultLongDateFormat = { LTS: "h:mm:ss A", LT: "h:mm A", L: "MM/DD/YYYY", LL: "MMMM D, YYYY", LLL: "MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A", LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A" }; function longDateFormat(key) { var format2 = this._longDateFormat[key], formatUpper = this._longDateFormat[key.toUpperCase()]; if (format2 || !formatUpper) { return format2; } this._longDateFormat[key] = formatUpper.match(formattingTokens).map(function(tok) { if (tok === "MMMM" || tok === "MM" || tok === "DD" || tok === "dddd") { return tok.slice(1); } return tok; }).join(""); return this._longDateFormat[key]; } var defaultInvalidDate = "Invalid date"; function invalidDate() { return this._invalidDate; } var defaultOrdinal = "%d", defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse = /\d{1,2}/; function ordinal(number) { return this._ordinal.replace("%d", number); } var defaultRelativeTime = { future: "in %s", past: "%s ago", s: "a few seconds", ss: "%d seconds", m: "a minute", mm: "%d minutes", h: "an hour", hh: "%d hours", d: "a day", dd: "%d days", w: "a week", ww: "%d weeks", M: "a month", MM: "%d months", y: "a year", yy: "%d years" }; function relativeTime(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) { var output = this._relativeTime[string]; return isFunction2(output) ? output(number, withoutSuffix, string, isFuture) : output.replace(/%d/i, number); } function pastFuture(diff2, output) { var format2 = this._relativeTime[diff2 > 0 ? "future" : "past"]; return isFunction2(format2) ? format2(output) : format2.replace(/%s/i, output); } var aliases = {}; function addUnitAlias(unit, shorthand) { var lowerCase = unit.toLowerCase(); aliases[lowerCase] = aliases[lowerCase + "s"] = aliases[shorthand] = unit; } function normalizeUnits(units) { return typeof units === "string" ? aliases[units] || aliases[units.toLowerCase()] : void 0; } function normalizeObjectUnits(inputObject) { var normalizedInput = {}, normalizedProp, prop; for (prop in inputObject) { if (hasOwnProp(inputObject, prop)) { normalizedProp = normalizeUnits(prop); if (normalizedProp) { normalizedInput[normalizedProp] = inputObject[prop]; } } } return normalizedInput; } var priorities = {}; function addUnitPriority(unit, priority) { priorities[unit] = priority; } function getPrioritizedUnits(unitsObj) { var units = [], u; for (u in unitsObj) { if (hasOwnProp(unitsObj, u)) { units.push({ unit: u, priority: priorities[u] }); } } units.sort(function(a, b) { return a.priority - b.priority; }); return units; } function isLeapYear(year) { return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0; } function absFloor(number) { if (number < 0) { return Math.ceil(number) || 0; } else { return Math.floor(number); } } function toInt(argumentForCoercion) { var coercedNumber = +argumentForCoercion, value = 0; if (coercedNumber !== 0 && isFinite(coercedNumber)) { value = absFloor(coercedNumber); } return value; } function makeGetSet(unit, keepTime) { return function(value) { if (value != null) { set$1(this, unit, value); hooks.updateOffset(this, keepTime); return this; } else { return get(this, unit); } }; } function get(mom, unit) { return mom.isValid() ? mom._d["get" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + unit]() : NaN; } function set$1(mom, unit, value) { if (mom.isValid() && !isNaN(value)) { if (unit === "FullYear" && isLeapYear(mom.year()) && mom.month() === 1 && === 29) { value = toInt(value); mom._d["set" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + unit]( value, mom.month(), daysInMonth(value, mom.month()) ); } else { mom._d["set" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + unit](value); } } } function stringGet(units) { units = normalizeUnits(units); if (isFunction2(this[units])) { return this[units](); } return this; } function stringSet(units, value) { if (typeof units === "object") { units = normalizeObjectUnits(units); var prioritized = getPrioritizedUnits(units), i, prioritizedLen = prioritized.length; for (i = 0; i < prioritizedLen; i++) { this[prioritized[i].unit](units[prioritized[i].unit]); } } else { units = normalizeUnits(units); if (isFunction2(this[units])) { return this[units](value); } } return this; } var match1 = /\d/, match2 = /\d\d/, match3 = /\d{3}/, match4 = /\d{4}/, match6 = /[+-]?\d{6}/, match1to2 = /\d\d?/, match3to4 = /\d\d\d\d?/, match5to6 = /\d\d\d\d\d\d?/, match1to3 = /\d{1,3}/, match1to4 = /\d{1,4}/, match1to6 = /[+-]?\d{1,6}/, matchUnsigned = /\d+/, matchSigned = /[+-]?\d+/, matchOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d:?\d\d/gi, matchShortOffset = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/gi, matchTimestamp = /[+-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, matchWord = /[0-9]{0,256}['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFF07\uFF10-\uFFEF]{1,256}|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]{1,256}(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]{1,256}){1,2}/i, regexes; regexes = {}; function addRegexToken(token2, regex, strictRegex) { regexes[token2] = isFunction2(regex) ? regex : function(isStrict, localeData2) { return isStrict && strictRegex ? strictRegex : regex; }; } function getParseRegexForToken(token2, config) { if (!hasOwnProp(regexes, token2)) { return new RegExp(unescapeFormat(token2)); } return regexes[token2](config._strict, config._locale); } function unescapeFormat(s) { return regexEscape( s.replace("\\", "").replace( /\\(\[)|\\(\])|\[([^\]\[]*)\]|\\(.)/g, function(matched, p1, p2, p3, p4) { return p1 || p2 || p3 || p4; } ) ); } function regexEscape(s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"); } var tokens = {}; function addParseToken(token2, callback2) { var i, func = callback2, tokenLen; if (typeof token2 === "string") { token2 = [token2]; } if (isNumber2(callback2)) { func = function(input, array) { array[callback2] = toInt(input); }; } tokenLen = token2.length; for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) { tokens[token2[i]] = func; } } function addWeekParseToken(token2, callback2) { addParseToken(token2, function(input, array, config, token3) { config._w = config._w || {}; callback2(input, config._w, config, token3); }); } function addTimeToArrayFromToken(token2, input, config) { if (input != null && hasOwnProp(tokens, token2)) { tokens[token2](input, config._a, config, token2); } } var YEAR = 0, MONTH = 1, DATE = 2, HOUR = 3, MINUTE = 4, SECOND = 5, MILLISECOND = 6, WEEK = 7, WEEKDAY = 8; function mod(n, x) { return (n % x + x) % x; } var indexOf; if (Array.prototype.indexOf) { indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf; } else { indexOf = function(o) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) { if (this[i] === o) { return i; } } return -1; }; } function daysInMonth(year, month) { if (isNaN(year) || isNaN(month)) { return NaN; } var modMonth = mod(month, 12); year += (month - modMonth) / 12; return modMonth === 1 ? isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28 : 31 - modMonth % 7 % 2; } addFormatToken("M", ["MM", 2], "Mo", function() { return this.month() + 1; }); addFormatToken("MMM", 0, 0, function(format2) { return this.localeData().monthsShort(this, format2); }); addFormatToken("MMMM", 0, 0, function(format2) { return this.localeData().months(this, format2); }); addUnitAlias("month", "M"); addUnitPriority("month", 8); addRegexToken("M", match1to2); addRegexToken("MM", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("MMM", function(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.monthsShortRegex(isStrict); }); addRegexToken("MMMM", function(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.monthsRegex(isStrict); }); addParseToken(["M", "MM"], function(input, array) { array[MONTH] = toInt(input) - 1; }); addParseToken(["MMM", "MMMM"], function(input, array, config, token2) { var month = config._locale.monthsParse(input, token2, config._strict); if (month != null) { array[MONTH] = month; } else { getParsingFlags(config).invalidMonth = input; } }); var defaultLocaleMonths = "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split( "_" ), defaultLocaleMonthsShort = "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"), MONTHS_IN_FORMAT = /D[oD]?(\[[^\[\]]*\]|\s)+MMMM?/, defaultMonthsShortRegex = matchWord, defaultMonthsRegex = matchWord; function localeMonths(m, format2) { if (!m) { return isArray2(this._months) ? this._months : this._months["standalone"]; } return isArray2(this._months) ? this._months[m.month()] : this._months[(this._months.isFormat || MONTHS_IN_FORMAT).test(format2) ? "format" : "standalone"][m.month()]; } function localeMonthsShort(m, format2) { if (!m) { return isArray2(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort : this._monthsShort["standalone"]; } return isArray2(this._monthsShort) ? this._monthsShort[m.month()] : this._monthsShort[MONTHS_IN_FORMAT.test(format2) ? "format" : "standalone"][m.month()]; } function handleStrictParse(monthName, format2, strict) { var i, ii, mom, llc = monthName.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this._monthsParse) { this._monthsParse = []; this._longMonthsParse = []; this._shortMonthsParse = []; for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { mom = createUTC([2e3, i]); this._shortMonthsParse[i] = this.monthsShort( mom, "" ).toLocaleLowerCase(); this._longMonthsParse[i] = this.months(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase(); } } if (strict) { if (format2 === "MMM") { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } else { if (format2 === "MMM") { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } } function localeMonthsParse(monthName, format2, strict) { var i, mom, regex; if (this._monthsParseExact) { return, monthName, format2, strict); } if (!this._monthsParse) { this._monthsParse = []; this._longMonthsParse = []; this._shortMonthsParse = []; } for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mom = createUTC([2e3, i]); if (strict && !this._longMonthsParse[i]) { this._longMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp( "^" + this.months(mom, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i" ); this._shortMonthsParse[i] = new RegExp( "^" + this.monthsShort(mom, "").replace(".", "") + "$", "i" ); } if (!strict && !this._monthsParse[i]) { regex = "^" + this.months(mom, "") + "|^" + this.monthsShort(mom, ""); this._monthsParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace(".", ""), "i"); } if (strict && format2 === "MMMM" && this._longMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) { return i; } else if (strict && format2 === "MMM" && this._shortMonthsParse[i].test(monthName)) { return i; } else if (!strict && this._monthsParse[i].test(monthName)) { return i; } } } function setMonth(mom, value) { var dayOfMonth; if (!mom.isValid()) { return mom; } if (typeof value === "string") { if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) { value = toInt(value); } else { value = mom.localeData().monthsParse(value); if (!isNumber2(value)) { return mom; } } } dayOfMonth = Math.min(, daysInMonth(mom.year(), value)); mom._d["set" + (mom._isUTC ? "UTC" : "") + "Month"](value, dayOfMonth); return mom; } function getSetMonth(value) { if (value != null) { setMonth(this, value); hooks.updateOffset(this, true); return this; } else { return get(this, "Month"); } } function getDaysInMonth() { return daysInMonth(this.year(), this.month()); } function monthsShortRegex(isStrict) { if (this._monthsParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsRegex")) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._monthsShortStrictRegex; } else { return this._monthsShortRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsShortRegex")) { this._monthsShortRegex = defaultMonthsShortRegex; } return this._monthsShortStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._monthsShortStrictRegex : this._monthsShortRegex; } } function monthsRegex(isStrict) { if (this._monthsParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsRegex")) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._monthsStrictRegex; } else { return this._monthsRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_monthsRegex")) { this._monthsRegex = defaultMonthsRegex; } return this._monthsStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._monthsStrictRegex : this._monthsRegex; } } function computeMonthsParse() { function cmpLenRev(a, b) { return b.length - a.length; } var shortPieces = [], longPieces = [], mixedPieces = [], i, mom; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { mom = createUTC([2e3, i]); shortPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, "")); longPieces.push(this.months(mom, "")); mixedPieces.push(this.months(mom, "")); mixedPieces.push(this.monthsShort(mom, "")); } shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { shortPieces[i] = regexEscape(shortPieces[i]); longPieces[i] = regexEscape(longPieces[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { mixedPieces[i] = regexEscape(mixedPieces[i]); } this._monthsRegex = new RegExp("^(" + mixedPieces.join("|") + ")", "i"); this._monthsShortRegex = this._monthsRegex; this._monthsStrictRegex = new RegExp( "^(" + longPieces.join("|") + ")", "i" ); this._monthsShortStrictRegex = new RegExp( "^(" + shortPieces.join("|") + ")", "i" ); } addFormatToken("Y", 0, 0, function() { var y = this.year(); return y <= 9999 ? zeroFill(y, 4) : "+" + y; }); addFormatToken(0, ["YY", 2], 0, function() { return this.year() % 100; }); addFormatToken(0, ["YYYY", 4], 0, "year"); addFormatToken(0, ["YYYYY", 5], 0, "year"); addFormatToken(0, ["YYYYYY", 6, true], 0, "year"); addUnitAlias("year", "y"); addUnitPriority("year", 1); addRegexToken("Y", matchSigned); addRegexToken("YY", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("YYYY", match1to4, match4); addRegexToken("YYYYY", match1to6, match6); addRegexToken("YYYYYY", match1to6, match6); addParseToken(["YYYYY", "YYYYYY"], YEAR); addParseToken("YYYY", function(input, array) { array[YEAR] = input.length === 2 ? hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input) : toInt(input); }); addParseToken("YY", function(input, array) { array[YEAR] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input); }); addParseToken("Y", function(input, array) { array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10); }); function daysInYear(year) { return isLeapYear(year) ? 366 : 365; } hooks.parseTwoDigitYear = function(input) { return toInt(input) + (toInt(input) > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3); }; var getSetYear = makeGetSet("FullYear", true); function getIsLeapYear() { return isLeapYear(this.year()); } function createDate(y, m, d, h4, M, s, ms) { var date; if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { date = new Date(y + 400, m, d, h4, M, s, ms); if (isFinite(date.getFullYear())) { date.setFullYear(y); } } else { date = new Date(y, m, d, h4, M, s, ms); } return date; } function createUTCDate(y) { var date, args; if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { args =; args[0] = y + 400; date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, args)); if (isFinite(date.getUTCFullYear())) { date.setUTCFullYear(y); } } else { date = new Date(Date.UTC.apply(null, arguments)); } return date; } function firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy) { var fwd = 7 + dow - doy, fwdlw = (7 + createUTCDate(year, 0, fwd).getUTCDay() - dow) % 7; return -fwdlw + fwd - 1; } function dayOfYearFromWeeks(year, week, weekday, dow, doy) { var localWeekday = (7 + weekday - dow) % 7, weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy), dayOfYear = 1 + 7 * (week - 1) + localWeekday + weekOffset, resYear, resDayOfYear; if (dayOfYear <= 0) { resYear = year - 1; resDayOfYear = daysInYear(resYear) + dayOfYear; } else if (dayOfYear > daysInYear(year)) { resYear = year + 1; resDayOfYear = dayOfYear - daysInYear(year); } else { resYear = year; resDayOfYear = dayOfYear; } return { year: resYear, dayOfYear: resDayOfYear }; } function weekOfYear(mom, dow, doy) { var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(mom.year(), dow, doy), week = Math.floor((mom.dayOfYear() - weekOffset - 1) / 7) + 1, resWeek, resYear; if (week < 1) { resYear = mom.year() - 1; resWeek = week + weeksInYear(resYear, dow, doy); } else if (week > weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy)) { resWeek = week - weeksInYear(mom.year(), dow, doy); resYear = mom.year() + 1; } else { resYear = mom.year(); resWeek = week; } return { week: resWeek, year: resYear }; } function weeksInYear(year, dow, doy) { var weekOffset = firstWeekOffset(year, dow, doy), weekOffsetNext = firstWeekOffset(year + 1, dow, doy); return (daysInYear(year) - weekOffset + weekOffsetNext) / 7; } addFormatToken("w", ["ww", 2], "wo", "week"); addFormatToken("W", ["WW", 2], "Wo", "isoWeek"); addUnitAlias("week", "w"); addUnitAlias("isoWeek", "W"); addUnitPriority("week", 5); addUnitPriority("isoWeek", 5); addRegexToken("w", match1to2); addRegexToken("ww", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("W", match1to2); addRegexToken("WW", match1to2, match2); addWeekParseToken( ["w", "ww", "W", "WW"], function(input, week, config, token2) { week[token2.substr(0, 1)] = toInt(input); } ); function localeWeek(mom) { return weekOfYear(mom, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week; } var defaultLocaleWeek = { dow: 0, // Sunday is the first day of the week. doy: 6 // The week that contains Jan 6th is the first week of the year. }; function localeFirstDayOfWeek() { return this._week.dow; } function localeFirstDayOfYear() { return this._week.doy; } function getSetWeek(input) { var week = this.localeData().week(this); return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, "d"); } function getSetISOWeek(input) { var week = weekOfYear(this, 1, 4).week; return input == null ? week : this.add((input - week) * 7, "d"); } addFormatToken("d", 0, "do", "day"); addFormatToken("dd", 0, 0, function(format2) { return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this, format2); }); addFormatToken("ddd", 0, 0, function(format2) { return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this, format2); }); addFormatToken("dddd", 0, 0, function(format2) { return this.localeData().weekdays(this, format2); }); addFormatToken("e", 0, 0, "weekday"); addFormatToken("E", 0, 0, "isoWeekday"); addUnitAlias("day", "d"); addUnitAlias("weekday", "e"); addUnitAlias("isoWeekday", "E"); addUnitPriority("day", 11); addUnitPriority("weekday", 11); addUnitPriority("isoWeekday", 11); addRegexToken("d", match1to2); addRegexToken("e", match1to2); addRegexToken("E", match1to2); addRegexToken("dd", function(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict); }); addRegexToken("ddd", function(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict); }); addRegexToken("dddd", function(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.weekdaysRegex(isStrict); }); addWeekParseToken(["dd", "ddd", "dddd"], function(input, week, config, token2) { var weekday = config._locale.weekdaysParse(input, token2, config._strict); if (weekday != null) { week.d = weekday; } else { getParsingFlags(config).invalidWeekday = input; } }); addWeekParseToken(["d", "e", "E"], function(input, week, config, token2) { week[token2] = toInt(input); }); function parseWeekday(input, locale3) { if (typeof input !== "string") { return input; } if (!isNaN(input)) { return parseInt(input, 10); } input = locale3.weekdaysParse(input); if (typeof input === "number") { return input; } return null; } function parseIsoWeekday(input, locale3) { if (typeof input === "string") { return locale3.weekdaysParse(input) % 7 || 7; } return isNaN(input) ? null : input; } function shiftWeekdays(ws, n) { return ws.slice(n, 7).concat(ws.slice(0, n)); } var defaultLocaleWeekdays = "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"), defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort = "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"), defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin = "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"), defaultWeekdaysRegex = matchWord, defaultWeekdaysShortRegex = matchWord, defaultWeekdaysMinRegex = matchWord; function localeWeekdays(m, format2) { var weekdays = isArray2(this._weekdays) ? this._weekdays : this._weekdays[m && m !== true && this._weekdays.isFormat.test(format2) ? "format" : "standalone"]; return m === true ? shiftWeekdays(weekdays, this._week.dow) : m ? weekdays[] : weekdays; } function localeWeekdaysShort(m) { return m === true ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysShort, this._week.dow) : m ? this._weekdaysShort[] : this._weekdaysShort; } function localeWeekdaysMin(m) { return m === true ? shiftWeekdays(this._weekdaysMin, this._week.dow) : m ? this._weekdaysMin[] : this._weekdaysMin; } function handleStrictParse$1(weekdayName, format2, strict) { var i, ii, mom, llc = weekdayName.toLocaleLowerCase(); if (!this._weekdaysParse) { this._weekdaysParse = []; this._shortWeekdaysParse = []; this._minWeekdaysParse = []; for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { mom = createUTC([2e3, 1]).day(i); this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysMin( mom, "" ).toLocaleLowerCase(); this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdaysShort( mom, "" ).toLocaleLowerCase(); this._weekdaysParse[i] = this.weekdays(mom, "").toLocaleLowerCase(); } } if (strict) { if (format2 === "dddd") { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else if (format2 === "ddd") { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } else { if (format2 === "dddd") { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else if (format2 === "ddd") { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } else { ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); if (ii !== -1) { return ii; } ii =, llc); return ii !== -1 ? ii : null; } } } function localeWeekdaysParse(weekdayName, format2, strict) { var i, mom, regex; if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { return handleStrictParse$, weekdayName, format2, strict); } if (!this._weekdaysParse) { this._weekdaysParse = []; this._minWeekdaysParse = []; this._shortWeekdaysParse = []; this._fullWeekdaysParse = []; } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { mom = createUTC([2e3, 1]).day(i); if (strict && !this._fullWeekdaysParse[i]) { this._fullWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp( "^" + this.weekdays(mom, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$", "i" ); this._shortWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp( "^" + this.weekdaysShort(mom, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$", "i" ); this._minWeekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp( "^" + this.weekdaysMin(mom, "").replace(".", "\\.?") + "$", "i" ); } if (!this._weekdaysParse[i]) { regex = "^" + this.weekdays(mom, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysShort(mom, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysMin(mom, ""); this._weekdaysParse[i] = new RegExp(regex.replace(".", ""), "i"); } if (strict && format2 === "dddd" && this._fullWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) { return i; } else if (strict && format2 === "ddd" && this._shortWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) { return i; } else if (strict && format2 === "dd" && this._minWeekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) { return i; } else if (!strict && this._weekdaysParse[i].test(weekdayName)) { return i; } } } function getSetDayOfWeek(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } var day = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay(); if (input != null) { input = parseWeekday(input, this.localeData()); return this.add(input - day, "d"); } else { return day; } } function getSetLocaleDayOfWeek(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } var weekday = ( + 7 - this.localeData()._week.dow) % 7; return input == null ? weekday : this.add(input - weekday, "d"); } function getSetISODayOfWeek(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } if (input != null) { var weekday = parseIsoWeekday(input, this.localeData()); return % 7 ? weekday : weekday - 7); } else { return || 7; } } function weekdaysRegex(isStrict) { if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._weekdaysStrictRegex; } else { return this._weekdaysRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) { this._weekdaysRegex = defaultWeekdaysRegex; } return this._weekdaysStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysStrictRegex : this._weekdaysRegex; } } function weekdaysShortRegex(isStrict) { if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex; } else { return this._weekdaysShortRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysShortRegex")) { this._weekdaysShortRegex = defaultWeekdaysShortRegex; } return this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex : this._weekdaysShortRegex; } } function weekdaysMinRegex(isStrict) { if (this._weekdaysParseExact) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysRegex")) {; } if (isStrict) { return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex; } else { return this._weekdaysMinRegex; } } else { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_weekdaysMinRegex")) { this._weekdaysMinRegex = defaultWeekdaysMinRegex; } return this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex && isStrict ? this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex : this._weekdaysMinRegex; } } function computeWeekdaysParse() { function cmpLenRev(a, b) { return b.length - a.length; } var minPieces = [], shortPieces = [], longPieces = [], mixedPieces = [], i, mom, minp, shortp, longp; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { mom = createUTC([2e3, 1]).day(i); minp = regexEscape(this.weekdaysMin(mom, "")); shortp = regexEscape(this.weekdaysShort(mom, "")); longp = regexEscape(this.weekdays(mom, "")); minPieces.push(minp); shortPieces.push(shortp); longPieces.push(longp); mixedPieces.push(minp); mixedPieces.push(shortp); mixedPieces.push(longp); } minPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); shortPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); longPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); mixedPieces.sort(cmpLenRev); this._weekdaysRegex = new RegExp("^(" + mixedPieces.join("|") + ")", "i"); this._weekdaysShortRegex = this._weekdaysRegex; this._weekdaysMinRegex = this._weekdaysRegex; this._weekdaysStrictRegex = new RegExp( "^(" + longPieces.join("|") + ")", "i" ); this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex = new RegExp( "^(" + shortPieces.join("|") + ")", "i" ); this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex = new RegExp( "^(" + minPieces.join("|") + ")", "i" ); } function hFormat() { return this.hours() % 12 || 12; } function kFormat() { return this.hours() || 24; } addFormatToken("H", ["HH", 2], 0, "hour"); addFormatToken("h", ["hh", 2], 0, hFormat); addFormatToken("k", ["kk", 2], 0, kFormat); addFormatToken("hmm", 0, 0, function() { return "" + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2); }); addFormatToken("hmmss", 0, 0, function() { return "" + hFormat.apply(this) + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) + zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2); }); addFormatToken("Hmm", 0, 0, function() { return "" + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2); }); addFormatToken("Hmmss", 0, 0, function() { return "" + this.hours() + zeroFill(this.minutes(), 2) + zeroFill(this.seconds(), 2); }); function meridiem(token2, lowercase) { addFormatToken(token2, 0, 0, function() { return this.localeData().meridiem( this.hours(), this.minutes(), lowercase ); }); } meridiem("a", true); meridiem("A", false); addUnitAlias("hour", "h"); addUnitPriority("hour", 13); function matchMeridiem(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3._meridiemParse; } addRegexToken("a", matchMeridiem); addRegexToken("A", matchMeridiem); addRegexToken("H", match1to2); addRegexToken("h", match1to2); addRegexToken("k", match1to2); addRegexToken("HH", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("hh", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("kk", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("hmm", match3to4); addRegexToken("hmmss", match5to6); addRegexToken("Hmm", match3to4); addRegexToken("Hmmss", match5to6); addParseToken(["H", "HH"], HOUR); addParseToken(["k", "kk"], function(input, array, config) { var kInput = toInt(input); array[HOUR] = kInput === 24 ? 0 : kInput; }); addParseToken(["a", "A"], function(input, array, config) { config._isPm = config._locale.isPM(input); config._meridiem = input; }); addParseToken(["h", "hh"], function(input, array, config) { array[HOUR] = toInt(input); getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true; }); addParseToken("hmm", function(input, array, config) { var pos = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos)); getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true; }); addParseToken("hmmss", function(input, array, config) { var pos1 = input.length - 4, pos2 = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2)); array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2)); getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = true; }); addParseToken("Hmm", function(input, array, config) { var pos = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos)); }); addParseToken("Hmmss", function(input, array, config) { var pos1 = input.length - 4, pos2 = input.length - 2; array[HOUR] = toInt(input.substr(0, pos1)); array[MINUTE] = toInt(input.substr(pos1, 2)); array[SECOND] = toInt(input.substr(pos2)); }); function localeIsPM(input) { return (input + "").toLowerCase().charAt(0) === "p"; } var defaultLocaleMeridiemParse = /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i, getSetHour = makeGetSet("Hours", true); function localeMeridiem(hours2, minutes2, isLower) { if (hours2 > 11) { return isLower ? "pm" : "PM"; } else { return isLower ? "am" : "AM"; } } var baseConfig = { calendar: defaultCalendar, longDateFormat: defaultLongDateFormat, invalidDate: defaultInvalidDate, ordinal: defaultOrdinal, dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: defaultDayOfMonthOrdinalParse, relativeTime: defaultRelativeTime, months: defaultLocaleMonths, monthsShort: defaultLocaleMonthsShort, week: defaultLocaleWeek, weekdays: defaultLocaleWeekdays, weekdaysMin: defaultLocaleWeekdaysMin, weekdaysShort: defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort, meridiemParse: defaultLocaleMeridiemParse }; var locales = {}, localeFamilies = {}, globalLocale; function commonPrefix(arr1, arr2) { var i, minl = Math.min(arr1.length, arr2.length); for (i = 0; i < minl; i += 1) { if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) { return i; } } return minl; } function normalizeLocale(key) { return key ? key.toLowerCase().replace("_", "-") : key; } function chooseLocale(names2) { var i = 0, j, next, locale3, split; while (i < names2.length) { split = normalizeLocale(names2[i]).split("-"); j = split.length; next = normalizeLocale(names2[i + 1]); next = next ? next.split("-") : null; while (j > 0) { locale3 = loadLocale(split.slice(0, j).join("-")); if (locale3) { return locale3; } if (next && next.length >= j && commonPrefix(split, next) >= j - 1) { break; } j--; } i++; } return globalLocale; } function isLocaleNameSane(name) { return name.match("^[^/\\\\]*$") != null; } function loadLocale(name) { var oldLocale = null, aliasedRequire; if (locales[name] === void 0 && typeof module2 !== "undefined" && module2 && module2.exports && isLocaleNameSane(name)) { try { oldLocale = globalLocale._abbr; aliasedRequire = require; aliasedRequire("./locale/" + name); getSetGlobalLocale(oldLocale); } catch (e) { locales[name] = null; } } return locales[name]; } function getSetGlobalLocale(key, values) { var data; if (key) { if (isUndefined(values)) { data = getLocale(key); } else { data = defineLocale(key, values); } if (data) { globalLocale = data; } else { if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn) { console.warn( "Locale " + key + " not found. Did you forget to load it?" ); } } } return globalLocale._abbr; } function defineLocale(name, config) { if (config !== null) { var locale3, parentConfig = baseConfig; config.abbr = name; if (locales[name] != null) { deprecateSimple( "defineLocaleOverride", "use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See for more info." ); parentConfig = locales[name]._config; } else if (config.parentLocale != null) { if (locales[config.parentLocale] != null) { parentConfig = locales[config.parentLocale]._config; } else { locale3 = loadLocale(config.parentLocale); if (locale3 != null) { parentConfig = locale3._config; } else { if (!localeFamilies[config.parentLocale]) { localeFamilies[config.parentLocale] = []; } localeFamilies[config.parentLocale].push({ name, config }); return null; } } } locales[name] = new Locale(mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config)); if (localeFamilies[name]) { localeFamilies[name].forEach(function(x) { defineLocale(, x.config); }); } getSetGlobalLocale(name); return locales[name]; } else { delete locales[name]; return null; } } function updateLocale(name, config) { if (config != null) { var locale3, tmpLocale, parentConfig = baseConfig; if (locales[name] != null && locales[name].parentLocale != null) { locales[name].set(mergeConfigs(locales[name]._config, config)); } else { tmpLocale = loadLocale(name); if (tmpLocale != null) { parentConfig = tmpLocale._config; } config = mergeConfigs(parentConfig, config); if (tmpLocale == null) { config.abbr = name; } locale3 = new Locale(config); locale3.parentLocale = locales[name]; locales[name] = locale3; } getSetGlobalLocale(name); } else { if (locales[name] != null) { if (locales[name].parentLocale != null) { locales[name] = locales[name].parentLocale; if (name === getSetGlobalLocale()) { getSetGlobalLocale(name); } } else if (locales[name] != null) { delete locales[name]; } } } return locales[name]; } function getLocale(key) { var locale3; if (key && key._locale && key._locale._abbr) { key = key._locale._abbr; } if (!key) { return globalLocale; } if (!isArray2(key)) { locale3 = loadLocale(key); if (locale3) { return locale3; } key = [key]; } return chooseLocale(key); } function listLocales() { return keys(locales); } function checkOverflow(m) { var overflow, a = m._a; if (a && getParsingFlags(m).overflow === -2) { overflow = a[MONTH] < 0 || a[MONTH] > 11 ? MONTH : a[DATE] < 1 || a[DATE] > daysInMonth(a[YEAR], a[MONTH]) ? DATE : a[HOUR] < 0 || a[HOUR] > 24 || a[HOUR] === 24 && (a[MINUTE] !== 0 || a[SECOND] !== 0 || a[MILLISECOND] !== 0) ? HOUR : a[MINUTE] < 0 || a[MINUTE] > 59 ? MINUTE : a[SECOND] < 0 || a[SECOND] > 59 ? SECOND : a[MILLISECOND] < 0 || a[MILLISECOND] > 999 ? MILLISECOND : -1; if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowDayOfYear && (overflow < YEAR || overflow > DATE)) { overflow = DATE; } if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeeks && overflow === -1) { overflow = WEEK; } if (getParsingFlags(m)._overflowWeekday && overflow === -1) { overflow = WEEKDAY; } getParsingFlags(m).overflow = overflow; } return m; } var extendedIsoRegex = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})-(?:\d\d-\d\d|W\d\d-\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?::\d\d(?::\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, basicIsoRegex = /^\s*((?:[+-]\d{6}|\d{4})(?:\d\d\d\d|W\d\d\d|W\d\d|\d\d\d|\d\d|))(?:(T| )(\d\d(?:\d\d(?:\d\d(?:[.,]\d+)?)?)?)([+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?|\s*Z)?)?$/, tzRegex = /Z|[+-]\d\d(?::?\d\d)?/, isoDates = [ ["YYYYYY-MM-DD", /[+-]\d{6}-\d\d-\d\d/], ["YYYY-MM-DD", /\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d/], ["GGGG-[W]WW-E", /\d{4}-W\d\d-\d/], ["GGGG-[W]WW", /\d{4}-W\d\d/, false], ["YYYY-DDD", /\d{4}-\d{3}/], ["YYYY-MM", /\d{4}-\d\d/, false], ["YYYYYYMMDD", /[+-]\d{10}/], ["YYYYMMDD", /\d{8}/], ["GGGG[W]WWE", /\d{4}W\d{3}/], ["GGGG[W]WW", /\d{4}W\d{2}/, false], ["YYYYDDD", /\d{7}/], ["YYYYMM", /\d{6}/, false], ["YYYY", /\d{4}/, false] ], isoTimes = [ ["HH:mm:ss.SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d+/], ["HH:mm:ss,SSSS", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d,\d+/], ["HH:mm:ss", /\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/], ["HH:mm", /\d\d:\d\d/], ["HHmmss.SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d+/], ["HHmmss,SSSS", /\d\d\d\d\d\d,\d+/], ["HHmmss", /\d\d\d\d\d\d/], ["HHmm", /\d\d\d\d/], ["HH", /\d\d/] ], aspNetJsonRegex = /^\/?Date\((-?\d+)/i, rfc2822 = /^(?:(Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu|Fri|Sat|Sun),?\s)?(\d{1,2})\s(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d\d):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?\s(?:(UT|GMT|[ECMP][SD]T)|([Zz])|([+-]\d{4}))$/, obsOffsets = { UT: 0, GMT: 0, EDT: -4 * 60, EST: -5 * 60, CDT: -5 * 60, CST: -6 * 60, MDT: -6 * 60, MST: -7 * 60, PDT: -7 * 60, PST: -8 * 60 }; function configFromISO(config) { var i, l, string = config._i, match = extendedIsoRegex.exec(string) || basicIsoRegex.exec(string), allowTime, dateFormat, timeFormat, tzFormat, isoDatesLen = isoDates.length, isoTimesLen = isoTimes.length; if (match) { getParsingFlags(config).iso = true; for (i = 0, l = isoDatesLen; i < l; i++) { if (isoDates[i][1].exec(match[1])) { dateFormat = isoDates[i][0]; allowTime = isoDates[i][2] !== false; break; } } if (dateFormat == null) { config._isValid = false; return; } if (match[3]) { for (i = 0, l = isoTimesLen; i < l; i++) { if (isoTimes[i][1].exec(match[3])) { timeFormat = (match[2] || " ") + isoTimes[i][0]; break; } } if (timeFormat == null) { config._isValid = false; return; } } if (!allowTime && timeFormat != null) { config._isValid = false; return; } if (match[4]) { if (tzRegex.exec(match[4])) { tzFormat = "Z"; } else { config._isValid = false; return; } } config._f = dateFormat + (timeFormat || "") + (tzFormat || ""); configFromStringAndFormat(config); } else { config._isValid = false; } } function extractFromRFC2822Strings(yearStr, monthStr, dayStr, hourStr, minuteStr, secondStr) { var result = [ untruncateYear(yearStr), defaultLocaleMonthsShort.indexOf(monthStr), parseInt(dayStr, 10), parseInt(hourStr, 10), parseInt(minuteStr, 10) ]; if (secondStr) { result.push(parseInt(secondStr, 10)); } return result; } function untruncateYear(yearStr) { var year = parseInt(yearStr, 10); if (year <= 49) { return 2e3 + year; } else if (year <= 999) { return 1900 + year; } return year; } function preprocessRFC2822(s) { return s.replace(/\([^()]*\)|[\n\t]/g, " ").replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ").replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, ""); } function checkWeekday(weekdayStr, parsedInput, config) { if (weekdayStr) { var weekdayProvided = defaultLocaleWeekdaysShort.indexOf(weekdayStr), weekdayActual = new Date( parsedInput[0], parsedInput[1], parsedInput[2] ).getDay(); if (weekdayProvided !== weekdayActual) { getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true; config._isValid = false; return false; } } return true; } function calculateOffset(obsOffset, militaryOffset, numOffset) { if (obsOffset) { return obsOffsets[obsOffset]; } else if (militaryOffset) { return 0; } else { var hm = parseInt(numOffset, 10), m = hm % 100, h4 = (hm - m) / 100; return h4 * 60 + m; } } function configFromRFC2822(config) { var match = rfc2822.exec(preprocessRFC2822(config._i)), parsedArray; if (match) { parsedArray = extractFromRFC2822Strings( match[4], match[3], match[2], match[5], match[6], match[7] ); if (!checkWeekday(match[1], parsedArray, config)) { return; } config._a = parsedArray; config._tzm = calculateOffset(match[8], match[9], match[10]); config._d = createUTCDate.apply(null, config._a); config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm); getParsingFlags(config).rfc2822 = true; } else { config._isValid = false; } } function configFromString(config) { var matched = aspNetJsonRegex.exec(config._i); if (matched !== null) { config._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(+matched[1]); return; } configFromISO(config); if (config._isValid === false) { delete config._isValid; } else { return; } configFromRFC2822(config); if (config._isValid === false) { delete config._isValid; } else { return; } if (config._strict) { config._isValid = false; } else { hooks.createFromInputFallback(config); } } hooks.createFromInputFallback = deprecate( "value provided is not in a recognized RFC2822 or ISO format. moment construction falls back to js Date(), which is not reliable across all browsers and versions. Non RFC2822/ISO date formats are discouraged. Please refer to for more info.", function(config) { config._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(config._i + (config._useUTC ? " UTC" : "")); } ); function defaults2(a, b, c) { if (a != null) { return a; } if (b != null) { return b; } return c; } function currentDateArray(config) { var nowValue = new Date(; if (config._useUTC) { return [ nowValue.getUTCFullYear(), nowValue.getUTCMonth(), nowValue.getUTCDate() ]; } return [nowValue.getFullYear(), nowValue.getMonth(), nowValue.getDate()]; } function configFromArray(config) { var i, date, input = [], currentDate, expectedWeekday, yearToUse; if (config._d) { return; } currentDate = currentDateArray(config); if (config._w && config._a[DATE] == null && config._a[MONTH] == null) { dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config); } if (config._dayOfYear != null) { yearToUse = defaults2(config._a[YEAR], currentDate[YEAR]); if (config._dayOfYear > daysInYear(yearToUse) || config._dayOfYear === 0) { getParsingFlags(config)._overflowDayOfYear = true; } date = createUTCDate(yearToUse, 0, config._dayOfYear); config._a[MONTH] = date.getUTCMonth(); config._a[DATE] = date.getUTCDate(); } for (i = 0; i < 3 && config._a[i] == null; ++i) { config._a[i] = input[i] = currentDate[i]; } for (; i < 7; i++) { config._a[i] = input[i] = config._a[i] == null ? i === 2 ? 1 : 0 : config._a[i]; } if (config._a[HOUR] === 24 && config._a[MINUTE] === 0 && config._a[SECOND] === 0 && config._a[MILLISECOND] === 0) { config._nextDay = true; config._a[HOUR] = 0; } config._d = (config._useUTC ? createUTCDate : createDate).apply( null, input ); expectedWeekday = config._useUTC ? config._d.getUTCDay() : config._d.getDay(); if (config._tzm != null) { config._d.setUTCMinutes(config._d.getUTCMinutes() - config._tzm); } if (config._nextDay) { config._a[HOUR] = 24; } if (config._w && typeof config._w.d !== "undefined" && config._w.d !== expectedWeekday) { getParsingFlags(config).weekdayMismatch = true; } } function dayOfYearFromWeekInfo(config) { var w, weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy, temp, weekdayOverflow, curWeek; w = config._w; if (w.GG != null || w.W != null || w.E != null) { dow = 1; doy = 4; weekYear = defaults2( w.GG, config._a[YEAR], weekOfYear(createLocal(), 1, 4).year ); week = defaults2(w.W, 1); weekday = defaults2(w.E, 1); if (weekday < 1 || weekday > 7) { weekdayOverflow = true; } } else { dow = config._locale._week.dow; doy = config._locale._week.doy; curWeek = weekOfYear(createLocal(), dow, doy); weekYear = defaults2(, config._a[YEAR], curWeek.year); week = defaults2(w.w, curWeek.week); if (w.d != null) { weekday = w.d; if (weekday < 0 || weekday > 6) { weekdayOverflow = true; } } else if (w.e != null) { weekday = w.e + dow; if (w.e < 0 || w.e > 6) { weekdayOverflow = true; } } else { weekday = dow; } } if (week < 1 || week > weeksInYear(weekYear, dow, doy)) { getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeeks = true; } else if (weekdayOverflow != null) { getParsingFlags(config)._overflowWeekday = true; } else { temp = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy); config._a[YEAR] = temp.year; config._dayOfYear = temp.dayOfYear; } } hooks.ISO_8601 = function() { }; hooks.RFC_2822 = function() { }; function configFromStringAndFormat(config) { if (config._f === hooks.ISO_8601) { configFromISO(config); return; } if (config._f === hooks.RFC_2822) { configFromRFC2822(config); return; } config._a = []; getParsingFlags(config).empty = true; var string = "" + config._i, i, parsedInput, tokens2, token2, skipped, stringLength = string.length, totalParsedInputLength = 0, era, tokenLen; tokens2 = expandFormat(config._f, config._locale).match(formattingTokens) || []; tokenLen = tokens2.length; for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) { token2 = tokens2[i]; parsedInput = (string.match(getParseRegexForToken(token2, config)) || [])[0]; if (parsedInput) { skipped = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(parsedInput)); if (skipped.length > 0) { getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(skipped); } string = string.slice( string.indexOf(parsedInput) + parsedInput.length ); totalParsedInputLength += parsedInput.length; } if (formatTokenFunctions[token2]) { if (parsedInput) { getParsingFlags(config).empty = false; } else { getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token2); } addTimeToArrayFromToken(token2, parsedInput, config); } else if (config._strict && !parsedInput) { getParsingFlags(config).unusedTokens.push(token2); } } getParsingFlags(config).charsLeftOver = stringLength - totalParsedInputLength; if (string.length > 0) { getParsingFlags(config).unusedInput.push(string); } if (config._a[HOUR] <= 12 && getParsingFlags(config).bigHour === true && config._a[HOUR] > 0) { getParsingFlags(config).bigHour = void 0; } getParsingFlags(config).parsedDateParts = config._a.slice(0); getParsingFlags(config).meridiem = config._meridiem; config._a[HOUR] = meridiemFixWrap( config._locale, config._a[HOUR], config._meridiem ); era = getParsingFlags(config).era; if (era !== null) { config._a[YEAR] = config._locale.erasConvertYear(era, config._a[YEAR]); } configFromArray(config); checkOverflow(config); } function meridiemFixWrap(locale3, hour, meridiem2) { var isPm; if (meridiem2 == null) { return hour; } if (locale3.meridiemHour != null) { return locale3.meridiemHour(hour, meridiem2); } else if (locale3.isPM != null) { isPm = locale3.isPM(meridiem2); if (isPm && hour < 12) { hour += 12; } if (!isPm && hour === 12) { hour = 0; } return hour; } else { return hour; } } function configFromStringAndArray(config) { var tempConfig, bestMoment, scoreToBeat, i, currentScore, validFormatFound, bestFormatIsValid = false, configfLen = config._f.length; if (configfLen === 0) { getParsingFlags(config).invalidFormat = true; config._d = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(NaN); return; } for (i = 0; i < configfLen; i++) { currentScore = 0; validFormatFound = false; tempConfig = copyConfig({}, config); if (config._useUTC != null) { tempConfig._useUTC = config._useUTC; } tempConfig._f = config._f[i]; configFromStringAndFormat(tempConfig); if (isValid(tempConfig)) { validFormatFound = true; } currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).charsLeftOver; currentScore += getParsingFlags(tempConfig).unusedTokens.length * 10; getParsingFlags(tempConfig).score = currentScore; if (!bestFormatIsValid) { if (scoreToBeat == null || currentScore < scoreToBeat || validFormatFound) { scoreToBeat = currentScore; bestMoment = tempConfig; if (validFormatFound) { bestFormatIsValid = true; } } } else { if (currentScore < scoreToBeat) { scoreToBeat = currentScore; bestMoment = tempConfig; } } } extend(config, bestMoment || tempConfig); } function configFromObject(config) { if (config._d) { return; } var i = normalizeObjectUnits(config._i), dayOrDate = === void 0 ? :; config._a = map3( [i.year, i.month, dayOrDate, i.hour, i.minute, i.second, i.millisecond], function(obj) { return obj && parseInt(obj, 10); } ); configFromArray(config); } function createFromConfig(config) { var res = new Moment(checkOverflow(prepareConfig(config))); if (res._nextDay) { res.add(1, "d"); res._nextDay = void 0; } return res; } function prepareConfig(config) { var input = config._i, format2 = config._f; config._locale = config._locale || getLocale(config._l); if (input === null || format2 === void 0 && input === "") { return createInvalid({ nullInput: true }); } if (typeof input === "string") { config._i = input = config._locale.preparse(input); } if (isMoment(input)) { return new Moment(checkOverflow(input)); } else if (isDate(input)) { config._d = input; } else if (isArray2(format2)) { configFromStringAndArray(config); } else if (format2) { configFromStringAndFormat(config); } else { configFromInput(config); } if (!isValid(config)) { config._d = null; } return config; } function configFromInput(config) { var input = config._i; if (isUndefined(input)) { config._d = new Date(; } else if (isDate(input)) { config._d = new Date(input.valueOf()); } else if (typeof input === "string") { configFromString(config); } else if (isArray2(input)) { config._a = map3(input.slice(0), function(obj) { return parseInt(obj, 10); }); configFromArray(config); } else if (isObject2(input)) { configFromObject(config); } else if (isNumber2(input)) { config._d = new Date(input); } else { hooks.createFromInputFallback(config); } } function createLocalOrUTC(input, format2, locale3, strict, isUTC) { var c = {}; if (format2 === true || format2 === false) { strict = format2; format2 = void 0; } if (locale3 === true || locale3 === false) { strict = locale3; locale3 = void 0; } if (isObject2(input) && isObjectEmpty(input) || isArray2(input) && input.length === 0) { input = void 0; } c._isAMomentObject = true; c._useUTC = c._isUTC = isUTC; c._l = locale3; c._i = input; c._f = format2; c._strict = strict; return createFromConfig(c); } function createLocal(input, format2, locale3, strict) { return createLocalOrUTC(input, format2, locale3, strict, false); } var prototypeMin = deprecate( "moment().min is deprecated, use moment.max instead.", function() { var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments); if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) { return other < this ? this : other; } else { return createInvalid(); } } ), prototypeMax = deprecate( "moment().max is deprecated, use moment.min instead.", function() { var other = createLocal.apply(null, arguments); if (this.isValid() && other.isValid()) { return other > this ? this : other; } else { return createInvalid(); } } ); function pickBy(fn, moments) { var res, i; if (moments.length === 1 && isArray2(moments[0])) { moments = moments[0]; } if (!moments.length) { return createLocal(); } res = moments[0]; for (i = 1; i < moments.length; ++i) { if (!moments[i].isValid() || moments[i][fn](res)) { res = moments[i]; } } return res; } function min() { var args = [], 0); return pickBy("isBefore", args); } function max() { var args = [], 0); return pickBy("isAfter", args); } var now = function() { return ? : +/* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); }; var ordering = [ "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "millisecond" ]; function isDurationValid(m) { var key, unitHasDecimal = false, i, orderLen = ordering.length; for (key in m) { if (hasOwnProp(m, key) && !(, key) !== -1 && (m[key] == null || !isNaN(m[key])))) { return false; } } for (i = 0; i < orderLen; ++i) { if (m[ordering[i]]) { if (unitHasDecimal) { return false; } if (parseFloat(m[ordering[i]]) !== toInt(m[ordering[i]])) { unitHasDecimal = true; } } } return true; } function isValid$1() { return this._isValid; } function createInvalid$1() { return createDuration(NaN); } function Duration(duration) { var normalizedInput = normalizeObjectUnits(duration), years2 = normalizedInput.year || 0, quarters = normalizedInput.quarter || 0, months2 = normalizedInput.month || 0, weeks2 = normalizedInput.week || normalizedInput.isoWeek || 0, days2 = || 0, hours2 = normalizedInput.hour || 0, minutes2 = normalizedInput.minute || 0, seconds2 = normalizedInput.second || 0, milliseconds2 = normalizedInput.millisecond || 0; this._isValid = isDurationValid(normalizedInput); this._milliseconds = +milliseconds2 + seconds2 * 1e3 + // 1000 minutes2 * 6e4 + // 1000 * 60 hours2 * 1e3 * 60 * 60; this._days = +days2 + weeks2 * 7; this._months = +months2 + quarters * 3 + years2 * 12; this._data = {}; this._locale = getLocale(); this._bubble(); } function isDuration(obj) { return obj instanceof Duration; } function absRound(number) { if (number < 0) { return Math.round(-1 * number) * -1; } else { return Math.round(number); } } function compareArrays(array1, array2, dontConvert) { var len = Math.min(array1.length, array2.length), lengthDiff = Math.abs(array1.length - array2.length), diffs = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (dontConvert && array1[i] !== array2[i] || !dontConvert && toInt(array1[i]) !== toInt(array2[i])) { diffs++; } } return diffs + lengthDiff; } function offset(token2, separator) { addFormatToken(token2, 0, 0, function() { var offset2 = this.utcOffset(), sign3 = "+"; if (offset2 < 0) { offset2 = -offset2; sign3 = "-"; } return sign3 + zeroFill(~~(offset2 / 60), 2) + separator + zeroFill(~~offset2 % 60, 2); }); } offset("Z", ":"); offset("ZZ", ""); addRegexToken("Z", matchShortOffset); addRegexToken("ZZ", matchShortOffset); addParseToken(["Z", "ZZ"], function(input, array, config) { config._useUTC = true; config._tzm = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input); }); var chunkOffset = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi; function offsetFromString(matcher, string) { var matches = (string || "").match(matcher), chunk, parts, minutes2; if (matches === null) { return null; } chunk = matches[matches.length - 1] || []; parts = (chunk + "").match(chunkOffset) || ["-", 0, 0]; minutes2 = +(parts[1] * 60) + toInt(parts[2]); return minutes2 === 0 ? 0 : parts[0] === "+" ? minutes2 : -minutes2; } function cloneWithOffset(input, model) { var res, diff2; if (model._isUTC) { res = model.clone(); diff2 = (isMoment(input) || isDate(input) ? input.valueOf() : createLocal(input).valueOf()) - res.valueOf(); res._d.setTime(res._d.valueOf() + diff2); hooks.updateOffset(res, false); return res; } else { return createLocal(input).local(); } } function getDateOffset(m) { return -Math.round(m._d.getTimezoneOffset()); } hooks.updateOffset = function() { }; function getSetOffset(input, keepLocalTime, keepMinutes) { var offset2 = this._offset || 0, localAdjust; if (!this.isValid()) { return input != null ? this : NaN; } if (input != null) { if (typeof input === "string") { input = offsetFromString(matchShortOffset, input); if (input === null) { return this; } } else if (Math.abs(input) < 16 && !keepMinutes) { input = input * 60; } if (!this._isUTC && keepLocalTime) { localAdjust = getDateOffset(this); } this._offset = input; this._isUTC = true; if (localAdjust != null) { this.add(localAdjust, "m"); } if (offset2 !== input) { if (!keepLocalTime || this._changeInProgress) { addSubtract( this, createDuration(input - offset2, "m"), 1, false ); } else if (!this._changeInProgress) { this._changeInProgress = true; hooks.updateOffset(this, true); this._changeInProgress = null; } } return this; } else { return this._isUTC ? offset2 : getDateOffset(this); } } function getSetZone(input, keepLocalTime) { if (input != null) { if (typeof input !== "string") { input = -input; } this.utcOffset(input, keepLocalTime); return this; } else { return -this.utcOffset(); } } function setOffsetToUTC(keepLocalTime) { return this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime); } function setOffsetToLocal(keepLocalTime) { if (this._isUTC) { this.utcOffset(0, keepLocalTime); this._isUTC = false; if (keepLocalTime) { this.subtract(getDateOffset(this), "m"); } } return this; } function setOffsetToParsedOffset() { if (this._tzm != null) { this.utcOffset(this._tzm, false, true); } else if (typeof this._i === "string") { var tZone = offsetFromString(matchOffset, this._i); if (tZone != null) { this.utcOffset(tZone); } else { this.utcOffset(0, true); } } return this; } function hasAlignedHourOffset(input) { if (!this.isValid()) { return false; } input = input ? createLocal(input).utcOffset() : 0; return (this.utcOffset() - input) % 60 === 0; } function isDaylightSavingTime() { return this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(0).utcOffset() || this.utcOffset() > this.clone().month(5).utcOffset(); } function isDaylightSavingTimeShifted() { if (!isUndefined(this._isDSTShifted)) { return this._isDSTShifted; } var c = {}, other; copyConfig(c, this); c = prepareConfig(c); if (c._a) { other = c._isUTC ? createUTC(c._a) : createLocal(c._a); this._isDSTShifted = this.isValid() && compareArrays(c._a, other.toArray()) > 0; } else { this._isDSTShifted = false; } return this._isDSTShifted; } function isLocal() { return this.isValid() ? !this._isUTC : false; } function isUtcOffset() { return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC : false; } function isUtc() { return this.isValid() ? this._isUTC && this._offset === 0 : false; } var aspNetRegex = /^(-|\+)?(?:(\d*)[. ])?(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+)(\.\d*)?)?$/, isoRegex = /^(-|\+)?P(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)Y)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)W)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)D)?(?:T(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)H)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)M)?(?:([-+]?[0-9,.]*)S)?)?$/; function createDuration(input, key) { var duration = input, match = null, sign3, ret, diffRes; if (isDuration(input)) { duration = { ms: input._milliseconds, d: input._days, M: input._months }; } else if (isNumber2(input) || !isNaN(+input)) { duration = {}; if (key) { duration[key] = +input; } else { duration.milliseconds = +input; } } else if (match = aspNetRegex.exec(input)) { sign3 = match[1] === "-" ? -1 : 1; duration = { y: 0, d: toInt(match[DATE]) * sign3, h: toInt(match[HOUR]) * sign3, m: toInt(match[MINUTE]) * sign3, s: toInt(match[SECOND]) * sign3, ms: toInt(absRound(match[MILLISECOND] * 1e3)) * sign3 // the millisecond decimal point is included in the match }; } else if (match = isoRegex.exec(input)) { sign3 = match[1] === "-" ? -1 : 1; duration = { y: parseIso(match[2], sign3), M: parseIso(match[3], sign3), w: parseIso(match[4], sign3), d: parseIso(match[5], sign3), h: parseIso(match[6], sign3), m: parseIso(match[7], sign3), s: parseIso(match[8], sign3) }; } else if (duration == null) { duration = {}; } else if (typeof duration === "object" && ("from" in duration || "to" in duration)) { diffRes = momentsDifference( createLocal(duration.from), createLocal( ); duration = {}; = diffRes.milliseconds; duration.M = diffRes.months; } ret = new Duration(duration); if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, "_locale")) { ret._locale = input._locale; } if (isDuration(input) && hasOwnProp(input, "_isValid")) { ret._isValid = input._isValid; } return ret; } createDuration.fn = Duration.prototype; createDuration.invalid = createInvalid$1; function parseIso(inp, sign3) { var res = inp && parseFloat(inp.replace(",", ".")); return (isNaN(res) ? 0 : res) * sign3; } function positiveMomentsDifference(base, other) { var res = {}; res.months = other.month() - base.month() + (other.year() - base.year()) * 12; if (base.clone().add(res.months, "M").isAfter(other)) { --res.months; } res.milliseconds = +other - +base.clone().add(res.months, "M"); return res; } function momentsDifference(base, other) { var res; if (!(base.isValid() && other.isValid())) { return { milliseconds: 0, months: 0 }; } other = cloneWithOffset(other, base); if (base.isBefore(other)) { res = positiveMomentsDifference(base, other); } else { res = positiveMomentsDifference(other, base); res.milliseconds = -res.milliseconds; res.months = -res.months; } return res; } function createAdder(direction, name) { return function(val, period) { var dur, tmp; if (period !== null && !isNaN(+period)) { deprecateSimple( name, "moment()." + name + "(period, number) is deprecated. Please use moment()." + name + "(number, period). See for more info." ); tmp = val; val = period; period = tmp; } dur = createDuration(val, period); addSubtract(this, dur, direction); return this; }; } function addSubtract(mom, duration, isAdding, updateOffset) { var milliseconds2 = duration._milliseconds, days2 = absRound(duration._days), months2 = absRound(duration._months); if (!mom.isValid()) { return; } updateOffset = updateOffset == null ? true : updateOffset; if (months2) { setMonth(mom, get(mom, "Month") + months2 * isAdding); } if (days2) { set$1(mom, "Date", get(mom, "Date") + days2 * isAdding); } if (milliseconds2) { mom._d.setTime(mom._d.valueOf() + milliseconds2 * isAdding); } if (updateOffset) { hooks.updateOffset(mom, days2 || months2); } } var add = createAdder(1, "add"), subtract = createAdder(-1, "subtract"); function isString(input) { return typeof input === "string" || input instanceof String; } function isMomentInput(input) { return isMoment(input) || isDate(input) || isString(input) || isNumber2(input) || isNumberOrStringArray(input) || isMomentInputObject(input) || input === null || input === void 0; } function isMomentInputObject(input) { var objectTest = isObject2(input) && !isObjectEmpty(input), propertyTest = false, properties = [ "years", "year", "y", "months", "month", "M", "days", "day", "d", "dates", "date", "D", "hours", "hour", "h", "minutes", "minute", "m", "seconds", "second", "s", "milliseconds", "millisecond", "ms" ], i, property, propertyLen = properties.length; for (i = 0; i < propertyLen; i += 1) { property = properties[i]; propertyTest = propertyTest || hasOwnProp(input, property); } return objectTest && propertyTest; } function isNumberOrStringArray(input) { var arrayTest = isArray2(input), dataTypeTest = false; if (arrayTest) { dataTypeTest = input.filter(function(item) { return !isNumber2(item) && isString(input); }).length === 0; } return arrayTest && dataTypeTest; } function isCalendarSpec(input) { var objectTest = isObject2(input) && !isObjectEmpty(input), propertyTest = false, properties = [ "sameDay", "nextDay", "lastDay", "nextWeek", "lastWeek", "sameElse" ], i, property; for (i = 0; i < properties.length; i += 1) { property = properties[i]; propertyTest = propertyTest || hasOwnProp(input, property); } return objectTest && propertyTest; } function getCalendarFormat(myMoment, now2) { var diff2 = myMoment.diff(now2, "days", true); return diff2 < -6 ? "sameElse" : diff2 < -1 ? "lastWeek" : diff2 < 0 ? "lastDay" : diff2 < 1 ? "sameDay" : diff2 < 2 ? "nextDay" : diff2 < 7 ? "nextWeek" : "sameElse"; } function calendar$1(time, formats) { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (!arguments[0]) { time = void 0; formats = void 0; } else if (isMomentInput(arguments[0])) { time = arguments[0]; formats = void 0; } else if (isCalendarSpec(arguments[0])) { formats = arguments[0]; time = void 0; } } var now2 = time || createLocal(), sod = cloneWithOffset(now2, this).startOf("day"), format2 = hooks.calendarFormat(this, sod) || "sameElse", output = formats && (isFunction2(formats[format2]) ? formats[format2].call(this, now2) : formats[format2]); return this.format( output || this.localeData().calendar(format2, this, createLocal(now2)) ); } function clone3() { return new Moment(this); } function isAfter(input, units) { var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input); if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) { return false; } units = normalizeUnits(units) || "millisecond"; if (units === "millisecond") { return this.valueOf() > localInput.valueOf(); } else { return localInput.valueOf() < this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf(); } } function isBefore(input, units) { var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input); if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) { return false; } units = normalizeUnits(units) || "millisecond"; if (units === "millisecond") { return this.valueOf() < localInput.valueOf(); } else { return this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf() < localInput.valueOf(); } } function isBetween(from3, to3, units, inclusivity) { var localFrom = isMoment(from3) ? from3 : createLocal(from3), localTo = isMoment(to3) ? to3 : createLocal(to3); if (!(this.isValid() && localFrom.isValid() && localTo.isValid())) { return false; } inclusivity = inclusivity || "()"; return (inclusivity[0] === "(" ? this.isAfter(localFrom, units) : !this.isBefore(localFrom, units)) && (inclusivity[1] === ")" ? this.isBefore(localTo, units) : !this.isAfter(localTo, units)); } function isSame(input, units) { var localInput = isMoment(input) ? input : createLocal(input), inputMs; if (!(this.isValid() && localInput.isValid())) { return false; } units = normalizeUnits(units) || "millisecond"; if (units === "millisecond") { return this.valueOf() === localInput.valueOf(); } else { inputMs = localInput.valueOf(); return this.clone().startOf(units).valueOf() <= inputMs && inputMs <= this.clone().endOf(units).valueOf(); } } function isSameOrAfter(input, units) { return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isAfter(input, units); } function isSameOrBefore(input, units) { return this.isSame(input, units) || this.isBefore(input, units); } function diff(input, units, asFloat) { var that, zoneDelta, output; if (!this.isValid()) { return NaN; } that = cloneWithOffset(input, this); if (!that.isValid()) { return NaN; } zoneDelta = (that.utcOffset() - this.utcOffset()) * 6e4; units = normalizeUnits(units); switch (units) { case "year": output = monthDiff(this, that) / 12; break; case "month": output = monthDiff(this, that); break; case "quarter": output = monthDiff(this, that) / 3; break; case "second": output = (this - that) / 1e3; break; case "minute": output = (this - that) / 6e4; break; case "hour": output = (this - that) / 36e5; break; case "day": output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 864e5; break; case "week": output = (this - that - zoneDelta) / 6048e5; break; default: output = this - that; } return asFloat ? output : absFloor(output); } function monthDiff(a, b) { if ( < { return -monthDiff(b, a); } var wholeMonthDiff = (b.year() - a.year()) * 12 + (b.month() - a.month()), anchor = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff, "months"), anchor2, adjust; if (b - anchor < 0) { anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff - 1, "months"); adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor - anchor2); } else { anchor2 = a.clone().add(wholeMonthDiff + 1, "months"); adjust = (b - anchor) / (anchor2 - anchor); } return -(wholeMonthDiff + adjust) || 0; } hooks.defaultFormat = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ"; hooks.defaultFormatUtc = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss[Z]"; function toString() { return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ"); } function toISOString(keepOffset) { if (!this.isValid()) { return null; } var utc = keepOffset !== true, m = utc ? this.clone().utc() : this; if (m.year() < 0 || m.year() > 9999) { return formatMoment( m, utc ? "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]" : "YYYYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" ); } if (isFunction2(Date.prototype.toISOString)) { if (utc) { return this.toDate().toISOString(); } else { return new Date(this.valueOf() + this.utcOffset() * 60 * 1e3).toISOString().replace("Z", formatMoment(m, "Z")); } } return formatMoment( m, utc ? "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]" : "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSZ" ); } function inspect() { if (!this.isValid()) { return "moment.invalid(/* " + this._i + " */)"; } var func = "moment", zone = "", prefix, year, datetime, suffix; if (!this.isLocal()) { func = this.utcOffset() === 0 ? "moment.utc" : "moment.parseZone"; zone = "Z"; } prefix = "[" + func + '("]'; year = 0 <= this.year() && this.year() <= 9999 ? "YYYY" : "YYYYYY"; datetime = "-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS"; suffix = zone + '[")]'; return this.format(prefix + year + datetime + suffix); } function format(inputString) { if (!inputString) { inputString = this.isUtc() ? hooks.defaultFormatUtc : hooks.defaultFormat; } var output = formatMoment(this, inputString); return this.localeData().postformat(output); } function from2(time, withoutSuffix) { if (this.isValid() && (isMoment(time) && time.isValid() || createLocal(time).isValid())) { return createDuration({ to: this, from: time }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix); } else { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } } function fromNow(withoutSuffix) { return this.from(createLocal(), withoutSuffix); } function to2(time, withoutSuffix) { if (this.isValid() && (isMoment(time) && time.isValid() || createLocal(time).isValid())) { return createDuration({ from: this, to: time }).locale(this.locale()).humanize(!withoutSuffix); } else { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } } function toNow(withoutSuffix) { return, withoutSuffix); } function locale2(key) { var newLocaleData; if (key === void 0) { return this._locale._abbr; } else { newLocaleData = getLocale(key); if (newLocaleData != null) { this._locale = newLocaleData; } return this; } } var lang = deprecate( "moment().lang() is deprecated. Instead, use moment().localeData() to get the language configuration. Use moment().locale() to change languages.", function(key) { if (key === void 0) { return this.localeData(); } else { return this.locale(key); } } ); function localeData() { return this._locale; } var MS_PER_SECOND = 1e3, MS_PER_MINUTE = 60 * MS_PER_SECOND, MS_PER_HOUR = 60 * MS_PER_MINUTE, MS_PER_400_YEARS = (365 * 400 + 97) * 24 * MS_PER_HOUR; function mod$1(dividend, divisor) { return (dividend % divisor + divisor) % divisor; } function localStartOfDate(y, m, d) { if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { return new Date(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS; } else { return new Date(y, m, d).valueOf(); } } function utcStartOfDate(y, m, d) { if (y < 100 && y >= 0) { return Date.UTC(y + 400, m, d) - MS_PER_400_YEARS; } else { return Date.UTC(y, m, d); } } function startOf(units) { var time, startOfDate; units = normalizeUnits(units); if (units === void 0 || units === "millisecond" || !this.isValid()) { return this; } startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate; switch (units) { case "year": time = startOfDate(this.year(), 0, 1); break; case "quarter": time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3, 1 ); break; case "month": time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), 1); break; case "week": time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() ); break; case "isoWeek": time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) ); break; case "day": case "date": time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(),; break; case "hour": time = this._d.valueOf(); time -= mod$1( time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE), MS_PER_HOUR ); break; case "minute": time = this._d.valueOf(); time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE); break; case "second": time = this._d.valueOf(); time -= mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND); break; } this._d.setTime(time); hooks.updateOffset(this, true); return this; } function endOf(units) { var time, startOfDate; units = normalizeUnits(units); if (units === void 0 || units === "millisecond" || !this.isValid()) { return this; } startOfDate = this._isUTC ? utcStartOfDate : localStartOfDate; switch (units) { case "year": time = startOfDate(this.year() + 1, 0, 1) - 1; break; case "quarter": time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month() - this.month() % 3 + 3, 1 ) - 1; break; case "month": time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month() + 1, 1) - 1; break; case "week": time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - this.weekday() + 7 ) - 1; break; case "isoWeek": time = startOfDate( this.year(), this.month(), - (this.isoWeekday() - 1) + 7 ) - 1; break; case "day": case "date": time = startOfDate(this.year(), this.month(), + 1) - 1; break; case "hour": time = this._d.valueOf(); time += MS_PER_HOUR - mod$1( time + (this._isUTC ? 0 : this.utcOffset() * MS_PER_MINUTE), MS_PER_HOUR ) - 1; break; case "minute": time = this._d.valueOf(); time += MS_PER_MINUTE - mod$1(time, MS_PER_MINUTE) - 1; break; case "second": time = this._d.valueOf(); time += MS_PER_SECOND - mod$1(time, MS_PER_SECOND) - 1; break; } this._d.setTime(time); hooks.updateOffset(this, true); return this; } function valueOf() { return this._d.valueOf() - (this._offset || 0) * 6e4; } function unix() { return Math.floor(this.valueOf() / 1e3); } function toDate() { return new Date(this.valueOf()); } function toArray() { var m = this; return [ m.year(), m.month(),, m.hour(), m.minute(), m.second(), m.millisecond() ]; } function toObject() { var m = this; return { years: m.year(), months: m.month(), date:, hours: m.hours(), minutes: m.minutes(), seconds: m.seconds(), milliseconds: m.milliseconds() }; } function toJSON() { return this.isValid() ? this.toISOString() : null; } function isValid$2() { return isValid(this); } function parsingFlags() { return extend({}, getParsingFlags(this)); } function invalidAt() { return getParsingFlags(this).overflow; } function creationData() { return { input: this._i, format: this._f, locale: this._locale, isUTC: this._isUTC, strict: this._strict }; } addFormatToken("N", 0, 0, "eraAbbr"); addFormatToken("NN", 0, 0, "eraAbbr"); addFormatToken("NNN", 0, 0, "eraAbbr"); addFormatToken("NNNN", 0, 0, "eraName"); addFormatToken("NNNNN", 0, 0, "eraNarrow"); addFormatToken("y", ["y", 1], "yo", "eraYear"); addFormatToken("y", ["yy", 2], 0, "eraYear"); addFormatToken("y", ["yyy", 3], 0, "eraYear"); addFormatToken("y", ["yyyy", 4], 0, "eraYear"); addRegexToken("N", matchEraAbbr); addRegexToken("NN", matchEraAbbr); addRegexToken("NNN", matchEraAbbr); addRegexToken("NNNN", matchEraName); addRegexToken("NNNNN", matchEraNarrow); addParseToken( ["N", "NN", "NNN", "NNNN", "NNNNN"], function(input, array, config, token2) { var era = config._locale.erasParse(input, token2, config._strict); if (era) { getParsingFlags(config).era = era; } else { getParsingFlags(config).invalidEra = input; } } ); addRegexToken("y", matchUnsigned); addRegexToken("yy", matchUnsigned); addRegexToken("yyy", matchUnsigned); addRegexToken("yyyy", matchUnsigned); addRegexToken("yo", matchEraYearOrdinal); addParseToken(["y", "yy", "yyy", "yyyy"], YEAR); addParseToken(["yo"], function(input, array, config, token2) { var match; if (config._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex) { match = input.match(config._locale._eraYearOrdinalRegex); } if (config._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse) { array[YEAR] = config._locale.eraYearOrdinalParse(input, match); } else { array[YEAR] = parseInt(input, 10); } }); function localeEras(m, format2) { var i, l, date, eras = this._eras || getLocale("en")._eras; for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { switch (typeof eras[i].since) { case "string": date = hooks(eras[i].since).startOf("day"); eras[i].since = date.valueOf(); break; } switch (typeof eras[i].until) { case "undefined": eras[i].until = Infinity; break; case "string": date = hooks(eras[i].until).startOf("day").valueOf(); eras[i].until = date.valueOf(); break; } } return eras; } function localeErasParse(eraName, format2, strict) { var i, l, eras = this.eras(), name, abbr, narrow; eraName = eraName.toUpperCase(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { name = eras[i].name.toUpperCase(); abbr = eras[i].abbr.toUpperCase(); narrow = eras[i].narrow.toUpperCase(); if (strict) { switch (format2) { case "N": case "NN": case "NNN": if (abbr === eraName) { return eras[i]; } break; case "NNNN": if (name === eraName) { return eras[i]; } break; case "NNNNN": if (narrow === eraName) { return eras[i]; } break; } } else if ([name, abbr, narrow].indexOf(eraName) >= 0) { return eras[i]; } } } function localeErasConvertYear(era, year) { var dir = era.since <= era.until ? 1 : -1; if (year === void 0) { return hooks(era.since).year(); } else { return hooks(era.since).year() + (year - era.offset) * dir; } } function getEraName() { var i, l, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { val = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) { return eras[i].name; } if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return eras[i].name; } } return ""; } function getEraNarrow() { var i, l, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { val = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) { return eras[i].narrow; } if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return eras[i].narrow; } } return ""; } function getEraAbbr() { var i, l, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { val = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until) { return eras[i].abbr; } if (eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return eras[i].abbr; } } return ""; } function getEraYear() { var i, l, dir, val, eras = this.localeData().eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { dir = eras[i].since <= eras[i].until ? 