2021-06-30 16:34:34 -07:00
//! Constant data and Enums used with the Riot Games API.
//! This module uses SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for enum variants, as enums in this
//! crate should be considered collections of constants.
mod macro_serde_string;
mod champion;
pub use champion::*;
mod division;
pub use division::*;
mod game_mode;
pub use game_mode::*;
mod game_type;
pub use game_type::*;
mod map;
pub use map::*;
mod queue_type;
pub use queue_type::*;
mod queue;
pub use queue::*;
pub mod ranks;
mod route;
pub use route::*;
mod season;
pub use season::*;
/// Trait allowing iteration of enum types, implemented by several enums in this module.
/// Re-exported from strum.
pub use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
mod team;
pub use team::*;
mod tier;
pub use tier::*;