1 : -1; val = this.clone().startOf("day").valueOf(); if (eras[i].since <= val && val <= eras[i].until || eras[i].until <= val && val <= eras[i].since) { return (this.year() - hooks(eras[i].since).year()) * dir + eras[i].offset; } } return this.year(); } function erasNameRegex(isStrict) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_erasNameRegex")) {; } return isStrict ? this._erasNameRegex : this._erasRegex; } function erasAbbrRegex(isStrict) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_erasAbbrRegex")) {; } return isStrict ? this._erasAbbrRegex : this._erasRegex; } function erasNarrowRegex(isStrict) { if (!hasOwnProp(this, "_erasNarrowRegex")) {; } return isStrict ? this._erasNarrowRegex : this._erasRegex; } function matchEraAbbr(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.erasAbbrRegex(isStrict); } function matchEraName(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.erasNameRegex(isStrict); } function matchEraNarrow(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3.erasNarrowRegex(isStrict); } function matchEraYearOrdinal(isStrict, locale3) { return locale3._eraYearOrdinalRegex || matchUnsigned; } function computeErasParse() { var abbrPieces = [], namePieces = [], narrowPieces = [], mixedPieces = [], i, l, eras = this.eras(); for (i = 0, l = eras.length; i < l; ++i) { namePieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].name)); abbrPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].abbr)); narrowPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].narrow)); mixedPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].name)); mixedPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].abbr)); mixedPieces.push(regexEscape(eras[i].narrow)); } this._erasRegex = new RegExp("^(" + mixedPieces.join("|") + ")", "i"); this._erasNameRegex = new RegExp("^(" + namePieces.join("|") + ")", "i"); this._erasAbbrRegex = new RegExp("^(" + abbrPieces.join("|") + ")", "i"); this._erasNarrowRegex = new RegExp( "^(" + narrowPieces.join("|") + ")", "i" ); } addFormatToken(0, ["gg", 2], 0, function() { return this.weekYear() % 100; }); addFormatToken(0, ["GG", 2], 0, function() { return this.isoWeekYear() % 100; }); function addWeekYearFormatToken(token2, getter) { addFormatToken(0, [token2, token2.length], 0, getter); } addWeekYearFormatToken("gggg", "weekYear"); addWeekYearFormatToken("ggggg", "weekYear"); addWeekYearFormatToken("GGGG", "isoWeekYear"); addWeekYearFormatToken("GGGGG", "isoWeekYear"); addUnitAlias("weekYear", "gg"); addUnitAlias("isoWeekYear", "GG"); addUnitPriority("weekYear", 1); addUnitPriority("isoWeekYear", 1); addRegexToken("G", matchSigned); addRegexToken("g", matchSigned); addRegexToken("GG", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("gg", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("GGGG", match1to4, match4); addRegexToken("gggg", match1to4, match4); addRegexToken("GGGGG", match1to6, match6); addRegexToken("ggggg", match1to6, match6); addWeekParseToken( ["gggg", "ggggg", "GGGG", "GGGGG"], function(input, week, config, token2) { week[token2.substr(0, 2)] = toInt(input); } ); addWeekParseToken(["gg", "GG"], function(input, week, config, token2) { week[token2] = hooks.parseTwoDigitYear(input); }); function getSetWeekYear(input) { return this, input, this.week(), this.weekday(), this.localeData()._week.dow, this.localeData()._week.doy ); } function getSetISOWeekYear(input) { return this, input, this.isoWeek(), this.isoWeekday(), 1, 4 ); } function getISOWeeksInYear() { return weeksInYear(this.year(), 1, 4); } function getISOWeeksInISOWeekYear() { return weeksInYear(this.isoWeekYear(), 1, 4); } function getWeeksInYear() { var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week; return weeksInYear(this.year(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy); } function getWeeksInWeekYear() { var weekInfo = this.localeData()._week; return weeksInYear(this.weekYear(), weekInfo.dow, weekInfo.doy); } function getSetWeekYearHelper(input, week, weekday, dow, doy) { var weeksTarget; if (input == null) { return weekOfYear(this, dow, doy).year; } else { weeksTarget = weeksInYear(input, dow, doy); if (week > weeksTarget) { week = weeksTarget; } return, input, week, weekday, dow, doy); } } function setWeekAll(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy) { var dayOfYearData = dayOfYearFromWeeks(weekYear, week, weekday, dow, doy), date = createUTCDate(dayOfYearData.year, 0, dayOfYearData.dayOfYear); this.year(date.getUTCFullYear()); this.month(date.getUTCMonth());; return this; } addFormatToken("Q", 0, "Qo", "quarter"); addUnitAlias("quarter", "Q"); addUnitPriority("quarter", 7); addRegexToken("Q", match1); addParseToken("Q", function(input, array) { array[MONTH] = (toInt(input) - 1) * 3; }); function getSetQuarter(input) { return input == null ? Math.ceil((this.month() + 1) / 3) : this.month((input - 1) * 3 + this.month() % 3); } addFormatToken("D", ["DD", 2], "Do", "date"); addUnitAlias("date", "D"); addUnitPriority("date", 9); addRegexToken("D", match1to2); addRegexToken("DD", match1to2, match2); addRegexToken("Do", function(isStrict, locale3) { return isStrict ? locale3._dayOfMonthOrdinalParse || locale3._ordinalParse : locale3._dayOfMonthOrdinalParseLenient; }); addParseToken(["D", "DD"], DATE); addParseToken("Do", function(input, array) { array[DATE] = toInt(input.match(match1to2)[0]); }); var getSetDayOfMonth = makeGetSet("Date", true); addFormatToken("DDD", ["DDDD", 3], "DDDo", "dayOfYear"); addUnitAlias("dayOfYear", "DDD"); addUnitPriority("dayOfYear", 4); addRegexToken("DDD", match1to3); addRegexToken("DDDD", match3); addParseToken(["DDD", "DDDD"], function(input, array, config) { config._dayOfYear = toInt(input); }); function getSetDayOfYear(input) { var dayOfYear = Math.round( (this.clone().startOf("day") - this.clone().startOf("year")) / 864e5 ) + 1; return input == null ? dayOfYear : this.add(input - dayOfYear, "d"); } addFormatToken("m", ["mm", 2], 0, "minute"); addUnitAlias("minute", "m"); addUnitPriority("minute", 14); addRegexToken("m", match1to2); addRegexToken("mm", match1to2, match2); addParseToken(["m", "mm"], MINUTE); var getSetMinute = makeGetSet("Minutes", false); addFormatToken("s", ["ss", 2], 0, "second"); addUnitAlias("second", "s"); addUnitPriority("second", 15); addRegexToken("s", match1to2); addRegexToken("ss", match1to2, match2); addParseToken(["s", "ss"], SECOND); var getSetSecond = makeGetSet("Seconds", false); addFormatToken("S", 0, 0, function() { return ~~(this.millisecond() / 100); }); addFormatToken(0, ["SS", 2], 0, function() { return ~~(this.millisecond() / 10); }); addFormatToken(0, ["SSS", 3], 0, "millisecond"); addFormatToken(0, ["SSSS", 4], 0, function() { return this.millisecond() * 10; }); addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSS", 5], 0, function() { return this.millisecond() * 100; }); addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSS", 6], 0, function() { return this.millisecond() * 1e3; }); addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSSS", 7], 0, function() { return this.millisecond() * 1e4; }); addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSSSS", 8], 0, function() { return this.millisecond() * 1e5; }); addFormatToken(0, ["SSSSSSSSS", 9], 0, function() { return this.millisecond() * 1e6; }); addUnitAlias("millisecond", "ms"); addUnitPriority("millisecond", 16); addRegexToken("S", match1to3, match1); addRegexToken("SS", match1to3, match2); addRegexToken("SSS", match1to3, match3); var token, getSetMillisecond; for (token = "SSSS"; token.length <= 9; token += "S") { addRegexToken(token, matchUnsigned); } function parseMs(input, array) { array[MILLISECOND] = toInt(("0." + input) * 1e3); } for (token = "S"; token.length <= 9; token += "S") { addParseToken(token, parseMs); } getSetMillisecond = makeGetSet("Milliseconds", false); addFormatToken("z", 0, 0, "zoneAbbr"); addFormatToken("zz", 0, 0, "zoneName"); function getZoneAbbr() { return this._isUTC ? "UTC" : ""; } function getZoneName() { return this._isUTC ? "Coordinated Universal Time" : ""; } var proto = Moment.prototype; proto.add = add; proto.calendar = calendar$1; proto.clone = clone3; proto.diff = diff; proto.endOf = endOf; proto.format = format; proto.from = from2; proto.fromNow = fromNow; = to2; proto.toNow = toNow; proto.get = stringGet; proto.invalidAt = invalidAt; proto.isAfter = isAfter; proto.isBefore = isBefore; proto.isBetween = isBetween; proto.isSame = isSame; proto.isSameOrAfter = isSameOrAfter; proto.isSameOrBefore = isSameOrBefore; proto.isValid = isValid$2; proto.lang = lang; proto.locale = locale2; proto.localeData = localeData; proto.max = prototypeMax; proto.min = prototypeMin; proto.parsingFlags = parsingFlags; proto.set = stringSet; proto.startOf = startOf; proto.subtract = subtract; proto.toArray = toArray; proto.toObject = toObject; proto.toDate = toDate; proto.toISOString = toISOString; proto.inspect = inspect; if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.for != null) { proto[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = function() { return "Moment<" + this.format() + ">"; }; } proto.toJSON = toJSON; proto.toString = toString; proto.unix = unix; proto.valueOf = valueOf; proto.creationData = creationData; proto.eraName = getEraName; proto.eraNarrow = getEraNarrow; proto.eraAbbr = getEraAbbr; proto.eraYear = getEraYear; proto.year = getSetYear; proto.isLeapYear = getIsLeapYear; proto.weekYear = getSetWeekYear; proto.isoWeekYear = getSetISOWeekYear; proto.quarter = proto.quarters = getSetQuarter; proto.month = getSetMonth; proto.daysInMonth = getDaysInMonth; proto.week = proto.weeks = getSetWeek; proto.isoWeek = proto.isoWeeks = getSetISOWeek; proto.weeksInYear = getWeeksInYear; proto.weeksInWeekYear = getWeeksInWeekYear; proto.isoWeeksInYear = getISOWeeksInYear; proto.isoWeeksInISOWeekYear = getISOWeeksInISOWeekYear; = getSetDayOfMonth; = proto.days = getSetDayOfWeek; proto.weekday = getSetLocaleDayOfWeek; proto.isoWeekday = getSetISODayOfWeek; proto.dayOfYear = getSetDayOfYear; proto.hour = proto.hours = getSetHour; proto.minute = proto.minutes = getSetMinute; proto.second = proto.seconds = getSetSecond; proto.millisecond = proto.milliseconds = getSetMillisecond; proto.utcOffset = getSetOffset; proto.utc = setOffsetToUTC; proto.local = setOffsetToLocal; proto.parseZone = setOffsetToParsedOffset; proto.hasAlignedHourOffset = hasAlignedHourOffset; proto.isDST = isDaylightSavingTime; proto.isLocal = isLocal; proto.isUtcOffset = isUtcOffset; proto.isUtc = isUtc; proto.isUTC = isUtc; proto.zoneAbbr = getZoneAbbr; proto.zoneName = getZoneName; proto.dates = deprecate( "dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.", getSetDayOfMonth ); proto.months = deprecate( "months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead", getSetMonth ); proto.years = deprecate( "years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead", getSetYear ); = deprecate( "moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead.", getSetZone ); proto.isDSTShifted = deprecate( "isDSTShifted is deprecated. See for more information", isDaylightSavingTimeShifted ); function createUnix(input) { return createLocal(input * 1e3); } function createInZone() { return createLocal.apply(null, arguments).parseZone(); } function preParsePostFormat(string) { return string; } var proto$1 = Locale.prototype; proto$1.calendar = calendar; proto$1.longDateFormat = longDateFormat; proto$1.invalidDate = invalidDate; proto$1.ordinal = ordinal; proto$1.preparse = preParsePostFormat; proto$1.postformat = preParsePostFormat; proto$1.relativeTime = relativeTime; proto$1.pastFuture = pastFuture; proto$1.set = set2; proto$1.eras = localeEras; proto$1.erasParse = localeErasParse; proto$1.erasConvertYear = localeErasConvertYear; proto$1.erasAbbrRegex = erasAbbrRegex; proto$1.erasNameRegex = erasNameRegex; proto$1.erasNarrowRegex = erasNarrowRegex; proto$1.months = localeMonths; proto$1.monthsShort = localeMonthsShort; proto$1.monthsParse = localeMonthsParse; proto$1.monthsRegex = monthsRegex; proto$1.monthsShortRegex = monthsShortRegex; proto$1.week = localeWeek; proto$1.firstDayOfYear = localeFirstDayOfYear; proto$1.firstDayOfWeek = localeFirstDayOfWeek; proto$1.weekdays = localeWeekdays; proto$1.weekdaysMin = localeWeekdaysMin; proto$1.weekdaysShort = localeWeekdaysShort; proto$1.weekdaysParse = localeWeekdaysParse; proto$1.weekdaysRegex = weekdaysRegex; proto$1.weekdaysShortRegex = weekdaysShortRegex; proto$1.weekdaysMinRegex = weekdaysMinRegex; proto$1.isPM = localeIsPM; proto$1.meridiem = localeMeridiem; function get$1(format2, index, field, setter) { var locale3 = getLocale(), utc = createUTC().set(setter, index); return locale3[field](utc, format2); } function listMonthsImpl(format2, index, field) { if (isNumber2(format2)) { index = format2; format2 = void 0; } format2 = format2 || ""; if (index != null) { return get$1(format2, index, field, "month"); } var i, out = []; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { out[i] = get$1(format2, i, field, "month"); } return out; } function listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format2, index, field) { if (typeof localeSorted === "boolean") { if (isNumber2(format2)) { index = format2; format2 = void 0; } format2 = format2 || ""; } else { format2 = localeSorted; index = format2; localeSorted = false; if (isNumber2(format2)) { index = format2; format2 = void 0; } format2 = format2 || ""; } var locale3 = getLocale(), shift = localeSorted ? locale3._week.dow : 0, i, out = []; if (index != null) { return get$1(format2, (index + shift) % 7, field, "day"); } for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { out[i] = get$1(format2, (i + shift) % 7, field, "day"); } return out; } function listMonths(format2, index) { return listMonthsImpl(format2, index, "months"); } function listMonthsShort(format2, index) { return listMonthsImpl(format2, index, "monthsShort"); } function listWeekdays(localeSorted, format2, index) { return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format2, index, "weekdays"); } function listWeekdaysShort(localeSorted, format2, index) { return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format2, index, "weekdaysShort"); } function listWeekdaysMin(localeSorted, format2, index) { return listWeekdaysImpl(localeSorted, format2, index, "weekdaysMin"); } getSetGlobalLocale("en", { eras: [ { since: "0001-01-01", until: Infinity, offset: 1, name: "Anno Domini", narrow: "AD", abbr: "AD" }, { since: "0000-12-31", until: -Infinity, offset: 1, name: "Before Christ", narrow: "BC", abbr: "BC" } ], dayOfMonthOrdinalParse: /\d{1,2}(th|st|nd|rd)/, ordinal: function(number) { var b = number % 10, output = toInt(number % 100 / 10) === 1 ? "th" : b === 1 ? "st" : b === 2 ? "nd" : b === 3 ? "rd" : "th"; return number + output; } }); hooks.lang = deprecate( "moment.lang is deprecated. Use moment.locale instead.", getSetGlobalLocale ); hooks.langData = deprecate( "moment.langData is deprecated. Use moment.localeData instead.", getLocale ); var mathAbs = Math.abs; function abs() { var data = this._data; this._milliseconds = mathAbs(this._milliseconds); this._days = mathAbs(this._days); this._months = mathAbs(this._months); data.milliseconds = mathAbs(data.milliseconds); data.seconds = mathAbs(data.seconds); data.minutes = mathAbs(data.minutes); data.hours = mathAbs(data.hours); data.months = mathAbs(data.months); data.years = mathAbs(data.years); return this; } function addSubtract$1(duration, input, value, direction) { var other = createDuration(input, value); duration._milliseconds += direction * other._milliseconds; duration._days += direction * other._days; duration._months += direction * other._months; return duration._bubble(); } function add$1(input, value) { return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, 1); } function subtract$1(input, value) { return addSubtract$1(this, input, value, -1); } function absCeil(number) { if (number < 0) { return Math.floor(number); } else { return Math.ceil(number); } } function bubble() { var milliseconds2 = this._milliseconds, days2 = this._days, months2 = this._months, data = this._data, seconds2, minutes2, hours2, years2, monthsFromDays; if (!(milliseconds2 >= 0 && days2 >= 0 && months2 >= 0 || milliseconds2 <= 0 && days2 <= 0 && months2 <= 0)) { milliseconds2 += absCeil(monthsToDays(months2) + days2) * 864e5; days2 = 0; months2 = 0; } data.milliseconds = milliseconds2 % 1e3; seconds2 = absFloor(milliseconds2 / 1e3); data.seconds = seconds2 % 60; minutes2 = absFloor(seconds2 / 60); data.minutes = minutes2 % 60; hours2 = absFloor(minutes2 / 60); data.hours = hours2 % 24; days2 += absFloor(hours2 / 24); monthsFromDays = absFloor(daysToMonths(days2)); months2 += monthsFromDays; days2 -= absCeil(monthsToDays(monthsFromDays)); years2 = absFloor(months2 / 12); months2 %= 12; data.days = days2; data.months = months2; data.years = years2; return this; } function daysToMonths(days2) { return days2 * 4800 / 146097; } function monthsToDays(months2) { return months2 * 146097 / 4800; } function as(units) { if (!this.isValid()) { return NaN; } var days2, months2, milliseconds2 = this._milliseconds; units = normalizeUnits(units); if (units === "month" || units === "quarter" || units === "year") { days2 = this._days + milliseconds2 / 864e5; months2 = this._months + daysToMonths(days2); switch (units) { case "month": return months2; case "quarter": return months2 / 3; case "year": return months2 / 12; } } else { days2 = this._days + Math.round(monthsToDays(this._months)); switch (units) { case "week": return days2 / 7 + milliseconds2 / 6048e5; case "day": return days2 + milliseconds2 / 864e5; case "hour": return days2 * 24 + milliseconds2 / 36e5; case "minute": return days2 * 1440 + milliseconds2 / 6e4; case "second": return days2 * 86400 + milliseconds2 / 1e3; case "millisecond": return Math.floor(days2 * 864e5) + milliseconds2; default: throw new Error("Unknown unit " + units); } } } function valueOf$1() { if (!this.isValid()) { return NaN; } return this._milliseconds + this._days * 864e5 + this._months % 12 * 2592e6 + toInt(this._months / 12) * 31536e6; } function makeAs(alias) { return function() { return; }; } var asMilliseconds = makeAs("ms"), asSeconds = makeAs("s"), asMinutes = makeAs("m"), asHours = makeAs("h"), asDays = makeAs("d"), asWeeks = makeAs("w"), asMonths = makeAs("M"), asQuarters = makeAs("Q"), asYears = makeAs("y"); function clone$1() { return createDuration(this); } function get$2(units) { units = normalizeUnits(units); return this.isValid() ? this[units + "s"]() : NaN; } function makeGetter(name) { return function() { return this.isValid() ? this._data[name] : NaN; }; } var milliseconds = makeGetter("milliseconds"), seconds = makeGetter("seconds"), minutes = makeGetter("minutes"), hours = makeGetter("hours"), days = makeGetter("days"), months = makeGetter("months"), years = makeGetter("years"); function weeks() { return absFloor(this.days() / 7); } var round2 = Math.round, thresholds = { ss: 44, // a few seconds to seconds s: 45, // seconds to minute m: 45, // minutes to hour h: 22, // hours to day d: 26, // days to month/week w: null, // weeks to month M: 11 // months to year }; function substituteTimeAgo(string, number, withoutSuffix, isFuture, locale3) { return locale3.relativeTime(number || 1, !!withoutSuffix, string, isFuture); } function relativeTime$1(posNegDuration, withoutSuffix, thresholds2, locale3) { var duration = createDuration(posNegDuration).abs(), seconds2 = round2("s")), minutes2 = round2("m")), hours2 = round2("h")), days2 = round2("d")), months2 = round2("M")), weeks2 = round2("w")), years2 = round2("y")), a = seconds2 <= && ["s", seconds2] || seconds2 < thresholds2.s && ["ss", seconds2] || minutes2 <= 1 && ["m"] || minutes2 < thresholds2.m && ["mm", minutes2] || hours2 <= 1 && ["h"] || hours2 < thresholds2.h && ["hh", hours2] || days2 <= 1 && ["d"] || days2 < thresholds2.d && ["dd", days2]; if (thresholds2.w != null) { a = a || weeks2 <= 1 && ["w"] || weeks2 < thresholds2.w && ["ww", weeks2]; } a = a || months2 <= 1 && ["M"] || months2 < thresholds2.M && ["MM", months2] || years2 <= 1 && ["y"] || ["yy", years2]; a[2] = withoutSuffix; a[3] = +posNegDuration > 0; a[4] = locale3; return substituteTimeAgo.apply(null, a); } function getSetRelativeTimeRounding(roundingFunction) { if (roundingFunction === void 0) { return round2; } if (typeof roundingFunction === "function") { round2 = roundingFunction; return true; } return false; } function getSetRelativeTimeThreshold(threshold, limit) { if (thresholds[threshold] === void 0) { return false; } if (limit === void 0) { return thresholds[threshold]; } thresholds[threshold] = limit; if (threshold === "s") { = limit - 1; } return true; } function humanize(argWithSuffix, argThresholds) { if (!this.isValid()) { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } var withSuffix = false, th = thresholds, locale3, output; if (typeof argWithSuffix === "object") { argThresholds = argWithSuffix; argWithSuffix = false; } if (typeof argWithSuffix === "boolean") { withSuffix = argWithSuffix; } if (typeof argThresholds === "object") { th = Object.assign({}, thresholds, argThresholds); if (argThresholds.s != null && == null) { = argThresholds.s - 1; } } locale3 = this.localeData(); output = relativeTime$1(this, !withSuffix, th, locale3); if (withSuffix) { output = locale3.pastFuture(+this, output); } return locale3.postformat(output); } var abs$1 = Math.abs; function sign2(x) { return (x > 0) - (x < 0) || +x; } function toISOString$1() { if (!this.isValid()) { return this.localeData().invalidDate(); } var seconds2 = abs$1(this._milliseconds) / 1e3, days2 = abs$1(this._days), months2 = abs$1(this._months), minutes2, hours2, years2, s, total = this.asSeconds(), totalSign, ymSign, daysSign, hmsSign; if (!total) { return "P0D"; } minutes2 = absFloor(seconds2 / 60); hours2 = absFloor(minutes2 / 60); seconds2 %= 60; minutes2 %= 60; years2 = absFloor(months2 / 12); months2 %= 12; s = seconds2 ? seconds2.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, "") : ""; totalSign = total < 0 ? "-" : ""; ymSign = sign2(this._months) !== sign2(total) ? "-" : ""; daysSign = sign2(this._days) !== sign2(total) ? "-" : ""; hmsSign = sign2(this._milliseconds) !== sign2(total) ? "-" : ""; return totalSign + "P" + (years2 ? ymSign + years2 + "Y" : "") + (months2 ? ymSign + months2 + "M" : "") + (days2 ? daysSign + days2 + "D" : "") + (hours2 || minutes2 || seconds2 ? "T" : "") + (hours2 ? hmsSign + hours2 + "H" : "") + (minutes2 ? hmsSign + minutes2 + "M" : "") + (seconds2 ? hmsSign + s + "S" : ""); } var proto$2 = Duration.prototype; proto$2.isValid = isValid$1; proto$2.abs = abs; proto$2.add = add$1; proto$2.subtract = subtract$1; proto$ = as; proto$2.asMilliseconds = asMilliseconds; proto$2.asSeconds = asSeconds; proto$2.asMinutes = asMinutes; proto$2.asHours = asHours; proto$2.asDays = asDays; proto$2.asWeeks = asWeeks; proto$2.asMonths = asMonths; proto$2.asQuarters = asQuarters; proto$2.asYears = asYears; proto$2.valueOf = valueOf$1; proto$2._bubble = bubble; proto$2.clone = clone$1; proto$2.get = get$2; proto$2.milliseconds = milliseconds; proto$2.seconds = seconds; proto$2.minutes = minutes; proto$2.hours = hours; proto$2.days = days; proto$2.weeks = weeks; proto$2.months = months; proto$2.years = years; proto$2.humanize = humanize; proto$2.toISOString = toISOString$1; proto$2.toString = toISOString$1; proto$2.toJSON = toISOString$1; proto$2.locale = locale2; proto$2.localeData = localeData; proto$2.toIsoString = deprecate( "toIsoString() is deprecated. Please use toISOString() instead (notice the capitals)", toISOString$1 ); proto$2.lang = lang; addFormatToken("X", 0, 0, "unix"); addFormatToken("x", 0, 0, "valueOf"); addRegexToken("x", matchSigned); addRegexToken("X", matchTimestamp); addParseToken("X", function(input, array, config) { config._d = new Date(parseFloat(input) * 1e3); }); addParseToken("x", function(input, array, config) { config._d = new Date(toInt(input)); }); hooks.version = "2.29.4"; setHookCallback(createLocal); hooks.fn = proto; hooks.min = min; hooks.max = max; = now; hooks.utc = createUTC; hooks.unix = createUnix; hooks.months = listMonths; hooks.isDate = isDate; hooks.locale = getSetGlobalLocale; hooks.invalid = createInvalid; hooks.duration = createDuration; hooks.isMoment = isMoment; hooks.weekdays = listWeekdays; hooks.parseZone = createInZone; hooks.localeData = getLocale; hooks.isDuration = isDuration; hooks.monthsShort = listMonthsShort; hooks.weekdaysMin = listWeekdaysMin; hooks.defineLocale = defineLocale; hooks.updateLocale = updateLocale; hooks.locales = listLocales; hooks.weekdaysShort = listWeekdaysShort; hooks.normalizeUnits = normalizeUnits; hooks.relativeTimeRounding = getSetRelativeTimeRounding; hooks.relativeTimeThreshold = getSetRelativeTimeThreshold; hooks.calendarFormat = getCalendarFormat; hooks.prototype = proto; hooks.HTML5_FMT = { DATETIME_LOCAL: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm", // DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss", // DATETIME_LOCAL_MS: "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS", // DATE: "YYYY-MM-DD", // TIME: "HH:mm", // TIME_SECONDS: "HH:mm:ss", // TIME_MS: "HH:mm:ss.SSS", // WEEK: "GGGG-[W]WW", // MONTH: "YYYY-MM" // }; return hooks; }); } }); // src/main.ts var main_exports = {}; __export(main_exports, { default: () => SRPlugin }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(main_exports); var import_obsidian11 = require("obsidian"); var graph = __toESM(require_lib()); // src/settings.ts var import_obsidian2 = require("obsidian"); // src/lang/helpers.ts var import_obsidian = require("obsidian"); // src/lang/locale/af.ts var af_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/ar.ts var ar_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "\u0627\u0644\u0631\u064F\u0632\u0645\u064E\u0627\u062A", DUE_CARDS: "\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0645\u064F\u0633\u062A\u062D\u0642\u0629", NEW_CARDS: "\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u062C\u062F\u064A\u062F\u0629", TOTAL_CARDS: "\u0625\u062C\u0645\u0627\u0644\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", BACK: "\u0631\u062C\u0648\u0639", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "\u062A\u0639\u062F\u064A\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "\u0625\u0639\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u062A\u0639\u064A\u064A\u0646 \u062A\u0642\u062F\u0651\u064F\u0645\u0652 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629", HARD: "\u0635\u0639\u0628", GOOD: "\u062C\u064A\u062F", EASY: "\u0633\u0647\u0644", SHOW_ANSWER: "\u0623\u0638\u0647\u0650\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062C\u0627\u0628\u0629", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: ".\u062A\u0645\u0651\u064E\u062A \u0625\u0639\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u062A\u0639\u064A\u064A\u0646 \u062A\u0642\u062F\u0651\u064F\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629", SAVE: "\u062D\u0641\u0638", CANCEL: "\u0625\u0644\u063A\u0627\u0621", NO_INPUT: ".\u0644\u0645 \u064A\u062A\u0650\u0645 \u062A\u0642\u062F\u064A\u0645 \u0623\u064A \u0645\u064F\u062F\u062E\u0644\u0627\u062A", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: ":\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0629", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: ":\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A \u0627\u0644\u062D\u0627\u0644\u064A", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "${notePath} :\u062A\u0645 \u0625\u0646\u0634\u0627\u0624\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0646", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "\u0627\u0641\u062A\u062D \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629", REVIEW_CARDS: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629: \u0633\u0647\u0644", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629: \u062C\u064A\u062F", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629: \u0635\u0639\u0628", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0643\u0640 \u0633\u0647\u0644\u0629", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0643\u0640 \u062C\u064A\u062F\u0629", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0643\u0640 \u0635\u0639\u0628\u0629", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "\u062D\u062F\u062F \u0631\u064F\u0632\u0645\u064E\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u062D\u0634\u0631", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0645\u0646 \u062C\u0645\u064A\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0645\u0646 \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u0623\u062D\u0634\u0631 \u062C\u0645\u064A\u0639 \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0647\u0630\u0647 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629", VIEW_STATS: "\u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u062D\u0635\u0627\u0626\u064A\u0627\u062A", STATUS_BAR: "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062A\u062D\u0642\u0629 ${dueFlashcardsCount},\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A ${dueNotesCount}:\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "${t}ms \u0627\u0633\u062A\u063A\u0631\u0627\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0632\u0627\u0645\u0646\u0629", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: ".\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u064A\u062A\u0645 \u062D\u0641\u0638\u0647\u0627 \u0636\u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062C\u0644\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0630\u064A \u062A\u0645 \u062A\u062C\u0627\u0647\u0644\u0647 (\u062A\u062D\u0642\u0642 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0639\u062F\u0627\u062F\u0627\u062A)", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: ".\u064A\u0631\u062C\u0649 \u0648\u0636\u0639 \u0648\u0633\u0645 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0628\u0634\u0643\u0644 \u0645\u0646\u0627\u0633\u0628 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 (\u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0625\u0639\u062F\u0627\u062F\u0627\u062A)", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: ".\u0627\u0633\u062A\u064F\u0644\u0645\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0633\u062A\u062C\u0627\u0628\u0629", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "${deckName} \u0644\u0627 \u064A\u0648\u062C\u062F \u0631\u064F\u0632\u0645\u064E\u0629", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\u{1F606} \u0644\u0642\u062F \u062A\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0628\u0636 \u0639\u0644\u064A\u0643\u0645 \u062C\u0645\u064A\u0639\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u0622\u0646", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "\u064A\u0648\u0645/\u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645 ${interval}", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "\u0634\u0647\u0631/\u0623\u0634\u0647\u0631 ${interval}", YEARS_STR_IVL: "\u0633\u0646\u0629/\u0633\u0646\u0648\u0627\u062A ${interval}", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "\u064A${interval}", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "\u0634${interval}", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "\u0633${interval}", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Spaced Repetition Plugin - Settings", CHECK_WIKI: '.wiki \u0644\u0645\u0632\u064A\u062F \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0645\u0627\u062A \u060C \u062A\u062D\u0642\u0642 \u0645\u0646', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "\u0645\u062C\u0644\u062F\u0627\u062A \u0644\u062A\u062C\u0627\u0647\u0644\u0647\u0627", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "Templates Meta/Scripts : \u0623\u062F\u062E\u0644 \u0645\u0633\u0627\u0631\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062C\u0644\u062F \u0645\u0641\u0635\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0628\u0648\u0627\u0633\u0637\u0629 \u0633\u0637\u0648\u0631 \u062C\u062F\u064A\u062F\u0629,\u0645\u062B\u0627\u0644", FLASHCARDS: "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "\u0646\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0631 \u0633\u0647\u0644", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "\u0646\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0631 \u062C\u064A\u062F", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "\u0646\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0631 \u0635\u0639\u0628", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: '"\u062A\u062E\u0635\u064A\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0633\u0645\u064A\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0632\u0631 "\u0633\u0647\u0644', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: '"\u062A\u062E\u0635\u064A\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0633\u0645\u064A\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0632\u0631 "\u062C\u064A\u062F', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: '"\u062A\u062E\u0635\u064A\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0633\u0645\u064A\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0632\u0631 "\u0635\u0639\u0628', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "\u0648\u064F\u0633\u0648\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "#2\u0623\u062F\u062E\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u064F\u0633\u0648\u0645 \u0645\u0641\u0635\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0628\u0645\u0633\u0627\u0641\u0627\u062A \u0623\u0648 \u0623\u0633\u0637\u0631 \u062C\u062F\u064A\u062F\u0629 \u060C \u0623\u064A \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A# \u0631\u0632\u0645\u06293# \u0631\u0632\u0645\u0629", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\u062A\u062D\u0648\u064A\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062C\u0644\u062F\u0627\u062A \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0645\u0644\u0641\u0627\u062A \u0623\u0635\u0644\u064A\u0629 \u0648 \u0645\u0644\u0641\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0631\u0639\u064A\u0629\u061F", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: ".\u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0647\u0648 \u0628\u062F\u064A\u0644 \u0644\u062E\u064A\u0627\u0631 \u0648\u0633\u0648\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629 \u0623\u0639\u0644\u0627\u0647", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\u062D\u0641\u0638 \u062A\u0639\u0644\u064A\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u062F\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0637\u0631 \u0645\u062B\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0637\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062E\u064A\u0631 \u0644\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629 \u061F", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "\u0644\u0627 \u062A\u0643\u0633\u0631 \u062A\u0646\u0633\u064A\u0642 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 HTML \u0633\u064A\u0624\u062F\u064A \u062A\u0634\u063A\u064A\u0644 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u062C\u0639\u0644 \u062A\u0639\u0644\u064A\u0642\u0627\u062A", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "\u0623\u062E\u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u062D\u062A\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0627\u0644\u064A", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "cloze deletions : \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0634\u0642\u064A\u0642\u0629 \u0647\u064A \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u062A\u0645 \u0625\u0646\u0634\u0627\u0624\u0647\u0627 \u0645\u0646 \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0646\u0635 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629 \u0643\u0640", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\u0625\u0638\u0647\u0627\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u064A\u0627\u0642 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A\u061F", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "i.e. Title > Heading 1 > Subheading > ... > Subheading", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "\u0646\u0633\u0628\u0629 \u0627\u0631\u062A\u0641\u0627\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "\u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0636\u0628\u0637\u0647\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 100 \u066A \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0647\u0627\u062A\u0641 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062D\u0645\u0648\u0644 \u0623\u0648 \u0625\u0630\u0627 \u0643\u0627\u0646 \u0644\u062F\u064A\u0643 \u0635\u0648\u0631 \u0643\u0628\u064A\u0631\u0629 \u062C\u062F\u064B\u0627", RESET_DEFAULT: "\u0625\u0639\u0627\u062F\u0629 \u062A\u0639\u064A\u064A\u0646 \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0627\u0641\u062A\u0631\u0627\u0636\u064A", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\u0646\u0633\u0628\u0629 \u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\u062A\u0631\u062A\u064A\u0628 \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629 \u0639\u0634\u0648\u0627\u0626\u064A \u0623\u062B\u0646\u0627\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629\u061F", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\u061Fcloze \u062A\u0639\u0637\u064A\u0644 \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "Convert ==hightlights== to clozes?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "Convert **bolded text** to clozes?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "Convert {{curly brackets}} to clozes?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0623\u062C\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0636\u0645\u0646\u0629", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "\u0636\u0639 \u0641\u064A \u062D\u0633\u0627\u0628\u0643 \u0623\u0646\u0647 \u0628\u0639\u062F \u062A\u063A\u064A\u064A\u0631 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u060C \u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0639\u0644\u064A\u0643 \u062A\u0639\u062F\u064A\u0644 \u0623\u064A \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0644\u062F\u064A\u0643 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0639\u0644 \u064A\u062F\u0648\u064A\u064B\u0627", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0623\u062C\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0643\u0633\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0636\u0645\u0646\u0629", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0623\u062C\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u0639\u062F\u062F\u0629", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0645\u0646 \u0623\u062C\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0643\u0633\u064A\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u0639\u062F\u062F\u0629", NOTES: "\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "\u062A\u0645\u0643\u064A\u0646 \u062C\u0632\u0621 \u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0628\u062F\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0634\u063A\u064A\u0644", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "\u0648\u0633\u0648\u0645 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "#\u0623\u062F\u062E\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0648\u0633\u0648\u0645 \u0645\u0641\u0635\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0628\u0645\u0633\u0627\u0641\u0627\u062A \u0623\u0648 \u062E\u0637\u0648\u0637 \u062C\u062F\u064A\u062F\u0629 \u060C \u0623\u064A : \u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629# \u0648\u0633\u06452# \u0648\u0633\u06453", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "\u0627\u0641\u062A\u062D \u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0639\u0634\u0648\u0627\u0626\u064A\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "(Pagerank) \u0639\u0646\u062F \u062A\u0639\u0637\u064A\u0644 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062E\u064A\u0627\u0631 \u060C\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A \u0633\u064A\u062A\u0645 \u062A\u0631\u062A\u064A\u0628\u064F\u0647\u0627 \u062D\u0633\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0647\u0645\u064A\u0629", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "\u0627\u0641\u062A\u062D \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0629 \u062A\u0644\u0642\u0627\u0626\u064A\u064B\u0627 \u0628\u0639\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "\u062A\u0639\u0637\u064A\u0644 \u062E\u064A\u0627\u0631\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0641\u0627\u062A \u060C \u0623\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629:\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u0639\u0628 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u064A\u062F", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "\u0639\u0646\u062F \u062A\u063A\u064A\u064A\u0631 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062E\u064A\u0627\u0631 Obsidian \u0623\u0639\u062F \u062A\u0634\u063A\u064A\u0644 , command hotkeys. \u0628\u0639\u062F \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0639\u0637\u064A\u0644 \u060C \u064A\u0645\u0643\u0646\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0628\u0627\u0633\u062A\u062E\u062F\u0627\u0645", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0642\u0635\u0649 \u0644\u0639\u062F\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u064A \u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0639\u0631\u0636\u0647\u0627 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0644\u0648\u062D\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u064A\u0645\u0646\u0649", MIN_ONE_DAY: "\u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0623\u0646 \u064A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0639\u062F\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645 1 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0642\u0644", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "\u064A\u0631\u062C\u0649 \u062A\u0642\u062F\u064A\u0645 \u0631\u0642\u0645 \u0635\u0627\u0644\u062D", UI_PREFERENCES: "\u062A\u0641\u0636\u064A\u0644\u0627\u062A \u0648\u0627\u062C\u0647\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062A\u062E\u062F\u0645", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0623\u0646 \u064A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u062C\u0631\u064A \u0644\u0644\u0631\u064F\u0632\u0645 \u0645\u0648\u0633\u0639 \u0628\u062D\u064A\u062B \u062A\u0637\u0647\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0641\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0631\u0639\u064A\u0629 \u0643\u0644\u0647\u0627", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: " \u0639\u0637\u0644 \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062E\u064A\u0627\u0631 \u0644\u0637\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0631\u064F\u0632\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062A\u062F\u0627\u062E\u0644\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629 , \u0645\u0641\u064A\u062F \u0625\u0630\u0627 \u0643\u0627\u0646 \u0644\u062F\u064A\u0643 \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u062A\u0646\u062A\u0645\u064A \u0625\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0639\u062F\u064A\u062F \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u064F\u0632\u0645 \u0641\u064A \u0646\u0641\u0633 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0641", ALGORITHM: "\u062E\u0648\u0627\u0631\u0632\u0645\u064A\u0629", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: 'algorithm implementation :\u0644\u0645\u0632\u064A\u062F \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0645\u0627\u062A \u062A\u062D\u0642\u0642 \u0645\u0646', BASE_EASE: "\u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0627\u0639\u062F\u0629", BASE_EASE_DESC: "\u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062F\u0646\u0649 = 130 \u060C \u0648\u064A\u0641\u0636\u0644 \u062D\u0648\u0627\u0644\u064A 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "\u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0623\u0646 \u062A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0627\u0639\u062F\u0629 130 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0642\u0644.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "\u0627\u0644\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A \u064A\u062A\u063A\u064A\u0631 \u0639\u0646\u062F \u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629 \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629/\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 \u0635\u0639\u0628\u0629", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "newInterval = oldInterval * intervalChange / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "\u0645\u0643\u0627\u0641\u0623\u0629 \u0633\u0647\u0644\u0629", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "\u062A\u062A\u064A\u062D \u0644\u0643 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0643\u0627\u0641\u0623\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0644\u0629 \u0636\u0628\u0637 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0631\u0642 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0648\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A\u0629 \u0628\u064A\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0631\u062F \u0627\u0644\u062C\u064A\u062F \u0648\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0644 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0629/\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0629 (\u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062F\u0646\u0649 = 100 \u066A).", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "\u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0623\u0646 \u062A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0643\u0627\u0641\u0623\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0644\u0629 100 \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0642\u0644.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "\u064A\u062A\u064A\u062D \u0644\u0643 \u0648\u0636\u0639 \u062D\u062F \u0623\u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0644\u0644\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A (\u0627\u0641\u062A\u0631\u0627\u0636\u064A = 100 \u0639\u0627\u0645).", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "\u064A\u062C\u0628 \u0623\u0646 \u064A\u0643\u0648\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u062D\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0642\u0635\u0649 \u0644\u0644\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A \u0644\u0645\u062F\u0629 \u064A\u0648\u0645 \u0648\u0627\u062D\u062F \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0642\u0644.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "\u0623\u0642\u0635\u0649 \u0645\u0633\u0627\u0647\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0631\u062A\u0628\u0627\u0637", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "\u0623\u0642\u0635\u0649 \u0645\u0633\u0627\u0647\u0645\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u062C\u062D\u0629 \u0644\u0644\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u062A\u0628\u0637\u0629 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u0648\u0644\u064A\u0629.", LOGGING: "\u062A\u0633\u062C\u064A\u0644", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0645\u0639\u0644\u0648\u0645\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0635\u062D\u064A\u062D \u0639\u0644\u0649 \u0648\u062D\u062F\u0629 \u062A\u062D\u0643\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0637\u0648\u0631\u061F", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u0645\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638\u0627\u062A \u0642\u0627\u0626\u0645\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0629", CLOSE: "\u0623\u063A\u0644\u0642", NEW: "\u062C\u062F\u064A\u062F", YESTERDAY: "\u0627\u0644\u0628\u0627\u0631\u062D\u0629", TODAY: "\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645", TOMORROW: "\u0627\u0644\u063A\u062F", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "\u0625\u062D\u0635\u0627\u0626\u064A\u0627\u062A", MONTH: "\u0634\u0647\u0631", QUARTER: "\u0631\u0628\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0646\u0629", YEAR: "\u0633\u0646\u0629", LIFETIME: "", FORECAST: "", FORECAST_DESC: "\u0639\u062F\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062A\u062D\u0642\u0629 \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0633\u062A\u0642\u0628\u0644", SCHEDULED: "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0642\u0631\u0631", DAYS: "\u0623\u064A\u0627\u0645", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "\u0639\u062F\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "\u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0627\u062A/\u0627\u0644\u064A\u0648\u0645 ${avg} :\u0645\u062A\u0648\u0633\u0637", INTERVALS: "\u0641\u0648\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A\u0629", INTERVALS_DESC: "\u0627\u0644\u062A\u0623\u062E\u064A\u0631 \u062D\u062A\u0649 \u064A\u062A\u0645 \u0639\u0631\u0636 \u0627\u0644\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062C\u0639\u0627\u062A \u0645\u0631\u0629 \u0623\u062E\u0631\u0649", COUNT: "\u0639\u062F\u062F", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "${longest} : \u0623\u0637\u0648\u0644 \u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A ,${avg} :\u0645\u062A\u0648\u0633\u0637 \u0627\u0644\u0641\u0627\u0635\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0632\u0645\u0646\u064A", EASES: "\u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629", EASES_SUMMARY: "${avgEase} :\u0645\u062A\u0648\u0633\u0637 \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0647\u0648\u0644\u0629", CARD_TYPES: "\u0623\u0646\u0648\u0627\u0639 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "\u0648\u0647\u0630\u0627 \u064A\u0634\u0645\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A \u0627\u0644\u0645\u062E\u0641\u064A\u0629 \u0643\u0630\u0644\u0643 \u060C \u0625\u0646 \u0648\u062C\u062F\u062A", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "\u062C\u062F\u064A\u062F\u0629", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "\u0635\u063A\u064A\u0631\u0629", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "\u0646\u0627\u0636\u062C\u0629", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: " ${totalCardsCount} :\u0625\u062C\u0645\u0627\u0644\u064A \u0639\u062F\u062F \u0627\u0644\u0628\u0637\u0627\u0642\u0627\u062A" }; // src/lang/locale/cz.ts var cz_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "Bal\xED\u010Dky", DUE_CARDS: "Karti\u010Dky po term\xEDnu", NEW_CARDS: "Nov\xE9 karti\u010Dky", TOTAL_CARDS: "Karti\u010Dek celkem", BACK: "Back", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "Edit Card", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "Vynulovat pokrok karti\u010Dky", HARD: "Te\u017Ek\xE9", GOOD: "Dobr\xE9", EASY: "Jednoduch\xE9", SHOW_ANSWER: "Uk\xE1zat odpov\u011B\u010F", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "Pokrok karti\u010Dky byl vynulov\xE1n.", SAVE: "Save", CANCEL: "Cancel", NO_INPUT: "No input provided.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Current Ease: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Current Interval: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generated from: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "Otev\u0159\xEDt pozn\xE1mku k revizi", REVIEW_CARDS: "Pozn\xE1mek k revizi", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "Revize: Jednoduch\xE9", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "Revize: Dobr\xE9", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "Revize: T\u011B\u017Ek\xE9", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "Ozna\u010Dit pozn\xE1mku jako jednoduchou", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "Ozna\u010Dit pozn\xE1mku jako dobrou", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "Ozna\u010Dit pozn\xE1mku jako te\u017Ekou", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "Revidovat karti\u010Dky ve v\u0161ech pozn\xE1mk\xE1ch", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Select a deck to cram", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Revidovat karti\u010Dky v t\xE9to pozn\xE1mce.", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Cram karti\u010Dky v t\xE9to pozn\xE1mce.", VIEW_STATS: "Uk\xE1zat statistiky", STATUS_BAR: "Revize: ${dueNotesCount} pozn\xE1mek, ${dueFlashcardsCount} karti\u010Dek po term\xEDnu", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "Synchronizace trvala ${t}ms", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "Pozn\xE1mka je ulo\u017Eena v ignorovan\xE9 slo\u017Ece (zkontrolujte nastaven\xED).", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "Pros\xEDm ozna\u010Dne pozn\xE1mku odpov\xEDdaj\xEDc\xEDm tagem pro revizi (v nastaven\xED).", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "Odpov\u011B\u010F p\u0159ijata.", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "Neexistuje \u017E\xE1dn\xFD bal\xED\u010Dek pro ${deckName}", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "V\u0161e zrevidov\xE1no", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} den/dn\xED", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} m\u011Bs\xEDc(\u016F)", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} rok(\u016F)", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}r", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Spaced Repetition Plugin - Nastaven\xED", CHECK_WIKI: 'Pro v\xEDce informac\xED jd\u011Bte na wiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "Ignorovan\xE9 slo\u017Eky", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "Zadejte cesty ke slo\u017Ek\xE1m odd\u011Blen\xE9 od\u0159\xE1dkov\xE1n\xEDm nap\u0159\xEDkad. \u0160ablony Meta/Scripts", FLASHCARDS: "Karti\u010Dky", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Easy Button Text", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Good Button Text", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Hard Button Text", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Easy" Button', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Good" Button', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Hard" Button', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "Tag pro karti\u010Dky", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "Zadete tagy ood\u011Blen\xE9 mezerou nebo od\u0159\xE1dkov\xE1n\xEDm nap\u0159\xEDklad. #karti\u010Dky #bal\xED\u010Dke2 #bal\xED\u010Dek3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "P\u0159ev\xE9st slo\u017Eky na bal\xED\u010Dky a podbal\xED\u010Dky?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "Toto je alternativa k tag\u016Fm karti\u010Dek viz nastaven\xED v\xFD\u0161e.", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "Ulo\u017Eit pl\xE1novac\xED koment\xE1\u0159 na stejn\xFD \u0159\xE1dek jako posledn\xED polo\u017Eka karti\u010Dky?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "Zapnut\xED t\xE9to volby zp\u016Fsob\xED, \u017Ee HTML koment\xE1\u0159e nebudou rozb\xEDjet form\xE1tov\xE1n\xED list\u016F.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "Odlo\u017Eit p\u0159\xEDbuzn\xE9 karti\u010Dky na dal\u0161\xED den?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "P\u0159\xEDbuzn\xE9 karti\u010Dky jsou karti\u010Dky generovan\xE9 z textu stejn\xE9 pozn\xE1mky nap\u0159\xEDklad cloze smaz\xE1n\xED", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "Uk\xE1zat kontext v karti\u010Dce?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "nap\u0159\xEDklad Titulek > Nadpis1 > Podnadpis > ... > Podnadpis", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "V\xFD\u0161ka karti\u010Dek v procentech", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "M\u011Blo by b\xFDt nastaveno na 100% na mobilu nebo kdy\u017E pou\u017E\xEDv\xE1te velk\xE9 obr\xE1zky", RESET_DEFAULT: "Resetovat v\xFDchoz\xED nastaven\xED", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\u0160\xED\u0159ka karti\u010Dek v procentech", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "N\xE1hodn\u011B zm\u011Bnit po\u0159ad\xED karti\u010Dek b\u011Bhem revize?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "Vypnout cloze karti\u010Dky?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "P\u0159ev\xE9st ==zv\xFDrazn\u011Bn\xED== na clozes?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "P\u0159ev\xE9st **tu\u010Dn\xFD text** na clozes?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "P\u0159ev\xE9st {{slo\u017Een\xE9 z\xE1vorky}} na clozes?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Odd\u011Blova\u010D pro inline karti\u010Dky", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "Pozor. Jakmile toto zm\u011Bn\xEDte, budete muset ru\u010Dn\u011B upravit v\u0161echny existuj\xEDc\xED karti\u010Dky.", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Odd\u011Blova\u010D pro oto\u010Den\xE9 inline karti\u010Dky", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Odd\u011Blova\u010D pro v\xEDce\u0159\xE1dkov\xE9 karti\u010Dky", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Odd\u011Blova\u010D pro v\xEDce\u0159\xE1dkove oto\u010Den\xE9 karti\u010Dky", NOTES: "Pozn\xE1mky", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Enable note review pane on startup", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "Tag pro revizi", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "Zadejte tagy odd\u011Blen\xE9 mezerami nebo od\u0159\xE1dkov\xE1n\xEDm nap\u0159\xEDklad #review #tag2 #tag3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "Otev\u0159\xEDt n\xE1hodnou pozn\xE1mku pro revizi", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "Pokud toto vypnete, pozn\xE1mky budou \u0159azeny dle d\u016Fle\u017Eitosti (PageRank).", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "Otev\u0159\xEDt automaticky dal\u0161\xED pozn\xE1mku po dokon\u010Den\xED revize", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "Vypnout volby revize v menu souboru nap\u0159\xEDklad 'Revize: Jednoduch\xE9'", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "Po vypnut\xED m\u016F\u017Eete pou\u017E\xEDvat kl\xE1vesov\xE9 zkratky. Restartujte Obsidian po zm\u011Bn\u011B nastaven\xED.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Maxim\xE1ln\xED po\u010Det dn\xED zobrazen\xFDch v prav\xE9m panelu", MIN_ONE_DAY: "Po\u010Det dn\xED mus\xED b\xFDt minim\xE1ln\u011B 1.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "Pros\xEDm zadejte validn\xED \u010D\xEDslo.", UI_PREFERENCES: "P\u0159edvolby u\u017Eivatelsk\xE9ho rozhran\xED", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "Stromy bal\xED\u010Dky by m\u011Bly b\xFDt zpo\u010D\xE1tku zobrazeny jako rozbalen\xE9", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "Vypn\u011Bte toto, chcete-li sbalit vno\u0159en\xE9 bal\xED\u010Dky na stejn\xE9 kart\u011B. To je u\u017Eite\u010Dn\xE9, pokud m\xE1te karti\u010Dky, kter\xE9 pat\u0159\xED k mnoha bal\xED\u010Dk\u016Fm ve stejn\xE9m souboru.", ALGORITHM: "Algoritmus", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: 'Pro v\xEDce informac\xED jd\u011Bte na popis algoritmu.', BASE_EASE: "Z\xE1kladn\xED slo\u017Eitost", BASE_EASE_DESC: "minimum = 130, nejl\xE9pe p\u0159ibli\u017En\u011B 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "Z\xE1kladn\xED slo\u017Eitost mus\xED b\xFDt minim\xE1ln\u011B 130.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "Zm\u011Bna intervalu pokud karti\u010Dku/pozn\xE1mku ozna\u010D\xEDte jako slo\u017Eitou", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "nov\xFD_inteval = star\xFD_interval * zm\u011Bna_intevalu / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "Bonus pro jednoduch\xE9", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "Tento bonus umo\u017E\u0148uje nastavit rozd\xEDl intervalu mezi jednoduch\xFDmi a dobr\xFDmi karti\u010Dkami/pozn\xE1mkami (minimum = 100%).", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "Bonus pro jednoduchost mus\xED b\xFDt minim\xE1ln\u011B 100.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "Umo\u017E\u0148uje nastavit horn\xED limit pro interval (defaultn\u011B = 100 let).", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "Maxim\xE1ln\xED interval mus\xED b\xFDt alespo\u0148 1 den.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "Maxim\xE1ln\xED p\u0159\xEDsp\u011Bv\u011Bk prolinkov\xE1n\xED", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "Maxim\xE1ln\xED p\u0159\xEDsp\u011Bvek v\xE1\u017Een\xE9 slo\u017Eitosti prolinkovan\xFDch pozn\xE1mek pou\u017Eit\xFD pro ur\u010Den\xED po\u010D\xE1te\u010Dn\xED slo\u017Eitosti.", LOGGING: "Zaznamen\xE1v\xE1m", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "Zobrazit informace pro lad\u011Bn\xED na v\xFDvoj\xE1\u0159sk\xE9 konzoli?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Fronta pozn\xE1mek k revizi", CLOSE: "Uzav\u0159en\xE9", NEW: "Nov\xE9", YESTERDAY: "V\u010Dera", TODAY: "Dnes", TOMORROW: "Z\xEDtra", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "Statistiky", MONTH: "M\u011Bs\xEDc", QUARTER: "\u010Ctvrtlet\xED", YEAR: "Rok", LIFETIME: "Celkov\u011B", FORECAST: "P\u0159edpov\u011B\u010F", FORECAST_DESC: "Celkov\xFD po\u010Det karti\u010Dek, kter\xFDm vypr\u0161\xED term\xEDn", SCHEDULED: "Napl\xE1nov\xE1no", DAYS: "Dn\xED", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "Po\u010Det karti\u010Dek", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "Pr\u016Fm\u011Br: ${avg} revize/den", INTERVALS: "Intervaly", INTERVALS_DESC: "Doba, za kterou bude znovu zobrazeno k revize", COUNT: "Po\u010Det", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\xFD interval: ${avg}, Nejdel\u0161\xED interval: ${longest}", EASES: "Slo\u017Eitost", EASES_SUMMARY: "Pr\u016Fm\u011Brn\xE1 slo\u017Eitost: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "Typy karti\u010Dek", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "Obsahuje i odlo\u017Een\xE9 karti\u010Dky (pokud existuj\xED)", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "Nov\xE1", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "Mlad\xE1", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "Dosp\u011Bl\xE1", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "Karti\u010Dek celkem: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/bn.ts var bn_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/da.ts var da_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/de.ts var de_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "Stapel", DUE_CARDS: "Anstehende Karten", NEW_CARDS: "Neue Karten", TOTAL_CARDS: "Alle Karten", BACK: "Back", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "Edit Card", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "Kartenfortschritt zur\xFCcksetzten", HARD: "Schwer", GOOD: "Gut", EASY: "Einfach", SHOW_ANSWER: "Zeige Antwort", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "Kartenfortschritt wurde zur\xFCckgesetzt.", SAVE: "Save", CANCEL: "Cancel", NO_INPUT: "No input provided.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Current Ease: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Current Interval: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generated from: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "Notiz zur Wiederholung \xF6ffnen", REVIEW_CARDS: "Lernkarten wiederholen", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "Notiz abschliessen als: Einfach", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "Notiz abschliessen als: Gut", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "Notiz abschliessen als: Schwer", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "Notiz abschliessen als: Einfach", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "Notiz abschliessen als: Gut", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "Notiz abschliessen als: Schwer", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "Alle Lernkarten wiederholen", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Select a deck to cram", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Lernkarten in dieser Notiz wiederholen", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Lernkarten in dieser Notiz pauken.", VIEW_STATS: "Statistiken anzeigen", STATUS_BAR: "Wiederholung: ${dueNotesCount} Notiz(en), ${dueFlashcardsCount} Karte(n) anstehend", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "Sync dauerte ${t}ms", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "Notiz befindet sich in einem ausgeschlossenen Ordner (siehe Einstellungen).", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "Bitte die Notiz f\xFCr Wiederholungen entsprechend taggen (siehe Einstellungen).", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "Antwort erhalten.", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "Kein Stapel f\xFCr ${deckName} gefunden.", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "Yuhu! Alles geschafft! :D.", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} Tag(e)", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} Monat(e)", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} Jahr(e)", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}y", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Spaced Repetition Plugin - Einstellungen", CHECK_WIKI: 'Weitere Informationen gibt es im Wiki (english).', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "Ausgeschlossene Ordner", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "Mehrere Ordner mit Zeilenumbr\xFCchen getrennt angeben. Bsp. OrdnerA[Zeilenumbruch]OrdnerB/Unterordner", FLASHCARDS: "Lernkarten", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Easy Button Text", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Good Button Text", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Hard Button Text", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Easy" Button', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Good" Button', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Hard" Button', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "Lernkarten Tags", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "Mehrere Tags mit Leerzeichen oder Zeilenumbr\xFCchen getrennt angeben. Bsp. #karte #stapel2 #stapel3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "Ordner in Stapel und Substapel umwandeln?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: 'Eine Alternative zur oberen "Lernkarten Tags" Option.', INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "Den Fortschritt in der gleichen Zeile wie die letzte Zeile einer Lernkartei speichern?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "Wenn aktiviert, wird der HTML Kommentar die umgebende Liste nicht aufbrechen.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "Verwandte Karten auf den n\xE4chsten Tag verlegen?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "Verwandte Karten sind aus der gleichen Karte generiert worden (z.B. L\xFCckentextkarten oder beidseitige Karten).", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "Kontext in den Karten anzeigen?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "Bsp. Titel > \xDCberschrift 1 > Sektion > ... > Untersektion", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "H\xF6he der Lernkartei in Prozent", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "Auf kleinen Bildschirmen (z.B. Smartphones) oder bei sehr grossen Bildern sollte dieser Wert auf 100% gesetzt werden.", RESET_DEFAULT: "Standardeinstellung wiederherstellen", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "Breite einer Lernkarte in Prozent", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "W\xE4hrend der Wiederhoung die Reihenfolge zuf\xE4llig mischen?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "L\xFCckentextkarten (cloze deletions) deaktivieren?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "==Hervorgehobenen== Text in L\xFCckentextkarten umwandeln?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "**Fettgedruckten** Text in L\xFCckentextkarten umwandeln?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "{{Geschweifte Klammern}} Text in L\xFCckentextkarten umwandeln?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Trennzeichen f\xFCr einzeilige Lernkarten", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "Wenn diese Einstellung ge\xE4ndert wird, dann m\xFCssen die entsprechenden Lernkarten manuell angepasst werden.", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Trennzeichen f\xFCr einzeilige beidseitige Lernkarten", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Trennzeichen f\xFCr mehrzeilige Lernkarten", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Trennzeichen f\xFCr mehrzeilige beidseitige Lernkarten", NOTES: "Notizen", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Enable note review pane on startup", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "Zu wiederholende Tags", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "Mehrere Tags k\xF6nnen mit Leerzeichen oder Zeilenumbr\xFCchen getrennt angegeben werden. Bsp. #karte #tag1 #tag2.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "Zuf\xE4llige Karten wiederholen", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "Wenn dies deaktiviert wird, dann werden die Notizen nach Wichtigkeit wiederholt (PageRank).", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "Nach einer Wiederholung automatisch die n\xE4chste Karte \xF6ffnen", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "Optionen zur Wiederholung im Men\xFC einer Datei deaktivieren. Bsp. Wiederholen: Einfach Gut Schwer", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "Nach dem Deaktivieren k\xF6nnen die Tastenk\xFCrzel zur Wiederholung verwendet werden. Obsidian muss nach einer \xC4nderung neu geladen weren.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Maximale Anzahl anstehender Notizen, die im rechten Fensterbereich angezeigt werden", MIN_ONE_DAY: "Anzahl der Tage muss mindestens 1 sein.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "Bitte eine g\xFCltige Zahl eingeben.", UI_PREFERENCES: "Einstellungen der Benutzeroberfl\xE4che", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "Deckb\xE4ume sollten anf\xE4nglich erweitert angezeigt werden", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "Deaktivieren Sie dies, um verschachtelte Decks in derselben Karte zu reduzieren. N\xFCtzlich, wenn Sie Karten haben, die zu vielen Decks in derselben Datei geh\xF6ren.", ALGORITHM: "Algorithmus", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: 'Weiterf\xFChrende Informationen: Implementierung des Algorithmus (english).', BASE_EASE: "Basis der Einfachheit", BASE_EASE_DESC: "Minimum ist 130. Empfohlen wird ca. 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "Basis der Einfachheit muss mindestens 130 sein.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "Anpassungsfaktor des Intervalls wenn eine Notiz / Karte 'Schwer' abgeschlossen wird", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "neuesIntervall = altesIntervall * anpassungsfaktor / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "Einfachheit-Bonus", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "Der Einfachheit-Bonus gibt an um welchen Faktor (in Prozent) das Intervall l\xE4nger sein soll, wenn eine Notiz / Karte 'Einfach' statt 'Gut' abgeschlossen wird. Minimum ist 100%.", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "Der Einfachheit-Bonus muss mindestens 100 sein.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "Das maximale Intervall (in Tagen) f\xFCr Wiederholungen. Standard sind 100 Jahre.", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "Das maximale Interall muss mindestens ein Tag sein.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "Maximaler Einfluss von Links", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "Maximaler Einfluss der Einfachheiten verlinkter Notizen zur gewichteten initialen Einfachheit einer neuen Lernkarte.", LOGGING: "Logging", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "Informationen zum Debugging in der Entwicklerkonsole anzeigen?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Anstehende Notizen zur Wiederholung", CLOSE: "Schliessen", NEW: "Neu", YESTERDAY: "Gestern", TODAY: "Heute", TOMORROW: "Morgen", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "Statistiken", MONTH: "Month", QUARTER: "Quarter", YEAR: "Year", LIFETIME: "Lifetime", FORECAST: "Prognose", FORECAST_DESC: "Anzahl der k\xFCnftig anstehenden Karten", SCHEDULED: "Anstehend", DAYS: "Tage", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "Anzahl der Karten", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "Durchschnitt: ${avg} Wiederholungen/Tag", INTERVALS: "Intervalle", INTERVALS_DESC: "Intervalle bis Wiederholungen anstehen", COUNT: "Anzahl", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "Durchschnittliches Intervall: ${avg}, L\xE4ngstes Intervall: ${longest}", EASES: "Einfachheit", EASES_SUMMARY: "Durchschnittliche Einfachheit: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "Kategorisierung", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "Verlegte Karten eingeschlossen", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "Neu", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "Jung", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "Ausgereift", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "Insgesamt ${totalCardsCount} Karten" }; // src/lang/locale/en.ts var en_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "Decks", DUE_CARDS: "Due Cards", NEW_CARDS: "New Cards", TOTAL_CARDS: "Total Cards", BACK: "Back", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "Edit Card", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "Reset card's progress", HARD: "Hard", GOOD: "Good", EASY: "Easy", SHOW_ANSWER: "Show Answer", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "Card's progress has been reset.", SAVE: "Save", CANCEL: "Cancel", NO_INPUT: "No input provided.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Current Ease: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Current Interval: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generated from: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "Open a note for review", REVIEW_CARDS: "Review flashcards", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "Review: Easy", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "Review: Good", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "Review: Hard", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "Review note as easy", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "Review note as good", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "Review note as hard", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Select a deck to cram", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "Review flashcards from all notes", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Review flashcards in this note", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Cram flashcards in this note", VIEW_STATS: "View statistics", STATUS_BAR: "Review: ${dueNotesCount} note(s), ${dueFlashcardsCount} card(s) due", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "Sync took ${t}ms", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "Note is saved under ignored folder (check settings).", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "Please tag the note appropriately for reviewing (in settings).", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "Response received.", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "No deck exists for ${deckName}", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "You're all caught up now :D.", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} day(s)", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} month(s)", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} year(s)", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}y", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Spaced Repetition Plugin - Settings", CHECK_WIKI: 'For more information, check the wiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "Folders to ignore", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "Enter folder paths separated by newlines i.e. Templates Meta/Scripts", FLASHCARDS: "Flashcards", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Easy Button Text", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Good Button Text", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Hard Button Text", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Easy" Button', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Good" Button', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Hard" Button', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "Flashcard tags", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "Enter tags separated by spaces or newlines i.e. #flashcards #deck2 #deck3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "Convert folders to decks and subdecks?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "This is an alternative to the Flashcard tags option above.", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "Save scheduling comment on the same line as the flashcard's last line?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "Turning this on will make the HTML comments not break list formatting.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "Bury sibling cards until the next day?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "Siblings are cards generated from the same card text i.e. cloze deletions", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "Show context in cards?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "i.e. Title > Heading 1 > Subheading > ... > Subheading", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "Flashcard Height Percentage", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "Should be set to 100% on mobile or if you have very large images", RESET_DEFAULT: "Reset to default", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "Flashcard Width Percentage", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "Randomize card order during review?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "Disable cloze cards?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "Convert ==hightlights== to clozes?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "Convert **bolded text** to clozes?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "Convert {{curly brackets}} to clozes?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separator for inline flashcards", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "Note that after changing this you have to manually edit any flashcards you already have.", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separator for inline reversed flashcards", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separator for multiline flashcards", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separator for multiline reversed flashcards", NOTES: "Notes", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Enable note review pane on startup", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "Tags to review", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "Enter tags separated by spaces or newlines i.e. #review #tag2 #tag3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "Open a random note for review", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "When you turn this off, notes are ordered by importance (PageRank).", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "Open next note automatically after a review", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "Disable review options in the file menu i.e. Review: Easy Good Hard", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "After disabling, you can review using the command hotkeys. Reload Obsidian after changing this.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Maximum number of days to display on right panel", MIN_ONE_DAY: "The number of days must be at least 1.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "Please provide a valid number.", UI_PREFERENCES: "UI Preferences", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "Deck trees should be initially displayed as expanded", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "Turn this off to collapse nested decks in the same card. Useful if you have cards which belong to many decks in the same file.", ALGORITHM: "Algorithm", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: 'For more information, check the algorithm implementation.', BASE_EASE: "Base ease", BASE_EASE_DESC: "minimum = 130, preferrably approximately 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "The base ease must be at least 130.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "Interval change when you review a flashcard/note as hard", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "newInterval = oldInterval * intervalChange / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "Easy Bonus", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "The easy bonus allows you to set the difference in intervals between answering Good and Easy on a flashcard/note (minimum = 100%).", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "The easy bonus must be at least 100.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "Allows you to place an upper limit on the interval (default = 100 years).", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "The maximum interval must be at least 1 day.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "Maximum link contribution", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "Maximum contribution of the weighted ease of linked notes to the initial ease.", LOGGING: "Logging", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "Display debugging information on the developer console?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Notes Review Queue", CLOSE: "Close", NEW: "New", YESTERDAY: "Yesterday", TODAY: "Today", TOMORROW: "Tomorrow", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "Statistics", MONTH: "Month", QUARTER: "Quarter", YEAR: "Year", LIFETIME: "Lifetime", FORECAST: "Forecast", FORECAST_DESC: "The number of cards due in the future", SCHEDULED: "Scheduled", DAYS: "Days", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "Number of cards", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "Average: ${avg} reviews/day", INTERVALS: "Intervals", INTERVALS_DESC: "Delays until reviews are shown again", COUNT: "Count", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "Average interval: ${avg}, Longest interval: ${longest}", EASES: "Eases", EASES_SUMMARY: "Average ease: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "Card Types", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "This includes buried cards as well, if any", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "New", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "Young", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "Mature", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "Total cards: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/en-gb.ts var en_gb_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/es.ts var es_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "Mazos", DUE_CARDS: "Tarjetas Vencidas", NEW_CARDS: "Tarjetas Nuevas", TOTAL_CARDS: "Tarjetas Totales", BACK: "Atr\xE1s", SKIP: "Saltar", EDIT_CARD: "Editar Tarjeta", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "Reiniciar progreso de la tarjeta", HARD: "Dif\xEDcil", GOOD: "Bien", EASY: "F\xE1cil", SHOW_ANSWER: "Mostrar Respuesta", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "El progreso de la tarjeta se ha reiniciado.", SAVE: "Guardar", CANCEL: "Cancelar", NO_INPUT: "Se ha prove\xEDdo entrada.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Facilidad Actual: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Intervalo Actual: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generado Desde: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "Abrir nota para revisi\xF3n", REVIEW_CARDS: "Revisar Tarjetas", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "Revisar: F\xE1cil", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "Revisar: Bien", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "Revisar: Dif\xEDcil", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "Revisar nota como f\xE1cil", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "Revisar nota como bien", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "Revisar nota como dif\xEDcil", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Selecciona un mazo a memorizar", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "Revisar tarjetas de todas las notas", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Revisar tarjetas en esta nota", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Memorizar tarjetas en esta nota", VIEW_STATS: "Ver estad\xEDsticas", STATUS_BAR: "Revisar: ${dueNotesCount} nota(s), ${dueFlashcardsCount} tarjetas vencidas", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "La sincronizaci\xF3n tom\xF3 ${t} milisegundos", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "La nota est\xE1 guardada en un directorio ignorado (revisa los ajustes).", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "Por favor etiquete apropiadamente la nota para revisi\xF3n (en los ajustes).", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "Respuesta Recibida", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "No existen mazos para: ${deckName}", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\xA1Est\xE1s al d\xEDa! \u{1F603}", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} d\xEDa(s)", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} mes(es)", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} a\xF1o(s)", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}a", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Extensi\xF3n de Repetici\xF3n Espaciada - Ajustes", CHECK_WIKI: 'Para m\xE1s informaci\xF3n revisa la wiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "Directorios a ignorar", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "Escriba las rutas de los directorios separadas por saltos de l\xEDnea, por ejemplo, Plantillas Extra/Guiones", FLASHCARDS: "Tarjetas de Memorizaci\xF3n", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Texto del bot\xF3n: F\xE1cil", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Texto del bot\xF3n: Bien", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Texto del bot\xF3n: Dif\xEDcil", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: "Personalize la etiqueta para el bot\xF3n: F\xE1cil", FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: "Personalize la etiqueta para el bot\xF3n: Bien", FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: "Personalize la etiqueta para el bot\xF3n: Dif\xEDcil", FLASHCARD_TAGS: "Etiquetas de las Tarjetas de Memorizaci\xF3n", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "Escriba las etiquetas separadas por espacios o saltos de l\xEDnea, por ejemplo, #memorizar #mazo2 #mazo3", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\xBFConvertir directorios a mazos y submazos?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "Esta es una opci\xF3n alternativa a las etiquetas de las Tarjetas de Memorizaci\xF3n.", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\xBFGuardar el comentario para programaci\xF3n de las tarjetas en la \xFAltima l\xEDnea?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "Activar esto har\xE1 que los comentarios HTML no rompan el formato de las listas.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "\xBFEnterrar tarjetas hermanas hasta el siguiente d\xEDa?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "Los hermanos son tarjetas generadas del mismo texto de la tarjeta, por ejemplo, deletreos de huecos (cloze deletions en ingl\xE9s)", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\xBFMostrar contexto en las tarjetas?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "Por Ejemplo: T\xEDtulo > Cabecera > Sub-Cabecera > ... > Sub-Cabecera", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "Porcentaje de la altura de las tarjetas de memoria", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "Deber\xEDa ser establecido en 100% si tienes im\xE1genes grandes", RESET_DEFAULT: "Reiniciar a la configuraci\xF3n por defecto", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "Porcentaje del ancho de las tarjetas de memoria", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\xBFAleatorizar el orden de las tarjetas para revisi\xF3n?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\xBFDeshabilitar deletreo de huecos en las tarjetas?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "\xBFConvertir ==resaltados== a deletreo de huecos?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "\xBFConvertir **texto en negrita** a deletreo de huecos?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "\xBFConvertir {{llaves rizadas}} a deletreo de huecos?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador de tarjetas de memorizaci\xF3n en l\xEDnea", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "Note que despu\xE9s de cambiar este ajuste, tendr\xE1 que cambiar manualmente todas las notas que tenga.", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador de tarjetas de memorizaci\xF3n para tarjetas de notas invertidas", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador para tarjetas de memorizaci\xF3n multil\xEDnea", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador para tarjetas de memorizaci\xF3n multil\xEDnea invertidas", NOTES: "Notes", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Activar panel de revisi\xF3n de notas al arrancar", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "Etiquetas a revisar", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "Escriba las etiquetas separadas por espacios o saltos de l\xEDneas, por ejemplo, #revisi\xF3n #etiqueta2 #etiqueta3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "Abrir una nota al azar para revisar", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "Cuando deshabilita esto, las notas son ordenadas por importancia (Algoritmo PageRank).", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "Abrir la siguiente nota autom\xE1ticamente despu\xE9s de una revisi\xF3n", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "Deshabilitar opciones de revisi\xF3n en el men\xFA de archivo, por ejemplo, Revisi\xF3n: F\xE1cil Bien Dif\xEDcil", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "Despu\xE9s de deshabilitarlo, puede hacer las revisiones utilizando atajos de teclado. Reinicie Obsidian despu\xE9s de cambiar esto.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "N\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de d\xEDas a mostrar en el panel derecho.", MIN_ONE_DAY: "El n\xFAmero de d\xEDas debe ser al menos uno.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "Por favor especifique un n\xFAmero v\xE1lido.", UI_PREFERENCES: "Preferencias de la interfaz de usuario.", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "Los \xE1rboles de mazos deber\xEDan ser expandidos al inicio.", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "Desactiva esto para contraer mazos anidados en la misma tarjeta. \xDAtil si tienes tarjetas que pertenecen a muchos mazos en el mismo archivo.", ALGORITHM: "Algoritmo", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: 'Para m\xE1s informaci\xF3n, revisa la implementaci\xF3n del algoritmo.', BASE_EASE: "Base ease", BASE_EASE_DESC: "El m\xEDnimo es 130, es preferible que est\xE9 aproximado a 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "La facilidad base de las tarjetas debe ser al menos 130.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "El intervalo cambiar\xE1 cuando se revise una tarjeta o nota como Dif\xEDcil.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "NuevoInterval = ViejoIntervalo * CambioDeIntervalo / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "Bonificaci\xF3n para F\xE1cil", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "La bonificaci\xF3n para F\xE1cil te permite establecer la diferencia entre intervalos al responder Bien y F\xE1cil en las tarjetas o notas (m\xEDnimo = 100%).", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "El bono de facilidad debe ser al menos 100.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Intervalo m\xE1ximo en d\xEDas", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "Te permite establecer un l\xEDmite mayor en el intervalo (por defecto es de 100 a\xF1os).", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "El intervalo m\xE1ximo debe ser de al menos un d\xEDa.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "Contribuci\xF3n m\xE1xima de las notas vinculadas.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "Contribuci\xF3n m\xE1xima de la facilidad ponderada de las notas vinculadas a la facilidad inicial.", LOGGING: "Registro", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\xBFMostrar informaci\xF3n de depuraci\xF3n en la consola de desarrollador?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Cola de notas a revisar", CLOSE: "Cerrar", NEW: "Nuevo", YESTERDAY: "Ayer", TODAY: "Hoy", TOMORROW: "Ma\xF1ana", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "Estad\xEDsticas", MONTH: "Mes", QUARTER: "Trimestre o Cuatrimestre", // En Inglés: Quarter. YEAR: "A\xF1o", LIFETIME: "Tiempo de Vida", FORECAST: "Pron\xF3stico", FORECAST_DESC: "El n\xFAmero de tarjetas vencidas en el futuro", SCHEDULED: "Programado", DAYS: "D\xEDas", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "N\xFAmero de tarjetas", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "Carga: ${avg} Revisiones por d\xEDa", INTERVALS: "Intervalos", INTERVALS_DESC: "Retrasos hasta que las revisiones se muestren de nuevo", COUNT: "Conteo", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "Intervalo de carga: ${avg}, Intervalo mayor: ${longest}", EASES: "Facilidad", EASES_SUMMARY: "Carga de Facilidad: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "Tipos de tarjetas", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "Esto incluye tambi\xE9n a las tarjetas enterradas, si las hay", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "Nueva", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "Joven", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "Madura", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "Tarjetas Totales: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/fr.ts var fr_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/hi.ts var hi_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/id.ts var id_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/it.ts var it_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/ja.ts var ja_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD", DUE_CARDS: "\u671F\u65E5\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9", NEW_CARDS: "\u65B0\u898F\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9", TOTAL_CARDS: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u5408\u8A08", BACK: "Back", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "Edit Card", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u9032\u6357\u3092\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8", HARD: "Hard", GOOD: "Good", EASY: "Easy", SHOW_ANSWER: "\u89E3\u7B54\u3092\u8868\u793A", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u9032\u6357\u304C\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3057\u305F\u3002", SAVE: "Save", CANCEL: "Cancel", NO_INPUT: "No input provided.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Current Ease: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Current Interval: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generated from: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092\u958B\u304F", REVIEW_CARDS: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC: Easy", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC: Good", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC: Hard", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092Easy\u3068\u3057\u3066\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092Good\u3068\u3057\u3066\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092Hard\u3068\u3057\u3066\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "\u3059\u3079\u3066\u306E\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u304B\u3089\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Select a deck to cram", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u3053\u306E\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u306E\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u3053\u306E\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u306E\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u8A70\u3081\u8FBC\u307F\u5B66\u7FD2\u3059\u308B", VIEW_STATS: "\u7D71\u8A08\u3092\u95B2\u89A7\u3059\u308B", STATUS_BAR: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC: ${dueNotesCount}\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8, ${dueFlashcardsCount}\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u671F\u65E5", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "\u540C\u671F\u306B${t}ms\u304B\u304B\u308A\u307E\u3057\u305F\u3002", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u304C\u7121\u8996\u3059\u308B\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C0\u306B\u4FDD\u5B58\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u307E\u3059(\u8A2D\u5B9A\u3092\u78BA\u8A8D\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044)\u3002", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3092\u884C\u3046\u306B\u306F\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u3066\u6B63\u3057\u304F\u30BF\u30B0\u4ED8\u3051\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044(\u8A2D\u5B9A\u3092\u78BA\u8A8D\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044)\u3002", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "\u7B54\u3048\u3092\u53D7\u3051\u53D6\u308A\u307E\u3057\u305F\u3002", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "${deckName}\u306B\u306F\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD\u304C\u5B58\u5728\u3057\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3002", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\u4ECA\u65E5\u306E\u8AB2\u984C\u3092\u3059\u3079\u3066\u9054\u6210\u3057\u307E\u3057\u305F :D", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u65E5\u5F8C", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u6708\u5F8C", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u5E74\u5F8C", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}y", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Spaced Repetition Plugin - \u8A2D\u5B9A", CHECK_WIKI: '\u8A73\u7D30\u306B\u3064\u3044\u3066\u306Fwiki\u3092\u78BA\u8A8D\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "\u7121\u8996\u3059\u308B\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C0", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: '\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C0\u30D1\u30B9\u3092\u6539\u884C\u3067\u533A\u5207\u3063\u3066\u5165\u529B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002"Templates Meta/Scripts" \u306E\u3088\u3046\u306A\u30B9\u30DA\u30FC\u30B9\u306B\u3088\u308B\u533A\u5207\u308A\u3067\u306E\u66F8\u304D\u65B9\u306F\u7121\u52B9\u3067\u3059\u3002', FLASHCARDS: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Easy Button Text", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Good Button Text", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Hard Button Text", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Easy" Button', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Good" Button', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Hard" Button', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B\u30BF\u30B0", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: '\u30BF\u30B0\u3092\u30B9\u30DA\u30FC\u30B9\u307E\u305F\u306F\u6539\u884C\u3067\u533A\u5207\u3063\u3066\u5165\u529B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002\u4F8B: "#flashcards #deck2 #deck3"', CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C0\u3092\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD\u3068\u30B5\u30D6\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD\u3068\u3057\u3066\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "\u3053\u308C\u306F\u4E0A\u8A18\u306E\u30BF\u30B0\u3092\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u305F\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD\u69CB\u7BC9\u306E\u4EE3\u66FF\u3068\u306A\u308B\u30AA\u30D7\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u3067\u3059\u3002", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u6700\u7D42\u884C\u3068\u540C\u4E00\u306E\u884C\u306B\u30B9\u30B1\u30B8\u30E5\u30FC\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u30B3\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8\u3092\u4FDD\u5B58\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "\u3053\u306E\u30AA\u30D7\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u3092\u6709\u52B9\u5316\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001HTML\u30B3\u30E1\u30F3\u30C8\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066Markdown\u306E\u30EA\u30B9\u30C8\u30D5\u30A9\u30FC\u30DE\u30C3\u30C8\u304C\u5D29\u308C\u306A\u304F\u306A\u308A\u307E\u3059\u3002", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "\u6B21\u306E\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u307E\u3067\u30B7\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u3092\u5EF6\u671F\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "\u30B7\u30D6\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u306F\u540C\u4E00\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u304B\u3089\u751F\u6210\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3001\u3064\u307E\u308A\u7A74\u57CB\u3081\u554F\u984C\u306E\u6D3E\u751F\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3067\u3059\u3002", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306B\u30B3\u30F3\u30C6\u30AD\u30B9\u30C8\u3092\u8868\u793A\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "\uFF62\u30BF\u30A4\u30C8\u30EB > \u898B\u51FA\u3057 1 > \u526F\u898B\u51FA\u3057 > ... > \u526F\u898B\u51FA\u3057\uFF63\u306E\u8868\u793A\u3092\u884C\u3046\u304B\u3069\u3046\u304B\u3092\u6C7A\u3081\u307E\u3059\u3002", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u7E26\u30B5\u30A4\u30BA\u306E\u30D1\u30FC\u30BB\u30F3\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "\u30E2\u30D0\u30A4\u30EB\u7248\u3001\u307E\u305F\u306F\u975E\u5E38\u306B\u5927\u304D\u306A\u30B5\u30A4\u30BA\u306E\u753B\u50CF\u304C\u3042\u308B\u5834\u5408\u306B\u306F100%\u306B\u3059\u308B\u5FC5\u8981\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u3059\u3002", RESET_DEFAULT: "\u30C7\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C8\u5024\u306B\u30EA\u30BB\u30C3\u30C8\u3059\u308B", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u6A2A\u30B5\u30A4\u30BA\u306E\u30D1\u30FC\u30BB\u30F3\u30C6\u30FC\u30B8", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u4E2D\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u9806\u756A\u3092\u30E9\u30F3\u30C0\u30E0\u306B\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\u7A74\u57CB\u3081\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u7121\u52B9\u5316\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "==\u30CF\u30A4\u30E9\u30A4\u30C8==\u3092\u7A74\u57CB\u3081\u3068\u3057\u3066\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "**\u30DC\u30FC\u30EB\u30C9\u4F53**\u3092\u7A74\u57CB\u3081\u3068\u3057\u3066\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "{{\u4E2D\u62EC\u5F27}}\u3092\u7A74\u57CB\u3081\u3068\u3057\u3066\u4F7F\u7528\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u30A4\u30F3\u30E9\u30A4\u30F3\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B\u30BB\u30D1\u30EC\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "\u3053\u306E\u30AA\u30D7\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u3092\u5909\u66F4\u3059\u308B\u5834\u5408\u306B\u306F\u3001\u4F5C\u6210\u6E08\u307F\u306E\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u3092\u624B\u52D5\u3067\u7DE8\u96C6\u3057\u76F4\u3059\u5FC5\u8981\u304C\u3042\u308B\u3053\u3068\u306B\u6CE8\u610F\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u30A4\u30F3\u30E9\u30A4\u30F3\u306E\u8868\u88CF\u53CD\u8EE2\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B\u30BB\u30D1\u30EC\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u8907\u6570\u884C\u306E\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B\u30BB\u30D1\u30EC\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u8907\u6570\u884C\u306E\u8868\u88CF\u53CD\u8EE2\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B\u30BB\u30D1\u30EC\u30FC\u30BF\u30FC", NOTES: "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Enable note review pane on startup", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u306B\u4F7F\u7528\u3059\u308B\u30BF\u30B0", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: '\u30BF\u30B0\u3092\u30B9\u30DA\u30FC\u30B9\u307E\u305F\u306F\u6539\u884C\u3067\u533A\u5207\u3063\u3066\u5165\u529B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002\u4F8B: "#review #tag2 #tag3"', OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "\u30E9\u30F3\u30C0\u30E0\u306B\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092\u958B\u3044\u3066\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "\u3053\u306E\u30AA\u30D7\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u304C\u7121\u52B9\u5316\u3055\u308C\u3066\u3044\u308B\u72B6\u614B\u3067\u306F\u3001\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u306F\u91CD\u8981\u5EA6(\u30DA\u30FC\u30B8\u30E9\u30F3\u30AF)\u306B\u3088\u308B\u9806\u756A\u3067\u8868\u793A\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u5F8C\u306B\u6B21\u306E\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092\u81EA\u52D5\u7684\u306B\u958B\u304F", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB\u30E1\u30CB\u30E5\u30FC\u3067\u306E\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u30AA\u30D7\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u3092\u7121\u52B9\u5316(\uFF62\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC: Easy\uFF63\u7B49\u306E\u9805\u76EE\u3092\u975E\u8868\u793A\u306B\u3059\u308B)", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "\u7121\u52B9\u5316\u3057\u305F\u5F8C\u3001\u30B3\u30DE\u30F3\u30C9\u30DB\u30C3\u30C8\u30AD\u30FC\u3092\u4F7F\u3063\u3066\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u53EF\u80FD\u306B\u306A\u308A\u307E\u3059\u3002\u3053\u306E\u30AA\u30D7\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u3092\u5909\u66F4\u3057\u305F\u5834\u5408\u306B\u306FObsidian\u3092\u30EA\u30ED\u30FC\u30C9\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u53F3\u30D1\u30CD\u30EB\u306B\u8868\u793A\u3059\u308B\u6700\u5927\u306E\u65E5\u6570", MIN_ONE_DAY: "\u65E5\u6570\u306B\u306F1\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306E\u6570\u5B57\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "\u6709\u52B9\u306A\u6570\u5B57\u3092\u5165\u529B\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", UI_PREFERENCES: "\u30E6\u30FC\u30B6\u30FC \u30A4\u30F3\u30BF\u30FC\u30D5\u30A7\u30A4\u30B9\u306E\u8A2D\u5B9A", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD \u30C4\u30EA\u30FC\u306F\u6700\u521D\u306F\u5C55\u958B\u3057\u3066\u8868\u793A\u3059\u308B\u5FC5\u8981\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u3059", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "\u3053\u308C\u3092\u30AA\u30D5\u306B\u3059\u308B\u3068\u3001\u540C\u3058\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u5185\u306E\u30CD\u30B9\u30C8\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD\u304C\u6298\u308A\u305F\u305F\u307E\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002\u540C\u3058\u30D5\u30A1\u30A4\u30EB\u306B\u591A\u304F\u306E\u30C7\u30C3\u30AD\u306B\u5C5E\u3059\u308B\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u3042\u308B\u5834\u5408\u306B\u4FBF\u5229\u3067\u3059\u3002", ALGORITHM: "\u30A2\u30EB\u30B4\u30EA\u30BA\u30E0", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: '\u8A73\u7D30\u306B\u3064\u3044\u3066\u306F\u30A2\u30EB\u30B4\u30EA\u30BA\u30E0\u306E\u5B9F\u88C5\u3092\u78BA\u8A8D\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002', BASE_EASE: "\u30D9\u30FC\u30B9\u306E\u6613\u3057\u3055", BASE_EASE_DESC: "\u6700\u5C0F\u5024\u306F130\u3067\u3059\u304C\u3001 \u9069\u6B63\u5024\u306F\u304A\u304A\u3088\u305D250\u3067\u3059\u3002", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "\u30D9\u30FC\u30B9\u306E\u6613\u3057\u3055\u306B\u306F130\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306E\u6570\u5B57\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9/\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u3092Hard\u3068\u3057\u3066\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u3057\u305F\u969B\u306E\u9593\u9694\u5909\u66F4", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: '"\u65B0\u3057\u3044\u9593\u9694 = \u4EE5\u524D\u306E\u9593\u9694 * \u9593\u9694\u5909\u66F4 / 100" \u3068\u3057\u3066\u8A08\u7B97\u3055\u308C\u307E\u3059\u3002', EASY_BONUS: "Easy\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "Easy\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9\u306B\u3088\u3063\u3066\u30D5\u30E9\u30C3\u30B7\u30E5\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9/\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u306B\u304A\u3051\u308B\u9593\u9694\u306E\u5DEE\u5206\u3092\u8A2D\u5B9A\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059(\u6700\u5C0F\u5024 = 100%)\u3002", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "Easy\u30DC\u30FC\u30CA\u30B9\u306B\u306F100\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306E\u6570\u5B57\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "\u9593\u9694\u306B\u4E0A\u9650\u5024\u3092\u8A2D\u5B9A\u3059\u308B\u3053\u3068\u304C\u3067\u304D\u307E\u3059(\u30C7\u30D5\u30A9\u30EB\u30C8\u5024 = 100\u5E74)\u3002", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "\u9593\u9694\u306E\u6700\u5927\u5024\u306B\u306F1\u4EE5\u4E0A\u306E\u6570\u5B57\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u30B3\u30F3\u30C8\u30EA\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u30B7\u30E7\u30F3\u306E\u6700\u5927\u5024", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "\u6700\u521D\u306E\u6613\u3057\u3055\u306B\u5BFE\u3057\u3066\u3001\u30EA\u30F3\u30AF\u3055\u308C\u305F\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u306E\u91CD\u307F\u4ED8\u3051\u3055\u308C\u305F\u6613\u3057\u3055\u304C\u5BC4\u4E0E\u3059\u308B\u6700\u5927\u5024\u3092\u6307\u5B9A\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002", LOGGING: "\u30ED\u30B0\u7BA1\u7406", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\u30C7\u30D9\u30ED\u30C3\u30D1\u30FC\u30B3\u30F3\u30BD\u30FC\u30EB\u306B\u3066\u30C7\u30D0\u30C3\u30B0\u60C5\u5831\u3092\u8868\u793A\u3057\u307E\u3059\u304B\uFF1F", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u30CE\u30FC\u30C8\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u306E\u30AD\u30E5\u30FC", CLOSE: "\u9589\u3058\u308B", NEW: "\u65B0\u898F", YESTERDAY: "\u6628\u65E5", TODAY: "\u4ECA\u65E5", TOMORROW: "\u660E\u65E5", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "\u7D71\u8A08", MONTH: "Month", QUARTER: "Quarter", YEAR: "Year", LIFETIME: "Lifetime", FORECAST: "\u4E88\u6E2C", FORECAST_DESC: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u671F\u65E5\u304C\u6765\u308B\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u679A\u6570", SCHEDULED: "\u30B9\u30B1\u30B8\u30E5\u30FC\u30EA\u30F3\u30B0\u6E08\u307F", DAYS: "\u65E5", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u6570", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "\u5E73\u5747: ${avg}\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC/\u65E5", INTERVALS: "\u9593\u9694", INTERVALS_DESC: "\u6B21\u306E\u30EC\u30D3\u30E5\u30FC\u4E88\u5B9A\u65E5", COUNT: "\u30AB\u30A6\u30F3\u30C8", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "\u9593\u9694\u306E\u5E73\u5747\u5024: ${avg}, \u6700\u9577\u306E\u9593\u9694: ${longest}", EASES: "\u6613\u3057\u3055", EASES_SUMMARY: "\u6613\u3057\u3055\u306E\u5E73\u5747\u5024: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u30BF\u30A4\u30D7", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "\u5EF6\u671F\u306E\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u304C\u3042\u308B\u5834\u5408\u306B\u306F\u3053\u308C\u306B\u542B\u307E\u308C\u307E\u3059", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "\u65B0\u898F", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "\u5FA9\u7FD2(\u521D\u671F)", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "\u5FA9\u7FD2(\u5F8C\u671F)", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "\u30AB\u30FC\u30C9\u306E\u5408\u8A08: ${totalCardsCount}\u679A" }; // src/lang/locale/ko.ts var ko_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "\uB371", DUE_CARDS: "\uB2E4\uC2DC \uBCFC \uCE74\uB4DC\uB4E4", NEW_CARDS: "\uC0C8\uB85C\uC6B4 \uCE74\uB4DC\uB4E4", TOTAL_CARDS: "\uC804\uCCB4 \uCE74\uB4DC\uB4E4", BACK: "Back", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "Edit Card", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "\uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uC9C4\uD589\uC0C1\uD669\uC744 \uCD08\uAE30\uD654\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", HARD: "\uC5B4\uB824\uC6C0(Hard)", GOOD: "\uC88B\uC74C(Good)", EASY: "\uC26C\uC6C0(Easy)", SHOW_ANSWER: "\uC815\uB2F5 \uD655\uC778\uD558\uAE30", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "\uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uC9C4\uD589\uC0C1\uD669\uC774 \uCD08\uAE30\uD654\uB418\uC5C8\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.", SAVE: "Save", CANCEL: "Cancel", NO_INPUT: "No input provided.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Current Ease: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Current Interval: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generated from: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uD560 \uB178\uD2B8 \uC5F4\uAE30", REVIEW_CARDS: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uB9AC\uBDF0", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "\uB9AC\uBDF0: \uC26C\uC6C0(Easy)", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "\uB9AC\uBDF0: \uC88B\uC74C(Good)", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "\uB9AC\uBDF0: \uC5B4\uB824\uC6C0(Hard)", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "\uB178\uD2B8\uB97C \uC26C\uC6C0(easy)\uC73C\uB85C \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "\uB178\uD2B8\uB97C \uC88B\uC74C(good)\uC73C\uB85C \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "\uB178\uD2B8\uB97C \uC5B4\uB824\uC6C0(hard)\uC73C\uB85C \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "\uBAA8\uB4E0 \uB178\uD2B8\uB4E4\uC758 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC\uB4E4\uC744 \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Select a deck to cram", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\uC774 \uB178\uD2B8\uC758 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC\uB4E4\uC744 \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\uC774 \uB178\uD2B8\uC758 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC\uB4E4\uC744 \uBCBC\uB77D\uCE58\uAE30\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", VIEW_STATS: "\uD1B5\uACC4 \uD655\uC778", STATUS_BAR: "--\uB9AC\uBDF0: ${dueNotesCount} \uB178\uD2B8, ${dueFlashcardsCount} \uCE74\uB4DC \uB0A8\uC558\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "\uB3D9\uAE30\uD654\uC5D0 ${t}\uBC00\uB9AC\uCD08 \uAC78\uB838\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "\uB178\uD2B8\uAC00 \uBB34\uC2DC\uB41C \uD3F4\uB354 \uC544\uB798\uC5D0 \uC800\uC7A5\uB418\uC5B4 \uC788\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. (\uC124\uC815\uC744 \uD655\uC778\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694)", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uB97C \uD558\uAE30\uC704\uD574 \uB178\uD2B8\uC5D0 \uC801\uC808\uD788 \uD0DC\uADF8\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694. (\uC124\uC815\uC744 \uD655\uC778\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694)", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "\uC694\uCCAD\uC774 \uC644\uB8CC\uB418\uC5C8\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "${deckName}\uC774\uB77C\uB294 \uC774\uB984\uC758 \uB371\uC774 \uC874\uC7AC\uD558\uC9C0 \uC54A\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\uBAA8\uB450 \uD655\uC778\uD588\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. :D", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} \uC77C \uD6C4", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} \uAC1C\uC6D4 \uD6C4", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} \uB144 \uD6C4", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}y", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Spaced Repetition Plugin - \uC124\uC815", CHECK_WIKI: '\uB354 \uB9CE\uC740 \uC815\uBCF4\uB97C \uC6D0\uD558\uC2DC\uBA74, wiki\uB97C \uD655\uC778\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "\uBB34\uC2DC\uD560 \uD3F4\uB354\uB4E4", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "\uD3F4\uB354 \uACBD\uB85C\uB97C \uBE48 \uC904\uB85C \uAD6C\uBD84\uD574\uC11C \uC785\uB825\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694. 'Templates Meta/Scripts' \uC640 \uAC19\uC774 \uC785\uB825\uD558\uB294 \uAC83\uC740 \uC720\uD6A8\uD558\uC9C0 \uC54A\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.", FLASHCARDS: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Easy Button Text", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Good Button Text", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Hard Button Text", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Easy" Button', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Good" Button', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: 'Customize the label for the "Hard" Button', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uD0DC\uADF8", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "\uD0DC\uADF8\uB97C \uACF5\uBC31 \uB610\uB294 \uBE48 \uC904\uB85C \uAD6C\uBD84\uD574\uC11C \uC785\uB825\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694. \uC608) '#flashcards #deck2 #deck3'", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\uD3F4\uB354\uB97C \uB371\uACFC \uC11C\uBE0C\uB371\uC73C\uB85C \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD560\uAE4C\uC694?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "\uC774 \uAE30\uB2A5\uC740 \uC704\uC758 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uD0DC\uADF8 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uB300\uCCB4\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uB9C8\uC9C0\uB9C9 \uC904\uACFC \uB3D9\uC77C\uD55C \uC904\uC5D0 \uC2A4\uCF00\uC904\uB9C1 \uCF54\uBA58\uD2B8\uB97C \uC800\uC7A5\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "\uC774 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD558\uBA74 HTML \uC8FC\uC11D\uC774 \uBAA9\uB85D\uC758 \uD3EC\uB9E4\uD305\uC744 \uBB34\uB108\uD2B8\uB9AC\uC9C0 \uC54A\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "Sibling \uCE74\uB4DC\uB97C \uB2E4\uC74C\uB0A0\uAE4C\uC9C0 \uBB3B\uC5B4\uB450\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "Sibling \uCE74\uB4DC\uB294 \uB3D9\uC77C\uD55C \uCE74\uB4DC \uD14D\uC2A4\uD2B8\uC5D0\uC11C \uC0DD\uC131\uB41C \uCE74\uB4DC\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4. i.e. cloze deletions", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uBB38\uB9E5(context)\uC744 \uD45C\uC2DC\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "\uCE74\uB4DC\uC5D0\uC11C 'Title > Heading 1 > Subheading > ... > Subheading' \uC758 \uD45C\uC2DC\uB97C \uD560\uC9C0 \uC124\uC815\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uB192\uC774 \uBE44\uC728", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "\uBAA8\uBC14\uC77C \uBC84\uC804 \uD639\uC740 \uB9E4\uC6B0 \uD070 \uC774\uBBF8\uC9C0\uAC00 \uC788\uB294 \uACBD\uC6B0 100%\uB85C \uC124\uC815\uD574\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", RESET_DEFAULT: "\uAE30\uBCF8\uAC12\uC73C\uB85C \uCD08\uAE30\uD654", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uB108\uBE44 \uBE44\uC728", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uC911\uC778 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uC21C\uC11C\uB97C \uB79C\uB364\uC73C\uB85C \uB450\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\uBE48 \uCE78 \uCC44\uC6B0\uAE30 \uCE74\uB4DC\uB97C \uBE44\uD65C\uC131\uD654\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "==hightlights== \uB97C \uBE48 \uCE78 \uCC44\uC6B0\uAE30\uB85C \uC804\uD658\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "**bolded text** \uB97C \uBE48 \uCE78 \uCC44\uC6B0\uAE30\uB85C \uC804\uD658\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "{{curly brackets}} \uB97C \uBE48 \uCE78 \uCC44\uC6B0\uAE30\uB85C \uC804\uD658\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\uC778\uB77C\uC778 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uAD6C\uBD84\uC790", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "\uC8FC\uC758: \uC774 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uC218\uC815\uD55C \uD6C4\uC5D0\uB294 \uC774\uBBF8 \uC791\uC131\uB41C \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC\uB97C \uC218\uB3D9\uC73C\uB85C \uC218\uC815\uD574\uC57C \uD568\uC744 \uC8FC\uC758\uD558\uC2ED\uC2DC\uC624.", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\uC778\uB77C\uC778 \uBC18\uC804 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uAD6C\uBD84\uC790", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\uC5EC\uB7EC \uC904 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uAD6C\uBD84\uC790", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\uC5EC\uB7EC \uC904 \uBC18\uC804 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC \uAD6C\uBD84\uC790", NOTES: "\uB178\uD2B8", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Enable note review pane on startup", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uC5D0 \uC0AC\uC6A9\uD560 \uD0DC\uADF8", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "\uD0DC\uADF8\uB97C \uACF5\uBC31 \uB610\uB294 \uBE48 \uC904\uB85C \uAD6C\uBD84\uD574\uC11C \uC785\uB825\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694. \uC608) '#review #tag2 #tag3'", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uB97C \uC704\uD574 \uB79C\uB364 \uB178\uD2B8\uB97C \uC5FD\uB2C8\uB2E4.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "\uC774 \uC635\uC158\uC774 \uAEBC\uC838\uC788\uC73C\uBA74, \uB178\uD2B8\uB294 \uC911\uC694\uB3C4(\uD398\uC774\uC9C0 \uB7AD\uD06C)\uC5D0 \uB530\uB77C \uC815\uB82C\uB429\uB2C8\uB2E4.", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "\uB9AC\uBDF0 \uD6C4\uC5D0 \uB2E4\uC74C \uB178\uD2B8\uB97C \uC790\uB3D9\uC73C\uB85C \uC5FD\uB2C8\uB2E4.", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "\uD30C\uC77C \uBA54\uB274\uC5D0\uC11C\uC758 \uB9AC\uBDF0 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uBE44\uD65C\uC131\uD654 \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uC608) \uB9AC\uBDF0: Easy Good Hard", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "\uC774 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uBE44\uD65C\uC131\uD654 \uD55C \uD6C4, \uBA85\uB839 \uB2E8\uCD95\uD0A4\uB97C \uC774\uC6A9\uD574 \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD558\uC2E4 \uC218 \uC788\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. \uC774 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uBCC0\uACBD\uD55C \uD6C4\uC5D0 \uC635\uC2DC\uB514\uC5B8\uC744 \uC0C8\uB85C\uACE0\uCE68 \uD558\uC2ED\uC2DC\uC624.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\uC624\uB978\uCABD \uD328\uB110\uC5D0 \uD45C\uC2DC\uD560 \uCD5C\uB300 \uC77C\uC218", MIN_ONE_DAY: "\uC801\uC5B4\uB3C4 1\uC774\uC0C1\uC774\uC5B4\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "\uC720\uD6A8\uD55C \uC22B\uC790\uB97C \uC785\uB825\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.", UI_PREFERENCES: "\uC0AC\uC6A9\uC790 \uC778\uD130\uD398\uC774\uC2A4 \uAE30\uBCF8 \uC124\uC815", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\uB371 \uD2B8\uB9AC\uB294 \uCC98\uC74C\uC5D0 \uD655\uC7A5\uB41C \uAC83\uC73C\uB85C \uD45C\uC2DC\uB418\uC5B4\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "\uAC19\uC740 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC5D0 \uC911\uCCA9\uB41C \uB371\uC744 \uC811\uC73C\uB824\uBA74 \uC774 \uC635\uC158\uC744 \uB044\uC2ED\uC2DC\uC624. \uAC19\uC740 \uD30C\uC77C\uC5D0 \uC5EC\uB7EC \uB371\uC5D0 \uC18D\uD55C \uCE74\uB4DC\uAC00 \uC788\uB294 \uACBD\uC6B0 \uC720\uC6A9\uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", ALGORITHM: "\uC54C\uACE0\uB9AC\uC998", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: '\uB354 \uB9CE\uC740 \uC815\uBCF4\uB97C \uC6D0\uD558\uC2DC\uBA74, algorithm implementation\uC744 \uD655\uC778\uD574\uC8FC\uC138\uC694.', BASE_EASE: "\uAE30\uBCF8 ease", BASE_EASE_DESC: "\uCD5C\uC19F\uAC12 = 130, \uC801\uC815\uCE58\uB294 \uB300\uB7B5 250\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "\uAE30\uBCF8 ease\uB294 \uC801\uC5B4\uB3C4 130 \uC774\uC5B4\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "\uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC/\uB178\uD2B8\uB97C \uC5B4\uB824\uC6C0(Hard)\uC73C\uB85C \uB9AC\uBDF0\uD588\uC744 \uB54C\uC758 \uAC04\uACA9 \uBCC0\uACBD", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "\uC0C8\uB85C\uC6B4 \uAC04\uACA9 = \uC774\uC804 \uAC04\uACA9 * \uAC04\uACA9\uBCC0\uACBD \uAC12 / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "\uC26C\uC6C0(Easy) \uBCF4\uB108\uC2A4", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "\uC26C\uC6C0(Easy) \uBCF4\uB108\uC2A4\uB294 \uD50C\uB798\uC2DC\uCE74\uB4DC/\uB178\uD2B8\uC5D0\uC11C \uC88B\uC74C(Good)\uACFC \uC26C\uC6C0(Easy) \uC0AC\uC774\uC758 \uAC04\uACA9 \uCC28\uC774\uB97C \uC124\uC815\uD560 \uC218 \uC788\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. (\uCD5C\uC18C = 100%)", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "\uC26C\uC6C0(Easy) \uBCF4\uB108\uC2A4\uB294 \uC801\uC5B4\uB3C4 100\uC774\uC5B4\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "\uAC04\uACA9\uC758 \uC0C1\uD55C\uC120\uC744 \uB458 \uC218 \uC788\uC2B5\uB2C8\uB2E4. (\uAE30\uBCF8\uAC12 = 100\uB144)", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "\uCD5C\uB300 \uAC04\uACA9\uC740 \uC801\uC5B4\uB3C4 1\uC77C\uC774\uC5B4\uC57C \uD569\uB2C8\uB2E4.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "\uCD5C\uB300 \uC5F0\uACB0 \uAE30\uC5EC\uB3C4", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "\uB9C1\uD06C\uB41C \uB178\uD2B8\uC758 \uCD08\uAE30 ease\uC5D0 \uB300\uD55C \uAC00\uC911\uCE58\uAC00 \uC801\uC6A9\uB41C ease\uC758 \uCD5C\uB300 \uAE30\uC5EC\uB3C4\uC785\uB2C8\uB2E4.", LOGGING: "\uB85C\uAE45", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\uB514\uBC84\uAE45 \uC815\uBCF4\uB97C \uAC1C\uBC1C\uC790 \uCF58\uC194\uC5D0 \uD45C\uC2DC\uD558\uC2DC\uACA0\uC2B5\uB2C8\uAE4C?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uD560 \uB178\uD2B8 \uB300\uAE30\uC5F4", CLOSE: "\uB2EB\uAE30", NEW: "New", YESTERDAY: "\uC5B4\uC81C", TODAY: "\uC624\uB298", TOMORROW: "\uB0B4\uC77C", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "\uD1B5\uACC4", MONTH: "\uC6D4", QUARTER: "\uBD84\uAE30", YEAR: "\uB144", LIFETIME: "\uD3C9\uC0DD", FORECAST: "\uC608\uCE21", FORECAST_DESC: "\uC774\uD6C4\uC5D0 \uD559\uC2B5\uD560 \uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uC218", SCHEDULED: "Scheduled", DAYS: "\uC77C", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "\uCE74\uB4DC\uC758 \uC218", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "\uD3C9\uADE0: ${avg} \uB9AC\uBDF0/\uC77C", INTERVALS: "\uAC04\uACA9", INTERVALS_DESC: "\uB9AC\uBDF0\uB97C \uB2E4\uC2DC \uD560 \uB54C \uAE4C\uC9C0\uC758 \uAE30\uAC04", COUNT: "Count", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "\uD3C9\uADE0 \uAC04\uACA9: ${avg}, \uAC00\uC7A5 \uAE34 \uAC04\uACA9: ${longest}", EASES: "Eases", EASES_SUMMARY: "Average ease: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "\uCE74\uB4DC \uD0C0\uC785", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "\uC5EC\uAE30\uC5D0\uB294 \uBB3B\uC5B4\uB454 \uCE74\uB4DC\uB3C4 \uD3EC\uD568\uB429\uB2C8\uB2E4.", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "New", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "Young", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "Mature", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "\uC804\uCCB4 \uCE74\uB4DC \uC218: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/mr.ts var mr_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/nl.ts var nl_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/no.ts var no_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/pl.ts var pl_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/pt.ts var pt_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/pt-br.ts var pt_br_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "Baralhos", DUE_CARDS: "Cartas para Colocar em Dia", NEW_CARDS: "Novas Cartas", TOTAL_CARDS: "Total de Cartas", BACK: "Back", SKIP: "Skip", EDIT_CARD: "Edit Card", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "Reiniciar o Progresso da Carta", HARD: "Dif\xEDcil", GOOD: "OK", EASY: "F\xE1cil", SHOW_ANSWER: "Mostrar Resposta", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "O Progresso da Carta foi reiniciado", SAVE: "Save", CANCEL: "Cancel", NO_INPUT: "No input provided.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "Current Ease: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "Current Interval: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "Generated from: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "Abrir uma nota para revisar", REVIEW_CARDS: "Revisar flashcards", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "Revis\xE3o: F\xE1cil", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "Revis\xE3o: OK", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "Revis\xE3o: Dif\xEDcil", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "Revisar nota como f\xE1cil", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "Revisar nota como OK", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "Revisar nota como dif\xEDcil", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "Revisar flashcards de todas as notas", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "Select a deck to cram", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Revisar flashcards nessa nota", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "Revisar todas as flashcards nessa nota", VIEW_STATS: "Ver estat\xEDsticas", STATUS_BAR: "Revis\xE3o: ${dueNotesCount} nota(s), ${dueFlashcardsCount} Carta(s) para colocar em dia", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "Sicroniza\xE7\xE3o levou ${t}ms", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "Nota \xE9 salva na pasta ignorada (cheque as configura\xE7\xF5es).", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "Por favor etiquete a nota apropriadamente para revisar (nas configura\xE7\xF5es).", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "Resposta recebida.", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "Nenhum baralho existe para ${deckName}", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "Voc\xEA colocou tudo em prazo agora :D.", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} dia(s)", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} m\xEAs(es)", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} ano(s)", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}d", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}m", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}a", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "Plguin Spaced Repetition - Configura\xE7\xE3o", CHECK_WIKI: 'Para mais informa\xE7\xF5es, checke o wiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "Pastas para ignorar", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "Ensira o caminho das pastas separado por quebras de linha ex: Templates Meta/Scripts", FLASHCARDS: "Flashcards", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "Texto do Bot\xE3o de F\xE1cil", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "Texto do Bot\xE3o de OK", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "Texto do Bot\xE3o de Dif\xEDcil", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: 'Costumize o r\xF3tulo para o bot\xE3o de "F\xE1cil"', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: 'Costumize o r\xF3tulo para o bot\xE3o de "OK"', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: 'Customize o r\xF3tulo para o bot\xE3o de "Dif\xEDcil"', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "Etiquetas dos Flashcards", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "Ensira etiquetas separadas por espa\xE7os ou quebras de linha ex: #flashcards #baralho2 #baralho3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "Converter pastas para baralhos e sub-baralhos?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "Isso \xE9 uma alternativa para a op\xE7\xE3o de etiqueta dos Flashcards em cima.", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "Salvar coment\xE1rios de agendamento na mesma linha que a \xFAltima linha do flashcard?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "Ligar isso vai fazer com que os coment\xE1rios em HTML n\xE3o quebrem a formata\xE7\xE3o de listas.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "Enterrar cartas irm\xE3s at\xE9 o pr\xF3ximo dia?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "Cartas irm\xE3s s\xE3o geradas pelo texto da mesma carta ex: omiss\xE3o de palavras", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "Mostrar conxtexto nas cartas?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "ex: T\xEDtulo > Cabe\xE7alho 1 > Subcabe\xE7alho > ... > Subcabe\xE7alho", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "Porcentagem da Altura do Flashcard", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "Deveria estar configurado em 100% em dispositivos m\xF3veis ou se voc\xEA tem imagens muito grandes", RESET_DEFAULT: "Reiniciar para a pr\xE9-defini\xE7\xE3o", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "Porcentagem de Largura do Flashcard", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "Aleatorizar a ordem das cartas durante a revis\xE3o?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "Desabilitar cartas que usam omiss\xE3o de palavras?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "Converter ==marca-texto== em omiss\xF5es?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "Converter **texto em negrito** em omiss\xF5es?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "Converter {{chaves}} em omiss\xF5es?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador para flashcards inline", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "Note que depois de mudar isso voc\xEA vai ter que manualmente mudar quaisquer flashcards que voc\xEA tenha.", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador para flashcards inline reversos", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador para flashcards de m\xFAltiplas linhas", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "Separador para flashcards de m\xFAltiplas linhas reversos", NOTES: "Notas", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "Enable note review pane on startup", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "Etiquetas para revisar", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "Ensira etiquetas separadas por espa\xE7os ou quebra de linhas ex: #revisar #etiqueta2 #etiqueta3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "Abrir uma nota aleat\xF3ria para revisar", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "Quando voc\xEA desabilitar isso, as notas v\xE3o ser ordenadas por import\xE2ncia (PageRank).", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "Abrir a pr\xF3xima nota automaticamente depois de uma revis\xE3o", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "Desabilitar op\xE7\xF5es de revis\xE3o no menu de arquivos ex: Revis\xE3o: F\xE1cil OK Dif\xEDcil", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "Depois de desabilitar, voc\xEA pode revisar usando os atalhos de comando. Reinicie Obsidian depois de mudar isso.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "N\xFAmero m\xE1ximo de dias para exibir no painel direito", MIN_ONE_DAY: "O n\xFAmero de dias deve ser pelo menos 1.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "Por favor ensira um n\xFAmero v\xE1lido.", UI_PREFERENCES: "Prefer\xEAncias de UI", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\xC1rvores de baralhos devem inicialmente serem exibidas como expandidas", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "Desabilite isso para colapsar baralhos que est\xE3o um dentro do outro na mesma carta. \xDAtil se voc\xEA tem cartas que pertencem a muitos baralhos em um mesmo arquivo.", ALGORITHM: "Algor\xEDtmo", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: 'Para mais informa\xE7\xF5es, cheque a implementa\xE7\xE3o do algor\xEDtmo.', BASE_EASE: "Facilidade base", BASE_EASE_DESC: "m\xEDnimo = 130, preferivelmente aproximadamente 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "A facilidade base deve ser pelo menos 130.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "Mudan\xE7a de intervalo quando voc\xEA revisa um(a) flashcard/nota como dif\xEDcil", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "novoIntervalo = velhoIntervalo * mudancaIntervalo / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "B\xF4nus de F\xE1cil", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "O b\xF4nus de f\xE1cil te permite mudar a difer\xEAncia entre intervalos de responder OK e F\xE1cil em um(a) flashcard/nota (m\xEDnimo = 100%).", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "O b\xF4nus de f\xE1cil deve ser pelo menos 100.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "Te permite colocar um limite m\xE1ximo no intervalo (pr\xE9-defini\xE7\xE3o = 100 anos).", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "O intervalo m\xE1ximo deve ser pelo menos 1 dia.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "Contribui\xE7\xE3o M\xE1xima de Links", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "Contribui\xE7\xE3o m\xE1xima da facilidade ponderada das notas linkadas \xE0 facilidade inicial.", LOGGING: "Logging", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "Mostrar informa\xE7\xE3o de debugging no console de desenvolvimento?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "Fila de Notas para Revisar", CLOSE: "Fechar", NEW: "Novo", YESTERDAY: "Ontem", TODAY: "Hoje", TOMORROW: "Amanh\xE3", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "Estat\xEDsticas", MONTH: "M\xEAs", QUARTER: "Quarto", YEAR: "Ano", LIFETIME: "Tempo Total", FORECAST: "Previs\xE3o", FORECAST_DESC: "O n\xFAmero de cartas a serem colocadas em dia no futuro", SCHEDULED: "Agendado", DAYS: "Dias", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "N\xFAmero de cartas", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "M\xE9dia: ${avg} revis\xF5es/dia", INTERVALS: "Intervalos", INTERVALS_DESC: "Atrasos at\xE9 que as revis\xF5es sejam exibidas de novo", COUNT: "Contagem", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "Intervalo em m\xE9dia: ${avg}, Maior intervalo: ${longest}", EASES: "Facilidades", EASES_SUMMARY: "Facilidade em m\xE9dia: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "Tipos de Cartas", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "Isso tamb\xE9m inclui cartas enterrados, caso existam", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "Novo", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "Jovem", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "Amadurecido", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "Total de cartas: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/ro.ts var ro_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/ru.ts var ru_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "\u041A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u044B", DUE_CARDS: "\u041F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u043E\u044F\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", NEW_CARDS: "\u041D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", TOTAL_CARDS: "\u0412\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", BACK: "\u041D\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0434", SKIP: "\u041F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u0442\u0438\u0442\u044C", EDIT_CARD: "\u0420\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0443", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "\u0421\u0431\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", HARD: "\u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E", GOOD: "\u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E", EASY: "\u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E", SHOW_ANSWER: "\u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043E\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "\u0421\u0431\u0440\u043E\u0441\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0440\u0435\u0441\u0441 \u0438\u0437\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", SAVE: "\u0421\u043E\u0445\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0442\u044C", CANCEL: "\u041E\u0442\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0430", NO_INPUT: "\u041F\u0443\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0439 \u0432\u0432\u043E\u0434.", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "\u0422\u0435\u043A\u0443\u0449\u0430\u044F \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C: ", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "\u0422\u0435\u043A\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u0438\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u043B: ", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "\u0421\u0433\u0435\u043D\u0435\u0440\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u043D\u043E \u0438\u0437: ${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "\u041E\u0442\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0442\u044C \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F", REVIEW_CARDS: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435: \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435: \u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435: \u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0442\u044C \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u0443\u044E", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0442\u044C \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0443\u044E", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0442\u044C \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u0443\u044E", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "\u0417\u0443\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0432 \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0435", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0441\u0435\u0445 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430\u0445", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0432 \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0435", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u0417\u0443\u0431\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0432 \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0439 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0435", VIEW_STATS: "\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0435\u0442\u044C \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0443", STATUS_BAR: "\u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u044C: ${dueNotesCount} \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043E\u043A(-\u043A\u0438), ${dueFlashcardsCount} \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A(-\u043A\u0438) \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u043E\u0438\u0442", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "\u0421\u0438\u043D\u0445\u0440\u043E\u043D\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F \u0437\u0430\u043D\u044F\u043B\u0430 ${t}\u043C\u0441", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "\u0417\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0430 \u0441\u043E\u0445\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0430 \u0432 \u0438\u0433\u043D\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0435\u043C\u0443\u044E \u043F\u0430\u043F\u043A\u0443 (\u0441\u043C. \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438).", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "\u041F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0442\u044C\u0442\u0435 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u043A\u0430\u043A \u043D\u0430\u0434\u043E \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F (\u0441\u043C. \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438).", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "\u041E\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0435\u043D.", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "\u041D\u0435 \u0441\u0443\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u044F ${deckName}", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\u041C\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0435\u0446! \u0422\u044B \u0441\u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043B\u0441\u044F \u0438 \u0434\u043E\u0448\u0435\u043B \u0434\u043E \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0446\u0430! :D", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval} \u0434\u043D\u0435\u0439", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval} \u043C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446\u043E\u0432", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval} \u0433\u043E\u0434\u0430 (\u043B\u0435\u0442)", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u0434.", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u043C.", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u0433.", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "\u041F\u043B\u0430\u0433\u0438\u043D Spaced Repetition - \u041D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438", CHECK_WIKI: '\u0414\u043B\u044F \u0434\u043E\u043F. \u0438\u043D\u0444\u044B, \u0441\u043C\u043E\u0442\u0440\u0438 wiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "\u0418\u0433\u043D\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0440\u0443\u0435\u043C\u044B\u0435 \u043F\u0430\u043F\u043A\u0438", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "\u0412\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043F\u0443\u0442\u0438 \u043F\u0430\u043F\u043E\u043A, \u043A\u0430\u0436\u0434\u0430\u044F \u043D\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u043E\u0435\u0439 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0435, \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: Templates Meta/Scripts", FLASHCARDS: "\u041A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "\u0422\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442 \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0438 \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "\u0422\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442 \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0438 \u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "\u0422\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442 \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0438 \u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: '\u041D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0442\u044C \u044F\u0440\u043B\u044B\u043A \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0438 "\u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E"', FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: '\u041D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0442\u044C \u044F\u0440\u043B\u044B\u043A \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0438 "\u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E"', FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: '\u041D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0438\u0442\u044C \u044F\u0440\u043B\u044B\u043A \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043A\u043D\u043E\u043F\u043A\u0438 "\u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E"', FLASHCARD_TAGS: "\u0422\u044D\u0433\u0438 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "\u0412\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u044D\u0433\u0438 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 Enter-\u043E\u043C \u0438\u043B\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0431\u0435\u043B\u043E\u043C, \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: #flashcards #deck2 #deck3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0430\u043F\u043A\u0438 \u0432 \u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0438 \u0438 \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u043D\u0438?", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "\u042D\u0442\u043E \u0430\u043B\u044C\u0442\u0435\u0440\u043D\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0432\u0430 \u0442\u044D\u0433\u0430\u043C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A, \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0430 \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u0443.", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\u0421\u043E\u0445\u0440\u0430\u043D\u044F\u0442\u044C \u043A\u043E\u043C\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0439 \u043F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0438\u044F \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u043D\u0435\u0439 \u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u043A\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438?", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "\u0412\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0439 \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438 \u0441\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u0442\u0430\u043A, \u0447\u0442\u043E HTML \u043A\u043E\u043C\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0438 \u043D\u0435 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0442 \u043B\u043E\u043C\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0444\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u043F\u0438\u0441\u043A\u0430.", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "\u041F\u0440\u044F\u0442\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0440\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0434\u043E \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434. \u0434\u043D\u044F?", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "\u0420\u043E\u0434\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 - \u0442\u0435, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0435 \u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0437\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u044B \u0438\u0437 \u043E\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0442\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442\u0430, \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0441 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0430\u043C\u0438 ([...])", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\u041F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0442\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442(\u0443\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0435\u043D\u044C) \u0432 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0430\u0445(\u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F)?", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: Title > Heading 1 > Subheading > ... > Subheading", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "\u0412\u044B\u0441\u043E\u0442\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0432\u043F\u0440\u043E\u0446\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0445", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "\u0415\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u043F\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0437\u0443\u0435\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044C \u043C\u043E\u0431\u0438\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u043C \u0442\u0435\u043B\u0435\u0444\u043E\u043D\u043E\u043C, \u0432\u044B\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u044C\u0442\u0435 100% \u0438\u043B\u0438 \u0443 \u0432\u0430\u0441 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0442 \u043E\u0433\u0440\u043E\u043C\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F", RESET_DEFAULT: "\u041D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438 \u043F\u043E \u0443\u043C\u043E\u043B\u0447\u0430\u043D\u0438\u044E", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\u0428\u0438\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438 \u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0446\u0435\u043D\u0442\u0430\u0445", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\u0421\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0434\u043E\u043A \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F?", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\u0412\u044B\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044B \u0441 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0430\u043C\u0438 (\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: [...])?", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C ==\u0432\u044B\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442== \u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0438 (\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: [...])?", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C **\u0436\u0438\u0440\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0442\u0435\u043A\u0441\u0442** \u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0438 (\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: [...])?", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "\u041A\u043E\u043D\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C {{\u0444\u0438\u0433\u0443\u0440\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u0441\u043A\u043E\u0431\u043A\u0438}} \u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0438 (\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: [...])?", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u0434\u043B\u044F \u0432\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0447\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "\u0412\u043D\u0438\u043C\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0435! \u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E \u0432\u0430\u043C \u043F\u0440\u0438\u0434\u0451\u0442\u0441\u044F \u0432\u0440\u0443\u0447\u043D\u0443\u044E \u0440\u0435\u0434\u0430\u043A\u0442\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0441\u0443\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u0432\u043D\u0443\u0442\u0440\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0447\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0447\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0442\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0447\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", NOTES: "\u0417\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0438", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "\u0412\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0430\u043D\u0435\u043B\u044C \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u043F\u0440\u0438 \u0437\u0430\u043F\u0443\u0441\u043A\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0433\u0440\u0430\u043C\u043C\u044B", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "\u0422\u044D\u0433\u0438 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "\u0412\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0442\u044D\u0433\u0438, \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0434\u0435\u043B\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 Enter-\u0430\u043C\u0438 \u0438\u043B\u0438 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u0431\u0435\u043B\u0430\u043C\u0438, \u043D\u0430\u043F\u0440\u0438\u043C\u0435\u0440: #review #tag2 #tag3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "\u041E\u0442\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0442\u044C \u0441\u043B\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0439\u043D\u0443\u044E \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "\u0415\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u0432\u044B\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C, \u0442\u043E \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0438 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0442 \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043F\u043E \u0432\u0430\u0436\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 (PageRank).", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0430\u0432\u0442\u043E\u043C\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u043A\u0438 \u043E\u0442\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0443\u044E \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0443", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "\u0412\u044B\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0432\u044B\u0431\u043E\u0440 \u0441\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0432 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044E \u0444\u0430\u0439\u043B\u0430, \u0442.\u0435.: \u041F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435: \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E \u041D\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "\u041F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u0432\u044B\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u0432\u044B \u0441\u043C\u043E\u0436\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044F\u0442\u044C \u043F\u0440\u0438 \u043F\u043E\u043C\u043E\u0449\u0438 \u0445\u043E\u0442\u043A\u0435\u0435\u0432. \u041F\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0437\u0430\u0433\u0440\u0443\u0437\u0438\u0442\u0435 Obsidian \u043F\u043E\u0441\u043B\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0433\u043E.", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u041D\u0430\u0438\u0431\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0448\u0435\u0435 \u043A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u0434\u043D\u0435\u0439 \u0434\u043B\u044F \u043E\u0442\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u0430\u043D\u0435\u043B\u0438 \u0441\u043F\u0440\u0430\u0432\u0430", MIN_ONE_DAY: "\u041A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u0434\u043D\u0435\u0439 \u043D\u0435 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0448\u0435 1.", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "\u041F\u043E\u0436\u0430\u043B\u0443\u0439\u0441\u0442\u0430 \u0432\u0432\u0435\u0434\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u043F\u043E\u0434\u0445\u043E\u0434\u044F\u0449\u0435\u0435 \u0447\u0438\u0441\u043B\u043E.", UI_PREFERENCES: "\u041F\u043E\u043B\u044C\u0437\u043E\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u0441\u043A\u0438\u0439 \u0438\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0444\u0435\u0439\u0441 \u041D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\u0414\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0432\u044C\u044F \u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434 \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u043D\u044B \u0438\u0437\u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u043E\u0442\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044C\u0441\u044F \u043A\u0430\u043A \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044B\u0435", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "\u041E\u0442\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u044D\u0442\u043E\u0442 \u043F\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u0440, \u0447\u0442\u043E\u0431\u044B \u0441\u0432\u0435\u0440\u043D\u0443\u0442\u044C \u0432\u043B\u043E\u0436\u0435\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u044B \u043D\u0430 \u043E\u0434\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0435. \u041F\u043E\u043B\u0435\u0437\u043D\u043E, \u0435\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u0443 \u0432\u0430\u0441 \u0435\u0441\u0442\u044C \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u044B, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043D\u0430\u0434\u043B\u0435\u0436\u0430\u0442 \u043C\u043D\u043E\u0433\u0438\u043C \u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u0430\u043C \u0432 \u043E\u0434\u043D\u043E\u043C \u0444\u0430\u0439\u043B\u0435.", ALGORITHM: "\u0410\u043B\u0433\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u043C", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: '\u0417\u0430 \u0434\u043E\u043F\u043E\u043B\u043D\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u0438\u043D\u0444\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u0446\u0438\u0435\u0439 \u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0449\u0430\u0439\u0442\u0435\u0441\u044C \u043A \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043B\u0438\u0437\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044F \u0430\u043B\u0433\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u043C\u0430.', BASE_EASE: "\u0411\u0430\u0437\u043E\u0432\u0430\u044F \u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C", BASE_EASE_DESC: "\u043C\u0438\u043D\u0438\u043C\u0443\u043C = 130, \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043F\u043E\u0447\u0442\u0438\u0442\u0435\u043B\u044C\u043D\u043E \u043E\u043A\u043E\u043B\u043E 250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "\u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u043D\u0430 \u0431\u044B\u0442\u044C \u043C\u0438\u043D\u0438\u043C\u0443\u043C 130.", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "\u0418\u0437\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043A\u0430 \u043A\u043E\u0433\u0434\u0430 \u0432\u044B \u043E\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u0421\u043B\u043E\u0436\u043D\u043E \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438/\u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0438", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "\u043D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0439\u041F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043E\u043A = \u0441\u0442\u0430\u0440\u044B\u0439\u041F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043E\u043A * \u0438\u0437\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435\u041F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043A\u0430 / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "\u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E: \u0431\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "\u0411\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441 \u0437\u0430 \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E \u043F\u043E\u0437\u0432\u043E\u043B\u044F\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u043C \u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D\u043E\u0432\u0438\u0442\u044C \u0440\u0430\u0437\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0443 \u0432 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043A\u0430\u0445 \u043C\u0435\u0436\u0434\u0443 \u043E\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0430\u043C\u0438 \u0425\u043E\u0440\u043E\u0448\u043E \u0438 \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E \u043D\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0435/\u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043A\u0435 (\u043C\u0438\u043D. = 100%).", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "\u0411\u043E\u043D\u0443\u0441 \u0437\u0430 \u041B\u0435\u0433\u043A\u043E \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u0435\u043D \u0431\u044B\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0435 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0448\u0435 100.", MAX_INTERVAL: "Maximum interval in days", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "\u041F\u043E\u0437\u0432\u043E\u043B\u044F\u0435\u0442 \u0432\u0430\u043C \u0443\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043D\u0430\u0432\u043B\u0438\u0432\u0430\u0442\u044C \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0445\u043D\u044E\u044E \u0433\u0440\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0446\u0443 \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043E\u043A (\u043F\u043E \u0443\u043C\u043E\u043B\u0447\u0430\u043D\u0438\u044E = 100 \u043B\u0435\u0442).", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "\u041C\u0430\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043E\u043A \u0434\u043E\u043B\u0436\u0435\u043D \u0431\u044B\u0442\u044C \u043D\u0435 \u043C\u0435\u043D\u044C\u0448\u0435 1.", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "\u041C\u0430\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0432\u043A\u043B\u0430\u0434 \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0437\u0438 (\u0441\u0441\u044B\u043B\u043A\u0438)", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "\u041C\u0430\u043A\u0441\u0438\u043C\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u0432\u043A\u043B\u0430\u0434 \u0432\u0437\u0432\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043D\u043D\u043E\u0439 \u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438 \u0441\u0432\u044F\u0437\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0445 \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043E\u043A \u0432 \u043D\u0430\u0447\u0430\u043B\u044C\u043D\u0443\u044E \u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C.", LOGGING: "\u0412\u0435\u0434\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435 \u043B\u043E\u0433\u0430", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\u041E\u0442\u043E\u0431\u0440\u0430\u0436\u0430\u0442\u044C \u043E\u0442\u043B\u0430\u0434\u043E\u0447\u043D\u0443\u044E \u0438\u043D\u0444\u043E\u0440\u043C\u0430\u0446\u0438\u044E \u0432 \u043A\u043E\u043D\u0441\u043E\u043B\u0435 \u0440\u0430\u0437\u0440\u0430\u0431\u043E\u0442\u0447\u0438\u043A\u0430 (developer console)?", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u041E\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434\u044C \u0437\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u043E\u043A \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0435", CLOSE: "\u0417\u0430\u043A\u0440\u044B\u0442\u044C", NEW: "\u041D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0435", YESTERDAY: "\u0412\u0447\u0435\u0440\u0430\u0448\u043D\u0438\u0435", TODAY: "\u0421\u0435\u0433\u043E\u0434\u043D\u044F\u0448\u043D\u0438\u0435", TOMORROW: "\u0417\u0430\u0432\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0448\u043D\u0438\u0435", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "\u0421\u0442\u0430\u0442\u0438\u0441\u0442\u0438\u043A\u0430", MONTH: "\u041C\u0435\u0441\u044F\u0446", QUARTER: "\u0427\u0435\u0442\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0442\u044C", YEAR: "\u0413\u043E\u0434", LIFETIME: "\u0412\u0441\u0451 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F", FORECAST: "\u041F\u0440\u043E\u0433\u043D\u043E\u0437", FORECAST_DESC: "\u041A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A \u043F\u0440\u0435\u0434\u0441\u0442\u043E\u044F\u0449\u0438\u0445 \u0432 \u0431\u0443\u0434\u0443\u0449\u0435\u043C", SCHEDULED: "\u0417\u0430\u043F\u043B\u0430\u043D\u0438\u0440\u043E\u0432\u0430\u043D\u043E", DAYS: "\u0414\u043D\u0435\u0439", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "\u041A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "\u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043D\u0435\u0435 \u043A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E: ${avg} \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u0439 \u0432 \u0434\u0435\u043D\u044C", //!!! INTERVALS: "\u0418\u043D\u0442\u0435\u0440\u0432\u0430\u043B\u044B", INTERVALS_DESC: "\u041F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043A\u0438 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u0435\u043D\u0438 \u0434\u043E \u0441\u043B\u0435\u0434\u0443\u044E\u0449\u0435\u0433\u043E \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A \u0432\u043E \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043F\u043E\u0432\u0442\u043E\u0440\u0435\u043D\u0438\u044F", COUNT: "\u041A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "\u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043D\u0438\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043E\u043A: ${avg}, \u0421\u0430\u043C\u044B\u0439 \u0434\u043B\u0438\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0439 \u043F\u0440\u043E\u043C\u0435\u0436\u0443\u0442\u043E\u043A: ${longest}", EASES: "\u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u044C (\u043F\u0430\u0440\u0430\u043C\u0435\u0442\u0440 \u0432 \u0430\u043B\u0433\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u043C\u0435, \u043A\u043E\u0442\u043E\u0440\u044B\u0439 \u0432\u043B\u0438\u044F\u0435\u0442 \u043D\u0430 \u043F\u0440\u0438\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435\u0442 \u0438 \u0432\u0440\u0435\u043C\u044F \u043F\u043E\u043A\u0430\u0437\u0430 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A) \n (\u043E\u0442 \u0430\u043D\u0433\u043B. ease, \u0441\u043C. \u043D\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0440\u043E\u0439\u043A\u0438 \u0430\u043B\u0433\u043E\u0440\u0438\u0442\u043C\u0430)", EASES_SUMMARY: "\u0421\u0440\u0435\u0434\u043D\u0435\u0435 \u043A\u043E\u043B\u0438\u0447\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u043E \u041B\u0451\u0433\u043A\u043E\u0441\u0442\u0438: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "\u0422\u0438\u043F\u044B \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "\u0412\u043A\u043B\u044E\u0447\u0430\u044F \u0441\u043F\u0440\u044F\u0442\u0430\u043D\u043D\u044B\u0435 \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u043A\u0438, \u0435\u0441\u043B\u0438 \u0442\u0430\u043A\u0438\u0435 \u0441\u0443\u0449\u0435\u0441\u0442\u0432\u0443\u044E\u0442.", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "\u041D\u043E\u0432\u044B\u0445", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "\u041C\u043E\u043B\u043E\u0434\u044B\u0445", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "\u0412\u0437\u0440\u043E\u0441\u043B\u044B\u0445", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "\u0412\u0441\u0435\u0433\u043E \u043A\u0430\u0440\u0442\u043E\u0447\u0435\u043A: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/ta.ts var ta_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/te.ts var te_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/th.ts var th_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/tr.ts var tr_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/uk.ts var uk_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/ur.ts var ur_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/vi.ts var vi_default = {}; // src/lang/locale/zh-cn.ts var zh_cn_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "\u5361\u7EC4", DUE_CARDS: "\u5230\u671F\u5361\u7247", NEW_CARDS: "\u65B0\u5361\u7247", TOTAL_CARDS: "\u5168\u90E8\u5361\u7247", BACK: "\u8FD4\u56DE", SKIP: "\u7565\u8FC7", EDIT_CARD: "\u7F16\u8F91\u5361\u7247", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "\u91CD\u7F6E\u5361\u7247", HARD: "\u8F83\u96BE", GOOD: "\u8BB0\u5F97", EASY: "\u7B80\u5355", SHOW_ANSWER: "\u663E\u793A\u7B54\u6848", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "\u5361\u7247\u5DF2\u88AB\u91CD\u7F6E\u3002", SAVE: "\u50A8\u5B58", CANCEL: "\u53D6\u6D88", NO_INPUT: "\u6CA1\u6709\u63D0\u4F9B\u8F93\u5165\u3002", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "\u76EE\u524D\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\uFF1A", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "\u76EE\u524D\u95F4\u9694\uFF1A", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "\u751F\u6210\u81EA\uFF1A${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "\u6253\u5F00\u4E00\u4E2A\u7B14\u8BB0\u5F00\u59CB\u590D\u4E60", REVIEW_CARDS: "\u590D\u4E60\u5361\u7247", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "\u590D\u4E60\uFF1A\u7B80\u5355", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "\u590D\u4E60\uFF1A\u8BB0\u5F97", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "\u590D\u4E60\uFF1A\u8F83\u96BE", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "\u6807\u8BB0\u4E3A\u201C\u7B80\u5355\u201D", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "\u6807\u8BB0\u4E3A\u201C\u8BB0\u5F97\u201D", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "\u6807\u8BB0\u4E3A\u201C\u8F83\u96BE\u201D", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "\u590D\u4E60\u6240\u6709\u7B14\u8BB0\u4E2D\u7684\u5361\u7247", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "\u9009\u62E9\u8981\u96C6\u4E2D\u590D\u4E60\u7684\u5361\u7EC4", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u590D\u4E60\u6B64\u7B14\u8BB0\u4E2D\u7684\u5361\u7247", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u96C6\u4E2D\u590D\u4E60\u6B64\u7B14\u8BB0\u4E2D\u7684\u5361\u7247", VIEW_STATS: "\u67E5\u770B\u6570\u636E", STATUS_BAR: "\u590D\u4E60: ${dueNotesCount} \u7B14\u8BB0, ${dueFlashcardsCount} \u5361\u7247\u5DF2\u5230\u671F", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "\u540C\u6B65\u65F6\u95F4 ${t}ms", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "\u7B14\u8BB0\u4FDD\u5B58\u5728\u5DF2\u88AB\u5FFD\u7565\u7684\u8DEF\u5F84\u4E2D\uFF08\u68C0\u67E5\u8BBE\u7F6E\u9009\u9879\uFF09\u3002", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "\u8BF7\u5C06\u9700\u8981\u590D\u4E60\u7684\u7B14\u8BB0\u4E2D\u52A0\u5165\u6B63\u786E\u7684\u6807\u7B7E\uFF08\u68C0\u67E5\u8BBE\u7F6E\u9009\u9879\uFF09\u3002", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "\u53CD\u9988\u5DF2\u6536\u5230", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "\u6CA1\u6709 ${deckName} \u5361\u7EC4", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\u90FD\u590D\u4E60\u5B8C\u5566\uFF0C\u4F60\u771F\u68D2\uFF01", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u5929", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u6708", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u5E74", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u5929", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u6708", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u5E74", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "\u95F4\u9694\u91CD\u590D\u63D2\u4EF6 - \u8BBE\u7F6E", CHECK_WIKI: '\u4E86\u89E3\u66F4\u591A, \u8BF7\u70B9\u51FBwiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "\u5FFD\u7565\u6B64\u6587\u4EF6\u5939", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "\u8F93\u5165\u6587\u4EF6\u5939\u8DEF\u5F84\uFF0C\u7528\u65B0\u5EFA\u884C\u5206\u9694\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1ATemplates Meta/Scripts", FLASHCARDS: "\u5361\u7247", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "\u201C\u7B80\u5355\u201D\u6309\u94AE\u6587\u672C", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "\u201C\u8BB0\u5F97\u201D\u6309\u94AE\u6587\u672C", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "\u201C\u8F83\u96BE\u201D\u6309\u94AE\u6587\u672C", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: "\u81EA\u5B9A\u4E49\u201C\u7B80\u5355\u201D\u6309\u94AE\u7684\u6807\u7B7E", FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: "\u81EA\u5B9A\u4E49\u201C\u8BB0\u5F97\u201D\u6309\u94AE\u7684\u6807\u7B7E", FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: "\u81EA\u5B9A\u4E49\u201C\u8F83\u96BE\u201D\u6309\u94AE\u7684\u6807\u7B7E", FLASHCARD_TAGS: "\u5361\u7247\u6807\u7B7E", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "\u8F93\u5165\u6807\u7B7E\uFF0C\u7528\u7A7A\u683C\u6216\u65B0\u5EFA\u884C\u5206\u9694\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A#flashcards #deck2 #deck3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\u662F\u5426\u5C06\u6587\u4EF6\u5939\u5185\u5BB9\u8F6C\u6362\u4E3A\u5361\u7247\u7EC4\u548C\u5B50\u5361\u7247\u7EC4\uFF1F", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "\u6B64\u9009\u9879\u4E3A\u5361\u7247\u6807\u7B7E\u9009\u9879\u7684\u66FF\u4EE3\u9009\u9879\u3002", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\u662F\u5426\u5C06\u8BA1\u5212\u91CD\u590D\u65F6\u95F4\u4FDD\u5B58\u5728\u5361\u7247\u6700\u540E\u4E00\u884C\u7684\u540C\u4E00\u884C\uFF1F", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "HTML\u6CE8\u91CA\u4E0D\u518D\u7834\u574F\u5217\u8868\u683C\u5F0F", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "\u5C06\u5173\u8054\u5361\u7247\u9690\u85CF\u81F3\u4E0B\u4E00\u5929\uFF1F", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "\u5173\u8054\u5361\u7247\u662F\u6765\u81EA\u540C\u4E00\u5361\u7247\u7684\u4E0D\u540C\u5F62\u5F0F\uFF0C \u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u5B8C\u5F62\u586B\u7A7A\u5361\u7247", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\u5728\u5361\u7247\u4E2D\u663E\u793A\u4E0A\u4E0B\u6587\uFF1F", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u6807\u9898 > \u526F\u6807\u9898 > \u5C0F\u6807\u9898 > ... > \u5C0F\u6807\u9898", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "\u5361\u7247\u9AD8\u5EA6\u767E\u5206\u6BD4", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "\u8BF7\u5728\u79FB\u52A8\u7AEF\u4F7F\u7528\u5E76\u9700\u8981\u6D4F\u89C8\u8F83\u5927\u56FE\u7247\u65F6\u8BBE\u4E3A100%", RESET_DEFAULT: "\u91CD\u7F6E\u4E3A\u9ED8\u8BA4", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\u5361\u7247\u5BBD\u5EA6\u767E\u5206\u6BD4", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\u590D\u4E60\u65F6\u968F\u673A\u663E\u793A\u5361\u7247\uFF1F", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\u4E0D\u8FDB\u884C\u5B8C\u5F62\u586B\u7A7A\uFF1F", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "\u5C06 ==\u9AD8\u4EAE== \u8F6C\u6362\u4E3A\u5B8C\u5F62\u586B\u7A7A\uFF1F", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "\u5C06 **\u7C97\u4F53** \u8F6C\u6362\u4E3A\u5B8C\u5F62\u586B\u7A7A\uFF1F", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "\u5C06 {{\u5927\u62EC\u53F7}} \u8F6C\u6362\u4E3A\u5B8C\u5F62\u586B\u7A7A\uFF1F", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u5355\u884C\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u7B26", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "\u6CE8\u610F\uFF1A\u66F4\u6539\u6B64\u9009\u9879\u540E\u4F60\u5C06\u9700\u8981\u81EA\u884C\u66F4\u6539\u5DF2\u5B58\u5728\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u7B26\u3002", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u5355\u884C\u7FFB\u8F6C\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u7B26", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u591A\u884C\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u7B26", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u591A\u884C\u7FFB\u8F6C\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u7B26", NOTES: "\u7B14\u8BB0", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "\u542F\u52A8\u65F6\u5F00\u542F\u7B14\u8BB0\u590D\u4E60\u7A97\u683C", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "\u590D\u4E60\u6807\u7B7E", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "\u8F93\u5165\u6807\u7B7E\uFF0C\u7528\u7A7A\u683C\u6216\u65B0\u5EFA\u884C\u5206\u9694\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A#review #tag2 #tag3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "\u590D\u4E60\u968F\u673A\u7B14\u8BB0", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "\u5173\u95ED\u6B64\u9009\u9879\uFF0C\u7B14\u8BB0\u5C06\u4EE5\u91CD\u8981\u5EA6(PageRank)\u6392\u5E8F\u3002", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "\u590D\u4E60\u540E\u81EA\u52A8\u6253\u5F00\u4E0B\u4E00\u4E2A\u7B14\u8BB0", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "\u5173\u95ED\u6587\u4EF6\u9009\u5355\u4E2D\u7684\u590D\u4E60\u9009\u9879 \u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u590D\u4E60\uFF1A\u7B80\u5355 \u8BB0\u5F97 \u8F83\u96BE", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "\u5173\u95ED\u6B64\u9009\u9879\u540E\u4F60\u53EF\u4EE5\u4F7F\u7528\u5FEB\u6377\u952E\u5F00\u59CB\u590D\u4E60\u3002\u91CD\u65B0\u542F\u52A8Obsidian\u4F7F\u672C\u9009\u9879\u751F\u6548\u3002", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u53F3\u8FB9\u680F\u4E2D\u663E\u793A\u7684\u6700\u5927\u5929\u6570", MIN_ONE_DAY: "\u5929\u6570\u6700\u5C0F\u503C\u4E3A1", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "\u8BF7\u8F93\u5165\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6570\u5B57\u3002", UI_PREFERENCES: "\u7528\u6237\u754C\u9762\u9996\u9009\u9879", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\u7532\u677F\u6811\u6700\u521D\u5E94\u663E\u793A\u4E3A\u5C55\u5F00", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "\u5173\u95ED\u6B64\u9009\u9879\u53EF\u6298\u53E0\u540C\u4E00\u5F20\u5361\u7247\u4E2D\u7684\u5D4C\u5957\u724C\u7EC4\u3002\u5982\u679C\u60A8\u7684\u5361\u7247\u5C5E\u4E8E\u540C\u4E00\u6587\u4EF6\u4E2D\u7684\u8BB8\u591A\u5957\u724C\uFF0C\u5219\u5F88\u6709\u7528\u3002", ALGORITHM: "\u7B97\u6CD5", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: '\u4E86\u89E3\u66F4\u591A, \u8BF7\u70B9\u51FB\u7B97\u6CD5\u5B9E\u73B0.', BASE_EASE: "\u57FA\u7840\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6", BASE_EASE_DESC: "\u6700\u5C0F\u503C130\uFF0C\u63A8\u8350\u503C\u7EA6250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "\u57FA\u7840\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\u7684\u6700\u5C0F\u503C\u4E3A130\u3002", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "\u5C06\u590D\u4E60\u65F6\u6807\u6CE8\u4E3A\u201C\u8F83\u96BE\u201D\u7684\u5361\u7247\u6216\u7B14\u8BB0\u590D\u4E60\u95F4\u9694\u7F29\u77ED", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "\u65B0\u590D\u4E60\u95F4\u9694 = \u539F\u590D\u4E60\u95F4\u9694 * \u95F4\u9694\u6539\u53D8\u7CFB\u6570 / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "\u7B80\u5355\u5956\u52B1", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "\u7B80\u5355\u5956\u52B1\u8BBE\u5B9A\u201C\u8BB0\u5F97\u201D\u548C\u201C\u7B80\u5355\u201D\u5361\u7247\u6216\u7B14\u8BB0\u7684\u590D\u4E60\u95F4\u9694\u5DEE\u8DDD\uFF08\u6700\u5C0F\u503C100%\uFF09\u3002", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "\u7B80\u5355\u5956\u52B1\u81F3\u5C11\u4E3A100\u3002", MAX_INTERVAL: "\u6700\u5927\u95F4\u9694\uFF08\u5929\uFF09", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "\u8BBE\u5B9A\u590D\u4E60\u7684\u6700\u5927\u95F4\u9694\u65F6\u95F4\uFF08\u9ED8\u8BA4\u503C100\u5E74\uFF09\u3002", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "\u6700\u5927\u95F4\u9694\u81F3\u5C11\u4E3A1\u5929", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "\u6700\u5927\u94FE\u63A5\u6536\u76CA", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "\u94FE\u63A5\u7B14\u8BB0\u7684\u52A0\u6743\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\u5BF9\u539F\u59CB\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\u7684\u6700\u5927\u8D21\u732E\u3002", LOGGING: "\u8BB0\u5F55\u4E2D", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\u5728\u5F00\u53D1\u8005\u63A7\u5236\u53F0\u4E2D\u663E\u793A\u8C03\u8BD5\u4FE1\u606F\uFF1F", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u7B14\u8BB0\u590D\u4E60\u5E8F\u5217", CLOSE: "\u4E34\u8FD1", NEW: "\u65B0", YESTERDAY: "\u6628\u5929", TODAY: "\u4ECA\u5929", TOMORROW: "\u660E\u5929", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "\u6570\u636E", MONTH: "\u6708", QUARTER: "\u5B63", YEAR: "\u5E74", LIFETIME: "\u5168\u90E8", FORECAST: "\u9884\u671F", FORECAST_DESC: "\u5C06\u8981\u5230\u671F\u7684\u5361\u7247\u6570\u91CF", SCHEDULED: "\u5DF2\u6392\u671F", DAYS: "\u5929", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "\u5361\u7247\u6570\u91CF", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "\u5E73\u5747: \u590D\u4E60${avg} /\u5929", INTERVALS: "\u95F4\u9694", INTERVALS_DESC: "\u5230\u4E0B\u4E00\u6B21\u590D\u4E60\u7684\u65F6\u95F4\u95F4\u9694", COUNT: "\u8BA1\u6570", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "\u5E73\u5747\u95F4\u9694\u65F6\u95F4: ${avg}, \u6700\u957F\u95F4\u9694\u65F6\u95F4: ${longest}", EASES: "\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6", EASES_SUMMARY: "\u5E73\u5747\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "\u5361\u7247\u7C7B\u578B", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "\u5982\u6709\uFF0C\u5C06\u663E\u793A\u9690\u85CF\u7684\u5361\u7247", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "\u65B0", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "\u8F83\u65B0", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "\u719F\u6089", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "\u603B\u5361\u7247\u6570: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/locale/zh-tw.ts var zh_tw_default = { // flashcard-modal.tsx DECKS: "\u724C\u7D44", DUE_CARDS: "\u5230\u671F\u5361\u7247", NEW_CARDS: "\u65B0\u5361\u7247", TOTAL_CARDS: "\u5168\u90E8\u5361\u7247", BACK: "\u8FD4\u56DE", SKIP: "\u7565\u904E", EDIT_CARD: "\u7DE8\u8F2F\u5361\u7247", RESET_CARD_PROGRESS: "\u91CD\u7F6E\u5361\u7247", HARD: "\u8F03\u96E3", GOOD: "\u8A18\u5F97", EASY: "\u7C21\u55AE", SHOW_ANSWER: "\u986F\u793A\u7B54\u6848", CARD_PROGRESS_RESET: "\u5361\u7247\u5DF2\u88AB\u91CD\u7F6E\u3002", SAVE: "\u5132\u5B58", CANCEL: "\u53D6\u6D88", NO_INPUT: "\u6C92\u6709\u63D0\u4F9B\u8F38\u5165\u3002", CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT: "\u76EE\u524D\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\uFF1A", CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT: "\u76EE\u524D\u9593\u9694\u6642\u9593\uFF1A", CARD_GENERATED_FROM: "\u751F\u6210\u81EA\uFF1A${notePath}", // main.ts OPEN_NOTE_FOR_REVIEW: "\u6253\u958B\u4E00\u500B\u7B46\u8A18\u958B\u59CB\u5FA9\u7FD2", REVIEW_CARDS: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u5361\u7247", REVIEW_EASY_FILE_MENU: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\uFF1A\u7C21\u55AE", REVIEW_GOOD_FILE_MENU: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\uFF1A\u8A18\u5F97", REVIEW_HARD_FILE_MENU: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\uFF1A\u8F03\u96E3", REVIEW_NOTE_EASY_CMD: "\u6A19\u8A18\u70BA\u300C\u7C21\u55AE\u300D", REVIEW_NOTE_GOOD_CMD: "\u6A19\u8A18\u70BA\u300C\u8A18\u5F97\u300D", REVIEW_NOTE_HARD_CMD: "\u6A19\u8A18\u70BA\u300C\u8F03\u96E3\u300D", REVIEW_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u6B64\u7B46\u8A18\u4E2D\u7684\u5361\u7247", CRAM_ALL_CARDS: "\u9078\u64C7\u8981\u4E0D\u8A08\u96E3\u6613\u5EA6\u5FA9\u7FD2\u7684\u724C\u7D44", REVIEW_ALL_CARDS: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u6240\u6709\u7B46\u8A18\u4E2D\u7684\u5361\u7247", CRAM_CARDS_IN_NOTE: "\u4E0D\u8A08\u96E3\u6613\u5EA6\u5FA9\u7FD2\u6B64\u7B46\u8A18\u4E2D\u7684\u5361\u7247", VIEW_STATS: "\u6AA2\u8996\u6578\u64DA", STATUS_BAR: "\u5FA9\u7FD2: ${dueNotesCount} \u7B46\u8A18, ${dueFlashcardsCount} \u5361\u7247\u5DF2\u5230\u671F", SYNC_TIME_TAKEN: "\u540C\u6B65\u6642\u9593 ${t}ms", NOTE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER: "\u7B46\u8A18\u5132\u5B58\u5728\u5DF2\u88AB\u5FFD\u7565\u7684\u8DEF\u5F91\u4E2D\uFF08\u6AA2\u67E5\u8A2D\u5B9A\u9078\u9805\uFF09\u3002", PLEASE_TAG_NOTE: "\u8ACB\u5C07\u9700\u8981\u5FA9\u7FD2\u7684\u7B46\u8A18\u4E2D\u52A0\u5165\u6B63\u78BA\u7684\u6A19\u7C64\uFF08\u6AA2\u67E5\u8A2D\u5B9A\u9078\u9805\uFF09\u3002", RESPONSE_RECEIVED: "\u56DE\u994B\u5DF2\u6536\u5230", NO_DECK_EXISTS: "\u6C92\u6709 ${deckName} \u724C\u7D44", ALL_CAUGHT_UP: "\u90FD\u5FA9\u7FD2\u5B8C\u5566\uFF0C\u4F60\u771F\u68D2\uFF01", // scheduling.ts DAYS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u5929", MONTHS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u6708", YEARS_STR_IVL: "${interval}\u5E74", DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u5929", MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u6708", YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE: "${interval}\u5E74", // settings.ts SETTINGS_HEADER: "\u9593\u9694\u91CD\u8907\u5916\u639B - \u8A2D\u5B9A", CHECK_WIKI: '\u77AD\u89E3\u66F4\u591A, \u8ACB\u9EDE\u9078wiki.', FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE: "\u5FFD\u7565\u6B64\u8CC7\u6599\u593E", FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC: "\u8F38\u5165\u8CC7\u6599\u593E\u8DEF\u5F91\uFF08\u7528\u63DB\u884C\u5B57\u5143\u5206\u9694\uFF09\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1ATemplates Meta/Scripts", FLASHCARDS: "\u5361\u7247", FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL: "\u7C21\u55AE\u6309\u9215\u6587\u5B57", FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL: "\u8A18\u5F97\u6309\u9215\u6587\u5B57", FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL: "\u8F03\u96E3\u6309\u9215\u6587\u5B57", FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC: "\u81EA\u8A02\u300C\u7C21\u55AE\u300D\u6309\u9215\u7684\u6A19\u7C64", FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC: "\u81EA\u8A02\u300C\u8A18\u5F97\u300D\u6309\u9215\u7684\u6A19\u7C64", FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC: "\u81EA\u8A02\u300C\u8F03\u96E3\u300D\u6309\u9215\u7684\u6A19\u7C64", FLASHCARD_TAGS: "\u5361\u7247\u6A19\u7C64", FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC: "\u8F38\u5165\u6A19\u7C64\uFF08\u7528\u7A7A\u767D\u6216\u63DB\u884C\u5B57\u5143\u5206\u9694\uFF09\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A#flashcards #deck2 #deck3.", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS: "\u662F\u5426\u5C07\u8CC7\u6599\u593E\u5167\u5BB9\u8F49\u63DB\u70BA\u724C\u7D44\u548C\u5B50\u724C\u7D44\uFF1F", CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC: "\u6B64\u9078\u9805\u70BA\u5361\u7247\u6A19\u7C64\u9078\u9805\u7684\u66FF\u4EE3\u9078\u9805\u3002", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS: "\u662F\u5426\u5C07\u8A08\u5283\u91CD\u8907\u6642\u9593\u5132\u5B58\u5728\u5361\u7247\u6700\u5F8C\u4E00\u884C\u7684\u540C\u4E00\u884C\uFF1F", INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC: "\u52FE\u9078\u5F8CHTML\u8A3B\u89E3\u4E0D\u6703\u7834\u58DE\u5217\u8868\u683C\u5F0F\u554F\u984C\u3002", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY: "\u5C07\u53CD\u8F49\u5361\u7247\u96B1\u85CF\u81F3\u4E0B\u4E00\u5929\uFF1F", BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC: "\u53CD\u8F49\u5361\u7247\u7531\u540C\u4E00\u5361\u7247\u6587\u5B57\u7522\u751F\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u586B\u7A7A\u514B\u6F0F\u5B57", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT: "\u5728\u5361\u7247\u4E2D\u986F\u793A\u4E0A\u4E0B\u6587\uFF1F", SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC: "\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u6A19\u984C > \u526F\u6A19\u984C > \u5C0F\u6A19\u984C > ... > \u5C0F\u6A19\u984C", CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT: "\u5361\u7247\u9AD8\u5EA6\u767E\u5206\u6BD4", CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC: "\u5728\u79FB\u52D5\u7AEF\u6216\u9700\u8981\u8F03\u5927\u5716\u7247\u6642\u61C9\u8A2D\u5B9A\u70BA100%", RESET_DEFAULT: "\u91CD\u7F6E\u70BA\u9810\u8A2D\u503C", CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT: "\u5361\u7247\u5BEC\u5EA6\u767E\u5206\u6BD4", RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u6642\u96A8\u6A5F\u986F\u793A\u5361\u7247\uFF1F", DISABLE_CLOZE_CARDS: "\u505C\u7528\u586B\u7A7A\u514B\u6F0F\u5B57\u5361\u7247\uFF1F", CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES: "\u5C07 ==\u9AD8\u4EAE== \u8F49\u63DB\u70BA\u586B\u7A7A\u514B\u6F0F\u5B57\uFF1F", CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES: "\u5C07 **\u7C97\u9AD4** \u8F49\u63DB\u70BA\u586B\u7A7A\u514B\u6F0F\u5B57\uFF1F", CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES: "\u5C07 {{\u5927\u62EC\u865F}} \u8F49\u63DB\u70BA\u586B\u7A7A\u514B\u6F0F\u5B57\uFF1F", INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u55AE\u884C\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u5B57\u5143", FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING: "\u6CE8\u610F\uFF1A\u66F4\u6539\u6B64\u9078\u9805\u5F8C\u4F60\u5C07\u9700\u8981\u81EA\u884C\u66F4\u6539\u5DF2\u5B58\u5728\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u5B57\u5143\u3002", INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u55AE\u884C\u53CD\u8F49\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u5B57\u5143", MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u591A\u884C\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u5B57\u5143", MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR: "\u591A\u884C\u7FFB\u8F49\u5361\u7247\u7684\u5206\u9694\u5B57\u5143", NOTES: "\u7B46\u8A18", REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP: "\u555F\u52D5\u6642\u958B\u555F\u7B46\u8A18\u5FA9\u7FD2\u7A97\u683C", TAGS_TO_REVIEW: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u6A19\u7C64", TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC: "\u8F38\u5165\u6A19\u7C64\uFF0C\u7528\u7A7A\u683C\u6216\u63DB\u884C\u5B57\u5143\u5206\u9694\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A#review #tag2 #tag3.", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u96A8\u6A5F\u7B46\u8A18", OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC: "\u95DC\u9589\u6B64\u9078\u9805\uFF0C\u7B46\u8A18\u5C07\u4EE5\u91CD\u8981\u5EA6(PageRank)\u6392\u5E8F\u3002", AUTO_NEXT_NOTE: "\u5FA9\u7FD2\u5F8C\u81EA\u52D5\u6253\u958B\u4E0B\u4E00\u500B\u7B46\u8A18", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS: "\u95DC\u9589\u6A94\u6848\u9078\u55AE\u4E2D\u7684\u5FA9\u7FD2\u9078\u9805 \u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u5FA9\u7FD2\uFF1A\u7C21\u55AE \u8A18\u5F97 \u8F03\u96E3", DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC: "\u95DC\u9589\u6A94\u6848\u9078\u55AE\u7684\u5FA9\u7FD2\u9078\u9805\uFF0C\u4F8B\u5982\uFF1A\u5FA9\u7FD2: \u7C21\u55AE \u8A18\u5F97 \u8F03\u96E3\u3002", MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u53F3\u908A\u9762\u677F\u986F\u793A\u7684\u6700\u5927\u5929\u6578", MIN_ONE_DAY: "\u5929\u6578\u6700\u5C0F\u503C\u70BA1", VALID_NUMBER_WARNING: "\u8ACB\u8F38\u5165\u6709\u6548\u7684\u6578\u5B57\u3002", UI_PREFERENCES: "\u7528\u6236\u4ECB\u9762\u9996\u9078\u9805", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE: "\u724C\u7D44\u6A39\u6700\u521D\u61C9\u986F\u793A\u70BA\u5C55\u958B", INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC: "\u95DC\u9589\u6B64\u9078\u9805\u53EF\u647A\u758A\u540C\u4E00\u5F35\u5361\u7247\u4E2D\u7684\u5DE2\u72C0\u724C\u7D44\u3002\u5982\u679C\u60A8\u7684\u5361\u7247\u5C6C\u65BC\u540C\u4E00\u6A94\u6848\u4E2D\u7684\u8A31\u591A\u5957\u724C\uFF0C\u5247\u5F88\u6709\u7528\u3002", ALGORITHM: "\u6F14\u7B97\u6CD5", CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI: '\u77AD\u89E3\u66F4\u591A, \u8ACB\u9EDE\u9078\u7B97\u6CD5\u5BE6\u73FE.', BASE_EASE: "\u57FA\u790E\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6", BASE_EASE_DESC: "\u6700\u5C0F\u503C130\uFF0C\u63A8\u85A6\u503C\u7D04250.", BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING: "\u57FA\u790E\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\u7684\u6700\u5C0F\u503C\u70BA130\u3002", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE: "\u5C07\u5FA9\u7FD2\u6642\u6A19\u8A3B\u70BA\u300C\u8F03\u96E3\u300D\u7684\u5361\u7247\u6216\u7B46\u8A18\u5FA9\u7FD2\u9593\u9694\u7E2E\u77ED", LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC: "\u65B0\u5FA9\u7FD2\u9593\u9694 = \u539F\u5FA9\u7FD2\u9593\u9694 * \u9593\u9694\u6539\u8B8A\u4FC2\u6578 / 100.", EASY_BONUS: "\u7C21\u55AE\u734E\u52F5", EASY_BONUS_DESC: "\u7C21\u55AE\u734E\u52F5\u8A2D\u5B9A\u300C\u8A18\u5F97\u300D\u548C\u300C\u7C21\u55AE\u300D\u5361\u7247\u6216\u7B46\u8A18\u7684\u5FA9\u7FD2\u9593\u9694\u5DEE\u8DDD\uFF08\u6700\u5C0F\u503C100%\uFF09\u3002", EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING: "\u7C21\u55AE\u734E\u52F5\u81F3\u5C11\u70BA100\u3002", MAX_INTERVAL: "\u6700\u5927\u9593\u9694\uFF08\u5929\uFF09", MAX_INTERVAL_DESC: "\u8A2D\u5B9A\u5FA9\u7FD2\u7684\u6700\u5927\u9593\u9694\u6642\u9593\uFF08\u9810\u8A2D\u503C100\u5E74\uFF09\u3002", MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING: "\u6700\u5927\u9593\u9694\u81F3\u5C11\u70BA1\u5929", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB: "\u6700\u5927\u93C8\u63A5\u8CA2\u737B", MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC: "\u93C8\u63A5\u7B46\u8A18\u7684\u52A0\u6B0A\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\u5C0D\u539F\u59CB\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6\u7684\u6700\u5927\u8CA2\u737B\u3002", LOGGING: "\u8A18\u9304\u4E2D", DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO: "\u5728\u958B\u767C\u8005\u63A7\u5236\u53F0\u4E2D\u986F\u793A\u9664\u932F\u8CC7\u8A0A\uFF1F", // sidebar.ts NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE: "\u7B46\u8A18\u5FA9\u7FD2\u5E8F\u5217", CLOSE: "\u81E8\u8FD1", NEW: "\u65B0", YESTERDAY: "\u6628\u5929", TODAY: "\u4ECA\u5929", TOMORROW: "\u660E\u5929", // stats-modal.tsx STATS_TITLE: "\u7D71\u8A08", MONTH: "\u6708", QUARTER: "\u5B63", YEAR: "\u5E74", LIFETIME: "\u5168\u90E8", FORECAST: "\u9810\u6E2C", FORECAST_DESC: "\u5C07\u8981\u5230\u671F\u7684\u5361\u7247\u6578\u91CF", SCHEDULED: "\u5DF2\u6392\u7A0B", DAYS: "\u5929", NUMBER_OF_CARDS: "\u5361\u7247\u6578\u91CF", REVIEWS_PER_DAY: "\u5E73\u5747: \u5FA9\u7FD2${avg} /\u5929", INTERVALS: "\u9593\u9694", INTERVALS_DESC: "\u5230\u4E0B\u4E00\u6B21\u5FA9\u7FD2\u7684\u6642\u9593\u9593\u9694", COUNT: "\u8A08\u6578", INTERVALS_SUMMARY: "\u5E73\u5747\u9593\u9694\u6642\u9593: ${avg}, \u6700\u9577\u9593\u9694\u6642\u9593: ${longest}", EASES: "\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6", EASES_SUMMARY: "\u5E73\u5747\u638C\u63E1\u7A0B\u5EA6: ${avgEase}", CARD_TYPES: "\u5361\u7247\u578B\u5225", CARD_TYPES_DESC: "\u5982\u6709\uFF0C\u5C07\u986F\u793A\u96B1\u85CF\u7684\u5361\u7247", CARD_TYPE_NEW: "\u65B0", CARD_TYPE_YOUNG: "\u8F03\u65B0", CARD_TYPE_MATURE: "\u719F\u6089", CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY: "\u7E3D\u5361\u7247\u6578: ${totalCardsCount}" }; // src/lang/helpers.ts var localeMap = { af: af_default, ar: ar_default, bn: bn_default, cs: cz_default, da: da_default, de: de_default, en: en_default, "en-gb": en_gb_default, es: es_default, fr: fr_default, hi: hi_default, id: id_default, it: it_default, ja: ja_default, ko: ko_default, mr: mr_default, nl: nl_default, nn: no_default, pl: pl_default, pt: pt_default, "pt-br": pt_br_default, ro: ro_default, ru: ru_default, ta: ta_default, te: te_default, th: th_default, tr: tr_default, uk: uk_default, ur: ur_default, vi: vi_default, "zh-cn": zh_cn_default, "zh-tw": zh_tw_default }; var locale = localeMap[import_obsidian.moment.locale()]; function interpolate(str, params) { const names2 = Object.keys(params); const vals = Object.values(params); return new Function(...names2, `return \`${str}\`;`)(...vals); } function t(str, params) { if (!locale) { console.error(`SRS error: Locale ${import_obsidian.moment.locale()} not found.`); } const result = locale && locale[str] || en_default[str]; if (params) { return interpolate(result, params); } return result; } // src/settings.ts var DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { // flashcards flashcardEasyText: t("EASY"), flashcardGoodText: t("GOOD"), flashcardHardText: t("HARD"), flashcardTags: ["#flashcards"], convertFoldersToDecks: false, cardCommentOnSameLine: false, burySiblingCards: false, showContextInCards: true, flashcardHeightPercentage: import_obsidian2.Platform.isMobile ? 100 : 80, flashcardWidthPercentage: import_obsidian2.Platform.isMobile ? 100 : 40, randomizeCardOrder: true, convertHighlightsToClozes: true, convertBoldTextToClozes: false, convertCurlyBracketsToClozes: false, singleLineCardSeparator: "::", singleLineReversedCardSeparator: ":::", multilineCardSeparator: "?", multilineReversedCardSeparator: "??", editLaterTag: "#edit-later", // notes enableNoteReviewPaneOnStartup: true, tagsToReview: ["#review"], noteFoldersToIgnore: [], openRandomNote: false, autoNextNote: false, disableFileMenuReviewOptions: false, maxNDaysNotesReviewQueue: 365, // UI settings initiallyExpandAllSubdecksInTree: false, // algorithm baseEase: 250, lapsesIntervalChange: 0.5, easyBonus: 1.3, maximumInterval: 36525, maxLinkFactor: 1, // logging showDebugMessages: false }; var applyDebounceTimer = 0; function applySettingsUpdate(callback2) { clearTimeout(applyDebounceTimer); applyDebounceTimer = window.setTimeout(callback2, 512); } var SRSettingTab = class extends import_obsidian2.PluginSettingTab { constructor(app2, plugin) { super(app2, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } display() { const { containerEl } = this; containerEl.empty(); const header = containerEl.createEl("h1", { text: `${t("SETTINGS_HEADER")}` }); header.addClass("sr-centered"); containerEl.createDiv().innerHTML = t("CHECK_WIKI", { wiki_url: "" }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE")).setDesc(t("FOLDERS_TO_IGNORE_DESC")).addTextArea( (text) => text.setValue("\n")).onChange((value) => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value.split(/\n+/).map((v) => v.trim()).filter((v) => v); await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ); containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: `${t("FLASHCARDS")}` }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("FLASHCARD_TAGS")).setDesc(t("FLASHCARD_TAGS_DESC")).addTextArea( (text) => text.setValue(" ")).onChange((value) => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value.split(/\s+/); await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS")).setDesc(t("CONVERT_FOLDERS_TO_DECKS_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS")).setDesc(t("INLINE_SCHEDULING_COMMENTS_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY")).setDesc(t("BURY_SIBLINGS_TILL_NEXT_DAY_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT")).setDesc(t("SHOW_CARD_CONTEXT_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("CARD_MODAL_HEIGHT_PERCENT")).setDesc(t("CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC")).addSlider( (slider) => slider.setLimits(10, 100, 5).setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.flashcardHeightPercentage; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("CARD_MODAL_WIDTH_PERCENT")).setDesc(t("CARD_MODAL_SIZE_PERCENT_DESC")).addSlider( (slider) => slider.setLimits(10, 100, 5).setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.flashcardWidthPercentage; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("RANDOMIZE_CARD_ORDER")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("CONVERT_HIGHLIGHTS_TO_CLOZES")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("CONVERT_BOLD_TEXT_TO_CLOZES")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("CONVERT_CURLY_BRACKETS_TO_CLOZES")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("INLINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR")).setDesc(t("FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.singleLineCardSeparator; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("INLINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR")).setDesc(t("FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.singleLineReversedCardSeparator; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("MULTILINE_CARDS_SEPARATOR")).setDesc(t("FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.multilineCardSeparator; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("MULTILINE_REVERSED_CARDS_SEPARATOR")).setDesc(t("FIX_SEPARATORS_MANUALLY_WARNING")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.multilineReversedCardSeparator; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("FLASHCARD_EASY_LABEL")).setDesc(t("FLASHCARD_EASY_DESC")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.flashcardEasyText; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("FLASHCARD_GOOD_LABEL")).setDesc(t("FLASHCARD_GOOD_DESC")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.flashcardGoodText; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("FLASHCARD_HARD_LABEL")).setDesc(t("FLASHCARD_HARD_DESC")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.flashcardHardText; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: `${t("NOTES")}` }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("REVIEW_PANE_ON_STARTUP")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("TAGS_TO_REVIEW")).setDesc(t("TAGS_TO_REVIEW_DESC")).addTextArea( (text) => text.setValue(" ")).onChange((value) => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { = value.split(/\s+/); await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE")).setDesc(t("OPEN_RANDOM_NOTE_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("AUTO_NEXT_NOTE")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS")).setDesc(t("DISABLE_FILE_MENU_REVIEW_OPTIONS_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("MAX_N_DAYS_REVIEW_QUEUE")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { const numValue = Number.parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(numValue)) { if (numValue < 1) { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("MIN_ONE_DAY")); text.setValue( ); return; } = numValue; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); } else { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("VALID_NUMBER_WARNING")); } }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxNDaysNotesReviewQueue; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: `${t("UI_PREFERENCES")}` }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE")).setDesc(t("INITIALLY_EXPAND_SUBDECKS_IN_TREE_DESC")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: `${t("ALGORITHM")}` }); containerEl.createDiv().innerHTML = t("CHECK_ALGORITHM_WIKI", { algo_url: "" }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("BASE_EASE")).setDesc(t("BASE_EASE_DESC")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { const numValue = Number.parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(numValue)) { if (numValue < 130) { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("BASE_EASE_MIN_WARNING")); text.setValue(; return; } = numValue; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); } else { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("VALID_NUMBER_WARNING")); } }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.baseEase; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE")).setDesc(t("LAPSE_INTERVAL_CHANGE_DESC")).addSlider( (slider) => slider.setLimits(1, 99, 1).setValue( * 100).setDynamicTooltip().onChange(async (value) => { = value / 100; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.lapsesIntervalChange; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("EASY_BONUS")).setDesc(t("EASY_BONUS_DESC")).addText( (text) => text.setValue(( * 100).toString()).onChange((value) => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { const numValue = Number.parseInt(value) / 100; if (!isNaN(numValue)) { if (numValue < 1) { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("EASY_BONUS_MIN_WARNING")); text.setValue( ( * 100).toString() ); return; } = numValue; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); } else { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("VALID_NUMBER_WARNING")); } }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.easyBonus; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("MAX_INTERVAL")).setDesc(t("MAX_INTERVAL_DESC")).addText( (text) => text.setValue( => { applySettingsUpdate(async () => { const numValue = Number.parseInt(value); if (!isNaN(numValue)) { if (numValue < 1) { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("MAX_INTERVAL_MIN_WARNING")); text.setValue( ); return; } = numValue; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); } else { new import_obsidian2.Notice(t("VALID_NUMBER_WARNING")); } }); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maximumInterval; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("MAX_LINK_CONTRIB")).setDesc(t("MAX_LINK_CONTRIB_DESC")).addSlider( (slider) => slider.setLimits(0, 100, 1).setValue( * 100).setDynamicTooltip().onChange(async (value) => { = value / 100; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ).addExtraButton((button) => { button.setIcon("reset").setTooltip(t("RESET_DEFAULT")).onClick(async () => { = DEFAULT_SETTINGS.maxLinkFactor; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); this.display(); }); }); containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: `${t("LOGGING")}` }); new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName(t("DISPLAY_DEBUG_INFO")).addToggle( (toggle) => toggle.setValue( (value) => { = value; await this.plugin.savePluginData(); }) ); } }; // src/gui/flashcard-modal.tsx var import_obsidian5 = require("obsidian"); var import_vhtml = __toESM(require_vhtml()); // src/scheduling.ts function schedule(response, interval, ease, delayBeforeReview, settingsObj, dueDates) { delayBeforeReview = Math.max(0, Math.floor(delayBeforeReview / (24 * 3600 * 1e3))); if (response === 0 /* Easy */) { ease += 20; interval = (interval + delayBeforeReview) * ease / 100; interval *= settingsObj.easyBonus; } else if (response === 1 /* Good */) { interval = (interval + delayBeforeReview / 2) * ease / 100; } else if (response === 2 /* Hard */) { ease = Math.max(130, ease - 20); interval = Math.max( 1, (interval + delayBeforeReview / 4) * settingsObj.lapsesIntervalChange ); } if (dueDates !== void 0) { interval = Math.round(interval); if (!, interval)) { dueDates[interval] = 0; } else { if (interval > 4) { let fuzz = 0; if (interval < 7) fuzz = 1; else if (interval < 30) fuzz = Math.max(2, Math.floor(interval * 0.15)); else fuzz = Math.max(4, Math.floor(interval * 0.05)); const originalInterval = interval; outer: for (let i = 1; i <= fuzz; i++) { for (const ivl of [originalInterval - i, originalInterval + i]) { if (!, ivl)) { dueDates[ivl] = 0; interval = ivl; break outer; } if (dueDates[ivl] < dueDates[interval]) interval = ivl; } } } } dueDates[interval]++; } interval = Math.min(interval, settingsObj.maximumInterval); return { interval: Math.round(interval * 10) / 10, ease }; } function textInterval(interval, isMobile) { if (interval === void 0) { return t("NEW"); } const m = Math.round(interval / 3.04375) / 10, y = Math.round(interval / 36.525) / 10; if (isMobile) { if (m < 1) return t("DAYS_STR_IVL_MOBILE", { interval }); else if (y < 1) return t("MONTHS_STR_IVL_MOBILE", { interval: m }); else return t("YEARS_STR_IVL_MOBILE", { interval: y }); } else { if (m < 1) return t("DAYS_STR_IVL", { interval }); else if (y < 1) return t("MONTHS_STR_IVL", { interval: m }); else return t("YEARS_STR_IVL", { interval: y }); } } // src/constants.ts var SCHEDULING_INFO_REGEX = /^---\n((?:.*\n)*)sr-due: (.+)\nsr-interval: (\d+)\nsr-ease: (\d+)\n((?:.*\n)?)---/; var YAML_FRONT_MATTER_REGEX = /^---\n((?:.*\n)*?)---/; var MULTI_SCHEDULING_EXTRACTOR = /!([\d-]+),(\d+),(\d+)/gm; var LEGACY_SCHEDULING_EXTRACTOR = //gm; var OBSIDIAN_TAG_AT_STARTOFLINE_REGEX = /^#[^\s#]+/gi; var PREFERRED_DATE_FORMAT = "YYYY-MM-DD"; var ALLOWED_DATE_FORMATS = [PREFERRED_DATE_FORMAT, "DD-MM-YYYY", "ddd MMM DD YYYY"]; var IMAGE_FORMATS = [ "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png", "svg", "webp", "apng", "avif", "jfif", "pjpeg", "pjp", "bmp" ]; var AUDIO_FORMATS = ["mp3", "webm", "m4a", "wav", "ogg"]; var VIDEO_FORMATS = ["mp4", "mkv", "avi", "mov"]; var COLLAPSE_ICON = ''; var TICKS_PER_DAY = 24 * 3600 * 1e3; var SR_HTML_COMMENT_BEGIN = ""; // src/TopicPath.ts var TopicPath = class _TopicPath { constructor(path) { if (path == null) throw "null path"; if (path.some((str) => str.includes("/"))) throw "path entries must not contain '/'"; this.path = path; } get hasPath() { return this.path.length > 0; } get isEmptyPath() { return !this.hasPath; } static get emptyPath() { return new _TopicPath([]); } shift() { if (this.isEmptyPath) throw "can't shift an empty path"; return this.path.shift(); } clone() { return new _TopicPath([...this.path]); } formatAsTag() { if (this.isEmptyPath) throw "Empty path"; const result = "#" + this.path.join("/"); return result; } static getTopicPathOfFile(noteFile, settings) { let deckPath = []; let result = _TopicPath.emptyPath; if (settings.convertFoldersToDecks) { deckPath = noteFile.path.split("/"); deckPath.pop(); if (deckPath.length != 0) { result = new _TopicPath(deckPath); } } else { const tagList = this.getTopicPathsFromTagList(noteFile.getAllTags()); outer: for (const tagToReview of this.getTopicPathsFromTagList( settings.flashcardTags )) { for (const tag of tagList) { if (tagToReview.isSameOrAncestorOf(tag)) { result = tag; break outer; } } } } return result; } isSameOrAncestorOf(topicPath) { if (this.isEmptyPath) return topicPath.isEmptyPath; if (this.path.length > topicPath.path.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < this.path.length; i++) { if (this.path[i] != topicPath.path[i]) return false; } return true; } static getTopicPathFromCardText(cardText) { var _a; const path = (_a = cardText.trimStart().match(OBSIDIAN_TAG_AT_STARTOFLINE_REGEX)) == null ? void 0 : _a.slice(-1)[0]; return (path == null ? void 0 : path.length) > 0 ? _TopicPath.getTopicPathFromTag(path) : null; } static removeTopicPathFromStartOfCardText(cardText) { const cardText1 = cardText.trimStart().replaceAll(OBSIDIAN_TAG_AT_STARTOFLINE_REGEX, ""); const cardText2 = cardText1.trimStart(); const whiteSpaceLength = cardText1.length - cardText2.length; const whiteSpace = cardText1.substring(0, whiteSpaceLength); return [cardText2, whiteSpace]; } static getTopicPathsFromTagList(tagList) { const result = []; for (const tag of tagList) { if (this.isValidTag(tag)) result.push(_TopicPath.getTopicPathFromTag(tag)); } return result; } static isValidTag(tag) { if (tag == null || tag.length == 0) return false; if (tag[0] != "#") return false; if (tag.length == 1) return false; return true; } static getTopicPathFromTag(tag) { if (tag == null || tag.length == 0) throw "Null/empty tag"; if (tag[0] != "#") throw "Tag must start with #"; if (tag.length == 1) throw "Invalid tag"; const path = tag.replace("#", "").split("/").filter((str) => str); return new _TopicPath(path); } }; // src/FlashcardReviewSequencer.ts var DeckStats = class { constructor(dueCount, newCount, totalCount) { this.dueCount = dueCount; this.newCount = newCount; this.totalCount = totalCount; } }; var FlashcardReviewSequencer = class { constructor(reviewMode, cardSequencer, settings, cardScheduleCalculator, questionPostponementList) { this.reviewMode = reviewMode; this.cardSequencer = cardSequencer; this.settings = settings; this.cardScheduleCalculator = cardScheduleCalculator; this.questionPostponementList = questionPostponementList; } get hasCurrentCard() { return this.cardSequencer.currentCard != null; } get currentCard() { return this.cardSequencer.currentCard; } get currentQuestion() { var _a; return (_a = this.currentCard) == null ? void 0 : _a.question; } get currentDeck() { return this.cardSequencer.currentDeck; } get currentNote() { return this.currentQuestion.note; } setDeckTree(originalDeckTree, remainingDeckTree) { this._originalDeckTree = originalDeckTree; this.remainingDeckTree = remainingDeckTree; this.setCurrentDeck(TopicPath.emptyPath); } setCurrentDeck(topicPath) { const deck = this.remainingDeckTree.getDeck(topicPath); this.cardSequencer.setDeck(deck); this.cardSequencer.nextCard(); } get originalDeckTree() { return this._originalDeckTree; } getDeckStats(topicPath) { const totalCount = this._originalDeckTree.getDeck(topicPath).getCardCount(2 /* All */, true); const remainingDeck = this.remainingDeckTree.getDeck(topicPath); const newCount = remainingDeck.getCardCount(0 /* NewCard */, true); const dueCount = remainingDeck.getCardCount(1 /* DueCard */, true); return new DeckStats(dueCount, newCount, totalCount); } skipCurrentCard() { this.cardSequencer.deleteCurrentQuestion(); } deleteCurrentCard() { this.cardSequencer.deleteCurrentCard(); } async processReview(response) { switch (this.reviewMode) { case 1 /* Review */: await this.processReview_ReviewMode(response); break; case 0 /* Cram */: await this.processReview_CramMode(response); break; } } async processReview_ReviewMode(response) { this.currentCard.scheduleInfo = this.determineCardSchedule(response, this.currentCard); await this.currentQuestion.writeQuestion(this.settings); if (response == 3 /* Reset */) { this.cardSequencer.moveCurrentCardToEndOfList(); this.cardSequencer.nextCard(); } else { if (this.settings.burySiblingCards) { await this.burySiblingCards(); this.cardSequencer.deleteCurrentQuestion(); } else { this.deleteCurrentCard(); } } } async burySiblingCards() { const remaining = this.currentDeck.getQuestionCardCount(this.currentQuestion); if (remaining > 1) { this.questionPostponementList.add(this.currentQuestion); await this.questionPostponementList.write(); } } async processReview_CramMode(response) { if (response == 0 /* Easy */) this.deleteCurrentCard(); else { this.cardSequencer.moveCurrentCardToEndOfList(); this.cardSequencer.nextCard(); } } determineCardSchedule(response, card) { let result; if (response == 3 /* Reset */) { result = this.cardScheduleCalculator.getResetCardSchedule(); } else { if (card.hasSchedule) { result = this.cardScheduleCalculator.calcUpdatedSchedule( response, card.scheduleInfo ); } else { const currentNote = card.question.note; result = this.cardScheduleCalculator.getNewCardSchedule( response, currentNote.filePath ); } } return result; } async updateCurrentQuestionText(text) { const q = this.currentQuestion.questionText; q.actualQuestion = text; await this.currentQuestion.writeQuestion(this.settings); } }; // src/Deck.ts var Deck2 = class _Deck { constructor(deckName, parent) { this.deckName = deckName; this.newFlashcards = []; this.dueFlashcards = []; this.subdecks = []; this.parent = parent; } getCardCount(cardListType, includeSubdeckCounts) { let result = 0; if (cardListType == 0 /* NewCard */ || cardListType == 2 /* All */) result += this.newFlashcards.length; if (cardListType == 1 /* DueCard */ || cardListType == 2 /* All */) result += this.dueFlashcards.length; if (includeSubdeckCounts) { for (const deck of this.subdecks) { result += deck.getCardCount(cardListType, includeSubdeckCounts); } } return result; } // // Returns a count of the number of this question's cards are present in this deck. // (The returned value would be <= // getQuestionCardCount(question) { let result = 0; result += this.getQuestionCardCountForCardListType(question, this.newFlashcards); result += this.getQuestionCardCountForCardListType(question, this.dueFlashcards); return result; } getQuestionCardCountForCardListType(question, cards) { let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) { const card = cards[i]; if (, cards[i].question)) result++; } return result; } static get emptyDeck() { return new _Deck("Root", null); } get isRootDeck() { return this.parent == null; } getDeck(topicPath) { return this._getOrCreateDeck(topicPath, false); } getOrCreateDeck(topicPath) { return this._getOrCreateDeck(topicPath, true); } _getOrCreateDeck(topicPath, createAllowed) { if (!topicPath.hasPath) { return this; } const t2 = topicPath.clone(); const deckName = t2.shift(); for (const subdeck of this.subdecks) { if (deckName === subdeck.deckName) { return subdeck._getOrCreateDeck(t2, createAllowed); } } let result = null; if (createAllowed) { const subdeck = new _Deck( deckName, this /* parent */ ); this.subdecks.push(subdeck); result = subdeck._getOrCreateDeck(t2, createAllowed); } return result; } getTopicPath() { const list = []; let deck = this; while (!deck.isRootDeck) { list.push(deck.deckName); deck = deck.parent; } return new TopicPath(list.reverse()); } getRootDeck() { let deck = this; while (!deck.isRootDeck) { deck = deck.parent; } return deck; } getCard(index, cardListType) { const cardList = this.getCardListForCardType(cardListType); return cardList[index]; } getCardListForCardType(cardListType) { return cardListType == 1 /* DueCard */ ? this.dueFlashcards : this.newFlashcards; } appendCard(topicPath, cardObj) { const deck = this.getOrCreateDeck(topicPath); const cardList = deck.getCardListForCardType(cardObj.cardListType); cardList.push(cardObj); } deleteCard(card) { const cardList = this.getCardListForCardType(card.cardListType); const idx = cardList.indexOf(card); if (idx != -1) cardList.splice(idx, 1); } deleteCardAtIndex(index, cardListType) { const cardList = this.getCardListForCardType(cardListType); cardList.splice(index, 1); } toDeckArray() { const result = []; result.push(this); for (const subdeck of this.subdecks) { result.push(...subdeck.toDeckArray()); } return result; } sortSubdecksList() { this.subdecks.sort((a, b) => { if (a.deckName < b.deckName) { return -1; } else if (a.deckName > b.deckName) { return 1; } return 0; }); for (const deck of this.subdecks) { deck.sortSubdecksList(); } } debugLogToConsole(desc = null) { let str = desc != null ? `${desc}: ` : ""; console.log(str += this.toString()); } toString(indent = 0) { let result = ""; let indentStr = " ".repeat(indent * 4); result += `${indentStr}${this.deckName}\r `; indentStr += " "; for (let i = 0; i < this.newFlashcards.length; i++) { const card = this.newFlashcards[i]; result += `${indentStr}New: ${i}: ${card.front}::${card.back}\r `; } for (let i = 0; i < this.dueFlashcards.length; i++) { const card = this.dueFlashcards[i]; const s = card.isDue ? "Due" : "Not due"; result += `${indentStr}${s}: ${i}: ${card.front}::${card.back}\r `; } for (const subdeck of this.subdecks) { result += subdeck.toString(indent + 1); } return result; } clone() { return this.copyWithCardFilter(() => true); } copyWithCardFilter(predicate, parent = null) { const result = new _Deck(this.deckName, parent); result.newFlashcards = [...this.newFlashcards.filter((card) => predicate(card))]; result.dueFlashcards = [...this.dueFlashcards.filter((card) => predicate(card))]; for (const s of this.subdecks) { const newParent = result; const newDeck = s.copyWithCardFilter(predicate, newParent); result.subdecks.push(newDeck); } return result; } static otherListType(cardListType) { let result; if (cardListType == 0 /* NewCard */) result = 1 /* DueCard */; else if (cardListType == 1 /* DueCard */) result = 0 /* NewCard */; else throw "Invalid cardListType"; return result; } }; var DeckTreeFilter = class { static filterForReviewableCards(reviewableDeckTree) { return reviewableDeckTree.copyWithCardFilter((card) => !card.question.hasEditLaterTag); } static filterForRemainingCards(questionPostponementList, deckTree, reviewMode) { return deckTree.copyWithCardFilter( (card) => (reviewMode == 0 /* Cram */ || card.isNew || card.isDue) && !questionPostponementList.includes(card.question) ); } }; // src/util/utils.ts var import_moment = __toESM(require_moment()); function getTypedObjectEntries(obj) { return Object.entries(obj); } var getKeysPreserveType = Object.keys; function literalStringReplace(text, searchStr, replacementStr) { let result = text; const startIdx = text.indexOf(searchStr); if (startIdx >= 0) { const startStr = text.substring(0, startIdx); const endIdx = startIdx + searchStr.length; const endStr = text.substring(endIdx); result = startStr + replacementStr + endStr; } return result; } function cyrb53(str, seed = 0) { let h12 = 3735928559 ^ seed, h22 = 1103547991 ^ seed; for (let i = 0, ch; i < str.length; i++) { ch = str.charCodeAt(i); h12 = Math.imul(h12 ^ ch, 2654435761); h22 = Math.imul(h22 ^ ch, 1597334677); } h12 = Math.imul(h12 ^ h12 >>> 16, 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h22 ^ h22 >>> 13, 3266489909); h22 = Math.imul(h22 ^ h22 >>> 16, 2246822507) ^ Math.imul(h12 ^ h12 >>> 13, 3266489909); return (4294967296 * (2097151 & h22) + (h12 >>> 0)).toString(16); } function formatDate_YYYY_MM_DD(ticks) { return ticks.format(PREFERRED_DATE_FORMAT); } function splitTextIntoLineArray(text) { return text.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n").split("\n"); } // src/util/DateProvider.ts var import_moment2 = __toESM(require_moment()); var LiveDateProvider = class { get today() { return (0, import_moment2.default)().startOf("day"); } }; var DateUtil = class { static dateStrToMoment(str) { return (0, import_moment2.default)(str, ALLOWED_DATE_FORMATS); } }; var globalDateProvider = new LiveDateProvider(); // src/CardSchedule.ts var _CardScheduleInfo = class _CardScheduleInfo { constructor(dueDate, interval, ease, delayBeforeReviewTicks) { this.dueDate = dueDate; this.interval = interval; this.ease = ease; this.delayBeforeReviewTicks = delayBeforeReviewTicks; } get delayBeforeReviewDaysInt() { return Math.ceil(this.delayBeforeReviewTicks / TICKS_PER_DAY); } isDue() { return this.dueDate.isSameOrBefore(; } isDummyScheduleForNewCard() { return this.formatDueDate() == _CardScheduleInfo.dummyDueDateForNewCard; } static getDummyScheduleForNewCard(settings) { return _CardScheduleInfo.fromDueDateStr( _CardScheduleInfo.dummyDueDateForNewCard, _CardScheduleInfo.initialInterval, settings.baseEase, 0 ); } static fromDueDateStr(dueDateStr, interval, ease, delayBeforeReviewTicks) { const dueDateTicks = DateUtil.dateStrToMoment(dueDateStr); return new _CardScheduleInfo(dueDateTicks, interval, ease, delayBeforeReviewTicks); } static fromDueDateMoment(dueDateTicks, interval, ease, delayBeforeReviewTicks) { return new _CardScheduleInfo(dueDateTicks, interval, ease, delayBeforeReviewTicks); } static get initialInterval() { return 1; } formatDueDate() { return formatDate_YYYY_MM_DD(this.dueDate); } formatSchedule() { return `!${this.formatDueDate()},${this.interval},${this.ease}`; } }; // A question can have multiple cards. The schedule info for all sibling cards are formatted together // in a single comment, such as: // // // However, not all sibling cards may have been reviewed. Therefore we need a method of indicating that a particular card // has not been reviewed, and should be considered "new" // This is done by using this magic value for the date _CardScheduleInfo.dummyDueDateForNewCard = "2000-01-01"; var CardScheduleInfo = _CardScheduleInfo; var CardScheduleCalculator = class { // Record<# of days in future, due count> constructor(settings, noteEaseList) { this.dueDatesFlashcards = {}; this.settings = settings; this.noteEaseList = noteEaseList; } getResetCardSchedule() { const interval = CardScheduleInfo.initialInterval; const ease = this.settings.baseEase; const dueDate =, "d"); const delayBeforeReview = 0; return CardScheduleInfo.fromDueDateMoment(dueDate, interval, ease, delayBeforeReview); } getNewCardSchedule(response, notePath) { let initial_ease = this.settings.baseEase; if (this.noteEaseList.hasEaseForPath(notePath)) { initial_ease = Math.round(this.noteEaseList.getEaseByPath(notePath)); } const delayBeforeReview = 0; const schedObj = schedule( response, CardScheduleInfo.initialInterval, initial_ease, delayBeforeReview, this.settings, this.dueDatesFlashcards ); const interval = schedObj.interval; const ease = schedObj.ease; const dueDate =, "d"); return CardScheduleInfo.fromDueDateMoment(dueDate, interval, ease, delayBeforeReview); } calcUpdatedSchedule(response, cardSchedule) { const schedObj = schedule( response, cardSchedule.interval, cardSchedule.ease, cardSchedule.delayBeforeReviewTicks, this.settings, this.dueDatesFlashcards ); const interval = schedObj.interval; const ease = schedObj.ease; const dueDate =, "d"); const delayBeforeReview = 0; return CardScheduleInfo.fromDueDateMoment(dueDate, interval, ease, delayBeforeReview); } }; var NoteCardScheduleParser = class { static createCardScheduleInfoList(questionText) { let scheduling = [...questionText.matchAll(MULTI_SCHEDULING_EXTRACTOR)]; if (scheduling.length === 0) scheduling = [...questionText.matchAll(LEGACY_SCHEDULING_EXTRACTOR)]; const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < scheduling.length; i++) { const match = scheduling[i]; const dueDateStr = match[1]; const interval = parseInt(match[2]); const ease = parseInt(match[3]); const dueDate = DateUtil.dateStrToMoment(dueDateStr); const delayBeforeReviewTicks = dueDate.valueOf() -; const info = new CardScheduleInfo( dueDate, interval, ease, delayBeforeReviewTicks ); result.push(info); } return result; } static removeCardScheduleInfo(questionText) { return questionText.replace(//gm, ""); } }; // src/util/MultiLineTextFinder.ts var MultiLineTextFinder = class _MultiLineTextFinder { static findAndReplace(sourceText, searchText, replacementText) { let result = null; if (sourceText.includes(searchText)) { result = literalStringReplace(sourceText, searchText, replacementText); } else { const sourceTextArray = splitTextIntoLineArray(sourceText); const searchTextArray = splitTextIntoLineArray(searchText); const lineNo = _MultiLineTextFinder.find(sourceTextArray, searchTextArray); if (lineNo) { const replacementTextArray = splitTextIntoLineArray(replacementText); const linesToRemove = searchTextArray.length; sourceTextArray.splice(lineNo, linesToRemove, ...replacementTextArray); result = sourceTextArray.join("\n"); } } return result; } static find(sourceText, searchText) { let result = null; let searchIdx = 0; const maxSearchIdx = searchText.length - 1; for (let sourceIdx = 0; sourceIdx < sourceText.length; sourceIdx++) { const sourceLine = sourceText[sourceIdx].trim(); const searchLine = searchText[searchIdx].trim(); if (searchLine == sourceLine) { if (searchIdx == maxSearchIdx) { result = sourceIdx - searchIdx; break; } searchIdx++; } else { searchIdx = 0; } } return result; } }; // src/Question.ts var QuestionText = class _QuestionText { constructor(original, topicPath, postTopicPathWhiteSpace, actualQuestion) { this.original = original; this.topicPath = topicPath; this.postTopicPathWhiteSpace = postTopicPathWhiteSpace; this.actualQuestion = actualQuestion; this.textHash = cyrb53(this.formatForNote()); } endsWithCodeBlock() { return this.actualQuestion.endsWith("```"); } static create(original, settings) { const [topicPath, postTopicPathWhiteSpace, actualQuestion] = this.splitText( original, settings ); return new _QuestionText(original, topicPath, postTopicPathWhiteSpace, actualQuestion); } static splitText(original, settings) { const strippedSR = NoteCardScheduleParser.removeCardScheduleInfo(original).trim(); let actualQuestion = strippedSR; let whiteSpace = ""; let topicPath = TopicPath.emptyPath; if (!settings.convertFoldersToDecks) { const t2 = TopicPath.getTopicPathFromCardText(strippedSR); if (t2 == null ? void 0 : t2.hasPath) { topicPath = t2; [actualQuestion, whiteSpace] = TopicPath.removeTopicPathFromStartOfCardText(strippedSR); } } return [topicPath, whiteSpace, actualQuestion]; } formatForNote() { var _a; let result = ""; if (this.topicPath.hasPath) { result += this.topicPath.formatAsTag(); result += (_a = this.postTopicPathWhiteSpace) != null ? _a : " "; } result += this.actualQuestion; return result; } }; var Question = class _Question { constructor(init) { Object.assign(this, init); } getHtmlCommentSeparator(settings) { let sep = settings.cardCommentOnSameLine ? " " : "\n"; if (this.questionText.endsWithCodeBlock() && sep !== "\n") { sep = "\n"; } return sep; } setCardList(cards) { = cards; => card.question = this); } formatScheduleAsHtmlComment(settings) { let result = SR_HTML_COMMENT_BEGIN; for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const card =[i]; const schedule2 = card.hasSchedule ? card.scheduleInfo : CardScheduleInfo.getDummyScheduleForNewCard(settings); result += schedule2.formatSchedule(); } result += SR_HTML_COMMENT_END; return result; } formatForNote(settings) { let result = this.questionText.formatForNote(); if ( => card.hasSchedule)) { result += this.getHtmlCommentSeparator(settings) + this.formatScheduleAsHtmlComment(settings); } return result; } updateQuestionText(noteText, settings) { const originalText = this.questionText.original; const replacementText = this.formatForNote(settings); let newText = MultiLineTextFinder.findAndReplace(noteText, originalText, replacementText); if (newText) { this.questionText = QuestionText.create(replacementText, settings); } else { console.error( `updateQuestionText: Text not found: ${originalText.substring( 0, 100 )} in note: ${noteText.substring(0, 100)}` ); newText = noteText; } return newText; } async writeQuestion(settings) { const fileText = await; const newText = this.updateQuestionText(fileText, settings); await this.note.file.write(newText); this.hasChanged = false; } static Create(settings, questionType, noteTopicPath, originalText, lineNo, context) { const hasEditLaterTag = originalText.includes(settings.editLaterTag); const questionText = QuestionText.create(originalText, settings); let topicPath = noteTopicPath; if (questionText.topicPath.hasPath) { topicPath = questionText.topicPath; } const result = new _Question({ questionType, topicPath, questionText, lineNo, hasEditLaterTag, questionContext: context, cards: null, hasChanged: false }); return result; } }; // src/gui/flashcards-edit-modal.ts var import_obsidian3 = require("obsidian"); var FlashcardEditModal = class _FlashcardEditModal extends import_obsidian3.Modal { constructor(app2, existingText) { super(app2); this.didSubmit = false; this.submitClickCallback = (_) => this.submit(); this.cancelClickCallback = (_) => this.cancel(); this.submitEnterCallback = (evt) => { if ((evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey) && evt.key === "Enter") { evt.preventDefault(); this.submit(); } }; this.titleEl.setText(t("EDIT_CARD")); this.titleEl.addClass("sr-centered"); this.modalText = existingText; this.input = existingText; this.waitForClose = new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { this.resolvePromise = resolve2; this.rejectPromise = reject; }); this.display();; } static Prompt(app2, placeholder) { const newPromptModal = new _FlashcardEditModal(app2, placeholder); return newPromptModal.waitForClose; } display() { this.contentEl.empty(); this.modalEl.addClass("sr-flashcard-input-modal"); const mainContentContainer = this.contentEl.createDiv(); mainContentContainer.addClass("sr-flashcard-input-area"); this.inputComponent = this.createInputField(mainContentContainer, this.modalText); this.createButtonBar(mainContentContainer); } createButton(container, text, callback2) { const btn = new import_obsidian3.ButtonComponent(container); btn.setButtonText(text).onClick(callback2); return btn; } createButtonBar(mainContentContainer) { const buttonBarContainer = mainContentContainer.createDiv(); buttonBarContainer.addClass("sr-flashcard-edit-button-bar"); this.createButton( buttonBarContainer, t("SAVE"), this.submitClickCallback ).setCta() = "0"; this.createButton(buttonBarContainer, t("CANCEL"), this.cancelClickCallback); } createInputField(container, value) { const textComponent = new import_obsidian3.TextAreaComponent(container); = "100%"; textComponent.setValue(value != null ? value : "").inputEl.addEventListener("keydown", this.submitEnterCallback); return textComponent; } submit() { this.didSubmit = true; this.input = this.inputComponent.getValue(); this.close(); } cancel() { this.close(); } onOpen() { super.onOpen(); this.inputComponent.inputEl.focus(); } onClose() { super.onClose(); this.resolveInput(); this.removeInputListener(); } resolveInput() { if (!this.didSubmit) this.rejectPromise(t("NO_INPUT")); else this.resolvePromise(this.input); } removeInputListener() { this.inputComponent.inputEl.removeEventListener("keydown", this.submitEnterCallback); } }; // src/util/RenderMarkdownWrapper.ts var import_obsidian4 = require("obsidian"); var RenderMarkdownWrapper = class { constructor(app2, plugin, notePath) { = app2; this.notePath = notePath; this.plugin = plugin; } // slightly modified version of the renderMarkdown function in // async renderMarkdownWrapper(markdownString, containerEl, recursiveDepth = 0) { if (recursiveDepth > 4) return; import_obsidian4.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown(markdownString, containerEl, this.notePath, this.plugin); containerEl.findAll(".internal-embed").forEach((el) => { const link2 = this.parseLink(el.getAttribute("src")); if (! { el.innerText = link2.text; } else if ( instanceof import_obsidian4.TFile) { if ( !== "md") { this.embedMediaFile(el,; } else { el.innerText = ""; this.renderTransclude(el, link2, recursiveDepth); } } }); } parseLink(src) { const linkComponentsRegex = /^(?[^#^]+)?(?:#(?!\^)(?.+)|#\^(?.+)|#)?$/; const matched = typeof src === "string" && src.match(linkComponentsRegex); const file = matched.groups.file || this.notePath; const target =, this.notePath); return { text: matched[0], file: matched.groups.file, heading: matched.groups.heading, blockId: matched.groups.blockId, target }; } embedMediaFile(el, target) { el.innerText = ""; if (IMAGE_FORMATS.includes(target.extension)) { el.createEl( "img", { attr: { src: } }, (img) => { if (el.hasAttribute("width")) img.setAttribute("width", el.getAttribute("width")); else img.setAttribute("width", "100%"); if (el.hasAttribute("alt")) img.setAttribute("alt", el.getAttribute("alt")); el.addEventListener( "click", (ev) => = === "100%" ? null : "100%" ); } ); el.addClasses(["image-embed", "is-loaded"]); } else if (AUDIO_FORMATS.includes(target.extension) || VIDEO_FORMATS.includes(target.extension)) { el.createEl( AUDIO_FORMATS.includes(target.extension) ? "audio" : "video", { attr: { controls: "", src: } }, (audio) => { if (el.hasAttribute("alt")) audio.setAttribute("alt", el.getAttribute("alt")); } ); el.addClasses(["media-embed", "is-loaded"]); } else { el.innerText = target.path; } } async renderTransclude(el, link2, recursiveDepth) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; const cache =; const text = await; let blockText; if (link2.heading) { const clean = (s) => s.replace(/[\W\s]/g, ""); const headingIndex = (_a = cache.headings) == null ? void 0 : _a.findIndex( (h4) => clean(h4.heading) === clean(link2.heading) ); const heading = cache.headings[headingIndex]; const startAt = heading.position.start.offset; const endAt = ((_d = (_c = (_b = cache.headings.slice(headingIndex + 1).find((h4) => h4.level <= heading.level)) == null ? void 0 : _b.position) == null ? void 0 : _c.start) == null ? void 0 : _d.offset) || text.length; blockText = text.substring(startAt, endAt); } else if (link2.blockId) { const block = cache.blocks[link2.blockId]; const startAt = block.position.start.offset; const endAt = block.position.end.offset; blockText = text.substring(startAt, endAt); } else { blockText = text; } this.renderMarkdownWrapper(blockText, el, recursiveDepth + 1); } }; // src/gui/flashcard-modal.tsx var FlashcardModal = class extends import_obsidian5.Modal { constructor(app2, plugin, settings, reviewSequencer, reviewMode) { super(app2); this.plugin = plugin; this.settings = settings; this.reviewSequencer = reviewSequencer; this.reviewMode = reviewMode; this.titleEl.setText(t("DECKS")); this.titleEl.addClass("sr-centered"); if (import_obsidian5.Platform.isMobile) { = "block"; } = this.settings.flashcardHeightPercentage + "%"; = this.settings.flashcardWidthPercentage + "%"; = "relative"; = "92%"; this.contentEl.addClass("sr-modal-content"); document.body.onkeydown = (e) => { if (document.activeElement.nodeName !== "TEXTAREA" && this.mode !== 0 /* DecksList */) { const consume = () => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }; if (this.mode !== 3 /* Closed */ && e.code === "KeyS") { this.skipCurrentCard(); consume(); } else if (this.mode === 1 /* Front */ && (e.code === "Space" || e.code === "Enter" || e.code === "NumpadEnter")) { this.showAnswer(); consume(); } else if (this.mode === 2 /* Back */) { if (e.code === "Numpad1" || e.code === "Digit1") { this.processReview(2 /* Hard */); consume(); } else if (e.code === "Numpad2" || e.code === "Digit2" || e.code === "Space") { this.processReview(1 /* Good */); consume(); } else if (e.code === "Numpad3" || e.code === "Digit3") { this.processReview(0 /* Easy */); consume(); } else if (e.code === "Numpad0" || e.code === "Digit0") { this.processReview(3 /* Reset */); consume(); } } } }; } get currentCard() { return this.reviewSequencer.currentCard; } get currentQuestion() { return this.reviewSequencer.currentQuestion; } get currentNote() { return this.reviewSequencer.currentNote; } onOpen() { this.renderDecksList(); } onClose() { this.mode = 3 /* Closed */; } renderDecksList() { this.mode = 0 /* DecksList */; const stats = this.reviewSequencer.getDeckStats(TopicPath.emptyPath); this.titleEl.setText(t("DECKS")); this.titleEl.innerHTML += /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)("p", { style: "margin:0px;line-height:12px;" }, /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)( "span", { style: "background-color:#4caf50;color:#ffffff;", "aria-label": t("DUE_CARDS"), class: "tag-pane-tag-count tree-item-flair sr-deck-counts" }, stats.dueCount.toString() ), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)( "span", { style: "background-color:#2196f3;", "aria-label": t("NEW_CARDS"), class: "tag-pane-tag-count tree-item-flair sr-deck-counts" }, stats.newCount.toString() ), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)( "span", { style: "background-color:#ff7043;", "aria-label": t("TOTAL_CARDS"), class: "tag-pane-tag-count tree-item-flair sr-deck-counts" }, stats.totalCount.toString() )); this.contentEl.empty(); this.contentEl.setAttribute("id", "sr-flashcard-view"); for (const deck of this.reviewSequencer.originalDeckTree.subdecks) { this.renderDeck(deck, this.contentEl, this); } } renderDeck(deck, containerEl, modal) { const deckView = containerEl.createDiv("tree-item"); const deckViewSelf = deckView.createDiv( "tree-item-self tag-pane-tag is-clickable" ); const shouldBeInitiallyExpanded = modal.settings.initiallyExpandAllSubdecksInTree; let collapsed = !shouldBeInitiallyExpanded; let collapseIconEl = null; if (deck.subdecks.length > 0) { collapseIconEl = deckViewSelf.createDiv("tree-item-icon collapse-icon"); collapseIconEl.innerHTML = COLLAPSE_ICON; collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = collapsed ? "rotate(-90deg)" : ""; } const deckViewInner = deckViewSelf.createDiv("tree-item-inner"); const deckViewInnerText = deckViewInner.createDiv("tag-pane-tag-text"); deckViewInnerText.innerHTML += /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)("span", { class: "tag-pane-tag-self" }, deck.deckName); const deckViewOuter = deckViewSelf.createDiv("tree-item-flair-outer"); const deckStats = this.reviewSequencer.getDeckStats(deck.getTopicPath()); deckViewOuter.innerHTML += /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)("span", null, /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)( "span", { style: "background-color:#4caf50;", class: "tag-pane-tag-count tree-item-flair sr-deck-counts" }, deckStats.dueCount.toString() ), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)( "span", { style: "background-color:#2196f3;", class: "tag-pane-tag-count tree-item-flair sr-deck-counts" }, deckStats.newCount.toString() ), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml.default)( "span", { style: "background-color:#ff7043;", class: "tag-pane-tag-count tree-item-flair sr-deck-counts" }, deckStats.totalCount.toString() )); const deckViewChildren = deckView.createDiv("tree-item-children"); = collapsed ? "none" : "block"; if (deck.subdecks.length > 0) { collapseIconEl.addEventListener("click", (e) => { if (collapsed) { collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = ""; = "block"; } else { collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = "rotate(-90deg)"; = "none"; } e.stopPropagation(); collapsed = !collapsed; }); } deckViewSelf.addEventListener("click", () => { this.startReviewOfDeck(deck); }); for (const subdeck of deck.subdecks) { this.renderDeck(subdeck, deckViewChildren, modal); } } startReviewOfDeck(deck) { this.reviewSequencer.setCurrentDeck(deck.getTopicPath()); if (this.reviewSequencer.hasCurrentCard) { this.setupCardsView(); this.showCurrentCard(); } else this.renderDecksList(); } setupCardsView() { this.contentEl.empty(); this.flashCardMenu = this.contentEl.createDiv("sr-flashcard-menu"); this.createBackButton(); this.createEditButton(); this.createResetButton(); this.createCardInfoButton(); this.createSkipButton(); if (this.settings.showContextInCards) { this.contextView = this.contentEl.createDiv(); this.contextView.setAttribute("id", "sr-context"); } this.flashcardView = this.contentEl.createDiv("div"); this.flashcardView.setAttribute("id", "sr-flashcard-view"); this.createResponseButtons(); this.createShowAnswerButton(); if (this.reviewMode == 0 /* Cram */) { = "none"; this.responseDiv.addClass("sr-ignorestats-response"); this.easyBtn.addClass("sr-ignorestats-btn"); this.hardBtn.addClass("sr-ignorestats-btn"); } } createShowAnswerButton() { this.answerBtn = this.contentEl.createDiv(); this.answerBtn.setAttribute("id", "sr-show-answer"); this.answerBtn.setText(t("SHOW_ANSWER")); this.answerBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { this.showAnswer(); }); } createResponseButtons() { this.responseDiv = this.contentEl.createDiv("sr-flashcard-response"); this.hardBtn = document.createElement("button"); this.hardBtn.setAttribute("id", "sr-hard-btn"); this.hardBtn.setText(this.settings.flashcardHardText); this.hardBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { this.processReview(2 /* Hard */); }); this.responseDiv.appendChild(this.hardBtn); this.goodBtn = document.createElement("button"); this.goodBtn.setAttribute("id", "sr-good-btn"); this.goodBtn.setText(this.settings.flashcardGoodText); this.goodBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { this.processReview(1 /* Good */); }); this.responseDiv.appendChild(this.goodBtn); this.easyBtn = document.createElement("button"); this.easyBtn.setAttribute("id", "sr-easy-btn"); this.easyBtn.setText(this.settings.flashcardEasyText); this.easyBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { this.processReview(0 /* Easy */); }); this.responseDiv.appendChild(this.easyBtn); = "none"; } createSkipButton() { const skipButton = this.flashCardMenu.createEl("button"); skipButton.addClass("sr-flashcard-menu-item"); (0, import_obsidian5.setIcon)(skipButton, "chevrons-right"); skipButton.setAttribute("aria-label", t("SKIP")); skipButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.skipCurrentCard(); }); } createCardInfoButton() { const cardInfo = this.flashCardMenu.createEl("button"); cardInfo.addClass("sr-flashcard-menu-item"); (0, import_obsidian5.setIcon)(cardInfo, "info"); cardInfo.setAttribute("aria-label", "View Card Info"); cardInfo.addEventListener("click", async () => { this.displayCurrentCardInfoNotice(); }); } displayCurrentCardInfoNotice() { var _a; const schedule2 = this.currentCard.scheduleInfo; const currentEaseStr = t("CURRENT_EASE_HELP_TEXT") + ((_a = schedule2 == null ? void 0 : schedule2.ease) != null ? _a : t("NEW")); const currentIntervalStr = t("CURRENT_INTERVAL_HELP_TEXT") + textInterval(schedule2 == null ? void 0 : schedule2.interval, false); const generatedFromStr = t("CARD_GENERATED_FROM", { notePath: this.currentQuestion.note.filePath }); new import_obsidian5.Notice(currentEaseStr + "\n" + currentIntervalStr + "\n" + generatedFromStr); } createBackButton() { const backButton = this.flashCardMenu.createEl("button"); backButton.addClass("sr-flashcard-menu-item"); (0, import_obsidian5.setIcon)(backButton, "arrow-left"); backButton.setAttribute("aria-label", t("BACK")); backButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.renderDecksList(); }); } createResetButton() { this.resetButton = this.flashCardMenu.createEl("button"); this.resetButton.addClass("sr-flashcard-menu-item"); (0, import_obsidian5.setIcon)(this.resetButton, "refresh-cw"); this.resetButton.setAttribute("aria-label", t("RESET_CARD_PROGRESS")); this.resetButton.addEventListener("click", () => { this.processReview(3 /* Reset */); }); } createEditButton() { this.editButton = this.flashCardMenu.createEl("button"); this.editButton.addClass("sr-flashcard-menu-item"); (0, import_obsidian5.setIcon)(this.editButton, "edit"); this.editButton.setAttribute("aria-label", t("EDIT_CARD")); this.editButton.addEventListener("click", async () => { this.doEditQuestionText(); }); } async doEditQuestionText() { const currentQ = this.reviewSequencer.currentQuestion; const textPrompt = currentQ.questionText.actualQuestion; const editModal = FlashcardEditModal.Prompt(, textPrompt); editModal.then(async (modifiedCardText) => { this.reviewSequencer.updateCurrentQuestionText(modifiedCardText); }).catch((reason) => console.log(reason)); } showAnswer() { this.mode = 2 /* Back */; = "none"; = "grid"; if (this.currentCard.hasSchedule) { this.resetButton.disabled = false; } if (this.currentQuestion.questionType !== 4 /* Cloze */) { const hr = document.createElement("hr"); hr.setAttribute("id", "sr-hr-card-divide"); this.flashcardView.appendChild(hr); } else { this.flashcardView.empty(); } const wrapper = new RenderMarkdownWrapper(, this.plugin, this.currentNote.filePath ); wrapper.renderMarkdownWrapper(this.currentCard.back, this.flashcardView); } async processReview(response) { await this.reviewSequencer.processReview(response); await this.handleNextCard(); } async skipCurrentCard() { this.reviewSequencer.skipCurrentCard(); await this.handleNextCard(); } async handleNextCard() { if (this.currentCard != null) await this.showCurrentCard(); else this.renderDecksList(); } async showCurrentCard() { const deck = this.reviewSequencer.currentDeck; = "none"; this.resetButton.disabled = true; this.titleEl.setText(`${deck.deckName}: ${deck.getCardCount(2 /* All */, true)}`); = "initial"; this.flashcardView.empty(); this.mode = 1 /* Front */; const wrapper = new RenderMarkdownWrapper(, this.plugin, this.currentNote.filePath ); await wrapper.renderMarkdownWrapper(this.currentCard.front, this.flashcardView); if (this.reviewMode == 0 /* Cram */) { this.hardBtn.setText(`${this.settings.flashcardHardText}`); this.easyBtn.setText(`${this.settings.flashcardEasyText}`); } else { this.setupEaseButton( this.hardBtn, this.settings.flashcardHardText, 2 /* Hard */ ); this.setupEaseButton( this.goodBtn, this.settings.flashcardGoodText, 1 /* Good */ ); this.setupEaseButton( this.easyBtn, this.settings.flashcardEasyText, 0 /* Easy */ ); } if (this.settings.showContextInCards) this.contextView.setText( this.formatQuestionContextText(this.currentQuestion.questionContext) ); } formatQuestionContextText(questionContext) { const result = `${this.currentNote.file.basename} > ${questionContext.join(" > ")}`; return result; } setupEaseButton(button, buttonName, reviewResponse) { const schedule2 = this.reviewSequencer.determineCardSchedule( reviewResponse, this.currentCard ); const interval = schedule2.interval; if (import_obsidian5.Platform.isMobile) { button.setText(textInterval(interval, true)); } else { button.setText(`${buttonName} - ${textInterval(interval, false)}`); } } }; // src/gui/stats-modal.tsx var import_obsidian6 = require("obsidian"); var import_vhtml2 = __toESM(require_vhtml()); // node_modules/.pnpm/@kurkle+color@0.3.2/node_modules/@kurkle/color/dist/color.esm.js function round(v) { return v + 0.5 | 0; } var lim = (v, l, h4) => Math.max(Math.min(v, h4), l); function p2b(v) { return lim(round(v * 2.55), 0, 255); } function n2b(v) { return lim(round(v * 255), 0, 255); } function b2n(v) { return lim(round(v / 2.55) / 100, 0, 1); } function n2p(v) { return lim(round(v * 100), 0, 100); } var map$1 = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, A: 10, B: 11, C: 12, D: 13, E: 14, F: 15, a: 10, b: 11, c: 12, d: 13, e: 14, f: 15 }; var hex = [..."0123456789ABCDEF"]; var h1 = (b) => hex[b & 15]; var h2 = (b) => hex[(b & 240) >> 4] + hex[b & 15]; var eq = (b) => (b & 240) >> 4 === (b & 15); var isShort = (v) => eq(v.r) && eq(v.g) && eq(v.b) && eq(v.a); function hexParse(str) { var len = str.length; var ret; if (str[0] === "#") { if (len === 4 || len === 5) { ret = { r: 255 & map$1[str[1]] * 17, g: 255 & map$1[str[2]] * 17, b: 255 & map$1[str[3]] * 17, a: len === 5 ? map$1[str[4]] * 17 : 255 }; } else if (len === 7 || len === 9) { ret = { r: map$1[str[1]] << 4 | map$1[str[2]], g: map$1[str[3]] << 4 | map$1[str[4]], b: map$1[str[5]] << 4 | map$1[str[6]], a: len === 9 ? map$1[str[7]] << 4 | map$1[str[8]] : 255 }; } } return ret; } var alpha = (a, f) => a < 255 ? f(a) : ""; function hexString(v) { var f = isShort(v) ? h1 : h2; return v ? "#" + f(v.r) + f(v.g) + f(v.b) + alpha(v.a, f) : void 0; } var HUE_RE = /^(hsla?|hwb|hsv)\(\s*([-+.e\d]+)(?:deg)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)%[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)%(?:[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?)?\s*\)$/; function hsl2rgbn(h4, s, l) { const a = s * Math.min(l, 1 - l); const f = (n, k = (n + h4 / 30) % 12) => l - a * Math.max(Math.min(k - 3, 9 - k, 1), -1); return [f(0), f(8), f(4)]; } function hsv2rgbn(h4, s, v) { const f = (n, k = (n + h4 / 60) % 6) => v - v * s * Math.max(Math.min(k, 4 - k, 1), 0); return [f(5), f(3), f(1)]; } function hwb2rgbn(h4, w, b) { const rgb = hsl2rgbn(h4, 1, 0.5); let i; if (w + b > 1) { i = 1 / (w + b); w *= i; b *= i; } for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rgb[i] *= 1 - w - b; rgb[i] += w; } return rgb; } function hueValue(r, g, b, d, max) { if (r === max) { return (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0); } if (g === max) { return (b - r) / d + 2; } return (r - g) / d + 4; } function rgb2hsl(v) { const range = 255; const r = v.r / range; const g = v.g / range; const b = v.b / range; const max = Math.max(r, g, b); const min = Math.min(r, g, b); const l = (max + min) / 2; let h4, s, d; if (max !== min) { d = max - min; s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min); h4 = hueValue(r, g, b, d, max); h4 = h4 * 60 + 0.5; } return [h4 | 0, s || 0, l]; } function calln(f, a, b, c) { return (Array.isArray(a) ? f(a[0], a[1], a[2]) : f(a, b, c)).map(n2b); } function hsl2rgb(h4, s, l) { return calln(hsl2rgbn, h4, s, l); } function hwb2rgb(h4, w, b) { return calln(hwb2rgbn, h4, w, b); } function hsv2rgb(h4, s, v) { return calln(hsv2rgbn, h4, s, v); } function hue(h4) { return (h4 % 360 + 360) % 360; } function hueParse(str) { const m = HUE_RE.exec(str); let a = 255; let v; if (!m) { return; } if (m[5] !== v) { a = m[6] ? p2b(+m[5]) : n2b(+m[5]); } const h4 = hue(+m[2]); const p1 = +m[3] / 100; const p2 = +m[4] / 100; if (m[1] === "hwb") { v = hwb2rgb(h4, p1, p2); } else if (m[1] === "hsv") { v = hsv2rgb(h4, p1, p2); } else { v = hsl2rgb(h4, p1, p2); } return { r: v[0], g: v[1], b: v[2], a }; } function rotate(v, deg) { var h4 = rgb2hsl(v); h4[0] = hue(h4[0] + deg); h4 = hsl2rgb(h4); v.r = h4[0]; v.g = h4[1]; v.b = h4[2]; } function hslString(v) { if (!v) { return; } const a = rgb2hsl(v); const h4 = a[0]; const s = n2p(a[1]); const l = n2p(a[2]); return v.a < 255 ? `hsla(${h4}, ${s}%, ${l}%, ${b2n(v.a)})` : `hsl(${h4}, ${s}%, ${l}%)`; } var map = { x: "dark", Z: "light", Y: "re", X: "blu", W: "gr", V: "medium", U: "slate", A: "ee", T: "ol", S: "or", B: "ra", C: "lateg", D: "ights", R: "in", Q: "turquois", E: "hi", P: "ro", O: "al", N: "le", M: "de", L: "yello", F: "en", K: "ch", G: "arks", H: "ea", I: "ightg", J: "wh" }; var names$1 = { OiceXe: "f0f8ff", antiquewEte: "faebd7", aqua: "ffff", aquamarRe: "7fffd4", azuY: "f0ffff", beige: "f5f5dc", bisque: "ffe4c4", black: "0", blanKedOmond: "ffebcd", Xe: "ff", XeviTet: "8a2be2", bPwn: "a52a2a", burlywood: "deb887", caMtXe: "5f9ea0", KartYuse: "7fff00", KocTate: "d2691e", cSO: "ff7f50", cSnflowerXe: "6495ed", cSnsilk: "fff8dc", crimson: "dc143c", cyan: "ffff", xXe: "8b", xcyan: "8b8b", xgTMnPd: "b8860b", xWay: "a9a9a9", xgYF: "6400", xgYy: "a9a9a9", xkhaki: "bdb76b", xmagFta: "8b008b", xTivegYF: "556b2f", xSange: "ff8c00", xScEd: "9932cc", xYd: "8b0000", xsOmon: "e9967a", xsHgYF: "8fbc8f", xUXe: "483d8b", xUWay: "2f4f4f", xUgYy: "2f4f4f", xQe: "ced1", xviTet: "9400d3", dAppRk: "ff1493", dApskyXe: "bfff", dimWay: "696969", dimgYy: "696969", dodgerXe: "1e90ff", fiYbrick: "b22222", flSOwEte: "fffaf0", foYstWAn: "228b22", fuKsia: "ff00ff", gaRsbSo: "dcdcdc", ghostwEte: "f8f8ff", gTd: "ffd700", gTMnPd: "daa520", Way: "808080", gYF: "8000", gYFLw: "adff2f", gYy: "808080", honeyMw: "f0fff0", hotpRk: "ff69b4", RdianYd: "cd5c5c", Rdigo: "4b0082", ivSy: "fffff0", khaki: "f0e68c", lavFMr: "e6e6fa", lavFMrXsh: "fff0f5", lawngYF: "7cfc00", NmoncEffon: "fffacd", ZXe: "add8e6", ZcSO: "f08080", Zcyan: "e0ffff", ZgTMnPdLw: "fafad2", ZWay: "d3d3d3", ZgYF: "90ee90", ZgYy: "d3d3d3", ZpRk: "ffb6c1", ZsOmon: "ffa07a", ZsHgYF: "20b2aa", ZskyXe: "87cefa", ZUWay: "778899", ZUgYy: "778899", ZstAlXe: "b0c4de", ZLw: "ffffe0", lime: "ff00", limegYF: "32cd32", lRF: "faf0e6", magFta: "ff00ff", maPon: "800000", VaquamarRe: "66cdaa", VXe: "cd", VScEd: "ba55d3", VpurpN: "9370db", VsHgYF: "3cb371", VUXe: "7b68ee", VsprRggYF: "fa9a", VQe: "48d1cc", VviTetYd: "c71585", midnightXe: "191970", mRtcYam: "f5fffa", mistyPse: "ffe4e1", moccasR: "ffe4b5", navajowEte: "ffdead", navy: "80", Tdlace: "fdf5e6", Tive: "808000", TivedBb: "6b8e23", Sange: "ffa500", SangeYd: "ff4500", ScEd: "da70d6", pOegTMnPd: "eee8aa", pOegYF: "98fb98", pOeQe: "afeeee", pOeviTetYd: "db7093", papayawEp: "ffefd5", pHKpuff: "ffdab9", peru: "cd853f", pRk: "ffc0cb", plum: "dda0dd", powMrXe: "b0e0e6", purpN: "800080", YbeccapurpN: "663399", Yd: "ff0000", Psybrown: "bc8f8f", PyOXe: "4169e1", saddNbPwn: "8b4513", sOmon: "fa8072", sandybPwn: "f4a460", sHgYF: "2e8b57", sHshell: "fff5ee", siFna: "a0522d", silver: "c0c0c0", skyXe: "87ceeb", UXe: "6a5acd", UWay: "708090", UgYy: "708090", snow: "fffafa", sprRggYF: "ff7f", stAlXe: "4682b4", tan: "d2b48c", teO: "8080", tEstN: "d8bfd8", tomato: "ff6347", Qe: "40e0d0", viTet: "ee82ee", JHt: "f5deb3", wEte: "ffffff", wEtesmoke: "f5f5f5", Lw: "ffff00", LwgYF: "9acd32" }; function unpack() { const unpacked = {}; const keys = Object.keys(names$1); const tkeys = Object.keys(map); let i, j, k, ok, nk; for (i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { ok = nk = keys[i]; for (j = 0; j < tkeys.length; j++) { k = tkeys[j]; nk = nk.replace(k, map[k]); } k = parseInt(names$1[ok], 16); unpacked[nk] = [k >> 16 & 255, k >> 8 & 255, k & 255]; } return unpacked; } var names; function nameParse(str) { if (!names) { names = unpack(); names.transparent = [0, 0, 0, 0]; } const a = names[str.toLowerCase()]; return a && { r: a[0], g: a[1], b: a[2], a: a.length === 4 ? a[3] : 255 }; } var RGB_RE = /^rgba?\(\s*([-+.\d]+)(%)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?(?:[\s,/]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?)?\s*\)$/; function rgbParse(str) { const m = RGB_RE.exec(str); let a = 255; let r, g, b; if (!m) { return; } if (m[7] !== r) { const v = +m[7]; a = m[8] ? p2b(v) : lim(v * 255, 0, 255); } r = +m[1]; g = +m[3]; b = +m[5]; r = 255 & (m[2] ? p2b(r) : lim(r, 0, 255)); g = 255 & (m[4] ? p2b(g) : lim(g, 0, 255)); b = 255 & (m[6] ? p2b(b) : lim(b, 0, 255)); return { r, g, b, a }; } function rgbString(v) { return v && (v.a < 255 ? `rgba(${v.r}, ${v.g}, ${v.b}, ${b2n(v.a)})` : `rgb(${v.r}, ${v.g}, ${v.b})`); } var to = (v) => v <= 31308e-7 ? v * 12.92 : Math.pow(v, 1 / 2.4) * 1.055 - 0.055; var from = (v) => v <= 0.04045 ? v / 12.92 : Math.pow((v + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); function interpolate2(rgb1, rgb2, t2) { const r = from(b2n(rgb1.r)); const g = from(b2n(rgb1.g)); const b = from(b2n(rgb1.b)); return { r: n2b(to(r + t2 * (from(b2n(rgb2.r)) - r))), g: n2b(to(g + t2 * (from(b2n(rgb2.g)) - g))), b: n2b(to(b + t2 * (from(b2n(rgb2.b)) - b))), a: rgb1.a + t2 * (rgb2.a - rgb1.a) }; } function modHSL(v, i, ratio) { if (v) { let tmp = rgb2hsl(v); tmp[i] = Math.max(0, Math.min(tmp[i] + tmp[i] * ratio, i === 0 ? 360 : 1)); tmp = hsl2rgb(tmp); v.r = tmp[0]; v.g = tmp[1]; v.b = tmp[2]; } } function clone(v, proto) { return v ? Object.assign(proto || {}, v) : v; } function fromObject(input) { var v = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }; if (Array.isArray(input)) { if (input.length >= 3) { v = { r: input[0], g: input[1], b: input[2], a: 255 }; if (input.length > 3) { v.a = n2b(input[3]); } } } else { v = clone(input, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }); v.a = n2b(v.a); } return v; } function functionParse(str) { if (str.charAt(0) === "r") { return rgbParse(str); } return hueParse(str); } var Color = class _Color { constructor(input) { if (input instanceof _Color) { return input; } const type = typeof input; let v; if (type === "object") { v = fromObject(input); } else if (type === "string") { v = hexParse(input) || nameParse(input) || functionParse(input); } this._rgb = v; this._valid = !!v; } get valid() { return this._valid; } get rgb() { var v = clone(this._rgb); if (v) { v.a = b2n(v.a); } return v; } set rgb(obj) { this._rgb = fromObject(obj); } rgbString() { return this._valid ? rgbString(this._rgb) : void 0; } hexString() { return this._valid ? hexString(this._rgb) : void 0; } hslString() { return this._valid ? hslString(this._rgb) : void 0; } mix(color2, weight) { if (color2) { const c1 = this.rgb; const c2 = color2.rgb; let w2; const p = weight === w2 ? 0.5 : weight; const w = 2 * p - 1; const a = c1.a - c2.a; const w1 = ((w * a === -1 ? w : (w + a) / (1 + w * a)) + 1) / 2; w2 = 1 - w1; c1.r = 255 & w1 * c1.r + w2 * c2.r + 0.5; c1.g = 255 & w1 * c1.g + w2 * c2.g + 0.5; c1.b = 255 & w1 * c1.b + w2 * c2.b + 0.5; c1.a = p * c1.a + (1 - p) * c2.a; this.rgb = c1; } return this; } interpolate(color2, t2) { if (color2) { this._rgb = interpolate2(this._rgb, color2._rgb, t2); } return this; } clone() { return new _Color(this.rgb); } alpha(a) { this._rgb.a = n2b(a); return this; } clearer(ratio) { const rgb = this._rgb; rgb.a *= 1 - ratio; return this; } greyscale() { const rgb = this._rgb; const val = round(rgb.r * 0.3 + rgb.g * 0.59 + rgb.b * 0.11); rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = val; return this; } opaquer(ratio) { const rgb = this._rgb; rgb.a *= 1 + ratio; return this; } negate() { const v = this._rgb; v.r = 255 - v.r; v.g = 255 - v.g; v.b = 255 - v.b; return this; } lighten(ratio) { modHSL(this._rgb, 2, ratio); return this; } darken(ratio) { modHSL(this._rgb, 2, -ratio); return this; } saturate(ratio) { modHSL(this._rgb, 1, ratio); return this; } desaturate(ratio) { modHSL(this._rgb, 1, -ratio); return this; } rotate(deg) { rotate(this._rgb, deg); return this; } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/chart.js@4.3.3/node_modules/chart.js/dist/chunks/helpers.segment.js function noop() { } var uid = (() => { let id = 0; return () => id++; })(); function isNullOrUndef(value) { return value === null || typeof value === "undefined"; } function isArray(value) { if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(value)) { return true; } const type =; if (type.slice(0, 7) === "[object" && type.slice(-6) === "Array]") { return true; } return false; } function isObject(value) { return value !== null && === "[object Object]"; } function isNumberFinite(value) { return (typeof value === "number" || value instanceof Number) && isFinite(+value); } function finiteOrDefault(value, defaultValue) { return isNumberFinite(value) ? value : defaultValue; } function valueOrDefault(value, defaultValue) { return typeof value === "undefined" ? defaultValue : value; } var toPercentage = (value, dimension) => typeof value === "string" && value.endsWith("%") ? parseFloat(value) / 100 : +value / dimension; var toDimension = (value, dimension) => typeof value === "string" && value.endsWith("%") ? parseFloat(value) / 100 * dimension : +value; function callback(fn, args, thisArg) { if (fn && typeof === "function") { return fn.apply(thisArg, args); } } function each(loopable, fn, thisArg, reverse) { let i, len, keys; if (isArray(loopable)) { len = loopable.length; if (reverse) { for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {, loopable[i], i); } } else { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {, loopable[i], i); } } } else if (isObject(loopable)) { keys = Object.keys(loopable); len = keys.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {, loopable[keys[i]], keys[i]); } } } function _elementsEqual(a0, a1) { let i, ilen, v0, v1; if (!a0 || !a1 || a0.length !== a1.length) { return false; } for (i = 0, ilen = a0.length; i < ilen; ++i) { v0 = a0[i]; v1 = a1[i]; if (v0.datasetIndex !== v1.datasetIndex || v0.index !== v1.index) { return false; } } return true; } function clone2(source) { if (isArray(source)) { return; } if (isObject(source)) { const target = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); const keys = Object.keys(source); const klen = keys.length; let k = 0; for (; k < klen; ++k) { target[keys[k]] = clone2(source[keys[k]]); } return target; } return source; } function isValidKey(key) { return [ "__proto__", "prototype", "constructor" ].indexOf(key) === -1; } function _merger(key, target, source, options) { if (!isValidKey(key)) { return; } const tval = target[key]; const sval = source[key]; if (isObject(tval) && isObject(sval)) { merge(tval, sval, options); } else { target[key] = clone2(sval); } } function merge(target, source, options) { const sources = isArray(source) ? source : [ source ]; const ilen = sources.length; if (!isObject(target)) { return target; } options = options || {}; const merger = options.merger || _merger; let current; for (let i = 0; i < ilen; ++i) { current = sources[i]; if (!isObject(current)) { continue; } const keys = Object.keys(current); for (let k = 0, klen = keys.length; k < klen; ++k) { merger(keys[k], target, current, options); } } return target; } function mergeIf(target, source) { return merge(target, source, { merger: _mergerIf }); } function _mergerIf(key, target, source) { if (!isValidKey(key)) { return; } const tval = target[key]; const sval = source[key]; if (isObject(tval) && isObject(sval)) { mergeIf(tval, sval); } else if (!, key)) { target[key] = clone2(sval); } } var keyResolvers = { // Chart.helpers.core resolveObjectKey should resolve empty key to root object "": (v) => v, // default resolvers x: (o) => o.x, y: (o) => o.y }; function _splitKey(key) { const parts = key.split("."); const keys = []; let tmp = ""; for (const part of parts) { tmp += part; if (tmp.endsWith("\\")) { tmp = tmp.slice(0, -1) + "."; } else { keys.push(tmp); tmp = ""; } } return keys; } function _getKeyResolver(key) { const keys = _splitKey(key); return (obj) => { for (const k of keys) { if (k === "") { break; } obj = obj && obj[k]; } return obj; }; } function resolveObjectKey(obj, key) { const resolver = keyResolvers[key] || (keyResolvers[key] = _getKeyResolver(key)); return resolver(obj); } function _capitalize(str) { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); } var defined = (value) => typeof value !== "undefined"; var isFunction = (value) => typeof value === "function"; var setsEqual = (a, b) => { if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; } for (const item of a) { if (!b.has(item)) { return false; } } return true; }; function _isClickEvent(e) { return e.type === "mouseup" || e.type === "click" || e.type === "contextmenu"; } var PI = Math.PI; var TAU = 2 * PI; var PITAU = TAU + PI; var INFINITY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var RAD_PER_DEG = PI / 180; var HALF_PI = PI / 2; var QUARTER_PI = PI / 4; var TWO_THIRDS_PI = PI * 2 / 3; var log10 = Math.log10; var sign = Math.sign; function almostEquals(x, y, epsilon) { return Math.abs(x - y) < epsilon; } function niceNum(range) { const roundedRange = Math.round(range); range = almostEquals(range, roundedRange, range / 1e3) ? roundedRange : range; const niceRange = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(range))); const fraction = range / niceRange; const niceFraction = fraction <= 1 ? 1 : fraction <= 2 ? 2 : fraction <= 5 ? 5 : 10; return niceFraction * niceRange; } function _factorize(value) { const result = []; const sqrt = Math.sqrt(value); let i; for (i = 1; i < sqrt; i++) { if (value % i === 0) { result.push(i); result.push(value / i); } } if (sqrt === (sqrt | 0)) { result.push(sqrt); } result.sort((a, b) => a - b).pop(); return result; } function isNumber(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } function almostWhole(x, epsilon) { const rounded = Math.round(x); return rounded - epsilon <= x && rounded + epsilon >= x; } function _setMinAndMaxByKey(array, target, property) { let i, ilen, value; for (i = 0, ilen = array.length; i < ilen; i++) { value = array[i][property]; if (!isNaN(value)) { target.min = Math.min(target.min, value); target.max = Math.max(target.max, value); } } } function toRadians(degrees) { return degrees * (PI / 180); } function toDegrees(radians) { return radians * (180 / PI); } function _decimalPlaces(x) { if (!isNumberFinite(x)) { return; } let e = 1; let p = 0; while (Math.round(x * e) / e !== x) { e *= 10; p++; } return p; } function getAngleFromPoint(centrePoint, anglePoint) { const distanceFromXCenter = anglePoint.x - centrePoint.x; const distanceFromYCenter = anglePoint.y - centrePoint.y; const radialDistanceFromCenter = Math.sqrt(distanceFromXCenter * distanceFromXCenter + distanceFromYCenter * distanceFromYCenter); let angle = Math.atan2(distanceFromYCenter, distanceFromXCenter); if (angle < -0.5 * PI) { angle += TAU; } return { angle, distance: radialDistanceFromCenter }; } function distanceBetweenPoints(pt1, pt2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pt2.x - pt1.x, 2) + Math.pow(pt2.y - pt1.y, 2)); } function _normalizeAngle(a) { return (a % TAU + TAU) % TAU; } function _angleBetween(angle, start, end, sameAngleIsFullCircle) { const a = _normalizeAngle(angle); const s = _normalizeAngle(start); const e = _normalizeAngle(end); const angleToStart = _normalizeAngle(s - a); const angleToEnd = _normalizeAngle(e - a); const startToAngle = _normalizeAngle(a - s); const endToAngle = _normalizeAngle(a - e); return a === s || a === e || sameAngleIsFullCircle && s === e || angleToStart > angleToEnd && startToAngle < endToAngle; } function _limitValue(value, min, max) { return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, value)); } function _int16Range(value) { return _limitValue(value, -32768, 32767); } function _isBetween(value, start, end, epsilon = 1e-6) { return value >= Math.min(start, end) - epsilon && value <= Math.max(start, end) + epsilon; } function _lookup(table, value, cmp) { cmp = cmp || ((index) => table[index] < value); let hi = table.length - 1; let lo = 0; let mid; while (hi - lo > 1) { mid = lo + hi >> 1; if (cmp(mid)) { lo = mid; } else { hi = mid; } } return { lo, hi }; } var _lookupByKey = (table, key, value, last) => _lookup(table, value, last ? (index) => { const ti = table[index][key]; return ti < value || ti === value && table[index + 1][key] === value; } : (index) => table[index][key] < value); var _rlookupByKey = (table, key, value) => _lookup(table, value, (index) => table[index][key] >= value); function _filterBetween(values, min, max) { let start = 0; let end = values.length; while (start < end && values[start] < min) { start++; } while (end > start && values[end - 1] > max) { end--; } return start > 0 || end < values.length ? values.slice(start, end) : values; } var arrayEvents = [ "push", "pop", "shift", "splice", "unshift" ]; function listenArrayEvents(array, listener) { if (array._chartjs) { array._chartjs.listeners.push(listener); return; } Object.defineProperty(array, "_chartjs", { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value: { listeners: [ listener ] } }); arrayEvents.forEach((key) => { const method = "_onData" + _capitalize(key); const base = array[key]; Object.defineProperty(array, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: false, value(...args) { const res = base.apply(this, args); array._chartjs.listeners.forEach((object) => { if (typeof object[method] === "function") { object[method](...args); } }); return res; } }); }); } function unlistenArrayEvents(array, listener) { const stub = array._chartjs; if (!stub) { return; } const listeners = stub.listeners; const index = listeners.indexOf(listener); if (index !== -1) { listeners.splice(index, 1); } if (listeners.length > 0) { return; } arrayEvents.forEach((key) => { delete array[key]; }); delete array._chartjs; } function _arrayUnique(items) { const set2 = new Set(items); if (set2.size === items.length) { return items; } return Array.from(set2); } var requestAnimFrame = function() { if (typeof window === "undefined") { return function(callback2) { return callback2(); }; } return window.requestAnimationFrame; }(); function throttled(fn, thisArg) { let argsToUse = []; let ticking = false; return function(...args) { argsToUse = args; if (!ticking) { ticking = true;, () => { ticking = false; fn.apply(thisArg, argsToUse); }); } }; } function debounce(fn, delay) { let timeout; return function(...args) { if (delay) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(fn, delay, args); } else { fn.apply(this, args); } return delay; }; } var _toLeftRightCenter = (align) => align === "start" ? "left" : align === "end" ? "right" : "center"; var _alignStartEnd = (align, start, end) => align === "start" ? start : align === "end" ? end : (start + end) / 2; var _textX = (align, left, right, rtl) => { const check = rtl ? "left" : "right"; return align === check ? right : align === "center" ? (left + right) / 2 : left; }; var atEdge = (t2) => t2 === 0 || t2 === 1; var elasticIn = (t2, s, p) => -(Math.pow(2, 10 * (t2 -= 1)) * Math.sin((t2 - s) * TAU / p)); var elasticOut = (t2, s, p) => Math.pow(2, -10 * t2) * Math.sin((t2 - s) * TAU / p) + 1; var effects = { linear: (t2) => t2, easeInQuad: (t2) => t2 * t2, easeOutQuad: (t2) => -t2 * (t2 - 2), easeInOutQuad: (t2) => (t2 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t2 * t2 : -0.5 * (--t2 * (t2 - 2) - 1), easeInCubic: (t2) => t2 * t2 * t2, easeOutCubic: (t2) => (t2 -= 1) * t2 * t2 + 1, easeInOutCubic: (t2) => (t2 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t2 * t2 * t2 : 0.5 * ((t2 -= 2) * t2 * t2 + 2), easeInQuart: (t2) => t2 * t2 * t2 * t2, easeOutQuart: (t2) => -((t2 -= 1) * t2 * t2 * t2 - 1), easeInOutQuart: (t2) => (t2 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 : -0.5 * ((t2 -= 2) * t2 * t2 * t2 - 2), easeInQuint: (t2) => t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2, easeOutQuint: (t2) => (t2 -= 1) * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 + 1, easeInOutQuint: (t2) => (t2 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 : 0.5 * ((t2 -= 2) * t2 * t2 * t2 * t2 + 2), easeInSine: (t2) => -Math.cos(t2 * HALF_PI) + 1, easeOutSine: (t2) => Math.sin(t2 * HALF_PI), easeInOutSine: (t2) => -0.5 * (Math.cos(PI * t2) - 1), easeInExpo: (t2) => t2 === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t2 - 1)), easeOutExpo: (t2) => t2 === 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, -10 * t2) + 1, easeInOutExpo: (t2) => atEdge(t2) ? t2 : t2 < 0.5 ? 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t2 * 2 - 1)) : 0.5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (t2 * 2 - 1)) + 2), easeInCirc: (t2) => t2 >= 1 ? t2 : -(Math.sqrt(1 - t2 * t2) - 1), easeOutCirc: (t2) => Math.sqrt(1 - (t2 -= 1) * t2), easeInOutCirc: (t2) => (t2 /= 0.5) < 1 ? -0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t2 * t2) - 1) : 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t2 -= 2) * t2) + 1), easeInElastic: (t2) => atEdge(t2) ? t2 : elasticIn(t2, 0.075, 0.3), easeOutElastic: (t2) => atEdge(t2) ? t2 : elasticOut(t2, 0.075, 0.3), easeInOutElastic(t2) { const s = 0.1125; const p = 0.45; return atEdge(t2) ? t2 : t2 < 0.5 ? 0.5 * elasticIn(t2 * 2, s, p) : 0.5 + 0.5 * elasticOut(t2 * 2 - 1, s, p); }, easeInBack(t2) { const s = 1.70158; return t2 * t2 * ((s + 1) * t2 - s); }, easeOutBack(t2) { const s = 1.70158; return (t2 -= 1) * t2 * ((s + 1) * t2 + s) + 1; }, easeInOutBack(t2) { let s = 1.70158; if ((t2 /= 0.5) < 1) { return 0.5 * (t2 * t2 * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t2 - s)); } return 0.5 * ((t2 -= 2) * t2 * (((s *= 1.525) + 1) * t2 + s) + 2); }, easeInBounce: (t2) => 1 - effects.easeOutBounce(1 - t2), easeOutBounce(t2) { const m = 7.5625; const d = 2.75; if (t2 < 1 / d) { return m * t2 * t2; } if (t2 < 2 / d) { return m * (t2 -= 1.5 / d) * t2 + 0.75; } if (t2 < 2.5 / d) { return m * (t2 -= 2.25 / d) * t2 + 0.9375; } return m * (t2 -= 2.625 / d) * t2 + 0.984375; }, easeInOutBounce: (t2) => t2 < 0.5 ? effects.easeInBounce(t2 * 2) * 0.5 : effects.easeOutBounce(t2 * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5 }; function isPatternOrGradient(value) { if (value && typeof value === "object") { const type = value.toString(); return type === "[object CanvasPattern]" || type === "[object CanvasGradient]"; } return false; } function color(value) { return isPatternOrGradient(value) ? value : new Color(value); } function getHoverColor(value) { return isPatternOrGradient(value) ? value : new Color(value).saturate(0.5).darken(0.1).hexString(); } var numbers = [ "x", "y", "borderWidth", "radius", "tension" ]; var colors = [ "color", "borderColor", "backgroundColor" ]; function applyAnimationsDefaults(defaults2) { defaults2.set("animation", { delay: void 0, duration: 1e3, easing: "easeOutQuart", fn: void 0, from: void 0, loop: void 0, to: void 0, type: void 0 }); defaults2.describe("animation", { _fallback: false, _indexable: false, _scriptable: (name) => name !== "onProgress" && name !== "onComplete" && name !== "fn" }); defaults2.set("animations", { colors: { type: "color", properties: colors }, numbers: { type: "number", properties: numbers } }); defaults2.describe("animations", { _fallback: "animation" }); defaults2.set("transitions", { active: { animation: { duration: 400 } }, resize: { animation: { duration: 0 } }, show: { animations: { colors: { from: "transparent" }, visible: { type: "boolean", duration: 0 } } }, hide: { animations: { colors: { to: "transparent" }, visible: { type: "boolean", easing: "linear", fn: (v) => v | 0 } } } }); } function applyLayoutsDefaults(defaults2) { defaults2.set("layout", { autoPadding: true, padding: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 } }); } var intlCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function getNumberFormat(locale2, options) { options = options || {}; const cacheKey = locale2 + JSON.stringify(options); let formatter = intlCache.get(cacheKey); if (!formatter) { formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale2, options); intlCache.set(cacheKey, formatter); } return formatter; } function formatNumber(num, locale2, options) { return getNumberFormat(locale2, options).format(num); } var formatters = { values(value) { return isArray(value) ? value : "" + value; }, numeric(tickValue, index, ticks) { if (tickValue === 0) { return "0"; } const locale2 = this.chart.options.locale; let notation; let delta = tickValue; if (ticks.length > 1) { const maxTick = Math.max(Math.abs(ticks[0].value), Math.abs(ticks[ticks.length - 1].value)); if (maxTick < 1e-4 || maxTick > 1e15) { notation = "scientific"; } delta = calculateDelta(tickValue, ticks); } const logDelta = log10(Math.abs(delta)); const numDecimal = isNaN(logDelta) ? 1 : Math.max(Math.min(-1 * Math.floor(logDelta), 20), 0); const options = { notation, minimumFractionDigits: numDecimal, maximumFractionDigits: numDecimal }; Object.assign(options, this.options.ticks.format); return formatNumber(tickValue, locale2, options); }, logarithmic(tickValue, index, ticks) { if (tickValue === 0) { return "0"; } const remain = ticks[index].significand || tickValue / Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(tickValue))); if ([ 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 ].includes(remain) || index > 0.8 * ticks.length) { return, tickValue, index, ticks); } return ""; } }; function calculateDelta(tickValue, ticks) { let delta = ticks.length > 3 ? ticks[2].value - ticks[1].value : ticks[1].value - ticks[0].value; if (Math.abs(delta) >= 1 && tickValue !== Math.floor(tickValue)) { delta = tickValue - Math.floor(tickValue); } return delta; } var Ticks = { formatters }; function applyScaleDefaults(defaults2) { defaults2.set("scale", { display: true, offset: false, reverse: false, beginAtZero: false, bounds: "ticks", grace: 0, grid: { display: true, lineWidth: 1, drawOnChartArea: true, drawTicks: true, tickLength: 8, tickWidth: (_ctx, options) => options.lineWidth, tickColor: (_ctx, options) => options.color, offset: false }, border: { display: true, dash: [], dashOffset: 0, width: 1 }, title: { display: false, text: "", padding: { top: 4, bottom: 4 } }, ticks: { minRotation: 0, maxRotation: 50, mirror: false, textStrokeWidth: 0, textStrokeColor: "", padding: 3, display: true, autoSkip: true, autoSkipPadding: 3, labelOffset: 0, callback: Ticks.formatters.values, minor: {}, major: {}, align: "center", crossAlign: "near", showLabelBackdrop: false, backdropColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)", backdropPadding: 2 } }); defaults2.route("scale.ticks", "color", "", "color"); defaults2.route("scale.grid", "color", "", "borderColor"); defaults2.route("scale.border", "color", "", "borderColor"); defaults2.route("scale.title", "color", "", "color"); defaults2.describe("scale", { _fallback: false, _scriptable: (name) => !name.startsWith("before") && !name.startsWith("after") && name !== "callback" && name !== "parser", _indexable: (name) => name !== "borderDash" && name !== "tickBorderDash" && name !== "dash" }); defaults2.describe("scales", { _fallback: "scale" }); defaults2.describe("scale.ticks", { _scriptable: (name) => name !== "backdropPadding" && name !== "callback", _indexable: (name) => name !== "backdropPadding" }); } var overrides = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); var descriptors = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); function getScope$1(node, key) { if (!key) { return node; } const keys = key.split("."); for (let i = 0, n = keys.length; i < n; ++i) { const k = keys[i]; node = node[k] || (node[k] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); } return node; } function set(root, scope, values) { if (typeof scope === "string") { return merge(getScope$1(root, scope), values); } return merge(getScope$1(root, ""), scope); } var Defaults = class { constructor(_descriptors2, _appliers) { this.animation = void 0; this.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"; this.borderColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"; this.color = "#666"; this.datasets = {}; this.devicePixelRatio = (context) => context.chart.platform.getDevicePixelRatio(); this.elements = {}; = [ "mousemove", "mouseout", "click", "touchstart", "touchmove" ]; this.font = { family: "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif", size: 12, style: "normal", lineHeight: 1.2, weight: null }; this.hover = {}; this.hoverBackgroundColor = (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.backgroundColor); this.hoverBorderColor = (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.borderColor); this.hoverColor = (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.color); this.indexAxis = "x"; this.interaction = { mode: "nearest", intersect: true, includeInvisible: false }; this.maintainAspectRatio = true; this.onHover = null; this.onClick = null; this.parsing = true; this.plugins = {}; this.responsive = true; this.scale = void 0; this.scales = {}; this.showLine = true; this.drawActiveElementsOnTop = true; this.describe(_descriptors2); this.apply(_appliers); } set(scope, values) { return set(this, scope, values); } get(scope) { return getScope$1(this, scope); } describe(scope, values) { return set(descriptors, scope, values); } override(scope, values) { return set(overrides, scope, values); } route(scope, name, targetScope, targetName) { const scopeObject = getScope$1(this, scope); const targetScopeObject = getScope$1(this, targetScope); const privateName = "_" + name; Object.defineProperties(scopeObject, { [privateName]: { value: scopeObject[name], writable: true }, [name]: { enumerable: true, get() { const local = this[privateName]; const target = targetScopeObject[targetName]; if (isObject(local)) { return Object.assign({}, target, local); } return valueOrDefault(local, target); }, set(value) { this[privateName] = value; } } }); } apply(appliers) { appliers.forEach((apply) => apply(this)); } }; var defaults = /* @__PURE__ */ new Defaults({ _scriptable: (name) => !name.startsWith("on"), _indexable: (name) => name !== "events", hover: { _fallback: "interaction" }, interaction: { _scriptable: false, _indexable: false } }, [ applyAnimationsDefaults, applyLayoutsDefaults, applyScaleDefaults ]); function toFontString(font) { if (!font || isNullOrUndef(font.size) || isNullOrUndef( { return null; } return ( ? + " " : "") + (font.weight ? font.weight + " " : "") + font.size + "px " +; } function _measureText(ctx, data, gc, longest, string) { let textWidth = data[string]; if (!textWidth) { textWidth = data[string] = ctx.measureText(string).width; gc.push(string); } if (textWidth > longest) { longest = textWidth; } return longest; } function _longestText(ctx, font, arrayOfThings, cache) { cache = cache || {}; let data = = || {}; let gc = cache.garbageCollect = cache.garbageCollect || []; if (cache.font !== font) { data = = {}; gc = cache.garbageCollect = []; cache.font = font; }; ctx.font = font; let longest = 0; const ilen = arrayOfThings.length; let i, j, jlen, thing, nestedThing; for (i = 0; i < ilen; i++) { thing = arrayOfThings[i]; if (thing !== void 0 && thing !== null && !isArray(thing)) { longest = _measureText(ctx, data, gc, longest, thing); } else if (isArray(thing)) { for (j = 0, jlen = thing.length; j < jlen; j++) { nestedThing = thing[j]; if (nestedThing !== void 0 && nestedThing !== null && !isArray(nestedThing)) { longest = _measureText(ctx, data, gc, longest, nestedThing); } } } } ctx.restore(); const gcLen = gc.length / 2; if (gcLen > arrayOfThings.length) { for (i = 0; i < gcLen; i++) { delete data[gc[i]]; } gc.splice(0, gcLen); } return longest; } function _alignPixel(chart, pixel, width) { const devicePixelRatio = chart.currentDevicePixelRatio; const halfWidth = width !== 0 ? Math.max(width / 2, 0.5) : 0; return Math.round((pixel - halfWidth) * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio + halfWidth; } function clearCanvas(canvas, ctx) { ctx = ctx || canvas.getContext("2d");; ctx.resetTransform(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.restore(); } function drawPoint(ctx, options, x, y) { drawPointLegend(ctx, options, x, y, null); } function drawPointLegend(ctx, options, x, y, w) { let type, xOffset, yOffset, size, cornerRadius, width, xOffsetW, yOffsetW; const style = options.pointStyle; const rotation = options.rotation; const radius = options.radius; let rad = (rotation || 0) * RAD_PER_DEG; if (style && typeof style === "object") { type = style.toString(); if (type === "[object HTMLImageElement]" || type === "[object HTMLCanvasElement]") {; ctx.translate(x, y); ctx.rotate(rad); ctx.drawImage(style, -style.width / 2, -style.height / 2, style.width, style.height); ctx.restore(); return; } } if (isNaN(radius) || radius <= 0) { return; } ctx.beginPath(); switch (style) { default: if (w) { ctx.ellipse(x, y, w / 2, radius, 0, 0, TAU); } else { ctx.arc(x, y, radius, 0, TAU); } ctx.closePath(); break; case "triangle": width = w ? w / 2 : radius; ctx.moveTo(x + Math.sin(rad) * width, y - Math.cos(rad) * radius); rad += TWO_THIRDS_PI; ctx.lineTo(x + Math.sin(rad) * width, y - Math.cos(rad) * radius); rad += TWO_THIRDS_PI; ctx.lineTo(x + Math.sin(rad) * width, y - Math.cos(rad) * radius); ctx.closePath(); break; case "rectRounded": cornerRadius = radius * 0.516; size = radius - cornerRadius; xOffset = Math.cos(rad + QUARTER_PI) * size; xOffsetW = Math.cos(rad + QUARTER_PI) * (w ? w / 2 - cornerRadius : size); yOffset = Math.sin(rad + QUARTER_PI) * size; yOffsetW = Math.sin(rad + QUARTER_PI) * (w ? w / 2 - cornerRadius : size); ctx.arc(x - xOffsetW, y - yOffset, cornerRadius, rad - PI, rad - HALF_PI); ctx.arc(x + yOffsetW, y - xOffset, cornerRadius, rad - HALF_PI, rad); ctx.arc(x + xOffsetW, y + yOffset, cornerRadius, rad, rad + HALF_PI); ctx.arc(x - yOffsetW, y + xOffset, cornerRadius, rad + HALF_PI, rad + PI); ctx.closePath(); break; case "rect": if (!rotation) { size = Math.SQRT1_2 * radius; width = w ? w / 2 : size; ctx.rect(x - width, y - size, 2 * width, 2 * size); break; } rad += QUARTER_PI; case "rectRot": xOffsetW = Math.cos(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius; yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius; yOffsetW = Math.sin(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); ctx.moveTo(x - xOffsetW, y - yOffset); ctx.lineTo(x + yOffsetW, y - xOffset); ctx.lineTo(x + xOffsetW, y + yOffset); ctx.lineTo(x - yOffsetW, y + xOffset); ctx.closePath(); break; case "crossRot": rad += QUARTER_PI; case "cross": xOffsetW = Math.cos(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius; yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius; yOffsetW = Math.sin(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); ctx.moveTo(x - xOffsetW, y - yOffset); ctx.lineTo(x + xOffsetW, y + yOffset); ctx.moveTo(x + yOffsetW, y - xOffset); ctx.lineTo(x - yOffsetW, y + xOffset); break; case "star": xOffsetW = Math.cos(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius; yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius; yOffsetW = Math.sin(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); ctx.moveTo(x - xOffsetW, y - yOffset); ctx.lineTo(x + xOffsetW, y + yOffset); ctx.moveTo(x + yOffsetW, y - xOffset); ctx.lineTo(x - yOffsetW, y + xOffset); rad += QUARTER_PI; xOffsetW = Math.cos(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius; yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius; yOffsetW = Math.sin(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius); ctx.moveTo(x - xOffsetW, y - yOffset); ctx.lineTo(x + xOffsetW, y + yOffset); ctx.moveTo(x + yOffsetW, y - xOffset); ctx.lineTo(x - yOffsetW, y + xOffset); break; case "line": xOffset = w ? w / 2 : Math.cos(rad) * radius; yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius; ctx.moveTo(x - xOffset, y - yOffset); ctx.lineTo(x + xOffset, y + yOffset); break; case "dash": ctx.moveTo(x, y); ctx.lineTo(x + Math.cos(rad) * (w ? w / 2 : radius), y + Math.sin(rad) * radius); break; case false: ctx.closePath(); break; } ctx.fill(); if (options.borderWidth > 0) { ctx.stroke(); } } function _isPointInArea(point, area, margin) { margin = margin || 0.5; return !area || point && point.x > area.left - margin && point.x < area.right + margin && point.y > - margin && point.y < area.bottom + margin; } function clipArea(ctx, area) {; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.rect(area.left,, area.right - area.left, area.bottom -; ctx.clip(); } function unclipArea(ctx) { ctx.restore(); } function setRenderOpts(ctx, opts) { if (opts.translation) { ctx.translate(opts.translation[0], opts.translation[1]); } if (!isNullOrUndef(opts.rotation)) { ctx.rotate(opts.rotation); } if (opts.color) { ctx.fillStyle = opts.color; } if (opts.textAlign) { ctx.textAlign = opts.textAlign; } if (opts.textBaseline) { ctx.textBaseline = opts.textBaseline; } } function decorateText(ctx, x, y, line, opts) { if (opts.strikethrough || opts.underline) { const metrics = ctx.measureText(line); const left = x - metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft; const right = x + metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight; const top = y - metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent; const bottom = y + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent; const yDecoration = opts.strikethrough ? (top + bottom) / 2 : bottom; ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = opts.decorationWidth || 2; ctx.moveTo(left, yDecoration); ctx.lineTo(right, yDecoration); ctx.stroke(); } } function drawBackdrop(ctx, opts) { const oldColor = ctx.fillStyle; ctx.fillStyle = opts.color; ctx.fillRect(opts.left,, opts.width, opts.height); ctx.fillStyle = oldColor; } function renderText(ctx, text, x, y, font, opts = {}) { const lines = isArray(text) ? text : [ text ]; const stroke = opts.strokeWidth > 0 && opts.strokeColor !== ""; let i, line;; ctx.font = font.string; setRenderOpts(ctx, opts); for (i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { line = lines[i]; if (opts.backdrop) { drawBackdrop(ctx, opts.backdrop); } if (stroke) { if (opts.strokeColor) { ctx.strokeStyle = opts.strokeColor; } if (!isNullOrUndef(opts.strokeWidth)) { ctx.lineWidth = opts.strokeWidth; } ctx.strokeText(line, x, y, opts.maxWidth); } ctx.fillText(line, x, y, opts.maxWidth); decorateText(ctx, x, y, line, opts); y += Number(font.lineHeight); } ctx.restore(); } function addRoundedRectPath(ctx, rect) { const { x, y, w, h: h4, radius } = rect; ctx.arc(x + radius.topLeft, y + radius.topLeft, radius.topLeft, -HALF_PI, PI, true); ctx.lineTo(x, y + h4 - radius.bottomLeft); ctx.arc(x + radius.bottomLeft, y + h4 - radius.bottomLeft, radius.bottomLeft, PI, HALF_PI, true); ctx.lineTo(x + w - radius.bottomRight, y + h4); ctx.arc(x + w - radius.bottomRight, y + h4 - radius.bottomRight, radius.bottomRight, HALF_PI, 0, true); ctx.lineTo(x + w, y + radius.topRight); ctx.arc(x + w - radius.topRight, y + radius.topRight, radius.topRight, 0, -HALF_PI, true); ctx.lineTo(x + radius.topLeft, y); } var LINE_HEIGHT = /^(normal|(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|em|%)?)$/; var FONT_STYLE = /^(normal|italic|initial|inherit|unset|(oblique( -?[0-9]?[0-9]deg)?))$/; function toLineHeight(value, size) { const matches = ("" + value).match(LINE_HEIGHT); if (!matches || matches[1] === "normal") { return size * 1.2; } value = +matches[2]; switch (matches[3]) { case "px": return value; case "%": value /= 100; break; } return size * value; } var numberOrZero = (v) => +v || 0; function _readValueToProps(value, props) { const ret = {}; const objProps = isObject(props); const keys = objProps ? Object.keys(props) : props; const read = isObject(value) ? objProps ? (prop) => valueOrDefault(value[prop], value[props[prop]]) : (prop) => value[prop] : () => value; for (const prop of keys) { ret[prop] = numberOrZero(read(prop)); } return ret; } function toTRBL(value) { return _readValueToProps(value, { top: "y", right: "x", bottom: "y", left: "x" }); } function toTRBLCorners(value) { return _readValueToProps(value, [ "topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight" ]); } function toPadding(value) { const obj = toTRBL(value); obj.width = obj.left + obj.right; obj.height = + obj.bottom; return obj; } function toFont(options, fallback) { options = options || {}; fallback = fallback || defaults.font; let size = valueOrDefault(options.size, fallback.size); if (typeof size === "string") { size = parseInt(size, 10); } let style = valueOrDefault(,; if (style && !("" + style).match(FONT_STYLE)) { console.warn('Invalid font style specified: "' + style + '"'); style = void 0; } const font = { family: valueOrDefault(,, lineHeight: toLineHeight(valueOrDefault(options.lineHeight, fallback.lineHeight), size), size, style, weight: valueOrDefault(options.weight, fallback.weight), string: "" }; font.string = toFontString(font); return font; } function resolve(inputs, context, index, info) { let cacheable = true; let i, ilen, value; for (i = 0, ilen = inputs.length; i < ilen; ++i) { value = inputs[i]; if (value === void 0) { continue; } if (context !== void 0 && typeof value === "function") { value = value(context); cacheable = false; } if (index !== void 0 && isArray(value)) { value = value[index % value.length]; cacheable = false; } if (value !== void 0) { if (info && !cacheable) { info.cacheable = false; } return value; } } } function _addGrace(minmax, grace, beginAtZero) { const { min, max } = minmax; const change = toDimension(grace, (max - min) / 2); const keepZero = (value, add) => beginAtZero && value === 0 ? 0 : value + add; return { min: keepZero(min, -Math.abs(change)), max: keepZero(max, change) }; } function createContext(parentContext, context) { return Object.assign(Object.create(parentContext), context); } function _createResolver(scopes, prefixes = [ "" ], rootScopes, fallback, getTarget = () => scopes[0]) { const finalRootScopes = rootScopes || scopes; if (typeof fallback === "undefined") { fallback = _resolve("_fallback", scopes); } const cache = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "Object", _cacheable: true, _scopes: scopes, _rootScopes: finalRootScopes, _fallback: fallback, _getTarget: getTarget, override: (scope) => _createResolver([ scope, ...scopes ], prefixes, finalRootScopes, fallback) }; return new Proxy(cache, { /** * A trap for the delete operator. */ deleteProperty(target, prop) { delete target[prop]; delete target._keys; delete scopes[0][prop]; return true; }, /** * A trap for getting property values. */ get(target, prop) { return _cached(target, prop, () => _resolveWithPrefixes(prop, prefixes, scopes, target)); }, /** * A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor. * Also used by Object.hasOwnProperty. */ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) { return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target._scopes[0], prop); }, /** * A trap for Object.getPrototypeOf. */ getPrototypeOf() { return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(scopes[0]); }, /** * A trap for the in operator. */ has(target, prop) { return getKeysFromAllScopes(target).includes(prop); }, /** * A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyNames and Object.getOwnPropertySymbols. */ ownKeys(target) { return getKeysFromAllScopes(target); }, /** * A trap for setting property values. */ set(target, prop, value) { const storage = target._storage || (target._storage = getTarget()); target[prop] = storage[prop] = value; delete target._keys; return true; } }); } function _attachContext(proxy, context, subProxy, descriptorDefaults) { const cache = { _cacheable: false, _proxy: proxy, _context: context, _subProxy: subProxy, _stack: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), _descriptors: _descriptors(proxy, descriptorDefaults), setContext: (ctx) => _attachContext(proxy, ctx, subProxy, descriptorDefaults), override: (scope) => _attachContext(proxy.override(scope), context, subProxy, descriptorDefaults) }; return new Proxy(cache, { /** * A trap for the delete operator. */ deleteProperty(target, prop) { delete target[prop]; delete proxy[prop]; return true; }, /** * A trap for getting property values. */ get(target, prop, receiver) { return _cached(target, prop, () => _resolveWithContext(target, prop, receiver)); }, /** * A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor. * Also used by Object.hasOwnProperty. */ getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) { return target._descriptors.allKeys ? Reflect.has(proxy, prop) ? { enumerable: true, configurable: true } : void 0 : Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, prop); }, /** * A trap for Object.getPrototypeOf. */ getPrototypeOf() { return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(proxy); }, /** * A trap for the in operator. */ has(target, prop) { return Reflect.has(proxy, prop); }, /** * A trap for Object.getOwnPropertyNames and Object.getOwnPropertySymbols. */ ownKeys() { return Reflect.ownKeys(proxy); }, /** * A trap for setting property values. */ set(target, prop, value) { proxy[prop] = value; delete target[prop]; return true; } }); } function _descriptors(proxy, defaults2 = { scriptable: true, indexable: true }) { const { _scriptable = defaults2.scriptable, _indexable = defaults2.indexable, _allKeys = defaults2.allKeys } = proxy; return { allKeys: _allKeys, scriptable: _scriptable, indexable: _indexable, isScriptable: isFunction(_scriptable) ? _scriptable : () => _scriptable, isIndexable: isFunction(_indexable) ? _indexable : () => _indexable }; } var readKey = (prefix, name) => prefix ? prefix + _capitalize(name) : name; var needsSubResolver = (prop, value) => isObject(value) && prop !== "adapters" && (Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === null || value.constructor === Object); function _cached(target, prop, resolve2) { if (, prop)) { return target[prop]; } const value = resolve2(); target[prop] = value; return value; } function _resolveWithContext(target, prop, receiver) { const { _proxy, _context, _subProxy, _descriptors: descriptors2 } = target; let value = _proxy[prop]; if (isFunction(value) && descriptors2.isScriptable(prop)) { value = _resolveScriptable(prop, value, target, receiver); } if (isArray(value) && value.length) { value = _resolveArray(prop, value, target, descriptors2.isIndexable); } if (needsSubResolver(prop, value)) { value = _attachContext(value, _context, _subProxy && _subProxy[prop], descriptors2); } return value; } function _resolveScriptable(prop, getValue, target, receiver) { const { _proxy, _context, _subProxy, _stack } = target; if (_stack.has(prop)) { throw new Error("Recursion detected: " + Array.from(_stack).join("->") + "->" + prop); } _stack.add(prop); let value = getValue(_context, _subProxy || receiver); _stack.delete(prop); if (needsSubResolver(prop, value)) { value = createSubResolver(_proxy._scopes, _proxy, prop, value); } return value; } function _resolveArray(prop, value, target, isIndexable) { const { _proxy, _context, _subProxy, _descriptors: descriptors2 } = target; if (typeof _context.index !== "undefined" && isIndexable(prop)) { return value[_context.index % value.length]; } else if (isObject(value[0])) { const arr = value; const scopes = _proxy._scopes.filter((s) => s !== arr); value = []; for (const item of arr) { const resolver = createSubResolver(scopes, _proxy, prop, item); value.push(_attachContext(resolver, _context, _subProxy && _subProxy[prop], descriptors2)); } } return value; } function resolveFallback(fallback, prop, value) { return isFunction(fallback) ? fallback(prop, value) : fallback; } var getScope = (key, parent) => key === true ? parent : typeof key === "string" ? resolveObjectKey(parent, key) : void 0; function addScopes(set2, parentScopes, key, parentFallback, value) { for (const parent of parentScopes) { const scope = getScope(key, parent); if (scope) { set2.add(scope); const fallback = resolveFallback(scope._fallback, key, value); if (typeof fallback !== "undefined" && fallback !== key && fallback !== parentFallback) { return fallback; } } else if (scope === false && typeof parentFallback !== "undefined" && key !== parentFallback) { return null; } } return false; } function createSubResolver(parentScopes, resolver, prop, value) { const rootScopes = resolver._rootScopes; const fallback = resolveFallback(resolver._fallback, prop, value); const allScopes = [ ...parentScopes, ...rootScopes ]; const set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); set2.add(value); let key = addScopesFromKey(set2, allScopes, prop, fallback || prop, value); if (key === null) { return false; } if (typeof fallback !== "undefined" && fallback !== prop) { key = addScopesFromKey(set2, allScopes, fallback, key, value); if (key === null) { return false; } } return _createResolver(Array.from(set2), [ "" ], rootScopes, fallback, () => subGetTarget(resolver, prop, value)); } function addScopesFromKey(set2, allScopes, key, fallback, item) { while (key) { key = addScopes(set2, allScopes, key, fallback, item); } return key; } function subGetTarget(resolver, prop, value) { const parent = resolver._getTarget(); if (!(prop in parent)) { parent[prop] = {}; } const target = parent[prop]; if (isArray(target) && isObject(value)) { return value; } return target || {}; } function _resolveWithPrefixes(prop, prefixes, scopes, proxy) { let value; for (const prefix of prefixes) { value = _resolve(readKey(prefix, prop), scopes); if (typeof value !== "undefined") { return needsSubResolver(prop, value) ? createSubResolver(scopes, proxy, prop, value) : value; } } } function _resolve(key, scopes) { for (const scope of scopes) { if (!scope) { continue; } const value = scope[key]; if (typeof value !== "undefined") { return value; } } } function getKeysFromAllScopes(target) { let keys = target._keys; if (!keys) { keys = target._keys = resolveKeysFromAllScopes(target._scopes); } return keys; } function resolveKeysFromAllScopes(scopes) { const set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const scope of scopes) { for (const key of Object.keys(scope).filter((k) => !k.startsWith("_"))) { set2.add(key); } } return Array.from(set2); } var EPSILON = Number.EPSILON || 1e-14; function _isDomSupported() { return typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined"; } function _getParentNode(domNode) { let parent = domNode.parentNode; if (parent && parent.toString() === "[object ShadowRoot]") { parent =; } return parent; } function parseMaxStyle(styleValue, node, parentProperty) { let valueInPixels; if (typeof styleValue === "string") { valueInPixels = parseInt(styleValue, 10); if (styleValue.indexOf("%") !== -1) { valueInPixels = valueInPixels / 100 * node.parentNode[parentProperty]; } } else { valueInPixels = styleValue; } return valueInPixels; } var getComputedStyle2 = (element) => element.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null); function getStyle(el, property) { return getComputedStyle2(el).getPropertyValue(property); } var positions = [ "top", "right", "bottom", "left" ]; function getPositionedStyle(styles, style, suffix) { const result = {}; suffix = suffix ? "-" + suffix : ""; for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const pos = positions[i]; result[pos] = parseFloat(styles[style + "-" + pos + suffix]) || 0; } result.width = result.left + result.right; result.height = + result.bottom; return result; } var useOffsetPos = (x, y, target) => (x > 0 || y > 0) && (!target || !target.shadowRoot); function getCanvasPosition(e, canvas) { const touches = e.touches; const source = touches && touches.length ? touches[0] : e; const { offsetX, offsetY } = source; let box = false; let x, y; if (useOffsetPos(offsetX, offsetY, { x = offsetX; y = offsetY; } else { const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); x = source.clientX - rect.left; y = source.clientY -; box = true; } return { x, y, box }; } function getRelativePosition(event, chart) { if ("native" in event) { return event; } const { canvas, currentDevicePixelRatio } = chart; const style = getComputedStyle2(canvas); const borderBox = style.boxSizing === "border-box"; const paddings = getPositionedStyle(style, "padding"); const borders = getPositionedStyle(style, "border", "width"); const { x, y, box } = getCanvasPosition(event, canvas); const xOffset = paddings.left + (box && borders.left); const yOffset = + (box &&; let { width, height } = chart; if (borderBox) { width -= paddings.width + borders.width; height -= paddings.height + borders.height; } return { x: Math.round((x - xOffset) / width * canvas.width / currentDevicePixelRatio), y: Math.round((y - yOffset) / height * canvas.height / currentDevicePixelRatio) }; } function getContainerSize(canvas, width, height) { let maxWidth, maxHeight; if (width === void 0 || height === void 0) { const container = _getParentNode(canvas); if (!container) { width = canvas.clientWidth; height = canvas.clientHeight; } else { const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); const containerStyle = getComputedStyle2(container); const containerBorder = getPositionedStyle(containerStyle, "border", "width"); const containerPadding = getPositionedStyle(containerStyle, "padding"); width = rect.width - containerPadding.width - containerBorder.width; height = rect.height - containerPadding.height - containerBorder.height; maxWidth = parseMaxStyle(containerStyle.maxWidth, container, "clientWidth"); maxHeight = parseMaxStyle(containerStyle.maxHeight, container, "clientHeight"); } } return { width, height, maxWidth: maxWidth || INFINITY, maxHeight: maxHeight || INFINITY }; } var round1 = (v) => Math.round(v * 10) / 10; function getMaximumSize(canvas, bbWidth, bbHeight, aspectRatio) { const style = getComputedStyle2(canvas); const margins = getPositionedStyle(style, "margin"); const maxWidth = parseMaxStyle(style.maxWidth, canvas, "clientWidth") || INFINITY; const maxHeight = parseMaxStyle(style.maxHeight, canvas, "clientHeight") || INFINITY; const containerSize = getContainerSize(canvas, bbWidth, bbHeight); let { width, height } = containerSize; if (style.boxSizing === "content-box") { const borders = getPositionedStyle(style, "border", "width"); const paddings = getPositionedStyle(style, "padding"); width -= paddings.width + borders.width; height -= paddings.height + borders.height; } width = Math.max(0, width - margins.width); height = Math.max(0, aspectRatio ? width / aspectRatio : height - margins.height); width = round1(Math.min(width, maxWidth, containerSize.maxWidth)); height = round1(Math.min(height, maxHeight, containerSize.maxHeight)); if (width && !height) { height = round1(width / 2); } const maintainHeight = bbWidth !== void 0 || bbHeight !== void 0; if (maintainHeight && aspectRatio && containerSize.height && height > containerSize.height) { height = containerSize.height; width = round1(Math.floor(height * aspectRatio)); } return { width, height }; } function retinaScale(chart, forceRatio, forceStyle) { const pixelRatio = forceRatio || 1; const deviceHeight = Math.floor(chart.height * pixelRatio); const deviceWidth = Math.floor(chart.width * pixelRatio); chart.height = Math.floor(chart.height); chart.width = Math.floor(chart.width); const canvas = chart.canvas; if ( && (forceStyle || ! && ! { = `${chart.height}px`; = `${chart.width}px`; } if (chart.currentDevicePixelRatio !== pixelRatio || canvas.height !== deviceHeight || canvas.width !== deviceWidth) { chart.currentDevicePixelRatio = pixelRatio; canvas.height = deviceHeight; canvas.width = deviceWidth; chart.ctx.setTransform(pixelRatio, 0, 0, pixelRatio, 0, 0); return true; } return false; } var supportsEventListenerOptions = function() { let passiveSupported = false; try { const options = { get passive() { passiveSupported = true; return false; } }; window.addEventListener("test", null, options); window.removeEventListener("test", null, options); } catch (e) { } return passiveSupported; }(); function readUsedSize(element, property) { const value = getStyle(element, property); const matches = value && value.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?px$/); return matches ? +matches[1] : void 0; } var getRightToLeftAdapter = function(rectX, width) { return { x(x) { return rectX + rectX + width - x; }, setWidth(w) { width = w; }, textAlign(align) { if (align === "center") { return align; } return align === "right" ? "left" : "right"; }, xPlus(x, value) { return x - value; }, leftForLtr(x, itemWidth) { return x - itemWidth; } }; }; var getLeftToRightAdapter = function() { return { x(x) { return x; }, setWidth(w) { }, textAlign(align) { return align; }, xPlus(x, value) { return x + value; }, leftForLtr(x, _itemWidth) { return x; } }; }; function getRtlAdapter(rtl, rectX, width) { return rtl ? getRightToLeftAdapter(rectX, width) : getLeftToRightAdapter(); } function overrideTextDirection(ctx, direction) { let style, original; if (direction === "ltr" || direction === "rtl") { style =; original = [ style.getPropertyValue("direction"), style.getPropertyPriority("direction") ]; style.setProperty("direction", direction, "important"); ctx.prevTextDirection = original; } } function restoreTextDirection(ctx, original) { if (original !== void 0) { delete ctx.prevTextDirection;"direction", original[0], original[1]); } } // node_modules/.pnpm/chart.js@4.3.3/node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.js var Animator = class { constructor() { this._request = null; this._charts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._running = false; this._lastDate = void 0; } _notify(chart, anims, date, type) { const callbacks = anims.listeners[type]; const numSteps = anims.duration; callbacks.forEach((fn) => fn({ chart, initial: anims.initial, numSteps, currentStep: Math.min(date - anims.start, numSteps) })); } _refresh() { if (this._request) { return; } this._running = true; this._request =, () => { this._update(); this._request = null; if (this._running) { this._refresh(); } }); } _update(date = { let remaining = 0; this._charts.forEach((anims, chart) => { if (!anims.running || !anims.items.length) { return; } const items = anims.items; let i = items.length - 1; let draw = false; let item; for (; i >= 0; --i) { item = items[i]; if (item._active) { if (item._total > anims.duration) { anims.duration = item._total; } item.tick(date); draw = true; } else { items[i] = items[items.length - 1]; items.pop(); } } if (draw) { chart.draw(); this._notify(chart, anims, date, "progress"); } if (!items.length) { anims.running = false; this._notify(chart, anims, date, "complete"); anims.initial = false; } remaining += items.length; }); this._lastDate = date; if (remaining === 0) { this._running = false; } } _getAnims(chart) { const charts = this._charts; let anims = charts.get(chart); if (!anims) { anims = { running: false, initial: true, items: [], listeners: { complete: [], progress: [] } }; charts.set(chart, anims); } return anims; } listen(chart, event, cb) { this._getAnims(chart).listeners[event].push(cb); } add(chart, items) { if (!items || !items.length) { return; } this._getAnims(chart).items.push(...items); } has(chart) { return this._getAnims(chart).items.length > 0; } start(chart) { const anims = this._charts.get(chart); if (!anims) { return; } anims.running = true; anims.start =; anims.duration = anims.items.reduce((acc, cur) => Math.max(acc, cur._duration), 0); this._refresh(); } running(chart) { if (!this._running) { return false; } const anims = this._charts.get(chart); if (!anims || !anims.running || !anims.items.length) { return false; } return true; } stop(chart) { const anims = this._charts.get(chart); if (!anims || !anims.items.length) { return; } const items = anims.items; let i = items.length - 1; for (; i >= 0; --i) { items[i].cancel(); } anims.items = []; this._notify(chart, anims,, "complete"); } remove(chart) { return this._charts.delete(chart); } }; var animator = /* @__PURE__ */ new Animator(); var transparent = "transparent"; var interpolators = { boolean(from2, to2, factor) { return factor > 0.5 ? to2 : from2; }, color(from2, to2, factor) { const c0 = color(from2 || transparent); const c1 = c0.valid && color(to2 || transparent); return c1 && c1.valid ? c1.mix(c0, factor).hexString() : to2; }, number(from2, to2, factor) { return from2 + (to2 - from2) * factor; } }; var Animation = class { constructor(cfg, target, prop, to2) { const currentValue = target[prop]; to2 = resolve([, to2, currentValue, cfg.from ]); const from2 = resolve([ cfg.from, currentValue, to2 ]); this._active = true; this._fn = cfg.fn || interpolators[cfg.type || typeof from2]; this._easing = effects[cfg.easing] || effects.linear; this._start = Math.floor( + (cfg.delay || 0)); this._duration = this._total = Math.floor(cfg.duration); this._loop = !!cfg.loop; this._target = target; this._prop = prop; this._from = from2; this._to = to2; this._promises = void 0; } active() { return this._active; } update(cfg, to2, date) { if (this._active) { this._notify(false); const currentValue = this._target[this._prop]; const elapsed = date - this._start; const remain = this._duration - elapsed; this._start = date; this._duration = Math.floor(Math.max(remain, cfg.duration)); this._total += elapsed; this._loop = !!cfg.loop; this._to = resolve([, to2, currentValue, cfg.from ]); this._from = resolve([ cfg.from, currentValue, to2 ]); } } cancel() { if (this._active) { this.tick(; this._active = false; this._notify(false); } } tick(date) { const elapsed = date - this._start; const duration = this._duration; const prop = this._prop; const from2 = this._from; const loop = this._loop; const to2 = this._to; let factor; this._active = from2 !== to2 && (loop || elapsed < duration); if (!this._active) { this._target[prop] = to2; this._notify(true); return; } if (elapsed < 0) { this._target[prop] = from2; return; } factor = elapsed / duration % 2; factor = loop && factor > 1 ? 2 - factor : factor; factor = this._easing(Math.min(1, Math.max(0, factor))); this._target[prop] = this._fn(from2, to2, factor); } wait() { const promises = this._promises || (this._promises = []); return new Promise((res, rej) => { promises.push({ res, rej }); }); } _notify(resolved) { const method = resolved ? "res" : "rej"; const promises = this._promises || []; for (let i = 0; i < promises.length; i++) { promises[i][method](); } } }; var Animations = class { constructor(chart, config) { this._chart = chart; this._properties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.configure(config); } configure(config) { if (!isObject(config)) { return; } const animationOptions = Object.keys(defaults.animation); const animatedProps = this._properties; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(config).forEach((key) => { const cfg = config[key]; if (!isObject(cfg)) { return; } const resolved = {}; for (const option of animationOptions) { resolved[option] = cfg[option]; } (isArray( && || [ key ]).forEach((prop) => { if (prop === key || !animatedProps.has(prop)) { animatedProps.set(prop, resolved); } }); }); } _animateOptions(target, values) { const newOptions = values.options; const options = resolveTargetOptions(target, newOptions); if (!options) { return []; } const animations = this._createAnimations(options, newOptions); if (newOptions.$shared) { awaitAll(target.options.$animations, newOptions).then(() => { target.options = newOptions; }, () => { }); } return animations; } _createAnimations(target, values) { const animatedProps = this._properties; const animations = []; const running = target.$animations || (target.$animations = {}); const props = Object.keys(values); const date =; let i; for (i = props.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const prop = props[i]; if (prop.charAt(0) === "$") { continue; } if (prop === "options") { animations.push(...this._animateOptions(target, values)); continue; } const value = values[prop]; let animation = running[prop]; const cfg = animatedProps.get(prop); if (animation) { if (cfg && { animation.update(cfg, value, date); continue; } else { animation.cancel(); } } if (!cfg || !cfg.duration) { target[prop] = value; continue; } running[prop] = animation = new Animation(cfg, target, prop, value); animations.push(animation); } return animations; } update(target, values) { if (this._properties.size === 0) { Object.assign(target, values); return; } const animations = this._createAnimations(target, values); if (animations.length) { animator.add(this._chart, animations); return true; } } }; function awaitAll(animations, properties) { const running = []; const keys = Object.keys(properties); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const anim = animations[keys[i]]; if (anim && { running.push(anim.wait()); } } return Promise.all(running); } function resolveTargetOptions(target, newOptions) { if (!newOptions) { return; } let options = target.options; if (!options) { target.options = newOptions; return; } if (options.$shared) { target.options = options = Object.assign({}, options, { $shared: false, $animations: {} }); } return options; } function scaleClip(scale, allowedOverflow) { const opts = scale && scale.options || {}; const reverse = opts.reverse; const min = opts.min === void 0 ? allowedOverflow : 0; const max = opts.max === void 0 ? allowedOverflow : 0; return { start: reverse ? max : min, end: reverse ? min : max }; } function defaultClip(xScale, yScale, allowedOverflow) { if (allowedOverflow === false) { return false; } const x = scaleClip(xScale, allowedOverflow); const y = scaleClip(yScale, allowedOverflow); return { top: y.end, right: x.end, bottom: y.start, left: x.start }; } function toClip(value) { let t2, r, b, l; if (isObject(value)) { t2 =; r = value.right; b = value.bottom; l = value.left; } else { t2 = r = b = l = value; } return { top: t2, right: r, bottom: b, left: l, disabled: value === false }; } function getSortedDatasetIndices(chart, filterVisible) { const keys = []; const metasets = chart._getSortedDatasetMetas(filterVisible); let i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i < ilen; ++i) { keys.push(metasets[i].index); } return keys; } function applyStack(stack, value, dsIndex, options = {}) { const keys = stack.keys; const singleMode = options.mode === "single"; let i, ilen, datasetIndex, otherValue; if (value === null) { return; } for (i = 0, ilen = keys.length; i < ilen; ++i) { datasetIndex = +keys[i]; if (datasetIndex === dsIndex) { if (options.all) { continue; } break; } otherValue = stack.values[datasetIndex]; if (isNumberFinite(otherValue) && (singleMode || value === 0 || sign(value) === sign(otherValue))) { value += otherValue; } } return value; } function convertObjectDataToArray(data) { const keys = Object.keys(data); const adata = new Array(keys.length); let i, ilen, key; for (i = 0, ilen = keys.length; i < ilen; ++i) { key = keys[i]; adata[i] = { x: key, y: data[key] }; } return adata; } function isStacked(scale, meta) { const stacked = scale && scale.options.stacked; return stacked || stacked === void 0 && meta.stack !== void 0; } function getStackKey(indexScale, valueScale, meta) { return `${}.${}.${meta.stack || meta.type}`; } function getUserBounds(scale) { const { min, max, minDefined, maxDefined } = scale.getUserBounds(); return { min: minDefined ? min : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, max: maxDefined ? max : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }; } function getOrCreateStack(stacks, stackKey, indexValue) { const subStack = stacks[stackKey] || (stacks[stackKey] = {}); return subStack[indexValue] || (subStack[indexValue] = {}); } function getLastIndexInStack(stack, vScale, positive, type) { for (const meta of vScale.getMatchingVisibleMetas(type).reverse()) { const value = stack[meta.index]; if (positive && value > 0 || !positive && value < 0) { return meta.index; } } return null; } function updateStacks(controller, parsed) { const { chart, _cachedMeta: meta } = controller; const stacks = chart._stacks || (chart._stacks = {}); const { iScale, vScale, index: datasetIndex } = meta; const iAxis = iScale.axis; const vAxis = vScale.axis; const key = getStackKey(iScale, vScale, meta); const ilen = parsed.length; let stack; for (let i = 0; i < ilen; ++i) { const item = parsed[i]; const { [iAxis]: index, [vAxis]: value } = item; const itemStacks = item._stacks || (item._stacks = {}); stack = itemStacks[vAxis] = getOrCreateStack(stacks, key, index); stack[datasetIndex] = value; stack._top = getLastIndexInStack(stack, vScale, true, meta.type); stack._bottom = getLastIndexInStack(stack, vScale, false, meta.type); const visualValues = stack._visualValues || (stack._visualValues = {}); visualValues[datasetIndex] = value; } } function getFirstScaleId(chart, axis) { const scales = chart.scales; return Object.keys(scales).filter((key) => scales[key].axis === axis).shift(); } function createDatasetContext(parent, index) { return createContext(parent, { active: false, dataset: void 0, datasetIndex: index, index, mode: "default", type: "dataset" }); } function createDataContext(parent, index, element) { return createContext(parent, { active: false, dataIndex: index, parsed: void 0, raw: void 0, element, index, mode: "default", type: "data" }); } function clearStacks(meta, items) { const datasetIndex = meta.controller.index; const axis = meta.vScale && meta.vScale.axis; if (!axis) { return; } items = items || meta._parsed; for (const parsed of items) { const stacks = parsed._stacks; if (!stacks || stacks[axis] === void 0 || stacks[axis][datasetIndex] === void 0) { return; } delete stacks[axis][datasetIndex]; if (stacks[axis]._visualValues !== void 0 && stacks[axis]._visualValues[datasetIndex] !== void 0) { delete stacks[axis]._visualValues[datasetIndex]; } } } var isDirectUpdateMode = (mode) => mode === "reset" || mode === "none"; var cloneIfNotShared = (cached, shared) => shared ? cached : Object.assign({}, cached); var createStack = (canStack, meta, chart) => canStack && !meta.hidden && meta._stacked && { keys: getSortedDatasetIndices(chart, true), values: null }; var DatasetController = class { constructor(chart, datasetIndex) { this.chart = chart; this._ctx = chart.ctx; this.index = datasetIndex; this._cachedDataOpts = {}; this._cachedMeta = this.getMeta(); this._type = this._cachedMeta.type; this.options = void 0; this._parsing = false; this._data = void 0; this._objectData = void 0; this._sharedOptions = void 0; this._drawStart = void 0; this._drawCount = void 0; this.enableOptionSharing = false; this.supportsDecimation = false; this.$context = void 0; this._syncList = []; this.datasetElementType =; this.dataElementType =; this.initialize(); } initialize() { const meta = this._cachedMeta; this.configure(); this.linkScales(); meta._stacked = isStacked(meta.vScale, meta); this.addElements(); if (this.options.fill && !this.chart.isPluginEnabled("filler")) { console.warn("Tried to use the 'fill' option without the 'Filler' plugin enabled. Please import and register the 'Filler' plugin and make sure it is not disabled in the options"); } } updateIndex(datasetIndex) { if (this.index !== datasetIndex) { clearStacks(this._cachedMeta); } this.index = datasetIndex; } linkScales() { const chart = this.chart; const meta = this._cachedMeta; const dataset = this.getDataset(); const chooseId = (axis, x, y, r) => axis === "x" ? x : axis === "r" ? r : y; const xid = meta.xAxisID = valueOrDefault(dataset.xAxisID, getFirstScaleId(chart, "x")); const yid = meta.yAxisID = valueOrDefault(dataset.yAxisID, getFirstScaleId(chart, "y")); const rid = meta.rAxisID = valueOrDefault(dataset.rAxisID, getFirstScaleId(chart, "r")); const indexAxis = meta.indexAxis; const iid = meta.iAxisID = chooseId(indexAxis, xid, yid, rid); const vid = meta.vAxisID = chooseId(indexAxis, yid, xid, rid); meta.xScale = this.getScaleForId(xid); meta.yScale = this.getScaleForId(yid); meta.rScale = this.getScaleForId(rid); meta.iScale = this.getScaleForId(iid); meta.vScale = this.getScaleForId(vid); } getDataset() { return[this.index]; } getMeta() { return this.chart.getDatasetMeta(this.index); } getScaleForId(scaleID) { return this.chart.scales[scaleID]; } _getOtherScale(scale) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; return scale === meta.iScale ? meta.vScale : meta.iScale; } reset() { this._update("reset"); } _destroy() { const meta = this._cachedMeta; if (this._data) { unlistenArrayEvents(this._data, this); } if (meta._stacked) { clearStacks(meta); } } _dataCheck() { const dataset = this.getDataset(); const data = || ( = []); const _data = this._data; if (isObject(data)) { this._data = convertObjectDataToArray(data); } else if (_data !== data) { if (_data) { unlistenArrayEvents(_data, this); const meta = this._cachedMeta; clearStacks(meta); meta._parsed = []; } if (data && Object.isExtensible(data)) { listenArrayEvents(data, this); } this._syncList = []; this._data = data; } } addElements() { const meta = this._cachedMeta; this._dataCheck(); if (this.datasetElementType) { meta.dataset = new this.datasetElementType(); } } buildOrUpdateElements(resetNewElements) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const dataset = this.getDataset(); let stackChanged = false; this._dataCheck(); const oldStacked = meta._stacked; meta._stacked = isStacked(meta.vScale, meta); if (meta.stack !== dataset.stack) { stackChanged = true; clearStacks(meta); meta.stack = dataset.stack; } this._resyncElements(resetNewElements); if (stackChanged || oldStacked !== meta._stacked) { updateStacks(this, meta._parsed); } } configure() { const config = this.chart.config; const scopeKeys = config.datasetScopeKeys(this._type); const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(this.getDataset(), scopeKeys, true); this.options = config.createResolver(scopes, this.getContext()); this._parsing = this.options.parsing; this._cachedDataOpts = {}; } parse(start, count) { const { _cachedMeta: meta, _data: data } = this; const { iScale, _stacked } = meta; const iAxis = iScale.axis; let sorted = start === 0 && count === data.length ? true : meta._sorted; let prev = start > 0 && meta._parsed[start - 1]; let i, cur, parsed; if (this._parsing === false) { meta._parsed = data; meta._sorted = true; parsed = data; } else { if (isArray(data[start])) { parsed = this.parseArrayData(meta, data, start, count); } else if (isObject(data[start])) { parsed = this.parseObjectData(meta, data, start, count); } else { parsed = this.parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start, count); } const isNotInOrderComparedToPrev = () => cur[iAxis] === null || prev && cur[iAxis] < prev[iAxis]; for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { meta._parsed[i + start] = cur = parsed[i]; if (sorted) { if (isNotInOrderComparedToPrev()) { sorted = false; } prev = cur; } } meta._sorted = sorted; } if (_stacked) { updateStacks(this, parsed); } } parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start, count) { const { iScale, vScale } = meta; const iAxis = iScale.axis; const vAxis = vScale.axis; const labels = iScale.getLabels(); const singleScale = iScale === vScale; const parsed = new Array(count); let i, ilen, index; for (i = 0, ilen = count; i < ilen; ++i) { index = i + start; parsed[i] = { [iAxis]: singleScale || iScale.parse(labels[index], index), [vAxis]: vScale.parse(data[index], index) }; } return parsed; } parseArrayData(meta, data, start, count) { const { xScale, yScale } = meta; const parsed = new Array(count); let i, ilen, index, item; for (i = 0, ilen = count; i < ilen; ++i) { index = i + start; item = data[index]; parsed[i] = { x: xScale.parse(item[0], index), y: yScale.parse(item[1], index) }; } return parsed; } parseObjectData(meta, data, start, count) { const { xScale, yScale } = meta; const { xAxisKey = "x", yAxisKey = "y" } = this._parsing; const parsed = new Array(count); let i, ilen, index, item; for (i = 0, ilen = count; i < ilen; ++i) { index = i + start; item = data[index]; parsed[i] = { x: xScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(item, xAxisKey), index), y: yScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(item, yAxisKey), index) }; } return parsed; } getParsed(index) { return this._cachedMeta._parsed[index]; } getDataElement(index) { return[index]; } applyStack(scale, parsed, mode) { const chart = this.chart; const meta = this._cachedMeta; const value = parsed[scale.axis]; const stack = { keys: getSortedDatasetIndices(chart, true), values: parsed._stacks[scale.axis]._visualValues }; return applyStack(stack, value, meta.index, { mode }); } updateRangeFromParsed(range, scale, parsed, stack) { const parsedValue = parsed[scale.axis]; let value = parsedValue === null ? NaN : parsedValue; const values = stack && parsed._stacks[scale.axis]; if (stack && values) { stack.values = values; value = applyStack(stack, parsedValue, this._cachedMeta.index); } range.min = Math.min(range.min, value); range.max = Math.max(range.max, value); } getMinMax(scale, canStack) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const _parsed = meta._parsed; const sorted = meta._sorted && scale === meta.iScale; const ilen = _parsed.length; const otherScale = this._getOtherScale(scale); const stack = createStack(canStack, meta, this.chart); const range = { min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY }; const { min: otherMin, max: otherMax } = getUserBounds(otherScale); let i, parsed; function _skip() { parsed = _parsed[i]; const otherValue = parsed[otherScale.axis]; return !isNumberFinite(parsed[scale.axis]) || otherMin > otherValue || otherMax < otherValue; } for (i = 0; i < ilen; ++i) { if (_skip()) { continue; } this.updateRangeFromParsed(range, scale, parsed, stack); if (sorted) { break; } } if (sorted) { for (i = ilen - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (_skip()) { continue; } this.updateRangeFromParsed(range, scale, parsed, stack); break; } } return range; } getAllParsedValues(scale) { const parsed = this._cachedMeta._parsed; const values = []; let i, ilen, value; for (i = 0, ilen = parsed.length; i < ilen; ++i) { value = parsed[i][scale.axis]; if (isNumberFinite(value)) { values.push(value); } } return values; } getMaxOverflow() { return false; } getLabelAndValue(index) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const iScale = meta.iScale; const vScale = meta.vScale; const parsed = this.getParsed(index); return { label: iScale ? "" + iScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[iScale.axis]) : "", value: vScale ? "" + vScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[vScale.axis]) : "" }; } _update(mode) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; this.update(mode || "default"); meta._clip = toClip(valueOrDefault(this.options.clip, defaultClip(meta.xScale, meta.yScale, this.getMaxOverflow()))); } update(mode) { } draw() { const ctx = this._ctx; const chart = this.chart; const meta = this._cachedMeta; const elements = || []; const area = chart.chartArea; const active = []; const start = this._drawStart || 0; const count = this._drawCount || elements.length - start; const drawActiveElementsOnTop = this.options.drawActiveElementsOnTop; let i; if (meta.dataset) { meta.dataset.draw(ctx, area, start, count); } for (i = start; i < start + count; ++i) { const element = elements[i]; if (element.hidden) { continue; } if ( && drawActiveElementsOnTop) { active.push(element); } else { element.draw(ctx, area); } } for (i = 0; i < active.length; ++i) { active[i].draw(ctx, area); } } getStyle(index, active) { const mode = active ? "active" : "default"; return index === void 0 && this._cachedMeta.dataset ? this.resolveDatasetElementOptions(mode) : this.resolveDataElementOptions(index || 0, mode); } getContext(index, active, mode) { const dataset = this.getDataset(); let context; if (index >= 0 && index < { const element =[index]; context = element.$context || (element.$context = createDataContext(this.getContext(), index, element)); context.parsed = this.getParsed(index); context.raw =[index]; context.index = context.dataIndex = index; } else { context = this.$context || (this.$context = createDatasetContext(this.chart.getContext(), this.index)); context.dataset = dataset; context.index = context.datasetIndex = this.index; } = !!active; context.mode = mode; return context; } resolveDatasetElementOptions(mode) { return this._resolveElementOptions(, mode); } resolveDataElementOptions(index, mode) { return this._resolveElementOptions(, mode, index); } _resolveElementOptions(elementType, mode = "default", index) { const active = mode === "active"; const cache = this._cachedDataOpts; const cacheKey = elementType + "-" + mode; const cached = cache[cacheKey]; const sharing = this.enableOptionSharing && defined(index); if (cached) { return cloneIfNotShared(cached, sharing); } const config = this.chart.config; const scopeKeys = config.datasetElementScopeKeys(this._type, elementType); const prefixes = active ? [ `${elementType}Hover`, "hover", elementType, "" ] : [ elementType, "" ]; const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(this.getDataset(), scopeKeys); const names2 = Object.keys(defaults.elements[elementType]); const context = () => this.getContext(index, active, mode); const values = config.resolveNamedOptions(scopes, names2, context, prefixes); if (values.$shared) { values.$shared = sharing; cache[cacheKey] = Object.freeze(cloneIfNotShared(values, sharing)); } return values; } _resolveAnimations(index, transition, active) { const chart = this.chart; const cache = this._cachedDataOpts; const cacheKey = `animation-${transition}`; const cached = cache[cacheKey]; if (cached) { return cached; } let options; if (chart.options.animation !== false) { const config = this.chart.config; const scopeKeys = config.datasetAnimationScopeKeys(this._type, transition); const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(this.getDataset(), scopeKeys); options = config.createResolver(scopes, this.getContext(index, active, transition)); } const animations = new Animations(chart, options && options.animations); if (options && options._cacheable) { cache[cacheKey] = Object.freeze(animations); } return animations; } getSharedOptions(options) { if (!options.$shared) { return; } return this._sharedOptions || (this._sharedOptions = Object.assign({}, options)); } includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions) { return !sharedOptions || isDirectUpdateMode(mode) || this.chart._animationsDisabled; } _getSharedOptions(start, mode) { const firstOpts = this.resolveDataElementOptions(start, mode); const previouslySharedOptions = this._sharedOptions; const sharedOptions = this.getSharedOptions(firstOpts); const includeOptions = this.includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions) || sharedOptions !== previouslySharedOptions; this.updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, firstOpts); return { sharedOptions, includeOptions }; } updateElement(element, index, properties, mode) { if (isDirectUpdateMode(mode)) { Object.assign(element, properties); } else { this._resolveAnimations(index, mode).update(element, properties); } } updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, newOptions) { if (sharedOptions && !isDirectUpdateMode(mode)) { this._resolveAnimations(void 0, mode).update(sharedOptions, newOptions); } } _setStyle(element, index, mode, active) { = active; const options = this.getStyle(index, active); this._resolveAnimations(index, mode, active).update(element, { options: !active && this.getSharedOptions(options) || options }); } removeHoverStyle(element, datasetIndex, index) { this._setStyle(element, index, "active", false); } setHoverStyle(element, datasetIndex, index) { this._setStyle(element, index, "active", true); } _removeDatasetHoverStyle() { const element = this._cachedMeta.dataset; if (element) { this._setStyle(element, void 0, "active", false); } } _setDatasetHoverStyle() { const element = this._cachedMeta.dataset; if (element) { this._setStyle(element, void 0, "active", true); } } _resyncElements(resetNewElements) { const data = this._data; const elements =; for (const [method, arg1, arg2] of this._syncList) { this[method](arg1, arg2); } this._syncList = []; const numMeta = elements.length; const numData = data.length; const count = Math.min(numData, numMeta); if (count) { this.parse(0, count); } if (numData > numMeta) { this._insertElements(numMeta, numData - numMeta, resetNewElements); } else if (numData < numMeta) { this._removeElements(numData, numMeta - numData); } } _insertElements(start, count, resetNewElements = true) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const data =; const end = start + count; let i; const move = (arr) => { arr.length += count; for (i = arr.length - 1; i >= end; i--) { arr[i] = arr[i - count]; } }; move(data); for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { data[i] = new this.dataElementType(); } if (this._parsing) { move(meta._parsed); } this.parse(start, count); if (resetNewElements) { this.updateElements(data, start, count, "reset"); } } updateElements(element, start, count, mode) { } _removeElements(start, count) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; if (this._parsing) { const removed = meta._parsed.splice(start, count); if (meta._stacked) { clearStacks(meta, removed); } }, count); } _sync(args) { if (this._parsing) { this._syncList.push(args); } else { const [method, arg1, arg2] = args; this[method](arg1, arg2); } this.chart._dataChanges.push([ this.index, ...args ]); } _onDataPush() { const count = arguments.length; this._sync([ "_insertElements", this.getDataset().data.length - count, count ]); } _onDataPop() { this._sync([ "_removeElements", - 1, 1 ]); } _onDataShift() { this._sync([ "_removeElements", 0, 1 ]); } _onDataSplice(start, count) { if (count) { this._sync([ "_removeElements", start, count ]); } const newCount = arguments.length - 2; if (newCount) { this._sync([ "_insertElements", start, newCount ]); } } _onDataUnshift() { this._sync([ "_insertElements", 0, arguments.length ]); } }; __publicField(DatasetController, "defaults", {}); __publicField(DatasetController, "datasetElementType", null); __publicField(DatasetController, "dataElementType", null); function getAllScaleValues(scale, type) { if (!scale._cache.$bar) { const visibleMetas = scale.getMatchingVisibleMetas(type); let values = []; for (let i = 0, ilen = visibleMetas.length; i < ilen; i++) { values = values.concat(visibleMetas[i].controller.getAllParsedValues(scale)); } scale._cache.$bar = _arrayUnique(values.sort((a, b) => a - b)); } return scale._cache.$bar; } function computeMinSampleSize(meta) { const scale = meta.iScale; const values = getAllScaleValues(scale, meta.type); let min = scale._length; let i, ilen, curr, prev; const updateMinAndPrev = () => { if (curr === 32767 || curr === -32768) { return; } if (defined(prev)) { min = Math.min(min, Math.abs(curr - prev) || min); } prev = curr; }; for (i = 0, ilen = values.length; i < ilen; ++i) { curr = scale.getPixelForValue(values[i]); updateMinAndPrev(); } prev = void 0; for (i = 0, ilen = scale.ticks.length; i < ilen; ++i) { curr = scale.getPixelForTick(i); updateMinAndPrev(); } return min; } function computeFitCategoryTraits(index, ruler, options, stackCount) { const thickness = options.barThickness; let size, ratio; if (isNullOrUndef(thickness)) { size = ruler.min * options.categoryPercentage; ratio = options.barPercentage; } else { size = thickness * stackCount; ratio = 1; } return { chunk: size / stackCount, ratio, start: ruler.pixels[index] - size / 2 }; } function computeFlexCategoryTraits(index, ruler, options, stackCount) { const pixels = ruler.pixels; const curr = pixels[index]; let prev = index > 0 ? pixels[index - 1] : null; let next = index < pixels.length - 1 ? pixels[index + 1] : null; const percent = options.categoryPercentage; if (prev === null) { prev = curr - (next === null ? ruler.end - ruler.start : next - curr); } if (next === null) { next = curr + curr - prev; } const start = curr - (curr - Math.min(prev, next)) / 2 * percent; const size = Math.abs(next - prev) / 2 * percent; return { chunk: size / stackCount, ratio: options.barPercentage, start }; } function parseFloatBar(entry, item, vScale, i) { const startValue = vScale.parse(entry[0], i); const endValue = vScale.parse(entry[1], i); const min = Math.min(startValue, endValue); const max = Math.max(startValue, endValue); let barStart = min; let barEnd = max; if (Math.abs(min) > Math.abs(max)) { barStart = max; barEnd = min; } item[vScale.axis] = barEnd; item._custom = { barStart, barEnd, start: startValue, end: endValue, min, max }; } function parseValue(entry, item, vScale, i) { if (isArray(entry)) { parseFloatBar(entry, item, vScale, i); } else { item[vScale.axis] = vScale.parse(entry, i); } return item; } function parseArrayOrPrimitive(meta, data, start, count) { const iScale = meta.iScale; const vScale = meta.vScale; const labels = iScale.getLabels(); const singleScale = iScale === vScale; const parsed = []; let i, ilen, item, entry; for (i = start, ilen = start + count; i < ilen; ++i) { entry = data[i]; item = {}; item[iScale.axis] = singleScale || iScale.parse(labels[i], i); parsed.push(parseValue(entry, item, vScale, i)); } return parsed; } function isFloatBar(custom) { return custom && custom.barStart !== void 0 && custom.barEnd !== void 0; } function barSign(size, vScale, actualBase) { if (size !== 0) { return sign(size); } return (vScale.isHorizontal() ? 1 : -1) * (vScale.min >= actualBase ? 1 : -1); } function borderProps(properties) { let reverse, start, end, top, bottom; if (properties.horizontal) { reverse = properties.base > properties.x; start = "left"; end = "right"; } else { reverse = properties.base < properties.y; start = "bottom"; end = "top"; } if (reverse) { top = "end"; bottom = "start"; } else { top = "start"; bottom = "end"; } return { start, end, reverse, top, bottom }; } function setBorderSkipped(properties, options, stack, index) { let edge = options.borderSkipped; const res = {}; if (!edge) { properties.borderSkipped = res; return; } if (edge === true) { properties.borderSkipped = { top: true, right: true, bottom: true, left: true }; return; } const { start, end, reverse, top, bottom } = borderProps(properties); if (edge === "middle" && stack) { properties.enableBorderRadius = true; if ((stack._top || 0) === index) { edge = top; } else if ((stack._bottom || 0) === index) { edge = bottom; } else { res[parseEdge(bottom, start, end, reverse)] = true; edge = top; } } res[parseEdge(edge, start, end, reverse)] = true; properties.borderSkipped = res; } function parseEdge(edge, a, b, reverse) { if (reverse) { edge = swap(edge, a, b); edge = startEnd(edge, b, a); } else { edge = startEnd(edge, a, b); } return edge; } function swap(orig, v1, v2) { return orig === v1 ? v2 : orig === v2 ? v1 : orig; } function startEnd(v, start, end) { return v === "start" ? start : v === "end" ? end : v; } function setInflateAmount(properties, { inflateAmount }, ratio) { properties.inflateAmount = inflateAmount === "auto" ? ratio === 1 ? 0.33 : 0 : inflateAmount; } var BarController = class extends DatasetController { parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start, count) { return parseArrayOrPrimitive(meta, data, start, count); } parseArrayData(meta, data, start, count) { return parseArrayOrPrimitive(meta, data, start, count); } parseObjectData(meta, data, start, count) { const { iScale, vScale } = meta; const { xAxisKey = "x", yAxisKey = "y" } = this._parsing; const iAxisKey = iScale.axis === "x" ? xAxisKey : yAxisKey; const vAxisKey = vScale.axis === "x" ? xAxisKey : yAxisKey; const parsed = []; let i, ilen, item, obj; for (i = start, ilen = start + count; i < ilen; ++i) { obj = data[i]; item = {}; item[iScale.axis] = iScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(obj, iAxisKey), i); parsed.push(parseValue(resolveObjectKey(obj, vAxisKey), item, vScale, i)); } return parsed; } updateRangeFromParsed(range, scale, parsed, stack) { super.updateRangeFromParsed(range, scale, parsed, stack); const custom = parsed._custom; if (custom && scale === this._cachedMeta.vScale) { range.min = Math.min(range.min, custom.min); range.max = Math.max(range.max, custom.max); } } getMaxOverflow() { return 0; } getLabelAndValue(index) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const { iScale, vScale } = meta; const parsed = this.getParsed(index); const custom = parsed._custom; const value = isFloatBar(custom) ? "[" + custom.start + ", " + custom.end + "]" : "" + vScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[vScale.axis]); return { label: "" + iScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[iScale.axis]), value }; } initialize() { this.enableOptionSharing = true; super.initialize(); const meta = this._cachedMeta; meta.stack = this.getDataset().stack; } update(mode) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; this.updateElements(, 0,, mode); } updateElements(bars, start, count, mode) { const reset2 = mode === "reset"; const { index, _cachedMeta: { vScale } } = this; const base = vScale.getBasePixel(); const horizontal = vScale.isHorizontal(); const ruler = this._getRuler(); const { sharedOptions, includeOptions } = this._getSharedOptions(start, mode); for (let i = start; i < start + count; i++) { const parsed = this.getParsed(i); const vpixels = reset2 || isNullOrUndef(parsed[vScale.axis]) ? { base, head: base } : this._calculateBarValuePixels(i); const ipixels = this._calculateBarIndexPixels(i, ruler); const stack = (parsed._stacks || {})[vScale.axis]; const properties = { horizontal, base: vpixels.base, enableBorderRadius: !stack || isFloatBar(parsed._custom) || index === stack._top || index === stack._bottom, x: horizontal ? vpixels.head :, y: horizontal ? : vpixels.head, height: horizontal ? ipixels.size : Math.abs(vpixels.size), width: horizontal ? Math.abs(vpixels.size) : ipixels.size }; if (includeOptions) { properties.options = sharedOptions || this.resolveDataElementOptions(i, bars[i].active ? "active" : mode); } const options = properties.options || bars[i].options; setBorderSkipped(properties, options, stack, index); setInflateAmount(properties, options, ruler.ratio); this.updateElement(bars[i], i, properties, mode); } } _getStacks(last, dataIndex) { const { iScale } = this._cachedMeta; const metasets = iScale.getMatchingVisibleMetas(this._type).filter((meta) => meta.controller.options.grouped); const stacked = iScale.options.stacked; const stacks = []; const skipNull = (meta) => { const parsed = meta.controller.getParsed(dataIndex); const val = parsed && parsed[meta.vScale.axis]; if (isNullOrUndef(val) || isNaN(val)) { return true; } }; for (const meta of metasets) { if (dataIndex !== void 0 && skipNull(meta)) { continue; } if (stacked === false || stacks.indexOf(meta.stack) === -1 || stacked === void 0 && meta.stack === void 0) { stacks.push(meta.stack); } if (meta.index === last) { break; } } if (!stacks.length) { stacks.push(void 0); } return stacks; } _getStackCount(index) { return this._getStacks(void 0, index).length; } _getStackIndex(datasetIndex, name, dataIndex) { const stacks = this._getStacks(datasetIndex, dataIndex); const index = name !== void 0 ? stacks.indexOf(name) : -1; return index === -1 ? stacks.length - 1 : index; } _getRuler() { const opts = this.options; const meta = this._cachedMeta; const iScale = meta.iScale; const pixels = []; let i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen =; i < ilen; ++i) { pixels.push(iScale.getPixelForValue(this.getParsed(i)[iScale.axis], i)); } const barThickness = opts.barThickness; const min = barThickness || computeMinSampleSize(meta); return { min, pixels, start: iScale._startPixel, end: iScale._endPixel, stackCount: this._getStackCount(), scale: iScale, grouped: opts.grouped, ratio: barThickness ? 1 : opts.categoryPercentage * opts.barPercentage }; } _calculateBarValuePixels(index) { const { _cachedMeta: { vScale, _stacked, index: datasetIndex }, options: { base: baseValue, minBarLength } } = this; const actualBase = baseValue || 0; const parsed = this.getParsed(index); const custom = parsed._custom; const floating = isFloatBar(custom); let value = parsed[vScale.axis]; let start = 0; let length = _stacked ? this.applyStack(vScale, parsed, _stacked) : value; let head, size; if (length !== value) { start = length - value; length = value; } if (floating) { value = custom.barStart; length = custom.barEnd - custom.barStart; if (value !== 0 && sign(value) !== sign(custom.barEnd)) { start = 0; } start += value; } const startValue = !isNullOrUndef(baseValue) && !floating ? baseValue : start; let base = vScale.getPixelForValue(startValue); if (this.chart.getDataVisibility(index)) { head = vScale.getPixelForValue(start + length); } else { head = base; } size = head - base; if (Math.abs(size) < minBarLength) { size = barSign(size, vScale, actualBase) * minBarLength; if (value === actualBase) { base -= size / 2; } const startPixel = vScale.getPixelForDecimal(0); const endPixel = vScale.getPixelForDecimal(1); const min = Math.min(startPixel, endPixel); const max = Math.max(startPixel, endPixel); base = Math.max(Math.min(base, max), min); head = base + size; if (_stacked && !floating) { parsed._stacks[vScale.axis]._visualValues[datasetIndex] = vScale.getValueForPixel(head) - vScale.getValueForPixel(base); } } if (base === vScale.getPixelForValue(actualBase)) { const halfGrid = sign(size) * vScale.getLineWidthForValue(actualBase) / 2; base += halfGrid; size -= halfGrid; } return { size, base, head, center: head + size / 2 }; } _calculateBarIndexPixels(index, ruler) { const scale = ruler.scale; const options = this.options; const skipNull = options.skipNull; const maxBarThickness = valueOrDefault(options.maxBarThickness, Infinity); let center, size; if (ruler.grouped) { const stackCount = skipNull ? this._getStackCount(index) : ruler.stackCount; const range = options.barThickness === "flex" ? computeFlexCategoryTraits(index, ruler, options, stackCount) : computeFitCategoryTraits(index, ruler, options, stackCount); const stackIndex = this._getStackIndex(this.index, this._cachedMeta.stack, skipNull ? index : void 0); center = range.start + range.chunk * stackIndex + range.chunk / 2; size = Math.min(maxBarThickness, range.chunk * range.ratio); } else { center = scale.getPixelForValue(this.getParsed(index)[scale.axis], index); size = Math.min(maxBarThickness, ruler.min * ruler.ratio); } return { base: center - size / 2, head: center + size / 2, center, size }; } draw() { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const vScale = meta.vScale; const rects =; const ilen = rects.length; let i = 0; for (; i < ilen; ++i) { if (this.getParsed(i)[vScale.axis] !== null) { rects[i].draw(this._ctx); } } } }; __publicField(BarController, "id", "bar"); __publicField(BarController, "defaults", { datasetElementType: false, dataElementType: "bar", categoryPercentage: 0.8, barPercentage: 0.9, grouped: true, animations: { numbers: { type: "number", properties: [ "x", "y", "base", "width", "height" ] } } }); __publicField(BarController, "overrides", { scales: { _index_: { type: "category", offset: true, grid: { offset: true } }, _value_: { type: "linear", beginAtZero: true } } }); function getRatioAndOffset(rotation, circumference, cutout) { let ratioX = 1; let ratioY = 1; let offsetX = 0; let offsetY = 0; if (circumference < TAU) { const startAngle = rotation; const endAngle = startAngle + circumference; const startX = Math.cos(startAngle); const startY = Math.sin(startAngle); const endX = Math.cos(endAngle); const endY = Math.sin(endAngle); const calcMax = (angle, a, b) => _angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle, true) ? 1 : Math.max(a, a * cutout, b, b * cutout); const calcMin = (angle, a, b) => _angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle, true) ? -1 : Math.min(a, a * cutout, b, b * cutout); const maxX = calcMax(0, startX, endX); const maxY = calcMax(HALF_PI, startY, endY); const minX = calcMin(PI, startX, endX); const minY = calcMin(PI + HALF_PI, startY, endY); ratioX = (maxX - minX) / 2; ratioY = (maxY - minY) / 2; offsetX = -(maxX + minX) / 2; offsetY = -(maxY + minY) / 2; } return { ratioX, ratioY, offsetX, offsetY }; } var DoughnutController = class extends DatasetController { constructor(chart, datasetIndex) { super(chart, datasetIndex); this.enableOptionSharing = true; this.innerRadius = void 0; this.outerRadius = void 0; this.offsetX = void 0; this.offsetY = void 0; } linkScales() { } parse(start, count) { const data = this.getDataset().data; const meta = this._cachedMeta; if (this._parsing === false) { meta._parsed = data; } else { let getter = (i2) => +data[i2]; if (isObject(data[start])) { const { key = "value" } = this._parsing; getter = (i2) => +resolveObjectKey(data[i2], key); } let i, ilen; for (i = start, ilen = start + count; i < ilen; ++i) { meta._parsed[i] = getter(i); } } } _getRotation() { return toRadians(this.options.rotation - 90); } _getCircumference() { return toRadians(this.options.circumference); } _getRotationExtents() { let min = TAU; let max = -TAU; for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) { if (this.chart.isDatasetVisible(i) && this.chart.getDatasetMeta(i).type === this._type) { const controller = this.chart.getDatasetMeta(i).controller; const rotation = controller._getRotation(); const circumference = controller._getCircumference(); min = Math.min(min, rotation); max = Math.max(max, rotation + circumference); } } return { rotation: min, circumference: max - min }; } update(mode) { const chart = this.chart; const { chartArea } = chart; const meta = this._cachedMeta; const arcs =; const spacing = this.getMaxBorderWidth() + this.getMaxOffset(arcs) + this.options.spacing; const maxSize = Math.max((Math.min(chartArea.width, chartArea.height) - spacing) / 2, 0); const cutout = Math.min(toPercentage(this.options.cutout, maxSize), 1); const chartWeight = this._getRingWeight(this.index); const { circumference, rotation } = this._getRotationExtents(); const { ratioX, ratioY, offsetX, offsetY } = getRatioAndOffset(rotation, circumference, cutout); const maxWidth = (chartArea.width - spacing) / ratioX; const maxHeight = (chartArea.height - spacing) / ratioY; const maxRadius = Math.max(Math.min(maxWidth, maxHeight) / 2, 0); const outerRadius = toDimension(this.options.radius, maxRadius); const innerRadius = Math.max(outerRadius * cutout, 0); const radiusLength = (outerRadius - innerRadius) / this._getVisibleDatasetWeightTotal(); this.offsetX = offsetX * outerRadius; this.offsetY = offsetY * outerRadius; = this.calculateTotal(); this.outerRadius = outerRadius - radiusLength * this._getRingWeightOffset(this.index); this.innerRadius = Math.max(this.outerRadius - radiusLength * chartWeight, 0); this.updateElements(arcs, 0, arcs.length, mode); } _circumference(i, reset2) { const opts = this.options; const meta = this._cachedMeta; const circumference = this._getCircumference(); if (reset2 && opts.animation.animateRotate || !this.chart.getDataVisibility(i) || meta._parsed[i] === null ||[i].hidden) { return 0; } return this.calculateCircumference(meta._parsed[i] * circumference / TAU); } updateElements(arcs, start, count, mode) { const reset2 = mode === "reset"; const chart = this.chart; const chartArea = chart.chartArea; const opts = chart.options; const animationOpts = opts.animation; const centerX = (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2; const centerY = ( + chartArea.bottom) / 2; const animateScale = reset2 && animationOpts.animateScale; const innerRadius = animateScale ? 0 : this.innerRadius; const outerRadius = animateScale ? 0 : this.outerRadius; const { sharedOptions, includeOptions } = this._getSharedOptions(start, mode); let startAngle = this._getRotation(); let i; for (i = 0; i < start; ++i) { startAngle += this._circumference(i, reset2); } for (i = start; i < start + count; ++i) { const circumference = this._circumference(i, reset2); const arc = arcs[i]; const properties = { x: centerX + this.offsetX, y: centerY + this.offsetY, startAngle, endAngle: startAngle + circumference, circumference, outerRadius, innerRadius }; if (includeOptions) { properties.options = sharedOptions || this.resolveDataElementOptions(i, ? "active" : mode); } startAngle += circumference; this.updateElement(arc, i, properties, mode); } } calculateTotal() { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const metaData =; let total = 0; let i; for (i = 0; i < metaData.length; i++) { const value = meta._parsed[i]; if (value !== null && !isNaN(value) && this.chart.getDataVisibility(i) && !metaData[i].hidden) { total += Math.abs(value); } } return total; } calculateCircumference(value) { const total =; if (total > 0 && !isNaN(value)) { return TAU * (Math.abs(value) / total); } return 0; } getLabelAndValue(index) { const meta = this._cachedMeta; const chart = this.chart; const labels = || []; const value = formatNumber(meta._parsed[index], chart.options.locale); return { label: labels[index] || "", value }; } getMaxBorderWidth(arcs) { let max = 0; const chart = this.chart; let i, ilen, meta, controller, options; if (!arcs) { for (i = 0, ilen =; i < ilen; ++i) { if (chart.isDatasetVisible(i)) { meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(i); arcs =; controller = meta.controller; break; } } } if (!arcs) { return 0; } for (i = 0, ilen = arcs.length; i < ilen; ++i) { options = controller.resolveDataElementOptions(i); if (options.borderAlign !== "inner") { max = Math.max(max, options.borderWidth || 0, options.hoverBorderWidth || 0); } } return max; } getMaxOffset(arcs) { let max = 0; for (let i = 0, ilen = arcs.length; i < ilen; ++i) { const options = this.resolveDataElementOptions(i); max = Math.max(max, options.offset || 0, options.hoverOffset || 0); } return max; } _getRingWeightOffset(datasetIndex) { let ringWeightOffset = 0; for (let i = 0; i < datasetIndex; ++i) { if (this.chart.isDatasetVisible(i)) { ringWeightOffset += this._getRingWeight(i); } } return ringWeightOffset; } _getRingWeight(datasetIndex) { return Math.max(valueOrDefault([datasetIndex].weight, 1), 0); } _getVisibleDatasetWeightTotal() { return this._getRingWeightOffset( || 1; } }; __publicField(DoughnutController, "id", "doughnut"); __publicField(DoughnutController, "defaults", { datasetElementType: false, dataElementType: "arc", animation: { animateRotate: true, animateScale: false }, animations: { numbers: { type: "number", properties: [ "circumference", "endAngle", "innerRadius", "outerRadius", "startAngle", "x", "y", "offset", "borderWidth", "spacing" ] } }, cutout: "50%", rotation: 0, circumference: 360, radius: "100%", spacing: 0, indexAxis: "r" }); __publicField(DoughnutController, "descriptors", { _scriptable: (name) => name !== "spacing", _indexable: (name) => name !== "spacing" && !name.startsWith("borderDash") && !name.startsWith("hoverBorderDash") }); __publicField(DoughnutController, "overrides", { aspectRatio: 1, plugins: { legend: { labels: { generateLabels(chart) { const data =; if (data.labels.length && data.datasets.length) { const { labels: { pointStyle, color: color2 } } = chart.legend.options; return, i) => { const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(0); const style = meta.controller.getStyle(i); return { text: label, fillStyle: style.backgroundColor, strokeStyle: style.borderColor, fontColor: color2, lineWidth: style.borderWidth, pointStyle, hidden: !chart.getDataVisibility(i), index: i }; }); } return []; } }, onClick(e, legendItem, legend) { legend.chart.toggleDataVisibility(legendItem.index); legend.chart.update(); } } } }); var PieController = class extends DoughnutController { }; __publicField(PieController, "id", "pie"); __publicField(PieController, "defaults", { cutout: 0, rotation: 0, circumference: 360, radius: "100%" }); function abstract() { throw new Error("This method is not implemented: Check that a complete date adapter is provided."); } var DateAdapterBase = class _DateAdapterBase { constructor(options) { __publicField(this, "options"); this.options = options || {}; } /** * Override default date adapter methods. * Accepts type parameter to define options type. * @example * Chart._adapters._date.override<{myAdapterOption: string}>({ * init() { * console.log(this.options.myAdapterOption); * } * }) */ static override(members) { Object.assign(_DateAdapterBase.prototype, members); } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function init() { } formats() { return abstract(); } parse() { return abstract(); } format() { return abstract(); } add() { return abstract(); } diff() { return abstract(); } startOf() { return abstract(); } endOf() { return abstract(); } }; var adapters = { _date: DateAdapterBase }; function binarySearch(metaset, axis, value, intersect) { const { controller, data, _sorted } = metaset; const iScale = controller._cachedMeta.iScale; if (iScale && axis === iScale.axis && axis !== "r" && _sorted && data.length) { const lookupMethod = iScale._reversePixels ? _rlookupByKey : _lookupByKey; if (!intersect) { return lookupMethod(data, axis, value); } else if (controller._sharedOptions) { const el = data[0]; const range = typeof el.getRange === "function" && el.getRange(axis); if (range) { const start = lookupMethod(data, axis, value - range); const end = lookupMethod(data, axis, value + range); return { lo: start.lo, hi: end.hi }; } } } return { lo: 0, hi: data.length - 1 }; } function evaluateInteractionItems(chart, axis, position, handler, intersect) { const metasets = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas(); const value = position[axis]; for (let i = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i < ilen; ++i) { const { index, data } = metasets[i]; const { lo, hi } = binarySearch(metasets[i], axis, value, intersect); for (let j = lo; j <= hi; ++j) { const element = data[j]; if (!element.skip) { handler(element, index, j); } } } } function getDistanceMetricForAxis(axis) { const useX = axis.indexOf("x") !== -1; const useY = axis.indexOf("y") !== -1; return function(pt1, pt2) { const deltaX = useX ? Math.abs(pt1.x - pt2.x) : 0; const deltaY = useY ? Math.abs(pt1.y - pt2.y) : 0; return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2)); }; } function getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible) { const items = []; if (!includeInvisible && !chart.isPointInArea(position)) { return items; } const evaluationFunc = function(element, datasetIndex, index) { if (!includeInvisible && !_isPointInArea(element, chart.chartArea, 0)) { return; } if (element.inRange(position.x, position.y, useFinalPosition)) { items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index }); } }; evaluateInteractionItems(chart, axis, position, evaluationFunc, true); return items; } function getNearestRadialItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) { let items = []; function evaluationFunc(element, datasetIndex, index) { const { startAngle, endAngle } = element.getProps([ "startAngle", "endAngle" ], useFinalPosition); const { angle } = getAngleFromPoint(element, { x: position.x, y: position.y }); if (_angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle)) { items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index }); } } evaluateInteractionItems(chart, axis, position, evaluationFunc); return items; } function getNearestCartesianItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible) { let items = []; const distanceMetric = getDistanceMetricForAxis(axis); let minDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; function evaluationFunc(element, datasetIndex, index) { const inRange2 = element.inRange(position.x, position.y, useFinalPosition); if (intersect && !inRange2) { return; } const center = element.getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition); const pointInArea = !!includeInvisible || chart.isPointInArea(center); if (!pointInArea && !inRange2) { return; } const distance = distanceMetric(position, center); if (distance < minDistance) { items = [ { element, datasetIndex, index } ]; minDistance = distance; } else if (distance === minDistance) { items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index }); } } evaluateInteractionItems(chart, axis, position, evaluationFunc); return items; } function getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible) { if (!includeInvisible && !chart.isPointInArea(position)) { return []; } return axis === "r" && !intersect ? getNearestRadialItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) : getNearestCartesianItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible); } function getAxisItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition) { const items = []; const rangeMethod = axis === "x" ? "inXRange" : "inYRange"; let intersectsItem = false; evaluateInteractionItems(chart, axis, position, (element, datasetIndex, index) => { if (element[rangeMethod](position[axis], useFinalPosition)) { items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index }); intersectsItem = intersectsItem || element.inRange(position.x, position.y, useFinalPosition); } }); if (intersect && !intersectsItem) { return []; } return items; } var Interaction = { evaluateInteractionItems, modes: { index(chart, e, options, useFinalPosition) { const position = getRelativePosition(e, chart); const axis = options.axis || "x"; const includeInvisible = options.includeInvisible || false; const items = options.intersect ? getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible) : getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, false, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible); const elements = []; if (!items.length) { return []; } chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas().forEach((meta) => { const index = items[0].index; const element =[index]; if (element && !element.skip) { elements.push({ element, datasetIndex: meta.index, index }); } }); return elements; }, dataset(chart, e, options, useFinalPosition) { const position = getRelativePosition(e, chart); const axis = options.axis || "xy"; const includeInvisible = options.includeInvisible || false; let items = options.intersect ? getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible) : getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, false, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible); if (items.length > 0) { const datasetIndex = items[0].datasetIndex; const data = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).data; items = []; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { items.push({ element: data[i], datasetIndex, index: i }); } } return items; }, point(chart, e, options, useFinalPosition) { const position = getRelativePosition(e, chart); const axis = options.axis || "xy"; const includeInvisible = options.includeInvisible || false; return getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible); }, nearest(chart, e, options, useFinalPosition) { const position = getRelativePosition(e, chart); const axis = options.axis || "xy"; const includeInvisible = options.includeInvisible || false; return getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, options.intersect, useFinalPosition, includeInvisible); }, x(chart, e, options, useFinalPosition) { const position = getRelativePosition(e, chart); return getAxisItems(chart, position, "x", options.intersect, useFinalPosition); }, y(chart, e, options, useFinalPosition) { const position = getRelativePosition(e, chart); return getAxisItems(chart, position, "y", options.intersect, useFinalPosition); } } }; var STATIC_POSITIONS = [ "left", "top", "right", "bottom" ]; function filterByPosition(array, position) { return array.filter((v) => v.pos === position); } function filterDynamicPositionByAxis(array, axis) { return array.filter((v) => STATIC_POSITIONS.indexOf(v.pos) === -1 && === axis); } function sortByWeight(array, reverse) { return array.sort((a, b) => { const v0 = reverse ? b : a; const v1 = reverse ? a : b; return v0.weight === v1.weight ? v0.index - v1.index : v0.weight - v1.weight; }); } function wrapBoxes(boxes) { const layoutBoxes = []; let i, ilen, box, pos, stack, stackWeight; for (i = 0, ilen = (boxes || []).length; i < ilen; ++i) { box = boxes[i]; ({ position: pos, options: { stack, stackWeight = 1 } } = box); layoutBoxes.push({ index: i, box, pos, horizontal: box.isHorizontal(), weight: box.weight, stack: stack && pos + stack, stackWeight }); } return layoutBoxes; } function buildStacks(layouts2) { const stacks = {}; for (const wrap of layouts2) { const { stack, pos, stackWeight } = wrap; if (!stack || !STATIC_POSITIONS.includes(pos)) { continue; } const _stack = stacks[stack] || (stacks[stack] = { count: 0, placed: 0, weight: 0, size: 0 }); _stack.count++; _stack.weight += stackWeight; } return stacks; } function setLayoutDims(layouts2, params) { const stacks = buildStacks(layouts2); const { vBoxMaxWidth, hBoxMaxHeight } = params; let i, ilen, layout; for (i = 0, ilen = layouts2.length; i < ilen; ++i) { layout = layouts2[i]; const { fullSize } =; const stack = stacks[layout.stack]; const factor = stack && layout.stackWeight / stack.weight; if (layout.horizontal) { layout.width = factor ? factor * vBoxMaxWidth : fullSize && params.availableWidth; layout.height = hBoxMaxHeight; } else { layout.width = vBoxMaxWidth; layout.height = factor ? factor * hBoxMaxHeight : fullSize && params.availableHeight; } } return stacks; } function buildLayoutBoxes(boxes) { const layoutBoxes = wrapBoxes(boxes); const fullSize = sortByWeight(layoutBoxes.filter((wrap) =>, true); const left = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "left"), true); const right = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "right")); const top = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "top"), true); const bottom = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "bottom")); const centerHorizontal = filterDynamicPositionByAxis(layoutBoxes, "x"); const centerVertical = filterDynamicPositionByAxis(layoutBoxes, "y"); return { fullSize, leftAndTop: left.concat(top), rightAndBottom: right.concat(centerVertical).concat(bottom).concat(centerHorizontal), chartArea: filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "chartArea"), vertical: left.concat(right).concat(centerVertical), horizontal: top.concat(bottom).concat(centerHorizontal) }; } function getCombinedMax(maxPadding, chartArea, a, b) { return Math.max(maxPadding[a], chartArea[a]) + Math.max(maxPadding[b], chartArea[b]); } function updateMaxPadding(maxPadding, boxPadding) { = Math.max(,; maxPadding.left = Math.max(maxPadding.left, boxPadding.left); maxPadding.bottom = Math.max(maxPadding.bottom, boxPadding.bottom); maxPadding.right = Math.max(maxPadding.right, boxPadding.right); } function updateDims(chartArea, params, layout, stacks) { const { pos, box } = layout; const maxPadding = chartArea.maxPadding; if (!isObject(pos)) { if (layout.size) { chartArea[pos] -= layout.size; } const stack = stacks[layout.stack] || { size: 0, count: 1 }; stack.size = Math.max(stack.size, layout.horizontal ? box.height : box.width); layout.size = stack.size / stack.count; chartArea[pos] += layout.size; } if (box.getPadding) { updateMaxPadding(maxPadding, box.getPadding()); } const newWidth = Math.max(0, params.outerWidth - getCombinedMax(maxPadding, chartArea, "left", "right")); const newHeight = Math.max(0, params.outerHeight - getCombinedMax(maxPadding, chartArea, "top", "bottom")); const widthChanged = newWidth !== chartArea.w; const heightChanged = newHeight !== chartArea.h; chartArea.w = newWidth; chartArea.h = newHeight; return layout.horizontal ? { same: widthChanged, other: heightChanged } : { same: heightChanged, other: widthChanged }; } function handleMaxPadding(chartArea) { const maxPadding = chartArea.maxPadding; function updatePos(pos) { const change = Math.max(maxPadding[pos] - chartArea[pos], 0); chartArea[pos] += change; return change; } chartArea.y += updatePos("top"); chartArea.x += updatePos("left"); updatePos("right"); updatePos("bottom"); } function getMargins(horizontal, chartArea) { const maxPadding = chartArea.maxPadding; function marginForPositions(positions2) { const margin = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; positions2.forEach((pos) => { margin[pos] = Math.max(chartArea[pos], maxPadding[pos]); }); return margin; } return horizontal ? marginForPositions([ "left", "right" ]) : marginForPositions([ "top", "bottom" ]); } function fitBoxes(boxes, chartArea, params, stacks) { const refitBoxes = []; let i, ilen, layout, box, refit, changed; for (i = 0, ilen = boxes.length, refit = 0; i < ilen; ++i) { layout = boxes[i]; box =; box.update(layout.width || chartArea.w, layout.height || chartArea.h, getMargins(layout.horizontal, chartArea)); const { same, other } = updateDims(chartArea, params, layout, stacks); refit |= same && refitBoxes.length; changed = changed || other; if (!box.fullSize) { refitBoxes.push(layout); } } return refit && fitBoxes(refitBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks) || changed; } function setBoxDims(box, left, top, width, height) { = top; box.left = left; box.right = left + width; box.bottom = top + height; box.width = width; box.height = height; } function placeBoxes(boxes, chartArea, params, stacks) { const userPadding = params.padding; let { x, y } = chartArea; for (const layout of boxes) { const box =; const stack = stacks[layout.stack] || { count: 1, placed: 0, weight: 1 }; const weight = layout.stackWeight / stack.weight || 1; if (layout.horizontal) { const width = chartArea.w * weight; const height = stack.size || box.height; if (defined(stack.start)) { y = stack.start; } if (box.fullSize) { setBoxDims(box, userPadding.left, y, params.outerWidth - userPadding.right - userPadding.left, height); } else { setBoxDims(box, chartArea.left + stack.placed, y, width, height); } stack.start = y; stack.placed += width; y = box.bottom; } else { const height = chartArea.h * weight; const width = stack.size || box.width; if (defined(stack.start)) { x = stack.start; } if (box.fullSize) { setBoxDims(box, x,, width, params.outerHeight - userPadding.bottom -; } else { setBoxDims(box, x, + stack.placed, width, height); } stack.start = x; stack.placed += height; x = box.right; } } chartArea.x = x; chartArea.y = y; } var layouts = { addBox(chart, item) { if (!chart.boxes) { chart.boxes = []; } item.fullSize = item.fullSize || false; item.position = item.position || "top"; item.weight = item.weight || 0; item._layers = item._layers || function() { return [ { z: 0, draw(chartArea) { item.draw(chartArea); } } ]; }; chart.boxes.push(item); }, removeBox(chart, layoutItem) { const index = chart.boxes ? chart.boxes.indexOf(layoutItem) : -1; if (index !== -1) { chart.boxes.splice(index, 1); } }, configure(chart, item, options) { item.fullSize = options.fullSize; item.position = options.position; item.weight = options.weight; }, update(chart, width, height, minPadding) { if (!chart) { return; } const padding = toPadding(chart.options.layout.padding); const availableWidth = Math.max(width - padding.width, 0); const availableHeight = Math.max(height - padding.height, 0); const boxes = buildLayoutBoxes(chart.boxes); const verticalBoxes = boxes.vertical; const horizontalBoxes = boxes.horizontal; each(chart.boxes, (box) => { if (typeof box.beforeLayout === "function") { box.beforeLayout(); } }); const visibleVerticalBoxCount = verticalBoxes.reduce((total, wrap) => && === false ? total : total + 1, 0) || 1; const params = Object.freeze({ outerWidth: width, outerHeight: height, padding, availableWidth, availableHeight, vBoxMaxWidth: availableWidth / 2 / visibleVerticalBoxCount, hBoxMaxHeight: availableHeight / 2 }); const maxPadding = Object.assign({}, padding); updateMaxPadding(maxPadding, toPadding(minPadding)); const chartArea = Object.assign({ maxPadding, w: availableWidth, h: availableHeight, x: padding.left, y: }, padding); const stacks = setLayoutDims(verticalBoxes.concat(horizontalBoxes), params); fitBoxes(boxes.fullSize, chartArea, params, stacks); fitBoxes(verticalBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks); if (fitBoxes(horizontalBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks)) { fitBoxes(verticalBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks); } handleMaxPadding(chartArea); placeBoxes(boxes.leftAndTop, chartArea, params, stacks); chartArea.x += chartArea.w; chartArea.y += chartArea.h; placeBoxes(boxes.rightAndBottom, chartArea, params, stacks); chart.chartArea = { left: chartArea.left, top:, right: chartArea.left + chartArea.w, bottom: + chartArea.h, height: chartArea.h, width: chartArea.w }; each(boxes.chartArea, (layout) => { const box =; Object.assign(box, chart.chartArea); box.update(chartArea.w, chartArea.h, { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }); }); } }; var BasePlatform = class { acquireContext(canvas, aspectRatio) { } releaseContext(context) { return false; } addEventListener(chart, type, listener) { } removeEventListener(chart, type, listener) { } getDevicePixelRatio() { return 1; } getMaximumSize(element, width, height, aspectRatio) { width = Math.max(0, width || element.width); height = height || element.height; return { width, height: Math.max(0, aspectRatio ? Math.floor(width / aspectRatio) : height) }; } isAttached(canvas) { return true; } updateConfig(config) { } }; var BasicPlatform = class extends BasePlatform { acquireContext(item) { return item && item.getContext && item.getContext("2d") || null; } updateConfig(config) { config.options.animation = false; } }; var EXPANDO_KEY = "$chartjs"; var EVENT_TYPES = { touchstart: "mousedown", touchmove: "mousemove", touchend: "mouseup", pointerenter: "mouseenter", pointerdown: "mousedown", pointermove: "mousemove", pointerup: "mouseup", pointerleave: "mouseout", pointerout: "mouseout" }; var isNullOrEmpty = (value) => value === null || value === ""; function initCanvas(canvas, aspectRatio) { const style =; const renderHeight = canvas.getAttribute("height"); const renderWidth = canvas.getAttribute("width"); canvas[EXPANDO_KEY] = { initial: { height: renderHeight, width: renderWidth, style: { display: style.display, height: style.height, width: style.width } } }; style.display = style.display || "block"; style.boxSizing = style.boxSizing || "border-box"; if (isNullOrEmpty(renderWidth)) { const displayWidth = readUsedSize(canvas, "width"); if (displayWidth !== void 0) { canvas.width = displayWidth; } } if (isNullOrEmpty(renderHeight)) { if ( === "") { canvas.height = canvas.width / (aspectRatio || 2); } else { const displayHeight = readUsedSize(canvas, "height"); if (displayHeight !== void 0) { canvas.height = displayHeight; } } } return canvas; } var eventListenerOptions = supportsEventListenerOptions ? { passive: true } : false; function addListener(node, type, listener) { node.addEventListener(type, listener, eventListenerOptions); } function removeListener(chart, type, listener) { chart.canvas.removeEventListener(type, listener, eventListenerOptions); } function fromNativeEvent(event, chart) { const type = EVENT_TYPES[event.type] || event.type; const { x, y } = getRelativePosition(event, chart); return { type, chart, native: event, x: x !== void 0 ? x : null, y: y !== void 0 ? y : null }; } function nodeListContains(nodeList, canvas) { for (const node of nodeList) { if (node === canvas || node.contains(canvas)) { return true; } } } function createAttachObserver(chart, type, listener) { const canvas = chart.canvas; const observer = new MutationObserver((entries) => { let trigger = false; for (const entry of entries) { trigger = trigger || nodeListContains(entry.addedNodes, canvas); trigger = trigger && !nodeListContains(entry.removedNodes, canvas); } if (trigger) { listener(); } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); return observer; } function createDetachObserver(chart, type, listener) { const canvas = chart.canvas; const observer = new MutationObserver((entries) => { let trigger = false; for (const entry of entries) { trigger = trigger || nodeListContains(entry.removedNodes, canvas); trigger = trigger && !nodeListContains(entry.addedNodes, canvas); } if (trigger) { listener(); } }); observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true }); return observer; } var drpListeningCharts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var oldDevicePixelRatio = 0; function onWindowResize() { const dpr = window.devicePixelRatio; if (dpr === oldDevicePixelRatio) { return; } oldDevicePixelRatio = dpr; drpListeningCharts.forEach((resize, chart) => { if (chart.currentDevicePixelRatio !== dpr) { resize(); } }); } function listenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart, resize) { if (!drpListeningCharts.size) { window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize); } drpListeningCharts.set(chart, resize); } function unlistenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart) { drpListeningCharts.delete(chart); if (!drpListeningCharts.size) { window.removeEventListener("resize", onWindowResize); } } function createResizeObserver(chart, type, listener) { const canvas = chart.canvas; const container = canvas && _getParentNode(canvas); if (!container) { return; } const resize = throttled((width, height) => { const w = container.clientWidth; listener(width, height); if (w < container.clientWidth) { listener(); } }, window); const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { const entry = entries[0]; const width = entry.contentRect.width; const height = entry.contentRect.height; if (width === 0 && height === 0) { return; } resize(width, height); }); observer.observe(container); listenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart, resize); return observer; } function releaseObserver(chart, type, observer) { if (observer) { observer.disconnect(); } if (type === "resize") { unlistenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart); } } function createProxyAndListen(chart, type, listener) { const canvas = chart.canvas; const proxy = throttled((event) => { if (chart.ctx !== null) { listener(fromNativeEvent(event, chart)); } }, chart); addListener(canvas, type, proxy); return proxy; } var DomPlatform = class extends BasePlatform { acquireContext(canvas, aspectRatio) { const context = canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d"); if (context && context.canvas === canvas) { initCanvas(canvas, aspectRatio); return context; } return null; } releaseContext(context) { const canvas = context.canvas; if (!canvas[EXPANDO_KEY]) { return false; } const initial = canvas[EXPANDO_KEY].initial; [ "height", "width" ].forEach((prop) => { const value = initial[prop]; if (isNullOrUndef(value)) { canvas.removeAttribute(prop); } else { canvas.setAttribute(prop, value); } }); const style = || {}; Object.keys(style).forEach((key) => {[key] = style[key]; }); canvas.width = canvas.width; delete canvas[EXPANDO_KEY]; return true; } addEventListener(chart, type, listener) { this.removeEventListener(chart, type); const proxies = chart.$proxies || (chart.$proxies = {}); const handlers = { attach: createAttachObserver, detach: createDetachObserver, resize: createResizeObserver }; const handler = handlers[type] || createProxyAndListen; proxies[type] = handler(chart, type, listener); } removeEventListener(chart, type) { const proxies = chart.$proxies || (chart.$proxies = {}); const proxy = proxies[type]; if (!proxy) { return; } const handlers = { attach: releaseObserver, detach: releaseObserver, resize: releaseObserver }; const handler = handlers[type] || removeListener; handler(chart, type, proxy); proxies[type] = void 0; } getDevicePixelRatio() { return window.devicePixelRatio; } getMaximumSize(canvas, width, height, aspectRatio) { return getMaximumSize(canvas, width, height, aspectRatio); } isAttached(canvas) { const container = _getParentNode(canvas); return !!(container && container.isConnected); } }; function _detectPlatform(canvas) { if (!_isDomSupported() || typeof OffscreenCanvas !== "undefined" && canvas instanceof OffscreenCanvas) { return BasicPlatform; } return DomPlatform; } var Element = class { constructor() { __publicField(this, "x"); __publicField(this, "y"); __publicField(this, "active", false); __publicField(this, "options"); __publicField(this, "$animations"); } tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition) { const { x, y } = this.getProps([ "x", "y" ], useFinalPosition); return { x, y }; } hasValue() { return isNumber(this.x) && isNumber(this.y); } getProps(props, final) { const anims = this.$animations; if (!final || !anims) { return this; } const ret = {}; props.forEach((prop) => { ret[prop] = anims[prop] && anims[prop].active() ? anims[prop]._to : this[prop]; }); return ret; } }; __publicField(Element, "defaults", {}); __publicField(Element, "defaultRoutes"); function autoSkip(scale, ticks) { const tickOpts = scale.options.ticks; const determinedMaxTicks = determineMaxTicks(scale); const ticksLimit = Math.min(tickOpts.maxTicksLimit || determinedMaxTicks, determinedMaxTicks); const majorIndices = tickOpts.major.enabled ? getMajorIndices(ticks) : []; const numMajorIndices = majorIndices.length; const first = majorIndices[0]; const last = majorIndices[numMajorIndices - 1]; const newTicks = []; if (numMajorIndices > ticksLimit) { skipMajors(ticks, newTicks, majorIndices, numMajorIndices / ticksLimit); return newTicks; } const spacing = calculateSpacing(majorIndices, ticks, ticksLimit); if (numMajorIndices > 0) { let i, ilen; const avgMajorSpacing = numMajorIndices > 1 ? Math.round((last - first) / (numMajorIndices - 1)) : null; skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, isNullOrUndef(avgMajorSpacing) ? 0 : first - avgMajorSpacing, first); for (i = 0, ilen = numMajorIndices - 1; i < ilen; i++) { skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, majorIndices[i], majorIndices[i + 1]); } skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, last, isNullOrUndef(avgMajorSpacing) ? ticks.length : last + avgMajorSpacing); return newTicks; } skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing); return newTicks; } function determineMaxTicks(scale) { const offset = scale.options.offset; const tickLength = scale._tickSize(); const maxScale = scale._length / tickLength + (offset ? 0 : 1); const maxChart = scale._maxLength / tickLength; return Math.floor(Math.min(maxScale, maxChart)); } function calculateSpacing(majorIndices, ticks, ticksLimit) { const evenMajorSpacing = getEvenSpacing(majorIndices); const spacing = ticks.length / ticksLimit; if (!evenMajorSpacing) { return Math.max(spacing, 1); } const factors = _factorize(evenMajorSpacing); for (let i = 0, ilen = factors.length - 1; i < ilen; i++) { const factor = factors[i]; if (factor > spacing) { return factor; } } return Math.max(spacing, 1); } function getMajorIndices(ticks) { const result = []; let i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; i++) { if (ticks[i].major) { result.push(i); } } return result; } function skipMajors(ticks, newTicks, majorIndices, spacing) { let count = 0; let next = majorIndices[0]; let i; spacing = Math.ceil(spacing); for (i = 0; i < ticks.length; i++) { if (i === next) { newTicks.push(ticks[i]); count++; next = majorIndices[count * spacing]; } } } function skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, majorStart, majorEnd) { const start = valueOrDefault(majorStart, 0); const end = Math.min(valueOrDefault(majorEnd, ticks.length), ticks.length); let count = 0; let length, i, next; spacing = Math.ceil(spacing); if (majorEnd) { length = majorEnd - majorStart; spacing = length / Math.floor(length / spacing); } next = start; while (next < 0) { count++; next = Math.round(start + count * spacing); } for (i = Math.max(start, 0); i < end; i++) { if (i === next) { newTicks.push(ticks[i]); count++; next = Math.round(start + count * spacing); } } } function getEvenSpacing(arr) { const len = arr.length; let i, diff; if (len < 2) { return false; } for (diff = arr[0], i = 1; i < len; ++i) { if (arr[i] - arr[i - 1] !== diff) { return false; } } return diff; } var reverseAlign = (align) => align === "left" ? "right" : align === "right" ? "left" : align; var offsetFromEdge = (scale, edge, offset) => edge === "top" || edge === "left" ? scale[edge] + offset : scale[edge] - offset; var getTicksLimit = (ticksLength, maxTicksLimit) => Math.min(maxTicksLimit || ticksLength, ticksLength); function sample(arr, numItems) { const result = []; const increment = arr.length / numItems; const len = arr.length; let i = 0; for (; i < len; i += increment) { result.push(arr[Math.floor(i)]); } return result; } function getPixelForGridLine(scale, index, offsetGridLines) { const length = scale.ticks.length; const validIndex2 = Math.min(index, length - 1); const start = scale._startPixel; const end = scale._endPixel; const epsilon = 1e-6; let lineValue = scale.getPixelForTick(validIndex2); let offset; if (offsetGridLines) { if (length === 1) { offset = Math.max(lineValue - start, end - lineValue); } else if (index === 0) { offset = (scale.getPixelForTick(1) - lineValue) / 2; } else { offset = (lineValue - scale.getPixelForTick(validIndex2 - 1)) / 2; } lineValue += validIndex2 < index ? offset : -offset; if (lineValue < start - epsilon || lineValue > end + epsilon) { return; } } return lineValue; } function garbageCollect(caches, length) { each(caches, (cache) => { const gc = cache.gc; const gcLen = gc.length / 2; let i; if (gcLen > length) { for (i = 0; i < gcLen; ++i) { delete[gc[i]]; } gc.splice(0, gcLen); } }); } function getTickMarkLength(options) { return options.drawTicks ? options.tickLength : 0; } function getTitleHeight(options, fallback) { if (!options.display) { return 0; } const font = toFont(options.font, fallback); const padding = toPadding(options.padding); const lines = isArray(options.text) ? options.text.length : 1; return lines * font.lineHeight + padding.height; } function createScaleContext(parent, scale) { return createContext(parent, { scale, type: "scale" }); } function createTickContext(parent, index, tick) { return createContext(parent, { tick, index, type: "tick" }); } function titleAlign(align, position, reverse) { let ret = _toLeftRightCenter(align); if (reverse && position !== "right" || !reverse && position === "right") { ret = reverseAlign(ret); } return ret; } function titleArgs(scale, offset, position, align) { const { top, left, bottom, right, chart } = scale; const { chartArea, scales } = chart; let rotation = 0; let maxWidth, titleX, titleY; const height = bottom - top; const width = right - left; if (scale.isHorizontal()) { titleX = _alignStartEnd(align, left, right); if (isObject(position)) { const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0]; const value = position[positionAxisID]; titleY = scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value) + height - offset; } else if (position === "center") { titleY = (chartArea.bottom + / 2 + height - offset; } else { titleY = offsetFromEdge(scale, position, offset); } maxWidth = right - left; } else { if (isObject(position)) { const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0]; const value = position[positionAxisID]; titleX = scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value) - width + offset; } else if (position === "center") { titleX = (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2 - width + offset; } else { titleX = offsetFromEdge(scale, position, offset); } titleY = _alignStartEnd(align, bottom, top); rotation = position === "left" ? -HALF_PI : HALF_PI; } return { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation }; } var Scale = class _Scale extends Element { constructor(cfg) { super(); =; this.type = cfg.type; this.options = void 0; this.ctx = cfg.ctx; this.chart = cfg.chart; = void 0; this.bottom = void 0; this.left = void 0; this.right = void 0; this.width = void 0; this.height = void 0; this._margins = { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }; this.maxWidth = void 0; this.maxHeight = void 0; this.paddingTop = void 0; this.paddingBottom = void 0; this.paddingLeft = void 0; this.paddingRight = void 0; this.axis = void 0; this.labelRotation = void 0; this.min = void 0; this.max = void 0; this._range = void 0; this.ticks = []; this._gridLineItems = null; this._labelItems = null; this._labelSizes = null; this._length = 0; this._maxLength = 0; this._longestTextCache = {}; this._startPixel = void 0; this._endPixel = void 0; this._reversePixels = false; this._userMax = void 0; this._userMin = void 0; this._suggestedMax = void 0; this._suggestedMin = void 0; this._ticksLength = 0; this._borderValue = 0; this._cache = {}; this._dataLimitsCached = false; this.$context = void 0; } init(options) { this.options = options.setContext(this.getContext()); this.axis = options.axis; this._userMin = this.parse(options.min); this._userMax = this.parse(options.max); this._suggestedMin = this.parse(options.suggestedMin); this._suggestedMax = this.parse(options.suggestedMax); } parse(raw, index) { return raw; } getUserBounds() { let { _userMin, _userMax, _suggestedMin, _suggestedMax } = this; _userMin = finiteOrDefault(_userMin, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); _userMax = finiteOrDefault(_userMax, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); _suggestedMin = finiteOrDefault(_suggestedMin, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); _suggestedMax = finiteOrDefault(_suggestedMax, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); return { min: finiteOrDefault(_userMin, _suggestedMin), max: finiteOrDefault(_userMax, _suggestedMax), minDefined: isNumberFinite(_userMin), maxDefined: isNumberFinite(_userMax) }; } getMinMax(canStack) { let { min, max, minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds(); let range; if (minDefined && maxDefined) { return { min, max }; } const metas = this.getMatchingVisibleMetas(); for (let i = 0, ilen = metas.length; i < ilen; ++i) { range = metas[i].controller.getMinMax(this, canStack); if (!minDefined) { min = Math.min(min, range.min); } if (!maxDefined) { max = Math.max(max, range.max); } } min = maxDefined && min > max ? max : min; max = minDefined && min > max ? min : max; return { min: finiteOrDefault(min, finiteOrDefault(max, min)), max: finiteOrDefault(max, finiteOrDefault(min, max)) }; } getPadding() { return { left: this.paddingLeft || 0, top: this.paddingTop || 0, right: this.paddingRight || 0, bottom: this.paddingBottom || 0 }; } getTicks() { return this.ticks; } getLabels() { const data =; return this.options.labels || (this.isHorizontal() ? data.xLabels : data.yLabels) || data.labels || []; } getLabelItems(chartArea = this.chart.chartArea) { const items = this._labelItems || (this._labelItems = this._computeLabelItems(chartArea)); return items; } beforeLayout() { this._cache = {}; this._dataLimitsCached = false; } beforeUpdate() { callback(this.options.beforeUpdate, [ this ]); } update(maxWidth, maxHeight, margins) { const { beginAtZero, grace, ticks: tickOpts } = this.options; const sampleSize = tickOpts.sampleSize; this.beforeUpdate(); this.maxWidth = maxWidth; this.maxHeight = maxHeight; this._margins = margins = Object.assign({ left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 }, margins); this.ticks = null; this._labelSizes = null; this._gridLineItems = null; this._labelItems = null; this.beforeSetDimensions(); this.setDimensions(); this.afterSetDimensions(); this._maxLength = this.isHorizontal() ? this.width + margins.left + margins.right : this.height + + margins.bottom; if (!this._dataLimitsCached) { this.beforeDataLimits(); this.determineDataLimits(); this.afterDataLimits(); this._range = _addGrace(this, grace, beginAtZero); this._dataLimitsCached = true; } this.beforeBuildTicks(); this.ticks = this.buildTicks() || []; this.afterBuildTicks(); const samplingEnabled = sampleSize < this.ticks.length; this._convertTicksToLabels(samplingEnabled ? sample(this.ticks, sampleSize) : this.ticks); this.configure(); this.beforeCalculateLabelRotation(); this.calculateLabelRotation(); this.afterCalculateLabelRotation(); if (tickOpts.display && (tickOpts.autoSkip || tickOpts.source === "auto")) { this.ticks = autoSkip(this, this.ticks); this._labelSizes = null; this.afterAutoSkip(); } if (samplingEnabled) { this._convertTicksToLabels(this.ticks); } this.beforeFit();; this.afterFit(); this.afterUpdate(); } configure() { let reversePixels = this.options.reverse; let startPixel, endPixel; if (this.isHorizontal()) { startPixel = this.left; endPixel = this.right; } else { startPixel =; endPixel = this.bottom; reversePixels = !reversePixels; } this._startPixel = startPixel; this._endPixel = endPixel; this._reversePixels = reversePixels; this._length = endPixel - startPixel; this._alignToPixels = this.options.alignToPixels; } afterUpdate() { callback(this.options.afterUpdate, [ this ]); } beforeSetDimensions() { callback(this.options.beforeSetDimensions, [ this ]); } setDimensions() { if (this.isHorizontal()) { this.width = this.maxWidth; this.left = 0; this.right = this.width; } else { this.height = this.maxHeight; = 0; this.bottom = this.height; } this.paddingLeft = 0; this.paddingTop = 0; this.paddingRight = 0; this.paddingBottom = 0; } afterSetDimensions() { callback(this.options.afterSetDimensions, [ this ]); } _callHooks(name) { this.chart.notifyPlugins(name, this.getContext()); callback(this.options[name], [ this ]); } beforeDataLimits() { this._callHooks("beforeDataLimits"); } determineDataLimits() { } afterDataLimits() { this._callHooks("afterDataLimits"); } beforeBuildTicks() { this._callHooks("beforeBuildTicks"); } buildTicks() { return []; } afterBuildTicks() { this._callHooks("afterBuildTicks"); } beforeTickToLabelConversion() { callback(this.options.beforeTickToLabelConversion, [ this ]); } generateTickLabels(ticks) { const tickOpts = this.options.ticks; let i, ilen, tick; for (i = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; i++) { tick = ticks[i]; tick.label = callback(tickOpts.callback, [ tick.value, i, ticks ], this); } } afterTickToLabelConversion() { callback(this.options.afterTickToLabelConversion, [ this ]); } beforeCalculateLabelRotation() { callback(this.options.beforeCalculateLabelRotation, [ this ]); } calculateLabelRotation() { const options = this.options; const tickOpts = options.ticks; const numTicks = getTicksLimit(this.ticks.length, options.ticks.maxTicksLimit); const minRotation = tickOpts.minRotation || 0; const maxRotation = tickOpts.maxRotation; let labelRotation = minRotation; let tickWidth, maxHeight, maxLabelDiagonal; if (!this._isVisible() || !tickOpts.display || minRotation >= maxRotation || numTicks <= 1 || !this.isHorizontal()) { this.labelRotation = minRotation; return; } const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes(); const maxLabelWidth = labelSizes.widest.width; const maxLabelHeight = labelSizes.highest.height; const maxWidth = _limitValue(this.chart.width - maxLabelWidth, 0, this.maxWidth); tickWidth = options.offset ? this.maxWidth / numTicks : maxWidth / (numTicks - 1); if (maxLabelWidth + 6 > tickWidth) { tickWidth = maxWidth / (numTicks - (options.offset ? 0.5 : 1)); maxHeight = this.maxHeight - getTickMarkLength(options.grid) - tickOpts.padding - getTitleHeight(options.title, this.chart.options.font); maxLabelDiagonal = Math.sqrt(maxLabelWidth * maxLabelWidth + maxLabelHeight * maxLabelHeight); labelRotation = toDegrees(Math.min(Math.asin(_limitValue((labelSizes.highest.height + 6) / tickWidth, -1, 1)), Math.asin(_limitValue(maxHeight / maxLabelDiagonal, -1, 1)) - Math.asin(_limitValue(maxLabelHeight / maxLabelDiagonal, -1, 1)))); labelRotation = Math.max(minRotation, Math.min(maxRotation, labelRotation)); } this.labelRotation = labelRotation; } afterCalculateLabelRotation() { callback(this.options.afterCalculateLabelRotation, [ this ]); } afterAutoSkip() { } beforeFit() { callback(this.options.beforeFit, [ this ]); } fit() { const minSize = { width: 0, height: 0 }; const { chart, options: { ticks: tickOpts, title: titleOpts, grid: gridOpts } } = this; const display = this._isVisible(); const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal(); if (display) { const titleHeight = getTitleHeight(titleOpts, chart.options.font); if (isHorizontal) { minSize.width = this.maxWidth; minSize.height = getTickMarkLength(gridOpts) + titleHeight; } else { minSize.height = this.maxHeight; minSize.width = getTickMarkLength(gridOpts) + titleHeight; } if (tickOpts.display && this.ticks.length) { const { first, last, widest, highest } = this._getLabelSizes(); const tickPadding = tickOpts.padding * 2; const angleRadians = toRadians(this.labelRotation); const cos = Math.cos(angleRadians); const sin = Math.sin(angleRadians); if (isHorizontal) { const labelHeight = tickOpts.mirror ? 0 : sin * widest.width + cos * highest.height; minSize.height = Math.min(this.maxHeight, minSize.height + labelHeight + tickPadding); } else { const labelWidth = tickOpts.mirror ? 0 : cos * widest.width + sin * highest.height; minSize.width = Math.min(this.maxWidth, minSize.width + labelWidth + tickPadding); } this._calculatePadding(first, last, sin, cos); } } this._handleMargins(); if (isHorizontal) { this.width = this._length = chart.width - this._margins.left - this._margins.right; this.height = minSize.height; } else { this.width = minSize.width; this.height = this._length = chart.height - - this._margins.bottom; } } _calculatePadding(first, last, sin, cos) { const { ticks: { align, padding }, position } = this.options; const isRotated = this.labelRotation !== 0; const labelsBelowTicks = position !== "top" && this.axis === "x"; if (this.isHorizontal()) { const offsetLeft = this.getPixelForTick(0) - this.left; const offsetRight = this.right - this.getPixelForTick(this.ticks.length - 1); let paddingLeft = 0; let paddingRight = 0; if (isRotated) { if (labelsBelowTicks) { paddingLeft = cos * first.width; paddingRight = sin * last.height; } else { paddingLeft = sin * first.height; paddingRight = cos * last.width; } } else if (align === "start") { paddingRight = last.width; } else if (align === "end") { paddingLeft = first.width; } else if (align !== "inner") { paddingLeft = first.width / 2; paddingRight = last.width / 2; } this.paddingLeft = Math.max((paddingLeft - offsetLeft + padding) * this.width / (this.width - offsetLeft), 0); this.paddingRight = Math.max((paddingRight - offsetRight + padding) * this.width / (this.width - offsetRight), 0); } else { let paddingTop = last.height / 2; let paddingBottom = first.height / 2; if (align === "start") { paddingTop = 0; paddingBottom = first.height; } else if (align === "end") { paddingTop = last.height; paddingBottom = 0; } this.paddingTop = paddingTop + padding; this.paddingBottom = paddingBottom + padding; } } _handleMargins() { if (this._margins) { this._margins.left = Math.max(this.paddingLeft, this._margins.left); = Math.max(this.paddingTop,; this._margins.right = Math.max(this.paddingRight, this._margins.right); this._margins.bottom = Math.max(this.paddingBottom, this._margins.bottom); } } afterFit() { callback(this.options.afterFit, [ this ]); } isHorizontal() { const { axis, position } = this.options; return position === "top" || position === "bottom" || axis === "x"; } isFullSize() { return this.options.fullSize; } _convertTicksToLabels(ticks) { this.beforeTickToLabelConversion(); this.generateTickLabels(ticks); let i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; i++) { if (isNullOrUndef(ticks[i].label)) { ticks.splice(i, 1); ilen--; i--; } } this.afterTickToLabelConversion(); } _getLabelSizes() { let labelSizes = this._labelSizes; if (!labelSizes) { const sampleSize = this.options.ticks.sampleSize; let ticks = this.ticks; if (sampleSize < ticks.length) { ticks = sample(ticks, sampleSize); } this._labelSizes = labelSizes = this._computeLabelSizes(ticks, ticks.length, this.options.ticks.maxTicksLimit); } return labelSizes; } _computeLabelSizes(ticks, length, maxTicksLimit) { const { ctx, _longestTextCache: caches } = this; const widths = []; const heights = []; const increment = Math.floor(length / getTicksLimit(length, maxTicksLimit)); let widestLabelSize = 0; let highestLabelSize = 0; let i, j, jlen, label, tickFont, fontString, cache, lineHeight, width, height, nestedLabel; for (i = 0; i < length; i += increment) { label = ticks[i].label; tickFont = this._resolveTickFontOptions(i); ctx.font = fontString = tickFont.string; cache = caches[fontString] = caches[fontString] || { data: {}, gc: [] }; lineHeight = tickFont.lineHeight; width = height = 0; if (!isNullOrUndef(label) && !isArray(label)) { width = _measureText(ctx,, cache.gc, width, label); height = lineHeight; } else if (isArray(label)) { for (j = 0, jlen = label.length; j < jlen; ++j) { nestedLabel = label[j]; if (!isNullOrUndef(nestedLabel) && !isArray(nestedLabel)) { width = _measureText(ctx,, cache.gc, width, nestedLabel); height += lineHeight; } } } widths.push(width); heights.push(height); widestLabelSize = Math.max(width, widestLabelSize); highestLabelSize = Math.max(height, highestLabelSize); } garbageCollect(caches, length); const widest = widths.indexOf(widestLabelSize); const highest = heights.indexOf(highestLabelSize); const valueAt = (idx) => ({ width: widths[idx] || 0, height: heights[idx] || 0 }); return { first: valueAt(0), last: valueAt(length - 1), widest: valueAt(widest), highest: valueAt(highest), widths, heights }; } getLabelForValue(value) { return value; } getPixelForValue(value, index) { return NaN; } getValueForPixel(pixel) { } getPixelForTick(index) { const ticks = this.ticks; if (index < 0 || index > ticks.length - 1) { return null; } return this.getPixelForValue(ticks[index].value); } getPixelForDecimal(decimal) { if (this._reversePixels) { decimal = 1 - decimal; } const pixel = this._startPixel + decimal * this._length; return _int16Range(this._alignToPixels ? _alignPixel(this.chart, pixel, 0) : pixel); } getDecimalForPixel(pixel) { const decimal = (pixel - this._startPixel) / this._length; return this._reversePixels ? 1 - decimal : decimal; } getBasePixel() { return this.getPixelForValue(this.getBaseValue()); } getBaseValue() { const { min, max } = this; return min < 0 && max < 0 ? max : min > 0 && max > 0 ? min : 0; } getContext(index) { const ticks = this.ticks || []; if (index >= 0 && index < ticks.length) { const tick = ticks[index]; return tick.$context || (tick.$context = createTickContext(this.getContext(), index, tick)); } return this.$context || (this.$context = createScaleContext(this.chart.getContext(), this)); } _tickSize() { const optionTicks = this.options.ticks; const rot = toRadians(this.labelRotation); const cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(rot)); const sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(rot)); const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes(); const padding = optionTicks.autoSkipPadding || 0; const w = labelSizes ? labelSizes.widest.width + padding : 0; const h4 = labelSizes ? labelSizes.highest.height + padding : 0; return this.isHorizontal() ? h4 * cos > w * sin ? w / cos : h4 / sin : h4 * sin < w * cos ? h4 / cos : w / sin; } _isVisible() { const display = this.options.display; if (display !== "auto") { return !!display; } return this.getMatchingVisibleMetas().length > 0; } _computeGridLineItems(chartArea) { const axis = this.axis; const chart = this.chart; const options = this.options; const { grid, position, border } = options; const offset = grid.offset; const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal(); const ticks = this.ticks; const ticksLength = ticks.length + (offset ? 1 : 0); const tl = getTickMarkLength(grid); const items = []; const borderOpts = border.setContext(this.getContext()); const axisWidth = borderOpts.display ? borderOpts.width : 0; const axisHalfWidth = axisWidth / 2; const alignBorderValue = function(pixel) { return _alignPixel(chart, pixel, axisWidth); }; let borderValue, i, lineValue, alignedLineValue; let tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, x1, y1, x2, y2; if (position === "top") { borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.bottom); ty1 = this.bottom - tl; ty2 = borderValue - axisHalfWidth; y1 = alignBorderValue( + axisHalfWidth; y2 = chartArea.bottom; } else if (position === "bottom") { borderValue = alignBorderValue(; y1 =; y2 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.bottom) - axisHalfWidth; ty1 = borderValue + axisHalfWidth; ty2 = + tl; } else if (position === "left") { borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.right); tx1 = this.right - tl; tx2 = borderValue - axisHalfWidth; x1 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.left) + axisHalfWidth; x2 = chartArea.right; } else if (position === "right") { borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.left); x1 = chartArea.left; x2 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.right) - axisHalfWidth; tx1 = borderValue + axisHalfWidth; tx2 = this.left + tl; } else if (axis === "x") { if (position === "center") { borderValue = alignBorderValue(( + chartArea.bottom) / 2 + 0.5); } else if (isObject(position)) { const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0]; const value = position[positionAxisID]; borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value)); } y1 =; y2 = chartArea.bottom; ty1 = borderValue + axisHalfWidth; ty2 = ty1 + tl; } else if (axis === "y") { if (position === "center") { borderValue = alignBorderValue((chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2); } else if (isObject(position)) { const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0]; const value = position[positionAxisID]; borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value)); } tx1 = borderValue - axisHalfWidth; tx2 = tx1 - tl; x1 = chartArea.left; x2 = chartArea.right; } const limit = valueOrDefault(options.ticks.maxTicksLimit, ticksLength); const step = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(ticksLength / limit)); for (i = 0; i < ticksLength; i += step) { const context = this.getContext(i); const optsAtIndex = grid.setContext(context); const optsAtIndexBorder = border.setContext(context); const lineWidth = optsAtIndex.lineWidth; const lineColor = optsAtIndex.color; const borderDash = optsAtIndexBorder.dash || []; const borderDashOffset = optsAtIndexBorder.dashOffset; const tickWidth = optsAtIndex.tickWidth; const tickColor = optsAtIndex.tickColor; const tickBorderDash = optsAtIndex.tickBorderDash || []; const tickBorderDashOffset = optsAtIndex.tickBorderDashOffset; lineValue = getPixelForGridLine(this, i, offset); if (lineValue === void 0) { continue; } alignedLineValue = _alignPixel(chart, lineValue, lineWidth); if (isHorizontal) { tx1 = tx2 = x1 = x2 = alignedLineValue; } else { ty1 = ty2 = y1 = y2 = alignedLineValue; } items.push({ tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, x1, y1, x2, y2, width: lineWidth, color: lineColor, borderDash, borderDashOffset, tickWidth, tickColor, tickBorderDash, tickBorderDashOffset }); } this._ticksLength = ticksLength; this._borderValue = borderValue; return items; } _computeLabelItems(chartArea) { const axis = this.axis; const options = this.options; const { position, ticks: optionTicks } = options; const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal(); const ticks = this.ticks; const { align, crossAlign, padding, mirror } = optionTicks; const tl = getTickMarkLength(options.grid); const tickAndPadding = tl + padding; const hTickAndPadding = mirror ? -padding : tickAndPadding; const rotation = -toRadians(this.labelRotation); const items = []; let i, ilen, tick, label, x, y, textAlign, pixel, font, lineHeight, lineCount, textOffset; let textBaseline = "middle"; if (position === "top") { y = this.bottom - hTickAndPadding; textAlign = this._getXAxisLabelAlignment(); } else if (position === "bottom") { y = + hTickAndPadding; textAlign = this._getXAxisLabelAlignment(); } else if (position === "left") { const ret = this._getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl); textAlign = ret.textAlign; x = ret.x; } else if (position === "right") { const ret = this._getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl); textAlign = ret.textAlign; x = ret.x; } else if (axis === "x") { if (position === "center") { y = ( + chartArea.bottom) / 2 + tickAndPadding; } else if (isObject(position)) { const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0]; const value = position[positionAxisID]; y = this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value) + tickAndPadding; } textAlign = this._getXAxisLabelAlignment(); } else if (axis === "y") { if (position === "center") { x = (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2 - tickAndPadding; } else if (isObject(position)) { const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0]; const value = position[positionAxisID]; x = this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value); } textAlign = this._getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl).textAlign; } if (axis === "y") { if (align === "start") { textBaseline = "top"; } else if (align === "end") { textBaseline = "bottom"; } } const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes(); for (i = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; ++i) { tick = ticks[i]; label = tick.label; const optsAtIndex = optionTicks.setContext(this.getContext(i)); pixel = this.getPixelForTick(i) + optionTicks.labelOffset; font = this._resolveTickFontOptions(i); lineHeight = font.lineHeight; lineCount = isArray(label) ? label.length : 1; const halfCount = lineCount / 2; const color2 = optsAtIndex.color; const strokeColor = optsAtIndex.textStrokeColor; const strokeWidth = optsAtIndex.textStrokeWidth; let tickTextAlign = textAlign; if (isHorizontal) { x = pixel; if (textAlign === "inner") { if (i === ilen - 1) { tickTextAlign = !this.options.reverse ? "right" : "left"; } else if (i === 0) { tickTextAlign = !this.options.reverse ? "left" : "right"; } else { tickTextAlign = "center"; } } if (position === "top") { if (crossAlign === "near" || rotation !== 0) { textOffset = -lineCount * lineHeight + lineHeight / 2; } else if (crossAlign === "center") { textOffset = -labelSizes.highest.height / 2 - halfCount * lineHeight + lineHeight; } else { textOffset = -labelSizes.highest.height + lineHeight / 2; } } else { if (crossAlign === "near" || rotation !== 0) { textOffset = lineHeight / 2; } else if (crossAlign === "center") { textOffset = labelSizes.highest.height / 2 - halfCount * lineHeight; } else { textOffset = labelSizes.highest.height - lineCount * lineHeight; } } if (mirror) { textOffset *= -1; } if (rotation !== 0 && !optsAtIndex.showLabelBackdrop) { x += lineHeight / 2 * Math.sin(rotation); } } else { y = pixel; textOffset = (1 - lineCount) * lineHeight / 2; } let backdrop; if (optsAtIndex.showLabelBackdrop) { const labelPadding = toPadding(optsAtIndex.backdropPadding); const height = labelSizes.heights[i]; const width = labelSizes.widths[i]; let top = textOffset -; let left = 0 - labelPadding.left; switch (textBaseline) { case "middle": top -= height / 2; break; case "bottom": top -= height; break; } switch (textAlign) { case "center": left -= width / 2; break; case "right": left -= width; break; } backdrop = { left, top, width: width + labelPadding.width, height: height + labelPadding.height, color: optsAtIndex.backdropColor }; } items.push({ label, font, textOffset, options: { rotation, color: color2, strokeColor, strokeWidth, textAlign: tickTextAlign, textBaseline, translation: [ x, y ], backdrop } }); } return items; } _getXAxisLabelAlignment() { const { position, ticks } = this.options; const rotation = -toRadians(this.labelRotation); if (rotation) { return position === "top" ? "left" : "right"; } let align = "center"; if (ticks.align === "start") { align = "left"; } else if (ticks.align === "end") { align = "right"; } else if (ticks.align === "inner") { align = "inner"; } return align; } _getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl) { const { position, ticks: { crossAlign, mirror, padding } } = this.options; const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes(); const tickAndPadding = tl + padding; const widest = labelSizes.widest.width; let textAlign; let x; if (position === "left") { if (mirror) { x = this.right + padding; if (crossAlign === "near") { textAlign = "left"; } else if (crossAlign === "center") { textAlign = "center"; x += widest / 2; } else { textAlign = "right"; x += widest; } } else { x = this.right - tickAndPadding; if (crossAlign === "near") { textAlign = "right"; } else if (crossAlign === "center") { textAlign = "center"; x -= widest / 2; } else { textAlign = "left"; x = this.left; } } } else if (position === "right") { if (mirror) { x = this.left + padding; if (crossAlign === "near") { textAlign = "right"; } else if (crossAlign === "center") { textAlign = "center"; x -= widest / 2; } else { textAlign = "left"; x -= widest; } } else { x = this.left + tickAndPadding; if (crossAlign === "near") { textAlign = "left"; } else if (crossAlign === "center") { textAlign = "center"; x += widest / 2; } else { textAlign = "right"; x = this.right; } } } else { textAlign = "right"; } return { textAlign, x }; } _computeLabelArea() { if (this.options.ticks.mirror) { return; } const chart = this.chart; const position = this.options.position; if (position === "left" || position === "right") { return { top: 0, left: this.left, bottom: chart.height, right: this.right }; } if (position === "top" || position === "bottom") { return { top:, left: 0, bottom: this.bottom, right: chart.width }; } } drawBackground() { const { ctx, options: { backgroundColor }, left, top, width, height } = this; if (backgroundColor) {; ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor; ctx.fillRect(left, top, width, height); ctx.restore(); } } getLineWidthForValue(value) { const grid = this.options.grid; if (!this._isVisible() || !grid.display) { return 0; } const ticks = this.ticks; const index = ticks.findIndex((t2) => t2.value === value); if (index >= 0) { const opts = grid.setContext(this.getContext(index)); return opts.lineWidth; } return 0; } drawGrid(chartArea) { const grid = this.options.grid; const ctx = this.ctx; const items = this._gridLineItems || (this._gridLineItems = this._computeGridLineItems(chartArea)); let i, ilen; const drawLine = (p1, p2, style) => { if (!style.width || !style.color) { return; }; ctx.lineWidth = style.width; ctx.strokeStyle = style.color; ctx.setLineDash(style.borderDash || []); ctx.lineDashOffset = style.borderDashOffset; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y); ctx.lineTo(p2.x, p2.y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); }; if (grid.display) { for (i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; ++i) { const item = items[i]; if (grid.drawOnChartArea) { drawLine({ x: item.x1, y: item.y1 }, { x: item.x2, y: item.y2 }, item); } if (grid.drawTicks) { drawLine({ x: item.tx1, y: item.ty1 }, { x: item.tx2, y: item.ty2 }, { color: item.tickColor, width: item.tickWidth, borderDash: item.tickBorderDash, borderDashOffset: item.tickBorderDashOffset }); } } } } drawBorder() { const { chart, ctx, options: { border, grid } } = this; const borderOpts = border.setContext(this.getContext()); const axisWidth = border.display ? borderOpts.width : 0; if (!axisWidth) { return; } const lastLineWidth = grid.setContext(this.getContext(0)).lineWidth; const borderValue = this._borderValue; let x1, x2, y1, y2; if (this.isHorizontal()) { x1 = _alignPixel(chart, this.left, axisWidth) - axisWidth / 2; x2 = _alignPixel(chart, this.right, lastLineWidth) + lastLineWidth / 2; y1 = y2 = borderValue; } else { y1 = _alignPixel(chart,, axisWidth) - axisWidth / 2; y2 = _alignPixel(chart, this.bottom, lastLineWidth) + lastLineWidth / 2; x1 = x2 = borderValue; }; ctx.lineWidth = borderOpts.width; ctx.strokeStyle = borderOpts.color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.lineTo(x2, y2); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } drawLabels(chartArea) { const optionTicks = this.options.ticks; if (!optionTicks.display) { return; } const ctx = this.ctx; const area = this._computeLabelArea(); if (area) { clipArea(ctx, area); } const items = this.getLabelItems(chartArea); for (const item of items) { const renderTextOptions = item.options; const tickFont = item.font; const label = item.label; const y = item.textOffset; renderText(ctx, label, 0, y, tickFont, renderTextOptions); } if (area) { unclipArea(ctx); } } drawTitle() { const { ctx, options: { position, title, reverse } } = this; if (!title.display) { return; } const font = toFont(title.font); const padding = toPadding(title.padding); const align = title.align; let offset = font.lineHeight / 2; if (position === "bottom" || position === "center" || isObject(position)) { offset += padding.bottom; if (isArray(title.text)) { offset += font.lineHeight * (title.text.length - 1); } } else { offset +=; } const { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation } = titleArgs(this, offset, position, align); renderText(ctx, title.text, 0, 0, font, { color: title.color, maxWidth, rotation, textAlign: titleAlign(align, position, reverse), textBaseline: "middle", translation: [ titleX, titleY ] }); } draw(chartArea) { if (!this._isVisible()) { return; } this.drawBackground(); this.drawGrid(chartArea); this.drawBorder(); this.drawTitle(); this.drawLabels(chartArea); } _layers() { const opts = this.options; const tz = opts.ticks && opts.ticks.z || 0; const gz = valueOrDefault(opts.grid && opts.grid.z, -1); const bz = valueOrDefault(opts.border && opts.border.z, 0); if (!this._isVisible() || this.draw !== _Scale.prototype.draw) { return [ { z: tz, draw: (chartArea) => { this.draw(chartArea); } } ]; } return [ { z: gz, draw: (chartArea) => { this.drawBackground(); this.drawGrid(chartArea); this.drawTitle(); } }, { z: bz, draw: () => { this.drawBorder(); } }, { z: tz, draw: (chartArea) => { this.drawLabels(chartArea); } } ]; } getMatchingVisibleMetas(type) { const metas = this.chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas(); const axisID = this.axis + "AxisID"; const result = []; let i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen = metas.length; i < ilen; ++i) { const meta = metas[i]; if (meta[axisID] === && (!type || meta.type === type)) { result.push(meta); } } return result; } _resolveTickFontOptions(index) { const opts = this.options.ticks.setContext(this.getContext(index)); return toFont(opts.font); } _maxDigits() { const fontSize = this._resolveTickFontOptions(0).lineHeight; return (this.isHorizontal() ? this.width : this.height) / fontSize; } }; var TypedRegistry = class { constructor(type, scope, override) { this.type = type; this.scope = scope; this.override = override; this.items = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); } isForType(type) { return, type.prototype); } register(item) { const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(item); let parentScope; if (isIChartComponent(proto)) { parentScope = this.register(proto); } const items = this.items; const id =; const scope = this.scope + "." + id; if (!id) { throw new Error("class does not have id: " + item); } if (id in items) { return scope; } items[id] = item; registerDefaults(item, scope, parentScope); if (this.override) { defaults.override(, item.overrides); } return scope; } get(id) { return this.items[id]; } unregister(item) { const items = this.items; const id =; const scope = this.scope; if (id in items) { delete items[id]; } if (scope && id in defaults[scope]) { delete defaults[scope][id]; if (this.override) { delete overrides[id]; } } } }; function registerDefaults(item, scope, parentScope) { const itemDefaults = merge(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), [ parentScope ? defaults.get(parentScope) : {}, defaults.get(scope), item.defaults ]); defaults.set(scope, itemDefaults); if (item.defaultRoutes) { routeDefaults(scope, item.defaultRoutes); } if (item.descriptors) { defaults.describe(scope, item.descriptors); } } function routeDefaults(scope, routes) { Object.keys(routes).forEach((property) => { const propertyParts = property.split("."); const sourceName = propertyParts.pop(); const sourceScope = [ scope ].concat(propertyParts).join("."); const parts = routes[property].split("."); const targetName = parts.pop(); const targetScope = parts.join("."); defaults.route(sourceScope, sourceName, targetScope, targetName); }); } function isIChartComponent(proto) { return "id" in proto && "defaults" in proto; } var Registry = class { constructor() { this.controllers = new TypedRegistry(DatasetController, "datasets", true); this.elements = new TypedRegistry(Element, "elements"); this.plugins = new TypedRegistry(Object, "plugins"); this.scales = new TypedRegistry(Scale, "scales"); this._typedRegistries = [ this.controllers, this.scales, this.elements ]; } add(...args) { this._each("register", args); } remove(...args) { this._each("unregister", args); } addControllers(...args) { this._each("register", args, this.controllers); } addElements(...args) { this._each("register", args, this.elements); } addPlugins(...args) { this._each("register", args, this.plugins); } addScales(...args) { this._each("register", args, this.scales); } getController(id) { return this._get(id, this.controllers, "controller"); } getElement(id) { return this._get(id, this.elements, "element"); } getPlugin(id) { return this._get(id, this.plugins, "plugin"); } getScale(id) { return this._get(id, this.scales, "scale"); } removeControllers(...args) { this._each("unregister", args, this.controllers); } removeElements(...args) { this._each("unregister", args, this.elements); } removePlugins(...args) { this._each("unregister", args, this.plugins); } removeScales(...args) { this._each("unregister", args, this.scales); } _each(method, args, typedRegistry) { [ ...args ].forEach((arg) => { const reg = typedRegistry || this._getRegistryForType(arg); if (typedRegistry || reg.isForType(arg) || reg === this.plugins && { this._exec(method, reg, arg); } else { each(arg, (item) => { const itemReg = typedRegistry || this._getRegistryForType(item); this._exec(method, itemReg, item); }); } }); } _exec(method, registry2, component) { const camelMethod = _capitalize(method); callback(component["before" + camelMethod], [], component); registry2[method](component); callback(component["after" + camelMethod], [], component); } _getRegistryForType(type) { for (let i = 0; i < this._typedRegistries.length; i++) { const reg = this._typedRegistries[i]; if (reg.isForType(type)) { return reg; } } return this.plugins; } _get(id, typedRegistry, type) { const item = typedRegistry.get(id); if (item === void 0) { throw new Error('"' + id + '" is not a registered ' + type + "."); } return item; } }; var registry = /* @__PURE__ */ new Registry(); var PluginService = class { constructor() { this._init = []; } notify(chart, hook, args, filter) { if (hook === "beforeInit") { this._init = this._createDescriptors(chart, true); this._notify(this._init, chart, "install"); } const descriptors2 = filter ? this._descriptors(chart).filter(filter) : this._descriptors(chart); const result = this._notify(descriptors2, chart, hook, args); if (hook === "afterDestroy") { this._notify(descriptors2, chart, "stop"); this._notify(this._init, chart, "uninstall"); } return result; } _notify(descriptors2, chart, hook, args) { args = args || {}; for (const descriptor of descriptors2) { const plugin = descriptor.plugin; const method = plugin[hook]; const params = [ chart, args, descriptor.options ]; if (callback(method, params, plugin) === false && args.cancelable) { return false; } } return true; } invalidate() { if (!isNullOrUndef(this._cache)) { this._oldCache = this._cache; this._cache = void 0; } } _descriptors(chart) { if (this._cache) { return this._cache; } const descriptors2 = this._cache = this._createDescriptors(chart); this._notifyStateChanges(chart); return descriptors2; } _createDescriptors(chart, all) { const config = chart && chart.config; const options = valueOrDefault(config.options && config.options.plugins, {}); const plugins = allPlugins(config); return options === false && !all ? [] : createDescriptors(chart, plugins, options, all); } _notifyStateChanges(chart) { const previousDescriptors = this._oldCache || []; const descriptors2 = this._cache; const diff = (a, b) => a.filter((x) => !b.some((y) => ===; this._notify(diff(previousDescriptors, descriptors2), chart, "stop"); this._notify(diff(descriptors2, previousDescriptors), chart, "start"); } }; function allPlugins(config) { const localIds = {}; const plugins = []; const keys = Object.keys(registry.plugins.items); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { plugins.push(registry.getPlugin(keys[i])); } const local = config.plugins || []; for (let i = 0; i < local.length; i++) { const plugin = local[i]; if (plugins.indexOf(plugin) === -1) { plugins.push(plugin); localIds[] = true; } } return { plugins, localIds }; } function getOpts(options, all) { if (!all && options === false) { return null; } if (options === true) { return {}; } return options; } function createDescriptors(chart, { plugins, localIds }, options, all) { const result = []; const context = chart.getContext(); for (const plugin of plugins) { const id =; const opts = getOpts(options[id], all); if (opts === null) { continue; } result.push({ plugin, options: pluginOpts(chart.config, { plugin, local: localIds[id] }, opts, context) }); } return result; } function pluginOpts(config, { plugin, local }, opts, context) { const keys = config.pluginScopeKeys(plugin); const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(opts, keys); if (local && plugin.defaults) { scopes.push(plugin.defaults); } return config.createResolver(scopes, context, [ "" ], { scriptable: false, indexable: false, allKeys: true }); } function getIndexAxis(type, options) { const datasetDefaults = defaults.datasets[type] || {}; const datasetOptions = (options.datasets || {})[type] || {}; return datasetOptions.indexAxis || options.indexAxis || datasetDefaults.indexAxis || "x"; } function getAxisFromDefaultScaleID(id, indexAxis) { let axis = id; if (id === "_index_") { axis = indexAxis; } else if (id === "_value_") { axis = indexAxis === "x" ? "y" : "x"; } return axis; } function getDefaultScaleIDFromAxis(axis, indexAxis) { return axis === indexAxis ? "_index_" : "_value_"; } function idMatchesAxis(id) { if (id === "x" || id === "y" || id === "r") { return id; } } function axisFromPosition(position) { if (position === "top" || position === "bottom") { return "x"; } if (position === "left" || position === "right") { return "y"; } } function determineAxis(id, ...scaleOptions) { if (idMatchesAxis(id)) { return id; } for (const opts of scaleOptions) { const axis = opts.axis || axisFromPosition(opts.position) || id.length > 1 && idMatchesAxis(id[0].toLowerCase()); if (axis) { return axis; } } throw new Error(`Cannot determine type of '${id}' axis. Please provide 'axis' or 'position' option.`); } function getAxisFromDataset(id, axis, dataset) { if (dataset[axis + "AxisID"] === id) { return { axis }; } } function retrieveAxisFromDatasets(id, config) { if ( && { const boundDs = => d.xAxisID === id || d.yAxisID === id); if (boundDs.length) { return getAxisFromDataset(id, "x", boundDs[0]) || getAxisFromDataset(id, "y", boundDs[0]); } } return {}; } function mergeScaleConfig(config, options) { const chartDefaults = overrides[config.type] || { scales: {} }; const configScales = options.scales || {}; const chartIndexAxis = getIndexAxis(config.type, options); const scales = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); Object.keys(configScales).forEach((id) => { const scaleConf = configScales[id]; if (!isObject(scaleConf)) { return console.error(`Invalid scale configuration for scale: ${id}`); } if (scaleConf._proxy) { return console.warn(`Ignoring resolver passed as options for scale: ${id}`); } const axis = determineAxis(id, scaleConf, retrieveAxisFromDatasets(id, config), defaults.scales[scaleConf.type]); const defaultId = getDefaultScaleIDFromAxis(axis, chartIndexAxis); const defaultScaleOptions = chartDefaults.scales || {}; scales[id] = mergeIf(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), [ { axis }, scaleConf, defaultScaleOptions[axis], defaultScaleOptions[defaultId] ]); }); => { const type = dataset.type || config.type; const indexAxis = dataset.indexAxis || getIndexAxis(type, options); const datasetDefaults = overrides[type] || {}; const defaultScaleOptions = datasetDefaults.scales || {}; Object.keys(defaultScaleOptions).forEach((defaultID) => { const axis = getAxisFromDefaultScaleID(defaultID, indexAxis); const id = dataset[axis + "AxisID"] || axis; scales[id] = scales[id] || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); mergeIf(scales[id], [ { axis }, configScales[id], defaultScaleOptions[defaultID] ]); }); }); Object.keys(scales).forEach((key) => { const scale = scales[key]; mergeIf(scale, [ defaults.scales[scale.type], defaults.scale ]); }); return scales; } function initOptions(config) { const options = config.options || (config.options = {}); options.plugins = valueOrDefault(options.plugins, {}); options.scales = mergeScaleConfig(config, options); } function initData(data) { data = data || {}; data.datasets = data.datasets || []; data.labels = data.labels || []; return data; } function initConfig(config) { config = config || {}; = initData(; initOptions(config); return config; } var keyCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var keysCached = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); function cachedKeys(cacheKey, generate) { let keys = keyCache.get(cacheKey); if (!keys) { keys = generate(); keyCache.set(cacheKey, keys); keysCached.add(keys); } return keys; } var addIfFound = (set2, obj, key) => { const opts = resolveObjectKey(obj, key); if (opts !== void 0) { set2.add(opts); } }; var Config = class { constructor(config) { this._config = initConfig(config); this._scopeCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._resolverCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } get platform() { return this._config.platform; } get type() { return this._config.type; } set type(type) { this._config.type = type; } get data() { return; } set data(data) { = initData(data); } get options() { return this._config.options; } set options(options) { this._config.options = options; } get plugins() { return this._config.plugins; } update() { const config = this._config; this.clearCache(); initOptions(config); } clearCache() { this._scopeCache.clear(); this._resolverCache.clear(); } datasetScopeKeys(datasetType) { return cachedKeys(datasetType, () => [ [ `datasets.${datasetType}`, "" ] ]); } datasetAnimationScopeKeys(datasetType, transition) { return cachedKeys(`${datasetType}.transition.${transition}`, () => [ [ `datasets.${datasetType}.transitions.${transition}`, `transitions.${transition}` ], [ `datasets.${datasetType}`, "" ] ]); } datasetElementScopeKeys(datasetType, elementType) { return cachedKeys(`${datasetType}-${elementType}`, () => [ [ `datasets.${datasetType}.elements.${elementType}`, `datasets.${datasetType}`, `elements.${elementType}`, "" ] ]); } pluginScopeKeys(plugin) { const id =; const type = this.type; return cachedKeys(`${type}-plugin-${id}`, () => [ [ `plugins.${id}`, ...plugin.additionalOptionScopes || [] ] ]); } _cachedScopes(mainScope, resetCache) { const _scopeCache = this._scopeCache; let cache = _scopeCache.get(mainScope); if (!cache || resetCache) { cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); _scopeCache.set(mainScope, cache); } return cache; } getOptionScopes(mainScope, keyLists, resetCache) { const { options, type } = this; const cache = this._cachedScopes(mainScope, resetCache); const cached = cache.get(keyLists); if (cached) { return cached; } const scopes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); keyLists.forEach((keys) => { if (mainScope) { scopes.add(mainScope); keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, mainScope, key)); } keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, options, key)); keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, overrides[type] || {}, key)); keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, defaults, key)); keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, descriptors, key)); }); const array = Array.from(scopes); if (array.length === 0) { array.push(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); } if (keysCached.has(keyLists)) { cache.set(keyLists, array); } return array; } chartOptionScopes() { const { options, type } = this; return [ options, overrides[type] || {}, defaults.datasets[type] || {}, { type }, defaults, descriptors ]; } resolveNamedOptions(scopes, names2, context, prefixes = [ "" ]) { const result = { $shared: true }; const { resolver, subPrefixes } = getResolver(this._resolverCache, scopes, prefixes); let options = resolver; if (needContext(resolver, names2)) { result.$shared = false; context = isFunction(context) ? context() : context; const subResolver = this.createResolver(scopes, context, subPrefixes); options = _attachContext(resolver, context, subResolver); } for (const prop of names2) { result[prop] = options[prop]; } return result; } createResolver(scopes, context, prefixes = [ "" ], descriptorDefaults) { const { resolver } = getResolver(this._resolverCache, scopes, prefixes); return isObject(context) ? _attachContext(resolver, context, void 0, descriptorDefaults) : resolver; } }; function getResolver(resolverCache, scopes, prefixes) { let cache = resolverCache.get(scopes); if (!cache) { cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); resolverCache.set(scopes, cache); } const cacheKey = prefixes.join(); let cached = cache.get(cacheKey); if (!cached) { const resolver = _createResolver(scopes, prefixes); cached = { resolver, subPrefixes: prefixes.filter((p) => !p.toLowerCase().includes("hover")) }; cache.set(cacheKey, cached); } return cached; } var hasFunction = (value) => isObject(value) && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).reduce((acc, key) => acc || isFunction(value[key]), false); function needContext(proxy, names2) { const { isScriptable, isIndexable } = _descriptors(proxy); for (const prop of names2) { const scriptable = isScriptable(prop); const indexable = isIndexable(prop); const value = (indexable || scriptable) && proxy[prop]; if (scriptable && (isFunction(value) || hasFunction(value)) || indexable && isArray(value)) { return true; } } return false; } var version = "4.3.3"; var KNOWN_POSITIONS = [ "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "chartArea" ]; function positionIsHorizontal(position, axis) { return position === "top" || position === "bottom" || KNOWN_POSITIONS.indexOf(position) === -1 && axis === "x"; } function compare2Level(l1, l2) { return function(a, b) { return a[l1] === b[l1] ? a[l2] - b[l2] : a[l1] - b[l1]; }; } function onAnimationsComplete(context) { const chart = context.chart; const animationOptions = chart.options.animation; chart.notifyPlugins("afterRender"); callback(animationOptions && animationOptions.onComplete, [ context ], chart); } function onAnimationProgress(context) { const chart = context.chart; const animationOptions = chart.options.animation; callback(animationOptions && animationOptions.onProgress, [ context ], chart); } function getCanvas(item) { if (_isDomSupported() && typeof item === "string") { item = document.getElementById(item); } else if (item && item.length) { item = item[0]; } if (item && item.canvas) { item = item.canvas; } return item; } var instances = {}; var getChart = (key) => { const canvas = getCanvas(key); return Object.values(instances).filter((c) => c.canvas === canvas).pop(); }; function moveNumericKeys(obj, start, move) { const keys = Object.keys(obj); for (const key of keys) { const intKey = +key; if (intKey >= start) { const value = obj[key]; delete obj[key]; if (move > 0 || intKey > start) { obj[intKey + move] = value; } } } } function determineLastEvent(e, lastEvent, inChartArea, isClick) { if (!inChartArea || e.type === "mouseout") { return null; } if (isClick) { return lastEvent; } return e; } function getDatasetArea(meta) { const { xScale, yScale } = meta; if (xScale && yScale) { return { left: xScale.left, right: xScale.right, top:, bottom: yScale.bottom }; } } var Chart = class { static register(...items) { registry.add(...items); invalidatePlugins(); } static unregister(...items) { registry.remove(...items); invalidatePlugins(); } constructor(item, userConfig) { const config = this.config = new Config(userConfig); const initialCanvas = getCanvas(item); const existingChart = getChart(initialCanvas); if (existingChart) { throw new Error("Canvas is already in use. Chart with ID '" + + "' must be destroyed before the canvas with ID '" + + "' can be reused."); } const options = config.createResolver(config.chartOptionScopes(), this.getContext()); this.platform = new (config.platform || _detectPlatform(initialCanvas))(); this.platform.updateConfig(config); const context = this.platform.acquireContext(initialCanvas, options.aspectRatio); const canvas = context && context.canvas; const height = canvas && canvas.height; const width = canvas && canvas.width; = uid(); this.ctx = context; this.canvas = canvas; this.width = width; this.height = height; this._options = options; this._aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio; this._layers = []; this._metasets = []; this._stacks = void 0; this.boxes = []; this.currentDevicePixelRatio = void 0; this.chartArea = void 0; this._active = []; this._lastEvent = void 0; this._listeners = {}; this._responsiveListeners = void 0; this._sortedMetasets = []; this.scales = {}; this._plugins = new PluginService(); this.$proxies = {}; this._hiddenIndices = {}; this.attached = false; this._animationsDisabled = void 0; this.$context = void 0; this._doResize = debounce((mode) => this.update(mode), options.resizeDelay || 0); this._dataChanges = []; instances[] = this; if (!context || !canvas) { console.error("Failed to create chart: can't acquire context from the given item"); return; } animator.listen(this, "complete", onAnimationsComplete); animator.listen(this, "progress", onAnimationProgress); this._initialize(); if (this.attached) { this.update(); } } get aspectRatio() { const { options: { aspectRatio, maintainAspectRatio }, width, height, _aspectRatio } = this; if (!isNullOrUndef(aspectRatio)) { return aspectRatio; } if (maintainAspectRatio && _aspectRatio) { return _aspectRatio; } return height ? width / height : null; } get data() { return; } set data(data) { = data; } get options() { return this._options; } set options(options) { this.config.options = options; } get registry() { return registry; } _initialize() { this.notifyPlugins("beforeInit"); if (this.options.responsive) { this.resize(); } else { retinaScale(this, this.options.devicePixelRatio); } this.bindEvents(); this.notifyPlugins("afterInit"); return this; } clear() { clearCanvas(this.canvas, this.ctx); return this; } stop() { animator.stop(this); return this; } resize(width, height) { if (!animator.running(this)) { this._resize(width, height); } else { this._resizeBeforeDraw = { width, height }; } } _resize(width, height) { const options = this.options; const canvas = this.canvas; const aspectRatio = options.maintainAspectRatio && this.aspectRatio; const newSize = this.platform.getMaximumSize(canvas, width, height, aspectRatio); const newRatio = options.devicePixelRatio || this.platform.getDevicePixelRatio(); const mode = this.width ? "resize" : "attach"; this.width = newSize.width; this.height = newSize.height; this._aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio; if (!retinaScale(this, newRatio, true)) { return; } this.notifyPlugins("resize", { size: newSize }); callback(options.onResize, [ this, newSize ], this); if (this.attached) { if (this._doResize(mode)) { this.render(); } } } ensureScalesHaveIDs() { const options = this.options; const scalesOptions = options.scales || {}; each(scalesOptions, (axisOptions, axisID) => { = axisID; }); } buildOrUpdateScales() { const options = this.options; const scaleOpts = options.scales; const scales = this.scales; const updated = Object.keys(scales).reduce((obj, id) => { obj[id] = false; return obj; }, {}); let items = []; if (scaleOpts) { items = items.concat(Object.keys(scaleOpts).map((id) => { const scaleOptions = scaleOpts[id]; const axis = determineAxis(id, scaleOptions); const isRadial = axis === "r"; const isHorizontal = axis === "x"; return { options: scaleOptions, dposition: isRadial ? "chartArea" : isHorizontal ? "bottom" : "left", dtype: isRadial ? "radialLinear" : isHorizontal ? "category" : "linear" }; })); } each(items, (item) => { const scaleOptions = item.options; const id =; const axis = determineAxis(id, scaleOptions); const scaleType = valueOrDefault(scaleOptions.type, item.dtype); if (scaleOptions.position === void 0 || positionIsHorizontal(scaleOptions.position, axis) !== positionIsHorizontal(item.dposition)) { scaleOptions.position = item.dposition; } updated[id] = true; let scale = null; if (id in scales && scales[id].type === scaleType) { scale = scales[id]; } else { const scaleClass = registry.getScale(scaleType); scale = new scaleClass({ id, type: scaleType, ctx: this.ctx, chart: this }); scales[] = scale; } scale.init(scaleOptions, options); }); each(updated, (hasUpdated, id) => { if (!hasUpdated) { delete scales[id]; } }); each(scales, (scale) => { layouts.configure(this, scale, scale.options); layouts.addBox(this, scale); }); } _updateMetasets() { const metasets = this._metasets; const numData =; const numMeta = metasets.length; metasets.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); if (numMeta > numData) { for (let i = numData; i < numMeta; ++i) { this._destroyDatasetMeta(i); } metasets.splice(numData, numMeta - numData); } this._sortedMetasets = metasets.slice(0).sort(compare2Level("order", "index")); } _removeUnreferencedMetasets() { const { _metasets: metasets, data: { datasets } } = this; if (metasets.length > datasets.length) { delete this._stacks; } metasets.forEach((meta, index) => { if (datasets.filter((x) => x === meta._dataset).length === 0) { this._destroyDatasetMeta(index); } }); } buildOrUpdateControllers() { const newControllers = []; const datasets =; let i, ilen; this._removeUnreferencedMetasets(); for (i = 0, ilen = datasets.length; i < ilen; i++) { const dataset = datasets[i]; let meta = this.getDatasetMeta(i); const type = dataset.type || this.config.type; if (meta.type && meta.type !== type) { this._destroyDatasetMeta(i); meta = this.getDatasetMeta(i); } meta.type = type; meta.indexAxis = dataset.indexAxis || getIndexAxis(type, this.options); meta.order = dataset.order || 0; meta.index = i; meta.label = "" + dataset.label; meta.visible = this.isDatasetVisible(i); if (meta.controller) { meta.controller.updateIndex(i); meta.controller.linkScales(); } else { const ControllerClass = registry.getController(type); const { datasetElementType, dataElementType } = defaults.datasets[type]; Object.assign(ControllerClass, { dataElementType: registry.getElement(dataElementType), datasetElementType: datasetElementType && registry.getElement(datasetElementType) }); meta.controller = new ControllerClass(this, i); newControllers.push(meta.controller); } } this._updateMetasets(); return newControllers; } _resetElements() { each(, (dataset, datasetIndex) => { this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).controller.reset(); }, this); } reset() { this._resetElements(); this.notifyPlugins("reset"); } update(mode) { const config = this.config; config.update(); const options = this._options = config.createResolver(config.chartOptionScopes(), this.getContext()); const animsDisabled = this._animationsDisabled = !options.animation; this._updateScales(); this._checkEventBindings(); this._updateHiddenIndices(); this._plugins.invalidate(); if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeUpdate", { mode, cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } const newControllers = this.buildOrUpdateControllers(); this.notifyPlugins("beforeElementsUpdate"); let minPadding = 0; for (let i = 0, ilen =; i < ilen; i++) { const { controller } = this.getDatasetMeta(i); const reset2 = !animsDisabled && newControllers.indexOf(controller) === -1; controller.buildOrUpdateElements(reset2); minPadding = Math.max(+controller.getMaxOverflow(), minPadding); } minPadding = this._minPadding = options.layout.autoPadding ? minPadding : 0; this._updateLayout(minPadding); if (!animsDisabled) { each(newControllers, (controller) => { controller.reset(); }); } this._updateDatasets(mode); this.notifyPlugins("afterUpdate", { mode }); this._layers.sort(compare2Level("z", "_idx")); const { _active, _lastEvent } = this; if (_lastEvent) { this._eventHandler(_lastEvent, true); } else if (_active.length) { this._updateHoverStyles(_active, _active, true); } this.render(); } _updateScales() { each(this.scales, (scale) => { layouts.removeBox(this, scale); }); this.ensureScalesHaveIDs(); this.buildOrUpdateScales(); } _checkEventBindings() { const options = this.options; const existingEvents = new Set(Object.keys(this._listeners)); const newEvents = new Set(; if (!setsEqual(existingEvents, newEvents) || !!this._responsiveListeners !== options.responsive) { this.unbindEvents(); this.bindEvents(); } } _updateHiddenIndices() { const { _hiddenIndices } = this; const changes = this._getUniformDataChanges() || []; for (const { method, start, count } of changes) { const move = method === "_removeElements" ? -count : count; moveNumericKeys(_hiddenIndices, start, move); } } _getUniformDataChanges() { const _dataChanges = this._dataChanges; if (!_dataChanges || !_dataChanges.length) { return; } this._dataChanges = []; const datasetCount =; const makeSet = (idx) => new Set(_dataChanges.filter((c) => c[0] === idx).map((c, i) => i + "," + c.splice(1).join(","))); const changeSet = makeSet(0); for (let i = 1; i < datasetCount; i++) { if (!setsEqual(changeSet, makeSet(i))) { return; } } return Array.from(changeSet).map((c) => c.split(",")).map((a) => ({ method: a[1], start: +a[2], count: +a[3] })); } _updateLayout(minPadding) { if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeLayout", { cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } layouts.update(this, this.width, this.height, minPadding); const area = this.chartArea; const noArea = area.width <= 0 || area.height <= 0; this._layers = []; each(this.boxes, (box) => { if (noArea && box.position === "chartArea") { return; } if (box.configure) { box.configure(); } this._layers.push(; }, this); this._layers.forEach((item, index) => { item._idx = index; }); this.notifyPlugins("afterLayout"); } _updateDatasets(mode) { if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetsUpdate", { mode, cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } for (let i = 0, ilen =; i < ilen; ++i) { this.getDatasetMeta(i).controller.configure(); } for (let i = 0, ilen =; i < ilen; ++i) { this._updateDataset(i, isFunction(mode) ? mode({ datasetIndex: i }) : mode); } this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetsUpdate", { mode }); } _updateDataset(index, mode) { const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(index); const args = { meta, index, mode, cancelable: true }; if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetUpdate", args) === false) { return; } meta.controller._update(mode); args.cancelable = false; this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetUpdate", args); } render() { if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeRender", { cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } if (animator.has(this)) { if (this.attached && !animator.running(this)) { animator.start(this); } } else { this.draw(); onAnimationsComplete({ chart: this }); } } draw() { let i; if (this._resizeBeforeDraw) { const { width, height } = this._resizeBeforeDraw; this._resize(width, height); this._resizeBeforeDraw = null; } this.clear(); if (this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) { return; } if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDraw", { cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } const layers = this._layers; for (i = 0; i < layers.length && layers[i].z <= 0; ++i) { layers[i].draw(this.chartArea); } this._drawDatasets(); for (; i < layers.length; ++i) { layers[i].draw(this.chartArea); } this.notifyPlugins("afterDraw"); } _getSortedDatasetMetas(filterVisible) { const metasets = this._sortedMetasets; const result = []; let i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i < ilen; ++i) { const meta = metasets[i]; if (!filterVisible || meta.visible) { result.push(meta); } } return result; } getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas() { return this._getSortedDatasetMetas(true); } _drawDatasets() { if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetsDraw", { cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } const metasets = this.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas(); for (let i = metasets.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { this._drawDataset(metasets[i]); } this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetsDraw"); } _drawDataset(meta) { const ctx = this.ctx; const clip = meta._clip; const useClip = !clip.disabled; const area = getDatasetArea(meta) || this.chartArea; const args = { meta, index: meta.index, cancelable: true }; if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetDraw", args) === false) { return; } if (useClip) { clipArea(ctx, { left: clip.left === false ? 0 : area.left - clip.left, right: clip.right === false ? this.width : area.right + clip.right, top: === false ? 0 : -, bottom: clip.bottom === false ? this.height : area.bottom + clip.bottom }); } meta.controller.draw(); if (useClip) { unclipArea(ctx); } args.cancelable = false; this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetDraw", args); } isPointInArea(point) { return _isPointInArea(point, this.chartArea, this._minPadding); } getElementsAtEventForMode(e, mode, options, useFinalPosition) { const method = Interaction.modes[mode]; if (typeof method === "function") { return method(this, e, options, useFinalPosition); } return []; } getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex) { const dataset =[datasetIndex]; const metasets = this._metasets; let meta = metasets.filter((x) => x && x._dataset === dataset).pop(); if (!meta) { meta = { type: null, data: [], dataset: null, controller: null, hidden: null, xAxisID: null, yAxisID: null, order: dataset && dataset.order || 0, index: datasetIndex, _dataset: dataset, _parsed: [], _sorted: false }; metasets.push(meta); } return meta; } getContext() { return this.$context || (this.$context = createContext(null, { chart: this, type: "chart" })); } getVisibleDatasetCount() { return this.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas().length; } isDatasetVisible(datasetIndex) { const dataset =[datasetIndex]; if (!dataset) { return false; } const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); return typeof meta.hidden === "boolean" ? !meta.hidden : !dataset.hidden; } setDatasetVisibility(datasetIndex, visible) { const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); meta.hidden = !visible; } toggleDataVisibility(index) { this._hiddenIndices[index] = !this._hiddenIndices[index]; } getDataVisibility(index) { return !this._hiddenIndices[index]; } _updateVisibility(datasetIndex, dataIndex, visible) { const mode = visible ? "show" : "hide"; const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); const anims = meta.controller._resolveAnimations(void 0, mode); if (defined(dataIndex)) {[dataIndex].hidden = !visible; this.update(); } else { this.setDatasetVisibility(datasetIndex, visible); anims.update(meta, { visible }); this.update((ctx) => ctx.datasetIndex === datasetIndex ? mode : void 0); } } hide(datasetIndex, dataIndex) { this._updateVisibility(datasetIndex, dataIndex, false); } show(datasetIndex, dataIndex) { this._updateVisibility(datasetIndex, dataIndex, true); } _destroyDatasetMeta(datasetIndex) { const meta = this._metasets[datasetIndex]; if (meta && meta.controller) { meta.controller._destroy(); } delete this._metasets[datasetIndex]; } _stop() { let i, ilen; this.stop(); animator.remove(this); for (i = 0, ilen =; i < ilen; ++i) { this._destroyDatasetMeta(i); } } destroy() { this.notifyPlugins("beforeDestroy"); const { canvas, ctx } = this; this._stop(); this.config.clearCache(); if (canvas) { this.unbindEvents(); clearCanvas(canvas, ctx); this.platform.releaseContext(ctx); this.canvas = null; this.ctx = null; } delete instances[]; this.notifyPlugins("afterDestroy"); } toBase64Image(...args) { return this.canvas.toDataURL(...args); } bindEvents() { this.bindUserEvents(); if (this.options.responsive) { this.bindResponsiveEvents(); } else { this.attached = true; } } bindUserEvents() { const listeners = this._listeners; const platform = this.platform; const _add = (type, listener2) => { platform.addEventListener(this, type, listener2); listeners[type] = listener2; }; const listener = (e, x, y) => { e.offsetX = x; e.offsetY = y; this._eventHandler(e); }; each(, (type) => _add(type, listener)); } bindResponsiveEvents() { if (!this._responsiveListeners) { this._responsiveListeners = {}; } const listeners = this._responsiveListeners; const platform = this.platform; const _add = (type, listener2) => { platform.addEventListener(this, type, listener2); listeners[type] = listener2; }; const _remove = (type, listener2) => { if (listeners[type]) { platform.removeEventListener(this, type, listener2); delete listeners[type]; } }; const listener = (width, height) => { if (this.canvas) { this.resize(width, height); } }; let detached; const attached = () => { _remove("attach", attached); this.attached = true; this.resize(); _add("resize", listener); _add("detach", detached); }; detached = () => { this.attached = false; _remove("resize", listener); this._stop(); this._resize(0, 0); _add("attach", attached); }; if (platform.isAttached(this.canvas)) { attached(); } else { detached(); } } unbindEvents() { each(this._listeners, (listener, type) => { this.platform.removeEventListener(this, type, listener); }); this._listeners = {}; each(this._responsiveListeners, (listener, type) => { this.platform.removeEventListener(this, type, listener); }); this._responsiveListeners = void 0; } updateHoverStyle(items, mode, enabled) { const prefix = enabled ? "set" : "remove"; let meta, item, i, ilen; if (mode === "dataset") { meta = this.getDatasetMeta(items[0].datasetIndex); meta.controller["_" + prefix + "DatasetHoverStyle"](); } for (i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; ++i) { item = items[i]; const controller = item && this.getDatasetMeta(item.datasetIndex).controller; if (controller) { controller[prefix + "HoverStyle"](item.element, item.datasetIndex, item.index); } } } getActiveElements() { return this._active || []; } setActiveElements(activeElements) { const lastActive = this._active || []; const active ={ datasetIndex, index }) => { const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); if (!meta) { throw new Error("No dataset found at index " + datasetIndex); } return { datasetIndex, element:[index], index }; }); const changed = !_elementsEqual(active, lastActive); if (changed) { this._active = active; this._lastEvent = null; this._updateHoverStyles(active, lastActive); } } notifyPlugins(hook, args, filter) { return this._plugins.notify(this, hook, args, filter); } isPluginEnabled(pluginId) { return this._plugins._cache.filter((p) => === pluginId).length === 1; } _updateHoverStyles(active, lastActive, replay) { const hoverOptions = this.options.hover; const diff = (a, b) => a.filter((x) => !b.some((y) => x.datasetIndex === y.datasetIndex && x.index === y.index)); const deactivated = diff(lastActive, active); const activated = replay ? active : diff(active, lastActive); if (deactivated.length) { this.updateHoverStyle(deactivated, hoverOptions.mode, false); } if (activated.length && hoverOptions.mode) { this.updateHoverStyle(activated, hoverOptions.mode, true); } } _eventHandler(e, replay) { const args = { event: e, replay, cancelable: true, inChartArea: this.isPointInArea(e) }; const eventFilter = (plugin) => ( ||; if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeEvent", args, eventFilter) === false) { return; } const changed = this._handleEvent(e, replay, args.inChartArea); args.cancelable = false; this.notifyPlugins("afterEvent", args, eventFilter); if (changed || args.changed) { this.render(); } return this; } _handleEvent(e, replay, inChartArea) { const { _active: lastActive = [], options } = this; const useFinalPosition = replay; const active = this._getActiveElements(e, lastActive, inChartArea, useFinalPosition); const isClick = _isClickEvent(e); const lastEvent = determineLastEvent(e, this._lastEvent, inChartArea, isClick); if (inChartArea) { this._lastEvent = null; callback(options.onHover, [ e, active, this ], this); if (isClick) { callback(options.onClick, [ e, active, this ], this); } } const changed = !_elementsEqual(active, lastActive); if (changed || replay) { this._active = active; this._updateHoverStyles(active, lastActive, replay); } this._lastEvent = lastEvent; return changed; } _getActiveElements(e, lastActive, inChartArea, useFinalPosition) { if (e.type === "mouseout") { return []; } if (!inChartArea) { return lastActive; } const hoverOptions = this.options.hover; return this.getElementsAtEventForMode(e, hoverOptions.mode, hoverOptions, useFinalPosition); } }; __publicField(Chart, "defaults", defaults); __publicField(Chart, "instances", instances); __publicField(Chart, "overrides", overrides); __publicField(Chart, "registry", registry); __publicField(Chart, "version", version); __publicField(Chart, "getChart", getChart); function invalidatePlugins() { return each(Chart.instances, (chart) => chart._plugins.invalidate()); } function clipArc(ctx, element, endAngle) { const { startAngle, pixelMargin, x, y, outerRadius, innerRadius } = element; let angleMargin = pixelMargin / outerRadius; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, outerRadius, startAngle - angleMargin, endAngle + angleMargin); if (innerRadius > pixelMargin) { angleMargin = pixelMargin / innerRadius; ctx.arc(x, y, innerRadius, endAngle + angleMargin, startAngle - angleMargin, true); } else { ctx.arc(x, y, pixelMargin, endAngle + HALF_PI, startAngle - HALF_PI); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.clip(); } function toRadiusCorners(value) { return _readValueToProps(value, [ "outerStart", "outerEnd", "innerStart", "innerEnd" ]); } function parseBorderRadius$1(arc, innerRadius, outerRadius, angleDelta) { const o = toRadiusCorners(arc.options.borderRadius); const halfThickness = (outerRadius - innerRadius) / 2; const innerLimit = Math.min(halfThickness, angleDelta * innerRadius / 2); const computeOuterLimit = (val) => { const outerArcLimit = (outerRadius - Math.min(halfThickness, val)) * angleDelta / 2; return _limitValue(val, 0, Math.min(halfThickness, outerArcLimit)); }; return { outerStart: computeOuterLimit(o.outerStart), outerEnd: computeOuterLimit(o.outerEnd), innerStart: _limitValue(o.innerStart, 0, innerLimit), innerEnd: _limitValue(o.innerEnd, 0, innerLimit) }; } function rThetaToXY(r, theta, x, y) { return { x: x + r * Math.cos(theta), y: y + r * Math.sin(theta) }; } function pathArc(ctx, element, offset, spacing, end, circular) { const { x, y, startAngle: start, pixelMargin, innerRadius: innerR } = element; const outerRadius = Math.max(element.outerRadius + spacing + offset - pixelMargin, 0); const innerRadius = innerR > 0 ? innerR + spacing + offset + pixelMargin : 0; let spacingOffset = 0; const alpha2 = end - start; if (spacing) { const noSpacingInnerRadius = innerR > 0 ? innerR - spacing : 0; const noSpacingOuterRadius = outerRadius > 0 ? outerRadius - spacing : 0; const avNogSpacingRadius = (noSpacingInnerRadius + noSpacingOuterRadius) / 2; const adjustedAngle = avNogSpacingRadius !== 0 ? alpha2 * avNogSpacingRadius / (avNogSpacingRadius + spacing) : alpha2; spacingOffset = (alpha2 - adjustedAngle) / 2; } const beta = Math.max(1e-3, alpha2 * outerRadius - offset / PI) / outerRadius; const angleOffset = (alpha2 - beta) / 2; const startAngle = start + angleOffset + spacingOffset; const endAngle = end - angleOffset - spacingOffset; const { outerStart, outerEnd, innerStart, innerEnd } = parseBorderRadius$1(element, innerRadius, outerRadius, endAngle - startAngle); const outerStartAdjustedRadius = outerRadius - outerStart; const outerEndAdjustedRadius = outerRadius - outerEnd; const outerStartAdjustedAngle = startAngle + outerStart / outerStartAdjustedRadius; const outerEndAdjustedAngle = endAngle - outerEnd / outerEndAdjustedRadius; const innerStartAdjustedRadius = innerRadius + innerStart; const innerEndAdjustedRadius = innerRadius + innerEnd; const innerStartAdjustedAngle = startAngle + innerStart / innerStartAdjustedRadius; const innerEndAdjustedAngle = endAngle - innerEnd / innerEndAdjustedRadius; ctx.beginPath(); if (circular) { const outerMidAdjustedAngle = (outerStartAdjustedAngle + outerEndAdjustedAngle) / 2; ctx.arc(x, y, outerRadius, outerStartAdjustedAngle, outerMidAdjustedAngle); ctx.arc(x, y, outerRadius, outerMidAdjustedAngle, outerEndAdjustedAngle); if (outerEnd > 0) { const pCenter = rThetaToXY(outerEndAdjustedRadius, outerEndAdjustedAngle, x, y); ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, outerEnd, outerEndAdjustedAngle, endAngle + HALF_PI); } const p4 = rThetaToXY(innerEndAdjustedRadius, endAngle, x, y); ctx.lineTo(p4.x, p4.y); if (innerEnd > 0) { const pCenter = rThetaToXY(innerEndAdjustedRadius, innerEndAdjustedAngle, x, y); ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, innerEnd, endAngle + HALF_PI, innerEndAdjustedAngle + Math.PI); } const innerMidAdjustedAngle = (endAngle - innerEnd / innerRadius + (startAngle + innerStart / innerRadius)) / 2; ctx.arc(x, y, innerRadius, endAngle - innerEnd / innerRadius, innerMidAdjustedAngle, true); ctx.arc(x, y, innerRadius, innerMidAdjustedAngle, startAngle + innerStart / innerRadius, true); if (innerStart > 0) { const pCenter = rThetaToXY(innerStartAdjustedRadius, innerStartAdjustedAngle, x, y); ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, innerStart, innerStartAdjustedAngle + Math.PI, startAngle - HALF_PI); } const p8 = rThetaToXY(outerStartAdjustedRadius, startAngle, x, y); ctx.lineTo(p8.x, p8.y); if (outerStart > 0) { const pCenter = rThetaToXY(outerStartAdjustedRadius, outerStartAdjustedAngle, x, y); ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, outerStart, startAngle - HALF_PI, outerStartAdjustedAngle); } } else { ctx.moveTo(x, y); const outerStartX = Math.cos(outerStartAdjustedAngle) * outerRadius + x; const outerStartY = Math.sin(outerStartAdjustedAngle) * outerRadius + y; ctx.lineTo(outerStartX, outerStartY); const outerEndX = Math.cos(outerEndAdjustedAngle) * outerRadius + x; const outerEndY = Math.sin(outerEndAdjustedAngle) * outerRadius + y; ctx.lineTo(outerEndX, outerEndY); } ctx.closePath(); } function drawArc(ctx, element, offset, spacing, circular) { const { fullCircles, startAngle, circumference } = element; let endAngle = element.endAngle; if (fullCircles) { pathArc(ctx, element, offset, spacing, endAngle, circular); for (let i = 0; i < fullCircles; ++i) { ctx.fill(); } if (!isNaN(circumference)) { endAngle = startAngle + (circumference % TAU || TAU); } } pathArc(ctx, element, offset, spacing, endAngle, circular); ctx.fill(); return endAngle; } function drawBorder(ctx, element, offset, spacing, circular) { const { fullCircles, startAngle, circumference, options } = element; const { borderWidth, borderJoinStyle, borderDash, borderDashOffset } = options; const inner = options.borderAlign === "inner"; if (!borderWidth) { return; } ctx.setLineDash(borderDash || []); ctx.lineDashOffset = borderDashOffset; if (inner) { ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth * 2; ctx.lineJoin = borderJoinStyle || "round"; } else { ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth; ctx.lineJoin = borderJoinStyle || "bevel"; } let endAngle = element.endAngle; if (fullCircles) { pathArc(ctx, element, offset, spacing, endAngle, circular); for (let i = 0; i < fullCircles; ++i) { ctx.stroke(); } if (!isNaN(circumference)) { endAngle = startAngle + (circumference % TAU || TAU); } } if (inner) { clipArc(ctx, element, endAngle); } if (!fullCircles) { pathArc(ctx, element, offset, spacing, endAngle, circular); ctx.stroke(); } } var ArcElement = class extends Element { constructor(cfg) { super(); __publicField(this, "circumference"); __publicField(this, "endAngle"); __publicField(this, "fullCircles"); __publicField(this, "innerRadius"); __publicField(this, "outerRadius"); __publicField(this, "pixelMargin"); __publicField(this, "startAngle"); this.options = void 0; this.circumference = void 0; this.startAngle = void 0; this.endAngle = void 0; this.innerRadius = void 0; this.outerRadius = void 0; this.pixelMargin = 0; this.fullCircles = 0; if (cfg) { Object.assign(this, cfg); } } inRange(chartX, chartY, useFinalPosition) { const point = this.getProps([ "x", "y" ], useFinalPosition); const { angle, distance } = getAngleFromPoint(point, { x: chartX, y: chartY }); const { startAngle, endAngle, innerRadius, outerRadius, circumference } = this.getProps([ "startAngle", "endAngle", "innerRadius", "outerRadius", "circumference" ], useFinalPosition); const rAdjust = (this.options.spacing + this.options.borderWidth) / 2; const _circumference = valueOrDefault(circumference, endAngle - startAngle); const betweenAngles = _circumference >= TAU || _angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle); const withinRadius = _isBetween(distance, innerRadius + rAdjust, outerRadius + rAdjust); return betweenAngles && withinRadius; } getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition) { const { x, y, startAngle, endAngle, innerRadius, outerRadius } = this.getProps([ "x", "y", "startAngle", "endAngle", "innerRadius", "outerRadius" ], useFinalPosition); const { offset, spacing } = this.options; const halfAngle = (startAngle + endAngle) / 2; const halfRadius = (innerRadius + outerRadius + spacing + offset) / 2; return { x: x + Math.cos(halfAngle) * halfRadius, y: y + Math.sin(halfAngle) * halfRadius }; } tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition) { return this.getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition); } draw(ctx) { const { options, circumference } = this; const offset = (options.offset || 0) / 4; const spacing = (options.spacing || 0) / 2; const circular = options.circular; this.pixelMargin = options.borderAlign === "inner" ? 0.33 : 0; this.fullCircles = circumference > TAU ? Math.floor(circumference / TAU) : 0; if (circumference === 0 || this.innerRadius < 0 || this.outerRadius < 0) { return; }; const halfAngle = (this.startAngle + this.endAngle) / 2; ctx.translate(Math.cos(halfAngle) * offset, Math.sin(halfAngle) * offset); const fix = 1 - Math.sin(Math.min(PI, circumference || 0)); const radiusOffset = offset * fix; ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor; ctx.strokeStyle = options.borderColor; drawArc(ctx, this, radiusOffset, spacing, circular); drawBorder(ctx, this, radiusOffset, spacing, circular); ctx.restore(); } }; __publicField(ArcElement, "id", "arc"); __publicField(ArcElement, "defaults", { borderAlign: "center", borderColor: "#fff", borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0, borderJoinStyle: void 0, borderRadius: 0, borderWidth: 2, offset: 0, spacing: 0, angle: void 0, circular: true }); __publicField(ArcElement, "defaultRoutes", { backgroundColor: "backgroundColor" }); __publicField(ArcElement, "descriptors", { _scriptable: true, _indexable: (name) => name !== "borderDash" }); function getBarBounds(bar, useFinalPosition) { const { x, y, base, width, height } = bar.getProps([ "x", "y", "base", "width", "height" ], useFinalPosition); let left, right, top, bottom, half; if (bar.horizontal) { half = height / 2; left = Math.min(x, base); right = Math.max(x, base); top = y - half; bottom = y + half; } else { half = width / 2; left = x - half; right = x + half; top = Math.min(y, base); bottom = Math.max(y, base); } return { left, top, right, bottom }; } function skipOrLimit(skip2, value, min, max) { return skip2 ? 0 : _limitValue(value, min, max); } function parseBorderWidth(bar, maxW, maxH) { const value = bar.options.borderWidth; const skip2 = bar.borderSkipped; const o = toTRBL(value); return { t: skipOrLimit(,, 0, maxH), r: skipOrLimit(skip2.right, o.right, 0, maxW), b: skipOrLimit(skip2.bottom, o.bottom, 0, maxH), l: skipOrLimit(skip2.left, o.left, 0, maxW) }; } function parseBorderRadius(bar, maxW, maxH) { const { enableBorderRadius } = bar.getProps([ "enableBorderRadius" ]); const value = bar.options.borderRadius; const o = toTRBLCorners(value); const maxR = Math.min(maxW, maxH); const skip2 = bar.borderSkipped; const enableBorder = enableBorderRadius || isObject(value); return { topLeft: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || || skip2.left, o.topLeft, 0, maxR), topRight: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || || skip2.right, o.topRight, 0, maxR), bottomLeft: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || skip2.bottom || skip2.left, o.bottomLeft, 0, maxR), bottomRight: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || skip2.bottom || skip2.right, o.bottomRight, 0, maxR) }; } function boundingRects(bar) { const bounds = getBarBounds(bar); const width = bounds.right - bounds.left; const height = bounds.bottom -; const border = parseBorderWidth(bar, width / 2, height / 2); const radius = parseBorderRadius(bar, width / 2, height / 2); return { outer: { x: bounds.left, y:, w: width, h: height, radius }, inner: { x: bounds.left + border.l, y: + border.t, w: width - border.l - border.r, h: height - border.t - border.b, radius: { topLeft: Math.max(0, radius.topLeft - Math.max(border.t, border.l)), topRight: Math.max(0, radius.topRight - Math.max(border.t, border.r)), bottomLeft: Math.max(0, radius.bottomLeft - Math.max(border.b, border.l)), bottomRight: Math.max(0, radius.bottomRight - Math.max(border.b, border.r)) } } }; } function inRange(bar, x, y, useFinalPosition) { const skipX = x === null; const skipY = y === null; const skipBoth = skipX && skipY; const bounds = bar && !skipBoth && getBarBounds(bar, useFinalPosition); return bounds && (skipX || _isBetween(x, bounds.left, bounds.right)) && (skipY || _isBetween(y,, bounds.bottom)); } function hasRadius(radius) { return radius.topLeft || radius.topRight || radius.bottomLeft || radius.bottomRight; } function addNormalRectPath(ctx, rect) { ctx.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); } function inflateRect(rect, amount, refRect = {}) { const x = rect.x !== refRect.x ? -amount : 0; const y = rect.y !== refRect.y ? -amount : 0; const w = (rect.x + rect.w !== refRect.x + refRect.w ? amount : 0) - x; const h4 = (rect.y + rect.h !== refRect.y + refRect.h ? amount : 0) - y; return { x: rect.x + x, y: rect.y + y, w: rect.w + w, h: rect.h + h4, radius: rect.radius }; } var BarElement = class extends Element { constructor(cfg) { super(); this.options = void 0; this.horizontal = void 0; this.base = void 0; this.width = void 0; this.height = void 0; this.inflateAmount = void 0; if (cfg) { Object.assign(this, cfg); } } draw(ctx) { const { inflateAmount, options: { borderColor, backgroundColor } } = this; const { inner, outer } = boundingRects(this); const addRectPath = hasRadius(outer.radius) ? addRoundedRectPath : addNormalRectPath;; if (outer.w !== inner.w || outer.h !== inner.h) { ctx.beginPath(); addRectPath(ctx, inflateRect(outer, inflateAmount, inner)); ctx.clip(); addRectPath(ctx, inflateRect(inner, -inflateAmount, outer)); ctx.fillStyle = borderColor; ctx.fill("evenodd"); } ctx.beginPath(); addRectPath(ctx, inflateRect(inner, inflateAmount)); ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor; ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } inRange(mouseX, mouseY, useFinalPosition) { return inRange(this, mouseX, mouseY, useFinalPosition); } inXRange(mouseX, useFinalPosition) { return inRange(this, mouseX, null, useFinalPosition); } inYRange(mouseY, useFinalPosition) { return inRange(this, null, mouseY, useFinalPosition); } getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition) { const { x, y, base, horizontal } = this.getProps([ "x", "y", "base", "horizontal" ], useFinalPosition); return { x: horizontal ? (x + base) / 2 : x, y: horizontal ? y : (y + base) / 2 }; } getRange(axis) { return axis === "x" ? this.width / 2 : this.height / 2; } }; __publicField(BarElement, "id", "bar"); __publicField(BarElement, "defaults", { borderSkipped: "start", borderWidth: 0, borderRadius: 0, inflateAmount: "auto", pointStyle: void 0 }); __publicField(BarElement, "defaultRoutes", { backgroundColor: "backgroundColor", borderColor: "borderColor" }); var getBoxSize = (labelOpts, fontSize) => { let { boxHeight = fontSize, boxWidth = fontSize } = labelOpts; if (labelOpts.usePointStyle) { boxHeight = Math.min(boxHeight, fontSize); boxWidth = labelOpts.pointStyleWidth || Math.min(boxWidth, fontSize); } return { boxWidth, boxHeight, itemHeight: Math.max(fontSize, boxHeight) }; }; var itemsEqual = (a, b) => a !== null && b !== null && a.datasetIndex === b.datasetIndex && a.index === b.index; var Legend = class extends Element { constructor(config) { super(); this._added = false; this.legendHitBoxes = []; this._hoveredItem = null; this.doughnutMode = false; this.chart = config.chart; this.options = config.options; this.ctx = config.ctx; this.legendItems = void 0; this.columnSizes = void 0; this.lineWidths = void 0; this.maxHeight = void 0; this.maxWidth = void 0; = void 0; this.bottom = void 0; this.left = void 0; this.right = void 0; this.height = void 0; this.width = void 0; this._margins = void 0; this.position = void 0; this.weight = void 0; this.fullSize = void 0; } update(maxWidth, maxHeight, margins) { this.maxWidth = maxWidth; this.maxHeight = maxHeight; this._margins = margins; this.setDimensions(); this.buildLabels();; } setDimensions() { if (this.isHorizontal()) { this.width = this.maxWidth; this.left = this._margins.left; this.right = this.width; } else { this.height = this.maxHeight; =; this.bottom = this.height; } } buildLabels() { const labelOpts = this.options.labels || {}; let legendItems = callback(labelOpts.generateLabels, [ this.chart ], this) || []; if (labelOpts.filter) { legendItems = legendItems.filter((item) => labelOpts.filter(item,; } if (labelOpts.sort) { legendItems = legendItems.sort((a, b) => labelOpts.sort(a, b,; } if (this.options.reverse) { legendItems.reverse(); } this.legendItems = legendItems; } fit() { const { options, ctx } = this; if (!options.display) { this.width = this.height = 0; return; } const labelOpts = options.labels; const labelFont = toFont(labelOpts.font); const fontSize = labelFont.size; const titleHeight = this._computeTitleHeight(); const { boxWidth, itemHeight } = getBoxSize(labelOpts, fontSize); let width, height; ctx.font = labelFont.string; if (this.isHorizontal()) { width = this.maxWidth; height = this._fitRows(titleHeight, fontSize, boxWidth, itemHeight) + 10; } else { height = this.maxHeight; width = this._fitCols(titleHeight, labelFont, boxWidth, itemHeight) + 10; } this.width = Math.min(width, options.maxWidth || this.maxWidth); this.height = Math.min(height, options.maxHeight || this.maxHeight); } _fitRows(titleHeight, fontSize, boxWidth, itemHeight) { const { ctx, maxWidth, options: { labels: { padding } } } = this; const hitboxes = this.legendHitBoxes = []; const lineWidths = this.lineWidths = [ 0 ]; const lineHeight = itemHeight + padding; let totalHeight = titleHeight; ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; let row = -1; let top = -lineHeight; this.legendItems.forEach((legendItem, i) => { const itemWidth = boxWidth + fontSize / 2 + ctx.measureText(legendItem.text).width; if (i === 0 || lineWidths[lineWidths.length - 1] + itemWidth + 2 * padding > maxWidth) { totalHeight += lineHeight; lineWidths[lineWidths.length - (i > 0 ? 0 : 1)] = 0; top += lineHeight; row++; } hitboxes[i] = { left: 0, top, row, width: itemWidth, height: itemHeight }; lineWidths[lineWidths.length - 1] += itemWidth + padding; }); return totalHeight; } _fitCols(titleHeight, labelFont, boxWidth, _itemHeight) { const { ctx, maxHeight, options: { labels: { padding } } } = this; const hitboxes = this.legendHitBoxes = []; const columnSizes = this.columnSizes = []; const heightLimit = maxHeight - titleHeight; let totalWidth = padding; let currentColWidth = 0; let currentColHeight = 0; let left = 0; let col = 0; this.legendItems.forEach((legendItem, i) => { const { itemWidth, itemHeight } = calculateItemSize(boxWidth, labelFont, ctx, legendItem, _itemHeight); if (i > 0 && currentColHeight + itemHeight + 2 * padding > heightLimit) { totalWidth += currentColWidth + padding; columnSizes.push({ width: currentColWidth, height: currentColHeight }); left += currentColWidth + padding; col++; currentColWidth = currentColHeight = 0; } hitboxes[i] = { left, top: currentColHeight, col, width: itemWidth, height: itemHeight }; currentColWidth = Math.max(currentColWidth, itemWidth); currentColHeight += itemHeight + padding; }); totalWidth += currentColWidth; columnSizes.push({ width: currentColWidth, height: currentColHeight }); return totalWidth; } adjustHitBoxes() { if (!this.options.display) { return; } const titleHeight = this._computeTitleHeight(); const { legendHitBoxes: hitboxes, options: { align, labels: { padding }, rtl } } = this; const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(rtl, this.left, this.width); if (this.isHorizontal()) { let row = 0; let left = _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - this.lineWidths[row]); for (const hitbox of hitboxes) { if (row !== hitbox.row) { row = hitbox.row; left = _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - this.lineWidths[row]); } += + titleHeight + padding; hitbox.left = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlHelper.x(left), hitbox.width); left += hitbox.width + padding; } } else { let col = 0; let top = _alignStartEnd(align, + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - this.columnSizes[col].height); for (const hitbox of hitboxes) { if (hitbox.col !== col) { col = hitbox.col; top = _alignStartEnd(align, + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - this.columnSizes[col].height); } = top; hitbox.left += this.left + padding; hitbox.left = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlHelper.x(hitbox.left), hitbox.width); top += hitbox.height + padding; } } } isHorizontal() { return this.options.position === "top" || this.options.position === "bottom"; } draw() { if (this.options.display) { const ctx = this.ctx; clipArea(ctx, this); this._draw(); unclipArea(ctx); } } _draw() { const { options: opts, columnSizes, lineWidths, ctx } = this; const { align, labels: labelOpts } = opts; const defaultColor = defaults.color; const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(opts.rtl, this.left, this.width); const labelFont = toFont(labelOpts.font); const { padding } = labelOpts; const fontSize = labelFont.size; const halfFontSize = fontSize / 2; let cursor; this.drawTitle(); ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign("left"); ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.lineWidth = 0.5; ctx.font = labelFont.string; const { boxWidth, boxHeight, itemHeight } = getBoxSize(labelOpts, fontSize); const drawLegendBox = function(x, y, legendItem) { if (isNaN(boxWidth) || boxWidth <= 0 || isNaN(boxHeight) || boxHeight < 0) { return; }; const lineWidth = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineWidth, 1); ctx.fillStyle = valueOrDefault(legendItem.fillStyle, defaultColor); ctx.lineCap = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineCap, "butt"); ctx.lineDashOffset = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineDashOffset, 0); ctx.lineJoin = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineJoin, "miter"); ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = valueOrDefault(legendItem.strokeStyle, defaultColor); ctx.setLineDash(valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineDash, [])); if (labelOpts.usePointStyle) { const drawOptions = { radius: boxHeight * Math.SQRT2 / 2, pointStyle: legendItem.pointStyle, rotation: legendItem.rotation, borderWidth: lineWidth }; const centerX = rtlHelper.xPlus(x, boxWidth / 2); const centerY = y + halfFontSize; drawPointLegend(ctx, drawOptions, centerX, centerY, labelOpts.pointStyleWidth && boxWidth); } else { const yBoxTop = y + Math.max((fontSize - boxHeight) / 2, 0); const xBoxLeft = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(x, boxWidth); const borderRadius = toTRBLCorners(legendItem.borderRadius); ctx.beginPath(); if (Object.values(borderRadius).some((v) => v !== 0)) { addRoundedRectPath(ctx, { x: xBoxLeft, y: yBoxTop, w: boxWidth, h: boxHeight, radius: borderRadius }); } else { ctx.rect(xBoxLeft, yBoxTop, boxWidth, boxHeight); } ctx.fill(); if (lineWidth !== 0) { ctx.stroke(); } } ctx.restore(); }; const fillText = function(x, y, legendItem) { renderText(ctx, legendItem.text, x, y + itemHeight / 2, labelFont, { strikethrough: legendItem.hidden, textAlign: rtlHelper.textAlign(legendItem.textAlign) }); }; const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal(); const titleHeight = this._computeTitleHeight(); if (isHorizontal) { cursor = { x: _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - lineWidths[0]), y: + padding + titleHeight, line: 0 }; } else { cursor = { x: this.left + padding, y: _alignStartEnd(align, + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - columnSizes[0].height), line: 0 }; } overrideTextDirection(this.ctx, opts.textDirection); const lineHeight = itemHeight + padding; this.legendItems.forEach((legendItem, i) => { ctx.strokeStyle = legendItem.fontColor; ctx.fillStyle = legendItem.fontColor; const textWidth = ctx.measureText(legendItem.text).width; const textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(legendItem.textAlign || (legendItem.textAlign = labelOpts.textAlign)); const width = boxWidth + halfFontSize + textWidth; let x = cursor.x; let y = cursor.y; rtlHelper.setWidth(this.width); if (isHorizontal) { if (i > 0 && x + width + padding > this.right) { y = cursor.y += lineHeight; cursor.line++; x = cursor.x = _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - lineWidths[cursor.line]); } } else if (i > 0 && y + lineHeight > this.bottom) { x = cursor.x = x + columnSizes[cursor.line].width + padding; cursor.line++; y = cursor.y = _alignStartEnd(align, + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - columnSizes[cursor.line].height); } const realX = rtlHelper.x(x); drawLegendBox(realX, y, legendItem); x = _textX(textAlign, x + boxWidth + halfFontSize, isHorizontal ? x + width : this.right, opts.rtl); fillText(rtlHelper.x(x), y, legendItem); if (isHorizontal) { cursor.x += width + padding; } else if (typeof legendItem.text !== "string") { const fontLineHeight = labelFont.lineHeight; cursor.y += calculateLegendItemHeight(legendItem, fontLineHeight) + padding; } else { cursor.y += lineHeight; } }); restoreTextDirection(this.ctx, opts.textDirection); } drawTitle() { const opts = this.options; const titleOpts = opts.title; const titleFont = toFont(titleOpts.font); const titlePadding = toPadding(titleOpts.padding); if (!titleOpts.display) { return; } const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(opts.rtl, this.left, this.width); const ctx = this.ctx; const position = titleOpts.position; const halfFontSize = titleFont.size / 2; const topPaddingPlusHalfFontSize = + halfFontSize; let y; let left = this.left; let maxWidth = this.width; if (this.isHorizontal()) { maxWidth = Math.max(...this.lineWidths); y = + topPaddingPlusHalfFontSize; left = _alignStartEnd(opts.align, left, this.right - maxWidth); } else { const maxHeight = this.columnSizes.reduce((acc, size) => Math.max(acc, size.height), 0); y = topPaddingPlusHalfFontSize + _alignStartEnd(opts.align,, this.bottom - maxHeight - opts.labels.padding - this._computeTitleHeight()); } const x = _alignStartEnd(position, left, left + maxWidth); ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(_toLeftRightCenter(position)); ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.strokeStyle = titleOpts.color; ctx.fillStyle = titleOpts.color; ctx.font = titleFont.string; renderText(ctx, titleOpts.text, x, y, titleFont); } _computeTitleHeight() { const titleOpts = this.options.title; const titleFont = toFont(titleOpts.font); const titlePadding = toPadding(titleOpts.padding); return titleOpts.display ? titleFont.lineHeight + titlePadding.height : 0; } _getLegendItemAt(x, y) { let i, hitBox, lh; if (_isBetween(x, this.left, this.right) && _isBetween(y,, this.bottom)) { lh = this.legendHitBoxes; for (i = 0; i < lh.length; ++i) { hitBox = lh[i]; if (_isBetween(x, hitBox.left, hitBox.left + hitBox.width) && _isBetween(y,, + hitBox.height)) { return this.legendItems[i]; } } } return null; } handleEvent(e) { const opts = this.options; if (!isListened(e.type, opts)) { return; } const hoveredItem = this._getLegendItemAt(e.x, e.y); if (e.type === "mousemove" || e.type === "mouseout") { const previous = this._hoveredItem; const sameItem = itemsEqual(previous, hoveredItem); if (previous && !sameItem) { callback(opts.onLeave, [ e, previous, this ], this); } this._hoveredItem = hoveredItem; if (hoveredItem && !sameItem) { callback(opts.onHover, [ e, hoveredItem, this ], this); } } else if (hoveredItem) { callback(opts.onClick, [ e, hoveredItem, this ], this); } } }; function calculateItemSize(boxWidth, labelFont, ctx, legendItem, _itemHeight) { const itemWidth = calculateItemWidth(legendItem, boxWidth, labelFont, ctx); const itemHeight = calculateItemHeight(_itemHeight, legendItem, labelFont.lineHeight); return { itemWidth, itemHeight }; } function calculateItemWidth(legendItem, boxWidth, labelFont, ctx) { let legendItemText = legendItem.text; if (legendItemText && typeof legendItemText !== "string") { legendItemText = legendItemText.reduce((a, b) => a.length > b.length ? a : b); } return boxWidth + labelFont.size / 2 + ctx.measureText(legendItemText).width; } function calculateItemHeight(_itemHeight, legendItem, fontLineHeight) { let itemHeight = _itemHeight; if (typeof legendItem.text !== "string") { itemHeight = calculateLegendItemHeight(legendItem, fontLineHeight); } return itemHeight; } function calculateLegendItemHeight(legendItem, fontLineHeight) { const labelHeight = legendItem.text ? legendItem.text.length : 0; return fontLineHeight * labelHeight; } function isListened(type, opts) { if ((type === "mousemove" || type === "mouseout") && (opts.onHover || opts.onLeave)) { return true; } if (opts.onClick && (type === "click" || type === "mouseup")) { return true; } return false; } var plugin_legend = { id: "legend", _element: Legend, start(chart, _args, options) { const legend = chart.legend = new Legend({ ctx: chart.ctx, options, chart }); layouts.configure(chart, legend, options); layouts.addBox(chart, legend); }, stop(chart) { layouts.removeBox(chart, chart.legend); delete chart.legend; }, beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) { const legend = chart.legend; layouts.configure(chart, legend, options); legend.options = options; }, afterUpdate(chart) { const legend = chart.legend; legend.buildLabels(); legend.adjustHitBoxes(); }, afterEvent(chart, args) { if (!args.replay) { chart.legend.handleEvent(args.event); } }, defaults: { display: true, position: "top", align: "center", fullSize: true, reverse: false, weight: 1e3, onClick(e, legendItem, legend) { const index = legendItem.datasetIndex; const ci = legend.chart; if (ci.isDatasetVisible(index)) { ci.hide(index); legendItem.hidden = true; } else {; legendItem.hidden = false; } }, onHover: null, onLeave: null, labels: { color: (ctx) => ctx.chart.options.color, boxWidth: 40, padding: 10, generateLabels(chart) { const datasets =; const { labels: { usePointStyle, pointStyle, textAlign, color: color2, useBorderRadius, borderRadius } } = chart.legend.options; return chart._getSortedDatasetMetas().map((meta) => { const style = meta.controller.getStyle(usePointStyle ? 0 : void 0); const borderWidth = toPadding(style.borderWidth); return { text: datasets[meta.index].label, fillStyle: style.backgroundColor, fontColor: color2, hidden: !meta.visible, lineCap: style.borderCapStyle, lineDash: style.borderDash, lineDashOffset: style.borderDashOffset, lineJoin: style.borderJoinStyle, lineWidth: (borderWidth.width + borderWidth.height) / 4, strokeStyle: style.borderColor, pointStyle: pointStyle || style.pointStyle, rotation: style.rotation, textAlign: textAlign || style.textAlign, borderRadius: useBorderRadius && (borderRadius || style.borderRadius), datasetIndex: meta.index }; }, this); } }, title: { color: (ctx) => ctx.chart.options.color, display: false, position: "center", text: "" } }, descriptors: { _scriptable: (name) => !name.startsWith("on"), labels: { _scriptable: (name) => ![ "generateLabels", "filter", "sort" ].includes(name) } } }; var Title = class extends Element { constructor(config) { super(); this.chart = config.chart; this.options = config.options; this.ctx = config.ctx; this._padding = void 0; = void 0; this.bottom = void 0; this.left = void 0; this.right = void 0; this.width = void 0; this.height = void 0; this.position = void 0; this.weight = void 0; this.fullSize = void 0; } update(maxWidth, maxHeight) { const opts = this.options; this.left = 0; = 0; if (!opts.display) { this.width = this.height = this.right = this.bottom = 0; return; } this.width = this.right = maxWidth; this.height = this.bottom = maxHeight; const lineCount = isArray(opts.text) ? opts.text.length : 1; this._padding = toPadding(opts.padding); const textSize = lineCount * toFont(opts.font).lineHeight + this._padding.height; if (this.isHorizontal()) { this.height = textSize; } else { this.width = textSize; } } isHorizontal() { const pos = this.options.position; return pos === "top" || pos === "bottom"; } _drawArgs(offset) { const { top, left, bottom, right, options } = this; const align = options.align; let rotation = 0; let maxWidth, titleX, titleY; if (this.isHorizontal()) { titleX = _alignStartEnd(align, left, right); titleY = top + offset; maxWidth = right - left; } else { if (options.position === "left") { titleX = left + offset; titleY = _alignStartEnd(align, bottom, top); rotation = PI * -0.5; } else { titleX = right - offset; titleY = _alignStartEnd(align, top, bottom); rotation = PI * 0.5; } maxWidth = bottom - top; } return { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation }; } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; const opts = this.options; if (!opts.display) { return; } const fontOpts = toFont(opts.font); const lineHeight = fontOpts.lineHeight; const offset = lineHeight / 2 +; const { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation } = this._drawArgs(offset); renderText(ctx, opts.text, 0, 0, fontOpts, { color: opts.color, maxWidth, rotation, textAlign: _toLeftRightCenter(opts.align), textBaseline: "middle", translation: [ titleX, titleY ] }); } }; function createTitle(chart, titleOpts) { const title = new Title({ ctx: chart.ctx, options: titleOpts, chart }); layouts.configure(chart, title, titleOpts); layouts.addBox(chart, title); chart.titleBlock = title; } var plugin_title = { id: "title", _element: Title, start(chart, _args, options) { createTitle(chart, options); }, stop(chart) { const titleBlock = chart.titleBlock; layouts.removeBox(chart, titleBlock); delete chart.titleBlock; }, beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) { const title = chart.titleBlock; layouts.configure(chart, title, options); title.options = options; }, defaults: { align: "center", display: false, font: { weight: "bold" }, fullSize: true, padding: 10, position: "top", text: "", weight: 2e3 }, defaultRoutes: { color: "color" }, descriptors: { _scriptable: true, _indexable: false } }; var map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); var plugin_subtitle = { id: "subtitle", start(chart, _args, options) { const title = new Title({ ctx: chart.ctx, options, chart }); layouts.configure(chart, title, options); layouts.addBox(chart, title); map2.set(chart, title); }, stop(chart) { layouts.removeBox(chart, map2.get(chart)); map2.delete(chart); }, beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) { const title = map2.get(chart); layouts.configure(chart, title, options); title.options = options; }, defaults: { align: "center", display: false, font: { weight: "normal" }, fullSize: true, padding: 0, position: "top", text: "", weight: 1500 }, defaultRoutes: { color: "color" }, descriptors: { _scriptable: true, _indexable: false } }; var positioners = { average(items) { if (!items.length) { return false; } let i, len; let x = 0; let y = 0; let count = 0; for (i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; ++i) { const el = items[i].element; if (el && el.hasValue()) { const pos = el.tooltipPosition(); x += pos.x; y += pos.y; ++count; } } return { x: x / count, y: y / count }; }, nearest(items, eventPosition) { if (!items.length) { return false; } let x = eventPosition.x; let y = eventPosition.y; let minDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let i, len, nearestElement; for (i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; ++i) { const el = items[i].element; if (el && el.hasValue()) { const center = el.getCenterPoint(); const d = distanceBetweenPoints(eventPosition, center); if (d < minDistance) { minDistance = d; nearestElement = el; } } } if (nearestElement) { const tp = nearestElement.tooltipPosition(); x = tp.x; y = tp.y; } return { x, y }; } }; function pushOrConcat(base, toPush) { if (toPush) { if (isArray(toPush)) { Array.prototype.push.apply(base, toPush); } else { base.push(toPush); } } return base; } function splitNewlines(str) { if ((typeof str === "string" || str instanceof String) && str.indexOf("\n") > -1) { return str.split("\n"); } return str; } function createTooltipItem(chart, item) { const { element, datasetIndex, index } = item; const controller = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).controller; const { label, value } = controller.getLabelAndValue(index); return { chart, label, parsed: controller.getParsed(index), raw:[datasetIndex].data[index], formattedValue: value, dataset: controller.getDataset(), dataIndex: index, datasetIndex, element }; } function getTooltipSize(tooltip, options) { const ctx = tooltip.chart.ctx; const { body, footer, title } = tooltip; const { boxWidth, boxHeight } = options; const bodyFont = toFont(options.bodyFont); const titleFont = toFont(options.titleFont); const footerFont = toFont(options.footerFont); const titleLineCount = title.length; const footerLineCount = footer.length; const bodyLineItemCount = body.length; const padding = toPadding(options.padding); let height = padding.height; let width = 0; let combinedBodyLength = body.reduce((count, bodyItem) => count + bodyItem.before.length + bodyItem.lines.length + bodyItem.after.length, 0); combinedBodyLength += tooltip.beforeBody.length + tooltip.afterBody.length; if (titleLineCount) { height += titleLineCount * titleFont.lineHeight + (titleLineCount - 1) * options.titleSpacing + options.titleMarginBottom; } if (combinedBodyLength) { const bodyLineHeight = options.displayColors ? Math.max(boxHeight, bodyFont.lineHeight) : bodyFont.lineHeight; height += bodyLineItemCount * bodyLineHeight + (combinedBodyLength - bodyLineItemCount) * bodyFont.lineHeight + (combinedBodyLength - 1) * options.bodySpacing; } if (footerLineCount) { height += options.footerMarginTop + footerLineCount * footerFont.lineHeight + (footerLineCount - 1) * options.footerSpacing; } let widthPadding = 0; const maxLineWidth = function(line) { width = Math.max(width, ctx.measureText(line).width + widthPadding); };; ctx.font = titleFont.string; each(tooltip.title, maxLineWidth); ctx.font = bodyFont.string; each(tooltip.beforeBody.concat(tooltip.afterBody), maxLineWidth); widthPadding = options.displayColors ? boxWidth + 2 + options.boxPadding : 0; each(body, (bodyItem) => { each(bodyItem.before, maxLineWidth); each(bodyItem.lines, maxLineWidth); each(bodyItem.after, maxLineWidth); }); widthPadding = 0; ctx.font = footerFont.string; each(tooltip.footer, maxLineWidth); ctx.restore(); width += padding.width; return { width, height }; } function determineYAlign(chart, size) { const { y, height } = size; if (y < height / 2) { return "top"; } else if (y > chart.height - height / 2) { return "bottom"; } return "center"; } function doesNotFitWithAlign(xAlign, chart, options, size) { const { x, width } = size; const caret = options.caretSize + options.caretPadding; if (xAlign === "left" && x + width + caret > chart.width) { return true; } if (xAlign === "right" && x - width - caret < 0) { return true; } } function determineXAlign(chart, options, size, yAlign) { const { x, width } = size; const { width: chartWidth, chartArea: { left, right } } = chart; let xAlign = "center"; if (yAlign === "center") { xAlign = x <= (left + right) / 2 ? "left" : "right"; } else if (x <= width / 2) { xAlign = "left"; } else if (x >= chartWidth - width / 2) { xAlign = "right"; } if (doesNotFitWithAlign(xAlign, chart, options, size)) { xAlign = "center"; } return xAlign; } function determineAlignment(chart, options, size) { const yAlign = size.yAlign || options.yAlign || determineYAlign(chart, size); return { xAlign: size.xAlign || options.xAlign || determineXAlign(chart, options, size, yAlign), yAlign }; } function alignX(size, xAlign) { let { x, width } = size; if (xAlign === "right") { x -= width; } else if (xAlign === "center") { x -= width / 2; } return x; } function alignY(size, yAlign, paddingAndSize) { let { y, height } = size; if (yAlign === "top") { y += paddingAndSize; } else if (yAlign === "bottom") { y -= height + paddingAndSize; } else { y -= height / 2; } return y; } function getBackgroundPoint(options, size, alignment, chart) { const { caretSize, caretPadding, cornerRadius } = options; const { xAlign, yAlign } = alignment; const paddingAndSize = caretSize + caretPadding; const { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } = toTRBLCorners(cornerRadius); let x = alignX(size, xAlign); const y = alignY(size, yAlign, paddingAndSize); if (yAlign === "center") { if (xAlign === "left") { x += paddingAndSize; } else if (xAlign === "right") { x -= paddingAndSize; } } else if (xAlign === "left") { x -= Math.max(topLeft, bottomLeft) + caretSize; } else if (xAlign === "right") { x += Math.max(topRight, bottomRight) + caretSize; } return { x: _limitValue(x, 0, chart.width - size.width), y: _limitValue(y, 0, chart.height - size.height) }; } function getAlignedX(tooltip, align, options) { const padding = toPadding(options.padding); return align === "center" ? tooltip.x + tooltip.width / 2 : align === "right" ? tooltip.x + tooltip.width - padding.right : tooltip.x + padding.left; } function getBeforeAfterBodyLines(callback2) { return pushOrConcat([], splitNewlines(callback2)); } function createTooltipContext(parent, tooltip, tooltipItems) { return createContext(parent, { tooltip, tooltipItems, type: "tooltip" }); } function overrideCallbacks(callbacks, context) { const override = context && context.dataset && context.dataset.tooltip && context.dataset.tooltip.callbacks; return override ? callbacks.override(override) : callbacks; } var defaultCallbacks = { beforeTitle: noop, title(tooltipItems) { if (tooltipItems.length > 0) { const item = tooltipItems[0]; const labels =; const labelCount = labels ? labels.length : 0; if (this && this.options && this.options.mode === "dataset") { return item.dataset.label || ""; } else if (item.label) { return item.label; } else if (labelCount > 0 && item.dataIndex < labelCount) { return labels[item.dataIndex]; } } return ""; }, afterTitle: noop, beforeBody: noop, beforeLabel: noop, label(tooltipItem) { if (this && this.options && this.options.mode === "dataset") { return tooltipItem.label + ": " + tooltipItem.formattedValue || tooltipItem.formattedValue; } let label = tooltipItem.dataset.label || ""; if (label) { label += ": "; } const value = tooltipItem.formattedValue; if (!isNullOrUndef(value)) { label += value; } return label; }, labelColor(tooltipItem) { const meta = tooltipItem.chart.getDatasetMeta(tooltipItem.datasetIndex); const options = meta.controller.getStyle(tooltipItem.dataIndex); return { borderColor: options.borderColor, backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor, borderWidth: options.borderWidth, borderDash: options.borderDash, borderDashOffset: options.borderDashOffset, borderRadius: 0 }; }, labelTextColor() { return this.options.bodyColor; }, labelPointStyle(tooltipItem) { const meta = tooltipItem.chart.getDatasetMeta(tooltipItem.datasetIndex); const options = meta.controller.getStyle(tooltipItem.dataIndex); return { pointStyle: options.pointStyle, rotation: options.rotation }; }, afterLabel: noop, afterBody: noop, beforeFooter: noop, footer: noop, afterFooter: noop }; function invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, name, ctx, arg) { const result = callbacks[name].call(ctx, arg); if (typeof result === "undefined") { return defaultCallbacks[name].call(ctx, arg); } return result; } var Tooltip = class extends Element { constructor(config) { super(); this.opacity = 0; this._active = []; this._eventPosition = void 0; this._size = void 0; this._cachedAnimations = void 0; this._tooltipItems = []; this.$animations = void 0; this.$context = void 0; this.chart = config.chart; this.options = config.options; this.dataPoints = void 0; this.title = void 0; this.beforeBody = void 0; this.body = void 0; this.afterBody = void 0; this.footer = void 0; this.xAlign = void 0; this.yAlign = void 0; this.x = void 0; this.y = void 0; this.height = void 0; this.width = void 0; this.caretX = void 0; this.caretY = void 0; this.labelColors = void 0; this.labelPointStyles = void 0; this.labelTextColors = void 0; } initialize(options) { this.options = options; this._cachedAnimations = void 0; this.$context = void 0; } _resolveAnimations() { const cached = this._cachedAnimations; if (cached) { return cached; } const chart = this.chart; const options = this.options.setContext(this.getContext()); const opts = options.enabled && chart.options.animation && options.animations; const animations = new Animations(this.chart, opts); if (opts._cacheable) { this._cachedAnimations = Object.freeze(animations); } return animations; } getContext() { return this.$context || (this.$context = createTooltipContext(this.chart.getContext(), this, this._tooltipItems)); } getTitle(context, options) { const { callbacks } = options; const beforeTitle = invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, "beforeTitle", this, context); const title = invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, "title", this, context); const afterTitle = invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, "afterTitle", this, context); let lines = []; lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(beforeTitle)); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(title)); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(afterTitle)); return lines; } getBeforeBody(tooltipItems, options) { return getBeforeAfterBodyLines(invokeCallbackWithFallback(options.callbacks, "beforeBody", this, tooltipItems)); } getBody(tooltipItems, options) { const { callbacks } = options; const bodyItems = []; each(tooltipItems, (context) => { const bodyItem = { before: [], lines: [], after: [] }; const scoped = overrideCallbacks(callbacks, context); pushOrConcat(bodyItem.before, splitNewlines(invokeCallbackWithFallback(scoped, "beforeLabel", this, context))); pushOrConcat(bodyItem.lines, invokeCallbackWithFallback(scoped, "label", this, context)); pushOrConcat(bodyItem.after, splitNewlines(invokeCallbackWithFallback(scoped, "afterLabel", this, context))); bodyItems.push(bodyItem); }); return bodyItems; } getAfterBody(tooltipItems, options) { return getBeforeAfterBodyLines(invokeCallbackWithFallback(options.callbacks, "afterBody", this, tooltipItems)); } getFooter(tooltipItems, options) { const { callbacks } = options; const beforeFooter = invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, "beforeFooter", this, tooltipItems); const footer = invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, "footer", this, tooltipItems); const afterFooter = invokeCallbackWithFallback(callbacks, "afterFooter", this, tooltipItems); let lines = []; lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(beforeFooter)); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(footer)); lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(afterFooter)); return lines; } _createItems(options) { const active = this._active; const data =; const labelColors = []; const labelPointStyles = []; const labelTextColors = []; let tooltipItems = []; let i, len; for (i = 0, len = active.length; i < len; ++i) { tooltipItems.push(createTooltipItem(this.chart, active[i])); } if (options.filter) { tooltipItems = tooltipItems.filter((element, index, array) => options.filter(element, index, array, data)); } if (options.itemSort) { tooltipItems = tooltipItems.sort((a, b) => options.itemSort(a, b, data)); } each(tooltipItems, (context) => { const scoped = overrideCallbacks(options.callbacks, context); labelColors.push(invokeCallbackWithFallback(scoped, "labelColor", this, context)); labelPointStyles.push(invokeCallbackWithFallback(scoped, "labelPointStyle", this, context)); labelTextColors.push(invokeCallbackWithFallback(scoped, "labelTextColor", this, context)); }); this.labelColors = labelColors; this.labelPointStyles = labelPointStyles; this.labelTextColors = labelTextColors; this.dataPoints = tooltipItems; return tooltipItems; } update(changed, replay) { const options = this.options.setContext(this.getContext()); const active = this._active; let properties; let tooltipItems = []; if (!active.length) { if (this.opacity !== 0) { properties = { opacity: 0 }; } } else { const position = positioners[options.position].call(this, active, this._eventPosition); tooltipItems = this._createItems(options); this.title = this.getTitle(tooltipItems, options); this.beforeBody = this.getBeforeBody(tooltipItems, options); this.body = this.getBody(tooltipItems, options); this.afterBody = this.getAfterBody(tooltipItems, options); this.footer = this.getFooter(tooltipItems, options); const size = this._size = getTooltipSize(this, options); const positionAndSize = Object.assign({}, position, size); const alignment = determineAlignment(this.chart, options, positionAndSize); const backgroundPoint = getBackgroundPoint(options, positionAndSize, alignment, this.chart); this.xAlign = alignment.xAlign; this.yAlign = alignment.yAlign; properties = { opacity: 1, x: backgroundPoint.x, y: backgroundPoint.y, width: size.width, height: size.height, caretX: position.x, caretY: position.y }; } this._tooltipItems = tooltipItems; this.$context = void 0; if (properties) { this._resolveAnimations().update(this, properties); } if (changed && options.external) {, { chart: this.chart, tooltip: this, replay }); } } drawCaret(tooltipPoint, ctx, size, options) { const caretPosition = this.getCaretPosition(tooltipPoint, size, options); ctx.lineTo(caretPosition.x1, caretPosition.y1); ctx.lineTo(caretPosition.x2, caretPosition.y2); ctx.lineTo(caretPosition.x3, caretPosition.y3); } getCaretPosition(tooltipPoint, size, options) { const { xAlign, yAlign } = this; const { caretSize, cornerRadius } = options; const { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } = toTRBLCorners(cornerRadius); const { x: ptX, y: ptY } = tooltipPoint; const { width, height } = size; let x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3; if (yAlign === "center") { y2 = ptY + height / 2; if (xAlign === "left") { x1 = ptX; x2 = x1 - caretSize; y1 = y2 + caretSize; y3 = y2 - caretSize; } else { x1 = ptX + width; x2 = x1 + caretSize; y1 = y2 - caretSize; y3 = y2 + caretSize; } x3 = x1; } else { if (xAlign === "left") { x2 = ptX + Math.max(topLeft, bottomLeft) + caretSize; } else if (xAlign === "right") { x2 = ptX + width - Math.max(topRight, bottomRight) - caretSize; } else { x2 = this.caretX; } if (yAlign === "top") { y1 = ptY; y2 = y1 - caretSize; x1 = x2 - caretSize; x3 = x2 + caretSize; } else { y1 = ptY + height; y2 = y1 + caretSize; x1 = x2 + caretSize; x3 = x2 - caretSize; } y3 = y1; } return { x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3 }; } drawTitle(pt, ctx, options) { const title = this.title; const length = title.length; let titleFont, titleSpacing, i; if (length) { const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(options.rtl, this.x, this.width); pt.x = getAlignedX(this, options.titleAlign, options); ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(options.titleAlign); ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; titleFont = toFont(options.titleFont); titleSpacing = options.titleSpacing; ctx.fillStyle = options.titleColor; ctx.font = titleFont.string; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { ctx.fillText(title[i], rtlHelper.x(pt.x), pt.y + titleFont.lineHeight / 2); pt.y += titleFont.lineHeight + titleSpacing; if (i + 1 === length) { pt.y += options.titleMarginBottom - titleSpacing; } } } } _drawColorBox(ctx, pt, i, rtlHelper, options) { const labelColor = this.labelColors[i]; const labelPointStyle = this.labelPointStyles[i]; const { boxHeight, boxWidth } = options; const bodyFont = toFont(options.bodyFont); const colorX = getAlignedX(this, "left", options); const rtlColorX = rtlHelper.x(colorX); const yOffSet = boxHeight < bodyFont.lineHeight ? (bodyFont.lineHeight - boxHeight) / 2 : 0; const colorY = pt.y + yOffSet; if (options.usePointStyle) { const drawOptions = { radius: Math.min(boxWidth, boxHeight) / 2, pointStyle: labelPointStyle.pointStyle, rotation: labelPointStyle.rotation, borderWidth: 1 }; const centerX = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlColorX, boxWidth) + boxWidth / 2; const centerY = colorY + boxHeight / 2; ctx.strokeStyle = options.multiKeyBackground; ctx.fillStyle = options.multiKeyBackground; drawPoint(ctx, drawOptions, centerX, centerY); ctx.strokeStyle = labelColor.borderColor; ctx.fillStyle = labelColor.backgroundColor; drawPoint(ctx, drawOptions, centerX, centerY); } else { ctx.lineWidth = isObject(labelColor.borderWidth) ? Math.max(...Object.values(labelColor.borderWidth)) : labelColor.borderWidth || 1; ctx.strokeStyle = labelColor.borderColor; ctx.setLineDash(labelColor.borderDash || []); ctx.lineDashOffset = labelColor.borderDashOffset || 0; const outerX = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlColorX, boxWidth); const innerX = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlHelper.xPlus(rtlColorX, 1), boxWidth - 2); const borderRadius = toTRBLCorners(labelColor.borderRadius); if (Object.values(borderRadius).some((v) => v !== 0)) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = options.multiKeyBackground; addRoundedRectPath(ctx, { x: outerX, y: colorY, w: boxWidth, h: boxHeight, radius: borderRadius }); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = labelColor.backgroundColor; ctx.beginPath(); addRoundedRectPath(ctx, { x: innerX, y: colorY + 1, w: boxWidth - 2, h: boxHeight - 2, radius: borderRadius }); ctx.fill(); } else { ctx.fillStyle = options.multiKeyBackground; ctx.fillRect(outerX, colorY, boxWidth, boxHeight); ctx.strokeRect(outerX, colorY, boxWidth, boxHeight); ctx.fillStyle = labelColor.backgroundColor; ctx.fillRect(innerX, colorY + 1, boxWidth - 2, boxHeight - 2); } } ctx.fillStyle = this.labelTextColors[i]; } drawBody(pt, ctx, options) { const { body } = this; const { bodySpacing, bodyAlign, displayColors, boxHeight, boxWidth, boxPadding } = options; const bodyFont = toFont(options.bodyFont); let bodyLineHeight = bodyFont.lineHeight; let xLinePadding = 0; const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(options.rtl, this.x, this.width); const fillLineOfText = function(line) { ctx.fillText(line, rtlHelper.x(pt.x + xLinePadding), pt.y + bodyLineHeight / 2); pt.y += bodyLineHeight + bodySpacing; }; const bodyAlignForCalculation = rtlHelper.textAlign(bodyAlign); let bodyItem, textColor, lines, i, j, ilen, jlen; ctx.textAlign = bodyAlign; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; ctx.font = bodyFont.string; pt.x = getAlignedX(this, bodyAlignForCalculation, options); ctx.fillStyle = options.bodyColor; each(this.beforeBody, fillLineOfText); xLinePadding = displayColors && bodyAlignForCalculation !== "right" ? bodyAlign === "center" ? boxWidth / 2 + boxPadding : boxWidth + 2 + boxPadding : 0; for (i = 0, ilen = body.length; i < ilen; ++i) { bodyItem = body[i]; textColor = this.labelTextColors[i]; ctx.fillStyle = textColor; each(bodyItem.before, fillLineOfText); lines = bodyItem.lines; if (displayColors && lines.length) { this._drawColorBox(ctx, pt, i, rtlHelper, options); bodyLineHeight = Math.max(bodyFont.lineHeight, boxHeight); } for (j = 0, jlen = lines.length; j < jlen; ++j) { fillLineOfText(lines[j]); bodyLineHeight = bodyFont.lineHeight; } each(bodyItem.after, fillLineOfText); } xLinePadding = 0; bodyLineHeight = bodyFont.lineHeight; each(this.afterBody, fillLineOfText); pt.y -= bodySpacing; } drawFooter(pt, ctx, options) { const footer = this.footer; const length = footer.length; let footerFont, i; if (length) { const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(options.rtl, this.x, this.width); pt.x = getAlignedX(this, options.footerAlign, options); pt.y += options.footerMarginTop; ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(options.footerAlign); ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; footerFont = toFont(options.footerFont); ctx.fillStyle = options.footerColor; ctx.font = footerFont.string; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) { ctx.fillText(footer[i], rtlHelper.x(pt.x), pt.y + footerFont.lineHeight / 2); pt.y += footerFont.lineHeight + options.footerSpacing; } } } drawBackground(pt, ctx, tooltipSize, options) { const { xAlign, yAlign } = this; const { x, y } = pt; const { width, height } = tooltipSize; const { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } = toTRBLCorners(options.cornerRadius); ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor; ctx.strokeStyle = options.borderColor; ctx.lineWidth = options.borderWidth; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x + topLeft, y); if (yAlign === "top") { this.drawCaret(pt, ctx, tooltipSize, options); } ctx.lineTo(x + width - topRight, y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + topRight); if (yAlign === "center" && xAlign === "right") { this.drawCaret(pt, ctx, tooltipSize, options); } ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - bottomRight); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - bottomRight, y + height); if (yAlign === "bottom") { this.drawCaret(pt, ctx, tooltipSize, options); } ctx.lineTo(x + bottomLeft, y + height); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - bottomLeft); if (yAlign === "center" && xAlign === "left") { this.drawCaret(pt, ctx, tooltipSize, options); } ctx.lineTo(x, y + topLeft); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + topLeft, y); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); if (options.borderWidth > 0) { ctx.stroke(); } } _updateAnimationTarget(options) { const chart = this.chart; const anims = this.$animations; const animX = anims && anims.x; const animY = anims && anims.y; if (animX || animY) { const position = positioners[options.position].call(this, this._active, this._eventPosition); if (!position) { return; } const size = this._size = getTooltipSize(this, options); const positionAndSize = Object.assign({}, position, this._size); const alignment = determineAlignment(chart, options, positionAndSize); const point = getBackgroundPoint(options, positionAndSize, alignment, chart); if (animX._to !== point.x || animY._to !== point.y) { this.xAlign = alignment.xAlign; this.yAlign = alignment.yAlign; this.width = size.width; this.height = size.height; this.caretX = position.x; this.caretY = position.y; this._resolveAnimations().update(this, point); } } } _willRender() { return !!this.opacity; } draw(ctx) { const options = this.options.setContext(this.getContext()); let opacity = this.opacity; if (!opacity) { return; } this._updateAnimationTarget(options); const tooltipSize = { width: this.width, height: this.height }; const pt = { x: this.x, y: this.y }; opacity = Math.abs(opacity) < 1e-3 ? 0 : opacity; const padding = toPadding(options.padding); const hasTooltipContent = this.title.length || this.beforeBody.length || this.body.length || this.afterBody.length || this.footer.length; if (options.enabled && hasTooltipContent) {; ctx.globalAlpha = opacity; this.drawBackground(pt, ctx, tooltipSize, options); overrideTextDirection(ctx, options.textDirection); pt.y +=; this.drawTitle(pt, ctx, options); this.drawBody(pt, ctx, options); this.drawFooter(pt, ctx, options); restoreTextDirection(ctx, options.textDirection); ctx.restore(); } } getActiveElements() { return this._active || []; } setActiveElements(activeElements, eventPosition) { const lastActive = this._active; const active ={ datasetIndex, index }) => { const meta = this.chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex); if (!meta) { throw new Error("Cannot find a dataset at index " + datasetIndex); } return { datasetIndex, element:[index], index }; }); const changed = !_elementsEqual(lastActive, active); const positionChanged = this._positionChanged(active, eventPosition); if (changed || positionChanged) { this._active = active; this._eventPosition = eventPosition; this._ignoreReplayEvents = true; this.update(true); } } handleEvent(e, replay, inChartArea = true) { if (replay && this._ignoreReplayEvents) { return false; } this._ignoreReplayEvents = false; const options = this.options; const lastActive = this._active || []; const active = this._getActiveElements(e, lastActive, replay, inChartArea); const positionChanged = this._positionChanged(active, e); const changed = replay || !_elementsEqual(active, lastActive) || positionChanged; if (changed) { this._active = active; if (options.enabled || options.external) { this._eventPosition = { x: e.x, y: e.y }; this.update(true, replay); } } return changed; } _getActiveElements(e, lastActive, replay, inChartArea) { const options = this.options; if (e.type === "mouseout") { return []; } if (!inChartArea) { return lastActive; } const active = this.chart.getElementsAtEventForMode(e, options.mode, options, replay); if (options.reverse) { active.reverse(); } return active; } _positionChanged(active, e) { const { caretX, caretY, options } = this; const position = positioners[options.position].call(this, active, e); return position !== false && (caretX !== position.x || caretY !== position.y); } }; __publicField(Tooltip, "positioners", positioners); var plugin_tooltip = { id: "tooltip", _element: Tooltip, positioners, afterInit(chart, _args, options) { if (options) { chart.tooltip = new Tooltip({ chart, options }); } }, beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) { if (chart.tooltip) { chart.tooltip.initialize(options); } }, reset(chart, _args, options) { if (chart.tooltip) { chart.tooltip.initialize(options); } }, afterDraw(chart) { const tooltip = chart.tooltip; if (tooltip && tooltip._willRender()) { const args = { tooltip }; if (chart.notifyPlugins("beforeTooltipDraw", { ...args, cancelable: true }) === false) { return; } tooltip.draw(chart.ctx); chart.notifyPlugins("afterTooltipDraw", args); } }, afterEvent(chart, args) { if (chart.tooltip) { const useFinalPosition = args.replay; if (chart.tooltip.handleEvent(args.event, useFinalPosition, args.inChartArea)) { args.changed = true; } } }, defaults: { enabled: true, external: null, position: "average", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)", titleColor: "#fff", titleFont: { weight: "bold" }, titleSpacing: 2, titleMarginBottom: 6, titleAlign: "left", bodyColor: "#fff", bodySpacing: 2, bodyFont: {}, bodyAlign: "left", footerColor: "#fff", footerSpacing: 2, footerMarginTop: 6, footerFont: { weight: "bold" }, footerAlign: "left", padding: 6, caretPadding: 2, caretSize: 5, cornerRadius: 6, boxHeight: (ctx, opts) => opts.bodyFont.size, boxWidth: (ctx, opts) => opts.bodyFont.size, multiKeyBackground: "#fff", displayColors: true, boxPadding: 0, borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 0, animation: { duration: 400, easing: "easeOutQuart" }, animations: { numbers: { type: "number", properties: [ "x", "y", "width", "height", "caretX", "caretY" ] }, opacity: { easing: "linear", duration: 200 } }, callbacks: defaultCallbacks }, defaultRoutes: { bodyFont: "font", footerFont: "font", titleFont: "font" }, descriptors: { _scriptable: (name) => name !== "filter" && name !== "itemSort" && name !== "external", _indexable: false, callbacks: { _scriptable: false, _indexable: false }, animation: { _fallback: false }, animations: { _fallback: "animation" } }, additionalOptionScopes: [ "interaction" ] }; var addIfString = (labels, raw, index, addedLabels) => { if (typeof raw === "string") { index = labels.push(raw) - 1; addedLabels.unshift({ index, label: raw }); } else if (isNaN(raw)) { index = null; } return index; }; function findOrAddLabel(labels, raw, index, addedLabels) { const first = labels.indexOf(raw); if (first === -1) { return addIfString(labels, raw, index, addedLabels); } const last = labels.lastIndexOf(raw); return first !== last ? index : first; } var validIndex = (index, max) => index === null ? null : _limitValue(Math.round(index), 0, max); function _getLabelForValue(value) { const labels = this.getLabels(); if (value >= 0 && value < labels.length) { return labels[value]; } return value; } var CategoryScale = class extends Scale { constructor(cfg) { super(cfg); this._startValue = void 0; this._valueRange = 0; this._addedLabels = []; } init(scaleOptions) { const added = this._addedLabels; if (added.length) { const labels = this.getLabels(); for (const { index, label } of added) { if (labels[index] === label) { labels.splice(index, 1); } } this._addedLabels = []; } super.init(scaleOptions); } parse(raw, index) { if (isNullOrUndef(raw)) { return null; } const labels = this.getLabels(); index = isFinite(index) && labels[index] === raw ? index : findOrAddLabel(labels, raw, valueOrDefault(index, raw), this._addedLabels); return validIndex(index, labels.length - 1); } determineDataLimits() { const { minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds(); let { min, max } = this.getMinMax(true); if (this.options.bounds === "ticks") { if (!minDefined) { min = 0; } if (!maxDefined) { max = this.getLabels().length - 1; } } this.min = min; this.max = max; } buildTicks() { const min = this.min; const max = this.max; const offset = this.options.offset; const ticks = []; let labels = this.getLabels(); labels = min === 0 && max === labels.length - 1 ? labels : labels.slice(min, max + 1); this._valueRange = Math.max(labels.length - (offset ? 0 : 1), 1); this._startValue = this.min - (offset ? 0.5 : 0); for (let value = min; value <= max; value++) { ticks.push({ value }); } return ticks; } getLabelForValue(value) { return, value); } configure() { super.configure(); if (!this.isHorizontal()) { this._reversePixels = !this._reversePixels; } } getPixelForValue(value) { if (typeof value !== "number") { value = this.parse(value); } return value === null ? NaN : this.getPixelForDecimal((value - this._startValue) / this._valueRange); } getPixelForTick(index) { const ticks = this.ticks; if (index < 0 || index > ticks.length - 1) { return null; } return this.getPixelForValue(ticks[index].value); } getValueForPixel(pixel) { return Math.round(this._startValue + this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) * this._valueRange); } getBasePixel() { return this.bottom; } }; __publicField(CategoryScale, "id", "category"); __publicField(CategoryScale, "defaults", { ticks: { callback: _getLabelForValue } }); function generateTicks$1(generationOptions, dataRange) { const ticks = []; const MIN_SPACING = 1e-14; const { bounds, step, min, max, precision, count, maxTicks, maxDigits, includeBounds } = generationOptions; const unit = step || 1; const maxSpaces = maxTicks - 1; const { min: rmin, max: rmax } = dataRange; const minDefined = !isNullOrUndef(min); const maxDefined = !isNullOrUndef(max); const countDefined = !isNullOrUndef(count); const minSpacing = (rmax - rmin) / (maxDigits + 1); let spacing = niceNum((rmax - rmin) / maxSpaces / unit) * unit; let factor, niceMin, niceMax, numSpaces; if (spacing < MIN_SPACING && !minDefined && !maxDefined) { return [ { value: rmin }, { value: rmax } ]; } numSpaces = Math.ceil(rmax / spacing) - Math.floor(rmin / spacing); if (numSpaces > maxSpaces) { spacing = niceNum(numSpaces * spacing / maxSpaces / unit) * unit; } if (!isNullOrUndef(precision)) { factor = Math.pow(10, precision); spacing = Math.ceil(spacing * factor) / factor; } if (bounds === "ticks") { niceMin = Math.floor(rmin / spacing) * spacing; niceMax = Math.ceil(rmax / spacing) * spacing; } else { niceMin = rmin; niceMax = rmax; } if (minDefined && maxDefined && step && almostWhole((max - min) / step, spacing / 1e3)) { numSpaces = Math.round(Math.min((max - min) / spacing, maxTicks)); spacing = (max - min) / numSpaces; niceMin = min; niceMax = max; } else if (countDefined) { niceMin = minDefined ? min : niceMin; niceMax = maxDefined ? max : niceMax; numSpaces = count - 1; spacing = (niceMax - niceMin) / numSpaces; } else { numSpaces = (niceMax - niceMin) / spacing; if (almostEquals(numSpaces, Math.round(numSpaces), spacing / 1e3)) { numSpaces = Math.round(numSpaces); } else { numSpaces = Math.ceil(numSpaces); } } const decimalPlaces = Math.max(_decimalPlaces(spacing), _decimalPlaces(niceMin)); factor = Math.pow(10, isNullOrUndef(precision) ? decimalPlaces : precision); niceMin = Math.round(niceMin * factor) / factor; niceMax = Math.round(niceMax * factor) / factor; let j = 0; if (minDefined) { if (includeBounds && niceMin !== min) { ticks.push({ value: min }); if (niceMin < min) { j++; } if (almostEquals(Math.round((niceMin + j * spacing) * factor) / factor, min, relativeLabelSize(min, minSpacing, generationOptions))) { j++; } } else if (niceMin < min) { j++; } } for (; j < numSpaces; ++j) { const tickValue = Math.round((niceMin + j * spacing) * factor) / factor; if (maxDefined && tickValue > max) { break; } ticks.push({ value: tickValue }); } if (maxDefined && includeBounds && niceMax !== max) { if (ticks.length && almostEquals(ticks[ticks.length - 1].value, max, relativeLabelSize(max, minSpacing, generationOptions))) { ticks[ticks.length - 1].value = max; } else { ticks.push({ value: max }); } } else if (!maxDefined || niceMax === max) { ticks.push({ value: niceMax }); } return ticks; } function relativeLabelSize(value, minSpacing, { horizontal, minRotation }) { const rad = toRadians(minRotation); const ratio = (horizontal ? Math.sin(rad) : Math.cos(rad)) || 1e-3; const length = 0.75 * minSpacing * ("" + value).length; return Math.min(minSpacing / ratio, length); } var LinearScaleBase = class extends Scale { constructor(cfg) { super(cfg); this.start = void 0; this.end = void 0; this._startValue = void 0; this._endValue = void 0; this._valueRange = 0; } parse(raw, index) { if (isNullOrUndef(raw)) { return null; } if ((typeof raw === "number" || raw instanceof Number) && !isFinite(+raw)) { return null; } return +raw; } handleTickRangeOptions() { const { beginAtZero } = this.options; const { minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds(); let { min, max } = this; const setMin = (v) => min = minDefined ? min : v; const setMax = (v) => max = maxDefined ? max : v; if (beginAtZero) { const minSign = sign(min); const maxSign = sign(max); if (minSign < 0 && maxSign < 0) { setMax(0); } else if (minSign > 0 && maxSign > 0) { setMin(0); } } if (min === max) { let offset = max === 0 ? 1 : Math.abs(max * 0.05); setMax(max + offset); if (!beginAtZero) { setMin(min - offset); } } this.min = min; this.max = max; } getTickLimit() { const tickOpts = this.options.ticks; let { maxTicksLimit, stepSize } = tickOpts; let maxTicks; if (stepSize) { maxTicks = Math.ceil(this.max / stepSize) - Math.floor(this.min / stepSize) + 1; if (maxTicks > 1e3) { console.warn(`scales.${}.ticks.stepSize: ${stepSize} would result generating up to ${maxTicks} ticks. Limiting to 1000.`); maxTicks = 1e3; } } else { maxTicks = this.computeTickLimit(); maxTicksLimit = maxTicksLimit || 11; } if (maxTicksLimit) { maxTicks = Math.min(maxTicksLimit, maxTicks); } return maxTicks; } computeTickLimit() { return Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } buildTicks() { const opts = this.options; const tickOpts = opts.ticks; let maxTicks = this.getTickLimit(); maxTicks = Math.max(2, maxTicks); const numericGeneratorOptions = { maxTicks, bounds: opts.bounds, min: opts.min, max: opts.max, precision: tickOpts.precision, step: tickOpts.stepSize, count: tickOpts.count, maxDigits: this._maxDigits(), horizontal: this.isHorizontal(), minRotation: tickOpts.minRotation || 0, includeBounds: tickOpts.includeBounds !== false }; const dataRange = this._range || this; const ticks = generateTicks$1(numericGeneratorOptions, dataRange); if (opts.bounds === "ticks") { _setMinAndMaxByKey(ticks, this, "value"); } if (opts.reverse) { ticks.reverse(); this.start = this.max; this.end = this.min; } else { this.start = this.min; this.end = this.max; } return ticks; } configure() { const ticks = this.ticks; let start = this.min; let end = this.max; super.configure(); if (this.options.offset && ticks.length) { const offset = (end - start) / Math.max(ticks.length - 1, 1) / 2; start -= offset; end += offset; } this._startValue = start; this._endValue = end; this._valueRange = end - start; } getLabelForValue(value) { return formatNumber(value, this.chart.options.locale, this.options.ticks.format); } }; var LinearScale = class extends LinearScaleBase { determineDataLimits() { const { min, max } = this.getMinMax(true); this.min = isNumberFinite(min) ? min : 0; this.max = isNumberFinite(max) ? max : 1; this.handleTickRangeOptions(); } computeTickLimit() { const horizontal = this.isHorizontal(); const length = horizontal ? this.width : this.height; const minRotation = toRadians(this.options.ticks.minRotation); const ratio = (horizontal ? Math.sin(minRotation) : Math.cos(minRotation)) || 1e-3; const tickFont = this._resolveTickFontOptions(0); return Math.ceil(length / Math.min(40, tickFont.lineHeight / ratio)); } getPixelForValue(value) { return value === null ? NaN : this.getPixelForDecimal((value - this._startValue) / this._valueRange); } getValueForPixel(pixel) { return this._startValue + this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) * this._valueRange; } }; __publicField(LinearScale, "id", "linear"); __publicField(LinearScale, "defaults", { ticks: { callback: Ticks.formatters.numeric } }); var log10Floor = (v) => Math.floor(log10(v)); var changeExponent = (v, m) => Math.pow(10, log10Floor(v) + m); function isMajor(tickVal) { const remain = tickVal / Math.pow(10, log10Floor(tickVal)); return remain === 1; } function steps(min, max, rangeExp) { const rangeStep = Math.pow(10, rangeExp); const start = Math.floor(min / rangeStep); const end = Math.ceil(max / rangeStep); return end - start; } function startExp(min, max) { const range = max - min; let rangeExp = log10Floor(range); while (steps(min, max, rangeExp) > 10) { rangeExp++; } while (steps(min, max, rangeExp) < 10) { rangeExp--; } return Math.min(rangeExp, log10Floor(min)); } function generateTicks(generationOptions, { min, max }) { min = finiteOrDefault(generationOptions.min, min); const ticks = []; const minExp = log10Floor(min); let exp = startExp(min, max); let precision = exp < 0 ? Math.pow(10, Math.abs(exp)) : 1; const stepSize = Math.pow(10, exp); const base = minExp > exp ? Math.pow(10, minExp) : 0; const start = Math.round((min - base) * precision) / precision; const offset = Math.floor((min - base) / stepSize / 10) * stepSize * 10; let significand = Math.floor((start - offset) / Math.pow(10, exp)); let value = finiteOrDefault(generationOptions.min, Math.round((base + offset + significand * Math.pow(10, exp)) * precision) / precision); while (value < max) { ticks.push({ value, major: isMajor(value), significand }); if (significand >= 10) { significand = significand < 15 ? 15 : 20; } else { significand++; } if (significand >= 20) { exp++; significand = 2; precision = exp >= 0 ? 1 : precision; } value = Math.round((base + offset + significand * Math.pow(10, exp)) * precision) / precision; } const lastTick = finiteOrDefault(generationOptions.max, value); ticks.push({ value: lastTick, major: isMajor(lastTick), significand }); return ticks; } var LogarithmicScale = class extends Scale { constructor(cfg) { super(cfg); this.start = void 0; this.end = void 0; this._startValue = void 0; this._valueRange = 0; } parse(raw, index) { const value = LinearScaleBase.prototype.parse.apply(this, [ raw, index ]); if (value === 0) { this._zero = true; return void 0; } return isNumberFinite(value) && value > 0 ? value : null; } determineDataLimits() { const { min, max } = this.getMinMax(true); this.min = isNumberFinite(min) ? Math.max(0, min) : null; this.max = isNumberFinite(max) ? Math.max(0, max) : null; if (this.options.beginAtZero) { this._zero = true; } if (this._zero && this.min !== this._suggestedMin && !isNumberFinite(this._userMin)) { this.min = min === changeExponent(this.min, 0) ? changeExponent(this.min, -1) : changeExponent(this.min, 0); } this.handleTickRangeOptions(); } handleTickRangeOptions() { const { minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds(); let min = this.min; let max = this.max; const setMin = (v) => min = minDefined ? min : v; const setMax = (v) => max = maxDefined ? max : v; if (min === max) { if (min <= 0) { setMin(1); setMax(10); } else { setMin(changeExponent(min, -1)); setMax(changeExponent(max, 1)); } } if (min <= 0) { setMin(changeExponent(max, -1)); } if (max <= 0) { setMax(changeExponent(min, 1)); } this.min = min; this.max = max; } buildTicks() { const opts = this.options; const generationOptions = { min: this._userMin, max: this._userMax }; const ticks = generateTicks(generationOptions, this); if (opts.bounds === "ticks") { _setMinAndMaxByKey(ticks, this, "value"); } if (opts.reverse) { ticks.reverse(); this.start = this.max; this.end = this.min; } else { this.start = this.min; this.end = this.max; } return ticks; } getLabelForValue(value) { return value === void 0 ? "0" : formatNumber(value, this.chart.options.locale, this.options.ticks.format); } configure() { const start = this.min; super.configure(); this._startValue = log10(start); this._valueRange = log10(this.max) - log10(start); } getPixelForValue(value) { if (value === void 0 || value === 0) { value = this.min; } if (value === null || isNaN(value)) { return NaN; } return this.getPixelForDecimal(value === this.min ? 0 : (log10(value) - this._startValue) / this._valueRange); } getValueForPixel(pixel) { const decimal = this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel); return Math.pow(10, this._startValue + decimal * this._valueRange); } }; __publicField(LogarithmicScale, "id", "logarithmic"); __publicField(LogarithmicScale, "defaults", { ticks: { callback: Ticks.formatters.logarithmic, major: { enabled: true } } }); function getTickBackdropHeight(opts) { const tickOpts = opts.ticks; if (tickOpts.display && opts.display) { const padding = toPadding(tickOpts.backdropPadding); return valueOrDefault(tickOpts.font && tickOpts.font.size, defaults.font.size) + padding.height; } return 0; } function measureLabelSize(ctx, font, label) { label = isArray(label) ? label : [ label ]; return { w: _longestText(ctx, font.string, label), h: label.length * font.lineHeight }; } function determineLimits(angle, pos, size, min, max) { if (angle === min || angle === max) { return { start: pos - size / 2, end: pos + size / 2 }; } else if (angle < min || angle > max) { return { start: pos - size, end: pos }; } return { start: pos, end: pos + size }; } function fitWithPointLabels(scale) { const orig = { l: scale.left + scale._padding.left, r: scale.right - scale._padding.right, t: +, b: scale.bottom - scale._padding.bottom }; const limits = Object.assign({}, orig); const labelSizes = []; const padding = []; const valueCount = scale._pointLabels.length; const pointLabelOpts = scale.options.pointLabels; const additionalAngle = pointLabelOpts.centerPointLabels ? PI / valueCount : 0; for (let i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) { const opts = pointLabelOpts.setContext(scale.getPointLabelContext(i)); padding[i] = opts.padding; const pointPosition = scale.getPointPosition(i, scale.drawingArea + padding[i], additionalAngle); const plFont = toFont(opts.font); const textSize = measureLabelSize(scale.ctx, plFont, scale._pointLabels[i]); labelSizes[i] = textSize; const angleRadians = _normalizeAngle(scale.getIndexAngle(i) + additionalAngle); const angle = Math.round(toDegrees(angleRadians)); const hLimits = determineLimits(angle, pointPosition.x, textSize.w, 0, 180); const vLimits = determineLimits(angle, pointPosition.y, textSize.h, 90, 270); updateLimits(limits, orig, angleRadians, hLimits, vLimits); } scale.setCenterPoint(orig.l - limits.l, limits.r - orig.r, orig.t - limits.t, limits.b - orig.b); scale._pointLabelItems = buildPointLabelItems(scale, labelSizes, padding); } function updateLimits(limits, orig, angle, hLimits, vLimits) { const sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(angle)); const cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(angle)); let x = 0; let y = 0; if (hLimits.start < orig.l) { x = (orig.l - hLimits.start) / sin; limits.l = Math.min(limits.l, orig.l - x); } else if (hLimits.end > orig.r) { x = (hLimits.end - orig.r) / sin; limits.r = Math.max(limits.r, orig.r + x); } if (vLimits.start < orig.t) { y = (orig.t - vLimits.start) / cos; limits.t = Math.min(limits.t, orig.t - y); } else if (vLimits.end > orig.b) { y = (vLimits.end - orig.b) / cos; limits.b = Math.max(limits.b, orig.b + y); } } function createPointLabelItem(scale, index, itemOpts) { const outerDistance = scale.drawingArea; const { extra, additionalAngle, padding, size } = itemOpts; const pointLabelPosition = scale.getPointPosition(index, outerDistance + extra + padding, additionalAngle); const angle = Math.round(toDegrees(_normalizeAngle(pointLabelPosition.angle + HALF_PI))); const y = yForAngle(pointLabelPosition.y, size.h, angle); const textAlign = getTextAlignForAngle(angle); const left = leftForTextAlign(pointLabelPosition.x, size.w, textAlign); return { visible: true, x: pointLabelPosition.x, y, textAlign, left, top: y, right: left + size.w, bottom: y + size.h }; } function isNotOverlapped(item, area) { if (!area) { return true; } const { left, top, right, bottom } = item; const apexesInArea = _isPointInArea({ x: left, y: top }, area) || _isPointInArea({ x: left, y: bottom }, area) || _isPointInArea({ x: right, y: top }, area) || _isPointInArea({ x: right, y: bottom }, area); return !apexesInArea; } function buildPointLabelItems(scale, labelSizes, padding) { const items = []; const valueCount = scale._pointLabels.length; const opts = scale.options; const { centerPointLabels, display } = opts.pointLabels; const itemOpts = { extra: getTickBackdropHeight(opts) / 2, additionalAngle: centerPointLabels ? PI / valueCount : 0 }; let area; for (let i = 0; i < valueCount; i++) { itemOpts.padding = padding[i]; itemOpts.size = labelSizes[i]; const item = createPointLabelItem(scale, i, itemOpts); items.push(item); if (display === "auto") { item.visible = isNotOverlapped(item, area); if (item.visible) { area = item; } } } return items; } function getTextAlignForAngle(angle) { if (angle === 0 || angle === 180) { return "center"; } else if (angle < 180) { return "left"; } return "right"; } function leftForTextAlign(x, w, align) { if (align === "right") { x -= w; } else if (align === "center") { x -= w / 2; } return x; } function yForAngle(y, h4, angle) { if (angle === 90 || angle === 270) { y -= h4 / 2; } else if (angle > 270 || angle < 90) { y -= h4; } return y; } function drawPointLabelBox(ctx, opts, item) { const { left, top, right, bottom } = item; const { backdropColor } = opts; if (!isNullOrUndef(backdropColor)) { const borderRadius = toTRBLCorners(opts.borderRadius); const padding = toPadding(opts.backdropPadding); ctx.fillStyle = backdropColor; const backdropLeft = left - padding.left; const backdropTop = top -; const backdropWidth = right - left + padding.width; const backdropHeight = bottom - top + padding.height; if (Object.values(borderRadius).some((v) => v !== 0)) { ctx.beginPath(); addRoundedRectPath(ctx, { x: backdropLeft, y: backdropTop, w: backdropWidth, h: backdropHeight, radius: borderRadius }); ctx.fill(); } else { ctx.fillRect(backdropLeft, backdropTop, backdropWidth, backdropHeight); } } } function drawPointLabels(scale, labelCount) { const { ctx, options: { pointLabels } } = scale; for (let i = labelCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const item = scale._pointLabelItems[i]; if (!item.visible) { continue; } const optsAtIndex = pointLabels.setContext(scale.getPointLabelContext(i)); drawPointLabelBox(ctx, optsAtIndex, item); const plFont = toFont(optsAtIndex.font); const { x, y, textAlign } = item; renderText(ctx, scale._pointLabels[i], x, y + plFont.lineHeight / 2, plFont, { color: optsAtIndex.color, textAlign, textBaseline: "middle" }); } } function pathRadiusLine(scale, radius, circular, labelCount) { const { ctx } = scale; if (circular) { ctx.arc(scale.xCenter, scale.yCenter, radius, 0, TAU); } else { let pointPosition = scale.getPointPosition(0, radius); ctx.moveTo(pointPosition.x, pointPosition.y); for (let i = 1; i < labelCount; i++) { pointPosition = scale.getPointPosition(i, radius); ctx.lineTo(pointPosition.x, pointPosition.y); } } } function drawRadiusLine(scale, gridLineOpts, radius, labelCount, borderOpts) { const ctx = scale.ctx; const circular = gridLineOpts.circular; const { color: color2, lineWidth } = gridLineOpts; if (!circular && !labelCount || !color2 || !lineWidth || radius < 0) { return; }; ctx.strokeStyle = color2; ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.setLineDash(borderOpts.dash); ctx.lineDashOffset = borderOpts.dashOffset; ctx.beginPath(); pathRadiusLine(scale, radius, circular, labelCount); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } function createPointLabelContext(parent, index, label) { return createContext(parent, { label, index, type: "pointLabel" }); } var RadialLinearScale = class extends LinearScaleBase { constructor(cfg) { super(cfg); this.xCenter = void 0; this.yCenter = void 0; this.drawingArea = void 0; this._pointLabels = []; this._pointLabelItems = []; } setDimensions() { const padding = this._padding = toPadding(getTickBackdropHeight(this.options) / 2); const w = this.width = this.maxWidth - padding.width; const h4 = this.height = this.maxHeight - padding.height; this.xCenter = Math.floor(this.left + w / 2 + padding.left); this.yCenter = Math.floor( + h4 / 2 +; this.drawingArea = Math.floor(Math.min(w, h4) / 2); } determineDataLimits() { const { min, max } = this.getMinMax(false); this.min = isNumberFinite(min) && !isNaN(min) ? min : 0; this.max = isNumberFinite(max) && !isNaN(max) ? max : 0; this.handleTickRangeOptions(); } computeTickLimit() { return Math.ceil(this.drawingArea / getTickBackdropHeight(this.options)); } generateTickLabels(ticks) {, ticks); this._pointLabels = this.getLabels().map((value, index) => { const label = callback(this.options.pointLabels.callback, [ value, index ], this); return label || label === 0 ? label : ""; }).filter((v, i) => this.chart.getDataVisibility(i)); } fit() { const opts = this.options; if (opts.display && opts.pointLabels.display) { fitWithPointLabels(this); } else { this.setCenterPoint(0, 0, 0, 0); } } setCenterPoint(leftMovement, rightMovement, topMovement, bottomMovement) { this.xCenter += Math.floor((leftMovement - rightMovement) / 2); this.yCenter += Math.floor((topMovement - bottomMovement) / 2); this.drawingArea -= Math.min(this.drawingArea / 2, Math.max(leftMovement, rightMovement, topMovement, bottomMovement)); } getIndexAngle(index) { const angleMultiplier = TAU / (this._pointLabels.length || 1); const startAngle = this.options.startAngle || 0; return _normalizeAngle(index * angleMultiplier + toRadians(startAngle)); } getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value) { if (isNullOrUndef(value)) { return NaN; } const scalingFactor = this.drawingArea / (this.max - this.min); if (this.options.reverse) { return (this.max - value) * scalingFactor; } return (value - this.min) * scalingFactor; } getValueForDistanceFromCenter(distance) { if (isNullOrUndef(distance)) { return NaN; } const scaledDistance = distance / (this.drawingArea / (this.max - this.min)); return this.options.reverse ? this.max - scaledDistance : this.min + scaledDistance; } getPointLabelContext(index) { const pointLabels = this._pointLabels || []; if (index >= 0 && index < pointLabels.length) { const pointLabel = pointLabels[index]; return createPointLabelContext(this.getContext(), index, pointLabel); } } getPointPosition(index, distanceFromCenter, additionalAngle = 0) { const angle = this.getIndexAngle(index) - HALF_PI + additionalAngle; return { x: Math.cos(angle) * distanceFromCenter + this.xCenter, y: Math.sin(angle) * distanceFromCenter + this.yCenter, angle }; } getPointPositionForValue(index, value) { return this.getPointPosition(index, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value)); } getBasePosition(index) { return this.getPointPositionForValue(index || 0, this.getBaseValue()); } getPointLabelPosition(index) { const { left, top, right, bottom } = this._pointLabelItems[index]; return { left, top, right, bottom }; } drawBackground() { const { backgroundColor, grid: { circular } } = this.options; if (backgroundColor) { const ctx = this.ctx;; ctx.beginPath(); pathRadiusLine(this, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(this._endValue), circular, this._pointLabels.length); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor; ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } } drawGrid() { const ctx = this.ctx; const opts = this.options; const { angleLines, grid, border } = opts; const labelCount = this._pointLabels.length; let i, offset, position; if (opts.pointLabels.display) { drawPointLabels(this, labelCount); } if (grid.display) { this.ticks.forEach((tick, index) => { if (index !== 0) { offset = this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(tick.value); const context = this.getContext(index); const optsAtIndex = grid.setContext(context); const optsAtIndexBorder = border.setContext(context); drawRadiusLine(this, optsAtIndex, offset, labelCount, optsAtIndexBorder); } }); } if (angleLines.display) {; for (i = labelCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const optsAtIndex = angleLines.setContext(this.getPointLabelContext(i)); const { color: color2, lineWidth } = optsAtIndex; if (!lineWidth || !color2) { continue; } ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; ctx.strokeStyle = color2; ctx.setLineDash(optsAtIndex.borderDash); ctx.lineDashOffset = optsAtIndex.borderDashOffset; offset = this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(opts.ticks.reverse ? this.min : this.max); position = this.getPointPosition(i, offset); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.xCenter, this.yCenter); ctx.lineTo(position.x, position.y); ctx.stroke(); } ctx.restore(); } } drawBorder() { } drawLabels() { const ctx = this.ctx; const opts = this.options; const tickOpts = opts.ticks; if (!tickOpts.display) { return; } const startAngle = this.getIndexAngle(0); let offset, width;; ctx.translate(this.xCenter, this.yCenter); ctx.rotate(startAngle); ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; this.ticks.forEach((tick, index) => { if (index === 0 && !opts.reverse) { return; } const optsAtIndex = tickOpts.setContext(this.getContext(index)); const tickFont = toFont(optsAtIndex.font); offset = this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(this.ticks[index].value); if (optsAtIndex.showLabelBackdrop) { ctx.font = tickFont.string; width = ctx.measureText(tick.label).width; ctx.fillStyle = optsAtIndex.backdropColor; const padding = toPadding(optsAtIndex.backdropPadding); ctx.fillRect(-width / 2 - padding.left, -offset - tickFont.size / 2 -, width + padding.width, tickFont.size + padding.height); } renderText(ctx, tick.label, 0, -offset, tickFont, { color: optsAtIndex.color, strokeColor: optsAtIndex.textStrokeColor, strokeWidth: optsAtIndex.textStrokeWidth }); }); ctx.restore(); } drawTitle() { } }; __publicField(RadialLinearScale, "id", "radialLinear"); __publicField(RadialLinearScale, "defaults", { display: true, animate: true, position: "chartArea", angleLines: { display: true, lineWidth: 1, borderDash: [], borderDashOffset: 0 }, grid: { circular: false }, startAngle: 0, ticks: { showLabelBackdrop: true, callback: Ticks.formatters.numeric }, pointLabels: { backdropColor: void 0, backdropPadding: 2, display: true, font: { size: 10 }, callback(label) { return label; }, padding: 5, centerPointLabels: false } }); __publicField(RadialLinearScale, "defaultRoutes", { "angleLines.color": "borderColor", "pointLabels.color": "color", "ticks.color": "color" }); __publicField(RadialLinearScale, "descriptors", { angleLines: { _fallback: "grid" } }); var INTERVALS = { millisecond: { common: true, size: 1, steps: 1e3 }, second: { common: true, size: 1e3, steps: 60 }, minute: { common: true, size: 6e4, steps: 60 }, hour: { common: true, size: 36e5, steps: 24 }, day: { common: true, size: 864e5, steps: 30 }, week: { common: false, size: 6048e5, steps: 4 }, month: { common: true, size: 2628e6, steps: 12 }, quarter: { common: false, size: 7884e6, steps: 4 }, year: { common: true, size: 3154e7 } }; var UNITS = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.keys(INTERVALS); function sorter(a, b) { return a - b; } function parse(scale, input) { if (isNullOrUndef(input)) { return null; } const adapter = scale._adapter; const { parser, round: round2, isoWeekday } = scale._parseOpts; let value = input; if (typeof parser === "function") { value = parser(value); } if (!isNumberFinite(value)) { value = typeof parser === "string" ? adapter.parse(value, parser) : adapter.parse(value); } if (value === null) { return null; } if (round2) { value = round2 === "week" && (isNumber(isoWeekday) || isoWeekday === true) ? adapter.startOf(value, "isoWeek", isoWeekday) : adapter.startOf(value, round2); } return +value; } function determineUnitForAutoTicks(minUnit, min, max, capacity) { const ilen = UNITS.length; for (let i = UNITS.indexOf(minUnit); i < ilen - 1; ++i) { const interval = INTERVALS[UNITS[i]]; const factor = interval.steps ? interval.steps : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; if (interval.common && Math.ceil((max - min) / (factor * interval.size)) <= capacity) { return UNITS[i]; } } return UNITS[ilen - 1]; } function determineUnitForFormatting(scale, numTicks, minUnit, min, max) { for (let i = UNITS.length - 1; i >= UNITS.indexOf(minUnit); i--) { const unit = UNITS[i]; if (INTERVALS[unit].common && scale._adapter.diff(max, min, unit) >= numTicks - 1) { return unit; } } return UNITS[minUnit ? UNITS.indexOf(minUnit) : 0]; } function determineMajorUnit(unit) { for (let i = UNITS.indexOf(unit) + 1, ilen = UNITS.length; i < ilen; ++i) { if (INTERVALS[UNITS[i]].common) { return UNITS[i]; } } } function addTick(ticks, time, timestamps) { if (!timestamps) { ticks[time] = true; } else if (timestamps.length) { const { lo, hi } = _lookup(timestamps, time); const timestamp = timestamps[lo] >= time ? timestamps[lo] : timestamps[hi]; ticks[timestamp] = true; } } function setMajorTicks(scale, ticks, map3, majorUnit) { const adapter = scale._adapter; const first = +adapter.startOf(ticks[0].value, majorUnit); const last = ticks[ticks.length - 1].value; let major, index; for (major = first; major <= last; major = +adapter.add(major, 1, majorUnit)) { index = map3[major]; if (index >= 0) { ticks[index].major = true; } } return ticks; } function ticksFromTimestamps(scale, values, majorUnit) { const ticks = []; const map3 = {}; const ilen = values.length; let i, value; for (i = 0; i < ilen; ++i) { value = values[i]; map3[value] = i; ticks.push({ value, major: false }); } return ilen === 0 || !majorUnit ? ticks : setMajorTicks(scale, ticks, map3, majorUnit); } var TimeScale = class extends Scale { constructor(props) { super(props); this._cache = { data: [], labels: [], all: [] }; this._unit = "day"; this._majorUnit = void 0; this._offsets = {}; this._normalized = false; this._parseOpts = void 0; } init(scaleOpts, opts = {}) { const time = scaleOpts.time || (scaleOpts.time = {}); const adapter = this._adapter = new adapters._date(; adapter.init(opts); mergeIf(time.displayFormats, adapter.formats()); this._parseOpts = { parser: time.parser, round: time.round, isoWeekday: time.isoWeekday }; super.init(scaleOpts); this._normalized = opts.normalized; } parse(raw, index) { if (raw === void 0) { return null; } return parse(this, raw); } beforeLayout() { super.beforeLayout(); this._cache = { data: [], labels: [], all: [] }; } determineDataLimits() { const options = this.options; const adapter = this._adapter; const unit = options.time.unit || "day"; let { min, max, minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds(); function _applyBounds(bounds) { if (!minDefined && !isNaN(bounds.min)) { min = Math.min(min, bounds.min); } if (!maxDefined && !isNaN(bounds.max)) { max = Math.max(max, bounds.max); } } if (!minDefined || !maxDefined) { _applyBounds(this._getLabelBounds()); if (options.bounds !== "ticks" || options.ticks.source !== "labels") { _applyBounds(this.getMinMax(false)); } } min = isNumberFinite(min) && !isNaN(min) ? min : +adapter.startOf(, unit); max = isNumberFinite(max) && !isNaN(max) ? max : +adapter.endOf(, unit) + 1; this.min = Math.min(min, max - 1); this.max = Math.max(min + 1, max); } _getLabelBounds() { const arr = this.getLabelTimestamps(); let min = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (arr.length) { min = arr[0]; max = arr[arr.length - 1]; } return { min, max }; } buildTicks() { const options = this.options; const timeOpts = options.time; const tickOpts = options.ticks; const timestamps = tickOpts.source === "labels" ? this.getLabelTimestamps() : this._generate(); if (options.bounds === "ticks" && timestamps.length) { this.min = this._userMin || timestamps[0]; this.max = this._userMax || timestamps[timestamps.length - 1]; } const min = this.min; const max = this.max; const ticks = _filterBetween(timestamps, min, max); this._unit = timeOpts.unit || (tickOpts.autoSkip ? determineUnitForAutoTicks(timeOpts.minUnit, this.min, this.max, this._getLabelCapacity(min)) : determineUnitForFormatting(this, ticks.length, timeOpts.minUnit, this.min, this.max)); this._majorUnit = !tickOpts.major.enabled || this._unit === "year" ? void 0 : determineMajorUnit(this._unit); this.initOffsets(timestamps); if (options.reverse) { ticks.reverse(); } return ticksFromTimestamps(this, ticks, this._majorUnit); } afterAutoSkip() { if (this.options.offsetAfterAutoskip) { this.initOffsets( => +tick.value)); } } initOffsets(timestamps = []) { let start = 0; let end = 0; let first, last; if (this.options.offset && timestamps.length) { first = this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[0]); if (timestamps.length === 1) { start = 1 - first; } else { start = (this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[1]) - first) / 2; } last = this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[timestamps.length - 1]); if (timestamps.length === 1) { end = last; } else { end = (last - this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[timestamps.length - 2])) / 2; } } const limit = timestamps.length < 3 ? 0.5 : 0.25; start = _limitValue(start, 0, limit); end = _limitValue(end, 0, limit); this._offsets = { start, end, factor: 1 / (start + 1 + end) }; } _generate() { const adapter = this._adapter; const min = this.min; const max = this.max; const options = this.options; const timeOpts = options.time; const minor = timeOpts.unit || determineUnitForAutoTicks(timeOpts.minUnit, min, max, this._getLabelCapacity(min)); const stepSize = valueOrDefault(options.ticks.stepSize, 1); const weekday = minor === "week" ? timeOpts.isoWeekday : false; const hasWeekday = isNumber(weekday) || weekday === true; const ticks = {}; let first = min; let time, count; if (hasWeekday) { first = +adapter.startOf(first, "isoWeek", weekday); } first = +adapter.startOf(first, hasWeekday ? "day" : minor); if (adapter.diff(max, min, minor) > 1e5 * stepSize) { throw new Error(min + " and " + max + " are too far apart with stepSize of " + stepSize + " " + minor); } const timestamps = options.ticks.source === "data" && this.getDataTimestamps(); for (time = first, count = 0; time < max; time = +adapter.add(time, stepSize, minor), count++) { addTick(ticks, time, timestamps); } if (time === max || options.bounds === "ticks" || count === 1) { addTick(ticks, time, timestamps); } return Object.keys(ticks).sort(sorter).map((x) => +x); } getLabelForValue(value) { const adapter = this._adapter; const timeOpts = this.options.time; if (timeOpts.tooltipFormat) { return adapter.format(value, timeOpts.tooltipFormat); } return adapter.format(value, timeOpts.displayFormats.datetime); } format(value, format) { const options = this.options; const formats = options.time.displayFormats; const unit = this._unit; const fmt = format || formats[unit]; return this._adapter.format(value, fmt); } _tickFormatFunction(time, index, ticks, format) { const options = this.options; const formatter = options.ticks.callback; if (formatter) { return callback(formatter, [ time, index, ticks ], this); } const formats = options.time.displayFormats; const unit = this._unit; const majorUnit = this._majorUnit; const minorFormat = unit && formats[unit]; const majorFormat = majorUnit && formats[majorUnit]; const tick = ticks[index]; const major = majorUnit && majorFormat && tick && tick.major; return this._adapter.format(time, format || (major ? majorFormat : minorFormat)); } generateTickLabels(ticks) { let i, ilen, tick; for (i = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i < ilen; ++i) { tick = ticks[i]; tick.label = this._tickFormatFunction(tick.value, i, ticks); } } getDecimalForValue(value) { return value === null ? NaN : (value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min); } getPixelForValue(value) { const offsets = this._offsets; const pos = this.getDecimalForValue(value); return this.getPixelForDecimal((offsets.start + pos) * offsets.factor); } getValueForPixel(pixel) { const offsets = this._offsets; const pos = this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) / offsets.factor - offsets.end; return this.min + pos * (this.max - this.min); } _getLabelSize(label) { const ticksOpts = this.options.ticks; const tickLabelWidth = this.ctx.measureText(label).width; const angle = toRadians(this.isHorizontal() ? ticksOpts.maxRotation : ticksOpts.minRotation); const cosRotation = Math.cos(angle); const sinRotation = Math.sin(angle); const tickFontSize = this._resolveTickFontOptions(0).size; return { w: tickLabelWidth * cosRotation + tickFontSize * sinRotation, h: tickLabelWidth * sinRotation + tickFontSize * cosRotation }; } _getLabelCapacity(exampleTime) { const timeOpts = this.options.time; const displayFormats = timeOpts.displayFormats; const format = displayFormats[timeOpts.unit] || displayFormats.millisecond; const exampleLabel = this._tickFormatFunction(exampleTime, 0, ticksFromTimestamps(this, [ exampleTime ], this._majorUnit), format); const size = this._getLabelSize(exampleLabel); const capacity = Math.floor(this.isHorizontal() ? this.width / size.w : this.height / size.h) - 1; return capacity > 0 ? capacity : 1; } getDataTimestamps() { let timestamps = || []; let i, ilen; if (timestamps.length) { return timestamps; } const metas = this.getMatchingVisibleMetas(); if (this._normalized && metas.length) { return = metas[0].controller.getAllParsedValues(this); } for (i = 0, ilen = metas.length; i < ilen; ++i) { timestamps = timestamps.concat(metas[i].controller.getAllParsedValues(this)); } return = this.normalize(timestamps); } getLabelTimestamps() { const timestamps = this._cache.labels || []; let i, ilen; if (timestamps.length) { return timestamps; } const labels = this.getLabels(); for (i = 0, ilen = labels.length; i < ilen; ++i) { timestamps.push(parse(this, labels[i])); } return this._cache.labels = this._normalized ? timestamps : this.normalize(timestamps); } normalize(values) { return _arrayUnique(values.sort(sorter)); } }; __publicField(TimeScale, "id", "time"); __publicField(TimeScale, "defaults", { bounds: "data", adapters: {}, time: { parser: false, unit: false, round: false, isoWeekday: false, minUnit: "millisecond", displayFormats: {} }, ticks: { source: "auto", callback: false, major: { enabled: false } } }); function interpolate3(table, val, reverse) { let lo = 0; let hi = table.length - 1; let prevSource, nextSource, prevTarget, nextTarget; if (reverse) { if (val >= table[lo].pos && val <= table[hi].pos) { ({ lo, hi } = _lookupByKey(table, "pos", val)); } ({ pos: prevSource, time: prevTarget } = table[lo]); ({ pos: nextSource, time: nextTarget } = table[hi]); } else { if (val >= table[lo].time && val <= table[hi].time) { ({ lo, hi } = _lookupByKey(table, "time", val)); } ({ time: prevSource, pos: prevTarget } = table[lo]); ({ time: nextSource, pos: nextTarget } = table[hi]); } const span = nextSource - prevSource; return span ? prevTarget + (nextTarget - prevTarget) * (val - prevSource) / span : prevTarget; } var TimeSeriesScale = class extends TimeScale { constructor(props) { super(props); this._table = []; this._minPos = void 0; this._tableRange = void 0; } initOffsets() { const timestamps = this._getTimestampsForTable(); const table = this._table = this.buildLookupTable(timestamps); this._minPos = interpolate3(table, this.min); this._tableRange = interpolate3(table, this.max) - this._minPos; super.initOffsets(timestamps); } buildLookupTable(timestamps) { const { min, max } = this; const items = []; const table = []; let i, ilen, prev, curr, next; for (i = 0, ilen = timestamps.length; i < ilen; ++i) { curr = timestamps[i]; if (curr >= min && curr <= max) { items.push(curr); } } if (items.length < 2) { return [ { time: min, pos: 0 }, { time: max, pos: 1 } ]; } for (i = 0, ilen = items.length; i < ilen; ++i) { next = items[i + 1]; prev = items[i - 1]; curr = items[i]; if (Math.round((next + prev) / 2) !== curr) { table.push({ time: curr, pos: i / (ilen - 1) }); } } return table; } _generate() { const min = this.min; const max = this.max; let timestamps = super.getDataTimestamps(); if (!timestamps.includes(min) || !timestamps.length) { timestamps.splice(0, 0, min); } if (!timestamps.includes(max) || timestamps.length === 1) { timestamps.push(max); } return timestamps.sort((a, b) => a - b); } _getTimestampsForTable() { let timestamps = this._cache.all || []; if (timestamps.length) { return timestamps; } const data = this.getDataTimestamps(); const label = this.getLabelTimestamps(); if (data.length && label.length) { timestamps = this.normalize(data.concat(label)); } else { timestamps = data.length ? data : label; } timestamps = this._cache.all = timestamps; return timestamps; } getDecimalForValue(value) { return (interpolate3(this._table, value) - this._minPos) / this._tableRange; } getValueForPixel(pixel) { const offsets = this._offsets; const decimal = this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) / offsets.factor - offsets.end; return interpolate3(this._table, decimal * this._tableRange + this._minPos, true); } }; __publicField(TimeSeriesScale, "id", "timeseries"); __publicField(TimeSeriesScale, "defaults", TimeScale.defaults); // src/gui/stats-modal.tsx Chart.register( BarElement, BarController, plugin_legend, plugin_title, plugin_tooltip, plugin_subtitle, CategoryScale, LinearScale, PieController, ArcElement ); var StatsModal = class extends import_obsidian6.Modal { constructor(app2, plugin) { super(app2); this.plugin = plugin; this.titleEl.setText(`${t("STATS_TITLE")} `); this.titleEl.addClass("sr-centered"); this.titleEl.innerHTML += /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("select", { id: "sr-chart-period" }, /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("option", { value: "month", selected: true }, t("MONTH")), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("option", { value: "quarter" }, t("QUARTER")), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("option", { value: "year" }, t("YEAR")), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("option", { value: "lifetime" }, t("LIFETIME"))); = "100%"; = "100%"; if (import_obsidian6.Platform.isMobile) { = "block"; } } onOpen() { const { contentEl } = this; = "center"; const cardStats = this.plugin.cardStats; let maxN = cardStats.delayedDays.getMaxValue(); for (let dueOffset = 0; dueOffset <= maxN; dueOffset++) { cardStats.delayedDays.clearCountIfMissing(dueOffset); } const dueDatesFlashcardsCopy = { 0: 0 }; for (const [dueOffset, dueCount] of getTypedObjectEntries(cardStats.delayedDays.dict)) { if (dueOffset <= 0) { dueDatesFlashcardsCopy[0] += dueCount; } else { dueDatesFlashcardsCopy[dueOffset] = dueCount; } } const scheduledCount = cardStats.youngCount + cardStats.matureCount; maxN = Math.max(maxN, 1); contentEl.innerHTML += /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("div", null, /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("canvas", { id: "forecastChart" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("span", { id: "forecastChartSummary" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("canvas", { id: "intervalsChart" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("span", { id: "intervalsChartSummary" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("canvas", { id: "easesChart" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("span", { id: "easesChartSummary" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("canvas", { id: "cardTypesChart" }), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("br", null), /* @__PURE__ */ (0, import_vhtml2.default)("span", { id: "cardTypesChartSummary" })); createStatsChart( "bar", "forecastChart", t("FORECAST"), t("FORECAST_DESC"), Object.keys(dueDatesFlashcardsCopy), Object.values(dueDatesFlashcardsCopy), t("REVIEWS_PER_DAY", { avg: (scheduledCount / maxN).toFixed(1) }), t("SCHEDULED"), t("DAYS"), t("NUMBER_OF_CARDS") ); maxN = cardStats.intervals.getMaxValue(); for (let interval = 0; interval <= maxN; interval++) { cardStats.intervals.clearCountIfMissing(interval); } const average_interval = textInterval( Math.round( cardStats.intervals.getTotalOfValueMultiplyCount() / scheduledCount * 10 ) / 10 || 0, false ), longest_interval = textInterval(cardStats.intervals.getMaxValue(), false); createStatsChart( "bar", "intervalsChart", t("INTERVALS"), t("INTERVALS_DESC"), Object.keys(cardStats.intervals.dict), Object.values(cardStats.intervals.dict), t("INTERVALS_SUMMARY", { avg: average_interval, longest: longest_interval }), t("COUNT"), t("DAYS"), t("NUMBER_OF_CARDS") ); const eases = getKeysPreserveType(cardStats.eases.dict); for (let ease = Math.min(...eases); ease <= Math.max(...eases); ease++) { cardStats.eases.clearCountIfMissing(ease); } const average_ease = Math.round(cardStats.eases.getTotalOfValueMultiplyCount() / scheduledCount) || 0; createStatsChart( "bar", "easesChart", t("EASES"), "", Object.keys(cardStats.eases.dict), Object.values(cardStats.eases.dict), t("EASES_SUMMARY", { avgEase: average_ease }), t("COUNT"), t("EASES"), t("NUMBER_OF_CARDS") ); const totalCardsCount = this.plugin.deckTree.getCardCount(2 /* All */, true); createStatsChart( "pie", "cardTypesChart", t("CARD_TYPES"), t("CARD_TYPES_DESC"), [ `${t("CARD_TYPE_NEW")} - ${Math.round( cardStats.newCount / totalCardsCount * 100 )}%`, `${t("CARD_TYPE_YOUNG")} - ${Math.round( cardStats.youngCount / totalCardsCount * 100 )}%`, `${t("CARD_TYPE_MATURE")} - ${Math.round( cardStats.matureCount / totalCardsCount * 100 )}%` ], [cardStats.newCount, cardStats.youngCount, cardStats.matureCount], t("CARD_TYPES_SUMMARY", { totalCardsCount }) ); } onClose() { const { contentEl } = this; contentEl.empty(); } }; function createStatsChart(type, canvasId, title, subtitle, labels, data, summary, seriesTitle = "", xAxisTitle = "", yAxisTitle = "") { const style = getComputedStyle(document.body); const textColor = style.getPropertyValue("--text-normal"); let scales = {}, backgroundColor = ["#2196f3"]; if (type !== "pie") { scales = { x: { title: { display: true, text: xAxisTitle, color: textColor } }, y: { title: { display: true, text: yAxisTitle, color: textColor } } }; } else { backgroundColor = ["#2196f3", "#4caf50", "green"]; } const shouldFilter = canvasId === "forecastChart" || canvasId === "intervalsChart"; const statsChart = new Chart(document.getElementById(canvasId), { type, data: { labels: shouldFilter ? labels.slice(0, 31) : labels, datasets: [ { label: seriesTitle, backgroundColor, data: shouldFilter ? data.slice(0, 31) : data } ] }, options: { scales, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: title, font: { size: 22 }, color: textColor }, subtitle: { display: true, text: subtitle, font: { size: 16, style: "italic" }, color: textColor }, legend: { display: false } }, aspectRatio: 2 } }); if (shouldFilter) { const chartPeriodEl = document.getElementById("sr-chart-period"); chartPeriodEl.addEventListener("click", () => { let filteredLabels, filteredData; const chartPeriod = chartPeriodEl.value; if (chartPeriod === "month") { filteredLabels = labels.slice(0, 31); filteredData = data.slice(0, 31); } else if (chartPeriod === "quarter") { filteredLabels = labels.slice(0, 91); filteredData = data.slice(0, 91); } else if (chartPeriod === "year") { filteredLabels = labels.slice(0, 366); filteredData = data.slice(0, 366); } else { filteredLabels = labels; filteredData = data; } = filteredLabels;[0] = { label: seriesTitle, backgroundColor, data: filteredData }; statsChart.update(); }); } document.getElementById(`${canvasId}Summary`).innerText = summary; } // src/gui/sidebar.ts var import_obsidian7 = require("obsidian"); var REVIEW_QUEUE_VIEW_TYPE = "review-queue-list-view"; var ReviewQueueListView = class extends import_obsidian7.ItemView { constructor(leaf, plugin) { super(leaf); this.plugin = plugin; this.registerEvent("file-open", () => this.redraw())); this.registerEvent("rename", () => this.redraw())); } getViewType() { return REVIEW_QUEUE_VIEW_TYPE; } getDisplayText() { return t("NOTES_REVIEW_QUEUE"); } getIcon() { return "SpacedRepIcon"; } onHeaderMenu(menu) { menu.addItem((item) => { item.setTitle(t("CLOSE")).setIcon("cross").onClick(() => {; }); }); } redraw() { const activeFile =; const rootEl = createDiv("nav-folder mod-root"); const childrenEl = rootEl.createDiv("nav-folder-children"); for (const deckKey in this.plugin.reviewDecks) { const deck = this.plugin.reviewDecks[deckKey]; const deckCollapsed = !deck.activeFolders.has(deck.deckName); const deckFolderEl = this.createRightPaneFolder( childrenEl, deckKey, deckCollapsed, false, deck ).getElementsByClassName("nav-folder-children")[0]; if (deck.newNotes.length > 0) { const newNotesFolderEl = this.createRightPaneFolder( deckFolderEl, t("NEW"), !deck.activeFolders.has(t("NEW")), deckCollapsed, deck ); for (const newFile of deck.newNotes) { const fileIsOpen = activeFile && newFile.path === activeFile.path; if (fileIsOpen) { deck.activeFolders.add(deck.deckName); deck.activeFolders.add(t("NEW")); this.changeFolderIconToExpanded(newNotesFolderEl); this.changeFolderIconToExpanded(deckFolderEl); } this.createRightPaneFile( newNotesFolderEl, newFile, fileIsOpen, !deck.activeFolders.has(t("NEW")), deck, this.plugin ); } } if (deck.scheduledNotes.length > 0) { const now =; let currUnix = -1; let schedFolderEl = null, folderTitle = ""; const maxDaysToRender =; for (const sNote of deck.scheduledNotes) { if (sNote.dueUnix != currUnix) { const nDays = Math.ceil((sNote.dueUnix - now) / (24 * 3600 * 1e3)); if (nDays > maxDaysToRender) { break; } if (nDays === -1) { folderTitle = t("YESTERDAY"); } else if (nDays === 0) { folderTitle = t("TODAY"); } else if (nDays === 1) { folderTitle = t("TOMORROW"); } else { folderTitle = new Date(sNote.dueUnix).toDateString(); } schedFolderEl = this.createRightPaneFolder( deckFolderEl, folderTitle, !deck.activeFolders.has(folderTitle), deckCollapsed, deck ); currUnix = sNote.dueUnix; } const fileIsOpen = activeFile && sNote.note.path === activeFile.path; if (fileIsOpen) { deck.activeFolders.add(deck.deckName); deck.activeFolders.add(folderTitle); this.changeFolderIconToExpanded(schedFolderEl); this.changeFolderIconToExpanded(deckFolderEl); } this.createRightPaneFile( schedFolderEl, sNote.note, fileIsOpen, !deck.activeFolders.has(folderTitle), deck, this.plugin ); } } } const contentEl = this.containerEl.children[1]; contentEl.empty(); contentEl.appendChild(rootEl); } createRightPaneFolder(parentEl, folderTitle, collapsed, hidden, deck) { const folderEl = parentEl.createDiv("nav-folder"); const folderTitleEl = folderEl.createDiv("nav-folder-title"); const childrenEl = folderEl.createDiv("nav-folder-children"); const collapseIconEl = folderTitleEl.createDiv( "nav-folder-collapse-indicator collapse-icon" ); collapseIconEl.innerHTML = COLLAPSE_ICON; if (collapsed) { collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = "rotate(-90deg)"; } folderTitleEl.createDiv("nav-folder-title-content").setText(folderTitle); if (hidden) { = "none"; } folderTitleEl.onClickEvent(() => { for (const child of childrenEl.childNodes) { if ( === "block" || === "") { = "none"; collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = "rotate(-90deg)"; deck.activeFolders.delete(folderTitle); } else { = "block"; collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = ""; deck.activeFolders.add(folderTitle); } } }); return folderEl; } createRightPaneFile(folderEl, file, fileElActive, hidden, deck, plugin) { const navFileEl = folderEl.getElementsByClassName("nav-folder-children")[0].createDiv("nav-file"); if (hidden) { = "none"; } const navFileTitle = navFileEl.createDiv("nav-file-title"); if (fileElActive) { navFileTitle.addClass("is-active"); } navFileTitle.createDiv("nav-file-title-content").setText(file.basename); navFileTitle.addEventListener( "click", async (event) => { event.preventDefault(); plugin.lastSelectedReviewDeck = deck.deckName; await; return false; }, false ); navFileTitle.addEventListener( "contextmenu", (event) => { event.preventDefault(); const fileMenu = new import_obsidian7.Menu();"file-menu", fileMenu, file, "my-context-menu", null); fileMenu.showAtPosition({ x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY }); return false; }, false ); } changeFolderIconToExpanded(folderEl) { const collapseIconEl = folderEl.find("div.nav-folder-collapse-indicator"); collapseIconEl.childNodes[0].style.transform = ""; } }; // src/ReviewDeck.ts var import_obsidian8 = require("obsidian"); var ReviewDeck = class { constructor(name) { this.newNotes = []; this.scheduledNotes = []; this.dueNotesCount = 0; this.deckName = name; this.activeFolders = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this.deckName, t("TODAY")]); } sortNotes(pageranks) { this.newNotes = this.newNotes.sort( (a, b) => (pageranks[b.path] || 0) - (pageranks[a.path] || 0) ); this.scheduledNotes = this.scheduledNotes.sort((a, b) => { const result = a.dueUnix - b.dueUnix; if (result != 0) { return result; } return (pageranks[b.note.path] || 0) - (pageranks[a.note.path] || 0); }); } }; var ReviewDeckSelectionModal = class extends import_obsidian8.FuzzySuggestModal { constructor(app2, deckKeys) { super(app2); this.deckKeys = []; this.deckKeys = deckKeys; } getItems() { return this.deckKeys; } getItemText(item) { return item; } onChooseItem(deckKey, _) { this.close(); this.submitCallback(deckKey); } }; // src/icons/appicon.ts var import_obsidian9 = require("obsidian"); function appIcon() { (0, import_obsidian9.addIcon)( "SpacedRepIcon", ` ` ); } // src/util/RandomNumberProvider.ts var RandomNumberProvider = class { getInteger(lowerBound, upperBound) { const range = upperBound - lowerBound + 1; return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + lowerBound; } }; var StaticRandomNumberProvider = class { getInteger(lowerBound, upperBound) { if (lowerBound != this.expectedLowerBound || upperBound != this.expectedUpperBound) throw `lowerBound: ${lowerBound}/${this.expectedLowerBound}, upperBound: ${upperBound}/${this.expectedUpperBound}`; return; } }; var globalRandomNumberProvider = new RandomNumberProvider(); var staticRandomNumberProvider = new StaticRandomNumberProvider(); // src/DeckTreeIterator.ts var SingleDeckIterator = class { get hasCurrentCard() { return this.cardIdx != null; } get currentCard() { if (this.cardIdx == null) return null; return this.deck.getCard(this.cardIdx, this.cardListType); } constructor(iteratorOrder) { this.iteratorOrder = iteratorOrder; this.preferredCardListType = this.iteratorOrder.cardListOrder == 1 /* DueFirst */ ? 1 /* DueCard */ : 0 /* NewCard */; } setDeck(deck) { this.deck = deck; this.setCardListType(null); } setCardListType(cardListType) { this.cardListType = cardListType; this.cardIdx = null; } nextCard() { if (this.cardListType == null) { this.setCardListType(this.preferredCardListType); } if (!this.nextCardWithinList()) { if (this.cardListType == this.preferredCardListType) { this.setCardListType(Deck2.otherListType(this.cardListType)); if (!this.nextCardWithinList()) { this.setCardListType(null); } } else { this.cardIdx = null; } } return this.cardIdx != null; } nextCardWithinList() { let result = false; const cardList = this.deck.getCardListForCardType(this.cardListType); if (this.hasCurrentCard) { this.deleteCurrentCard(); } result = cardList.length > 0; if (result) { switch (this.iteratorOrder.cardOrder) { case 0 /* Sequential */: this.cardIdx = 0; break; case 1 /* Random */: this.cardIdx = globalRandomNumberProvider.getInteger(0, cardList.length - 1); break; } } return result; } deleteCurrentQuestion() { this.ensureCurrentCard(); const q = this.currentCard.question; this.deleteQuestionFromList(q, 0 /* NewCard */); this.deleteQuestionFromList(q, 1 /* DueCard */); this.setNoCurrentCard(); } deleteQuestionFromList(q, cardListType) { const cards = this.deck.getCardListForCardType(cardListType); for (let i = cards.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (, cards[i].question)) this.deck.deleteCardAtIndex(i, cardListType); } } deleteCurrentCard() { this.ensureCurrentCard(); this.deck.deleteCardAtIndex(this.cardIdx, this.cardListType); this.setNoCurrentCard(); } moveCurrentCardToEndOfList() { this.ensureCurrentCard(); const cardList = this.deck.getCardListForCardType(this.cardListType); if (cardList.length <= 1) return; const card = this.currentCard; this.deck.deleteCardAtIndex(this.cardIdx, this.cardListType); this.deck.appendCard(TopicPath.emptyPath, card); this.setNoCurrentCard(); } setNoCurrentCard() { this.cardIdx = null; } ensureCurrentCard() { if (this.cardIdx == null || this.cardListType == null) throw "no current card"; } }; var DeckTreeIterator = class { get hasCurrentCard() { return this.deckIdx != null && this.singleDeckIterator.hasCurrentCard; } get currentDeck() { if (this.deckIdx == null) return null; return this.deckArray[this.deckIdx]; } get currentCard() { if (this.deckIdx == null || !this.singleDeckIterator.hasCurrentCard) return null; return this.singleDeckIterator.currentCard; } constructor(iteratorOrder, deckSource) { this.singleDeckIterator = new SingleDeckIterator(iteratorOrder); this.iteratorOrder = iteratorOrder; this.deckSource = deckSource; } setDeck(deck) { if (this.deckSource == 1 /* CloneBeforeUse */) deck = deck.clone(); this.deckTree = deck; this.deckArray = deck.toDeckArray(); this.setDeckIdx(null); } setDeckIdx(deckIdx) { this.deckIdx = deckIdx; if (deckIdx != null) this.singleDeckIterator.setDeck(this.deckArray[deckIdx]); } nextCard() { let result = false; if (this.deckIdx == null) { this.setDeckIdx(0); } while (this.deckIdx < this.deckArray.length) { if (this.singleDeckIterator.nextCard()) { result = true; break; } this.deckIdx++; if (this.deckIdx < this.deckArray.length) { this.singleDeckIterator.setDeck(this.deckArray[this.deckIdx]); } } if (!result) this.deckIdx = null; return result; } deleteCurrentQuestion() { this.singleDeckIterator.deleteCurrentQuestion(); return this.nextCard(); } deleteCurrentCard() { this.singleDeckIterator.deleteCurrentCard(); return this.nextCard(); } moveCurrentCardToEndOfList() { this.singleDeckIterator.moveCurrentCardToEndOfList(); } }; // src/Note.ts var Note = class { get hasChanged() { return this.questionList.some((question) => question.hasChanged); } get filePath() { return this.file.path; } constructor(file, questionList) { this.file = file; this.questionList = questionList; questionList.forEach((question) => question.note = this); } appendCardsToDeck(deck) { for (const question of this.questionList) { for (const card of { deck.appendCard(question.topicPath, card); } } } debugLogToConsole(desc = "") { var _a; let str = `Note: ${desc}: ${this.questionList.length} questions\r `; for (let i = 0; i < this.questionList.length; i++) { const q = this.questionList[i]; str += `[${i}]: ${q.questionType}: ${q.lineNo}: ${(_a = q.topicPath) == null ? void 0 : _a.path}: ${q.questionText.original}\r `; } console.debug(str); } async writeNoteFile(settings) { let fileText = await; for (const question of this.questionList) { if (question.hasChanged) { fileText = question.updateQuestionText(fileText, settings); } } await this.file.write(fileText); this.questionList.forEach((question) => question.hasChanged = false); } }; // src/Card.ts var Card = class { // scheduling get hasSchedule() { return this.scheduleInfo != null; } constructor(init) { Object.assign(this, init); } get cardListType() { return this.hasSchedule ? 1 /* DueCard */ : 0 /* NewCard */; } get isNew() { return !this.hasSchedule; } get isDue() { return this.hasSchedule && this.scheduleInfo.isDue(); } formatSchedule() { let result = ""; if (this.hasSchedule) result = this.scheduleInfo.formatSchedule(); else result = "New"; return result; } }; // src/parser.ts function parse2(text, singlelineCardSeparator, singlelineReversedCardSeparator, multilineCardSeparator, multilineReversedCardSeparator, convertHighlightsToClozes, convertBoldTextToClozes, convertCurlyBracketsToClozes) { let cardText = ""; const cards = []; let cardType = null; let lineNo = 0; const lines = text.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n").split("\n"); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { const currentLine = lines[i]; if (currentLine.length === 0) { if (cardType) { cards.push([cardType, cardText, lineNo]); cardType = null; } cardText = ""; continue; } else if (currentLine.startsWith("")) i++; i++; continue; } if (cardText.length > 0) { cardText += "\n"; } cardText += currentLine.trimEnd(); if (currentLine.includes(singlelineReversedCardSeparator) || currentLine.includes(singlelineCardSeparator)) { cardType = lines[i].includes(singlelineReversedCardSeparator) ? 1 /* SingleLineReversed */ : 0 /* SingleLineBasic */; cardText = lines[i]; lineNo = i; if (i + 1 < lines.length && lines[i + 1].startsWith("