use std::cmp; use futures::FutureExt; use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockUpgradableReadGuard}; use reqwest::{Response, StatusCode}; use scan_fmt::scan_fmt; #[cfg(feature = "tracing")] use tracing as log; use super::{RateLimitType, TokenBucket, VectorTokenBucket}; use crate::time::{sleep, Duration, Instant}; use crate::util::Notify; use crate::RiotApiConfig; pub struct RateLimit { rate_limit_type: RateLimitType, // Buckets for this rate limit (synchronized). // Almost always read, written only when rate limit rates are updated // from API response. buckets: RwLock<Vec<VectorTokenBucket>>, // Set to when we can retry if a retry-after header is received. retry_after: RwLock<Option<Instant>>, // Notifies waiters when rate limits are updated. update_notify: Notify, } impl RateLimit { /// Header specifying which RateLimitType caused a 429. /// This header specifies which rate limit is violated in a 429 (if any). /// There are three possible values, see [HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_APPLICATION], /// [HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_METHOD], and [HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_SERVICE]. const HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE: &'static str = "X-Rate-Limit-Type"; /// `"application"` - Entire app/key is rate limited due to violation. const HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_APPLICATION: &'static str = "application"; /// `"method"` - App/key is rate limited on a specific method due to violation. const HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_METHOD: &'static str = "method"; /// `"service"` - Service backend is rate-limiting (no violation). const HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_SERVICE: &'static str = "service"; pub fn new(rate_limit_type: RateLimitType) -> Self { let initial_bucket = VectorTokenBucket::new(Duration::from_secs(1), 1, Duration::new(0, 0), 1.0, 1.0); RateLimit { rate_limit_type, // Rate limit before getting from response: 1/s. buckets: RwLock::new(vec![initial_bucket]), retry_after: RwLock::new(None), update_notify: Notify::new(), } } pub async fn acquire_both(app_rate_limit: &Self, method_rate_limit: &Self) { while let Some(delay) = Self::acquire_both_or_duration(app_rate_limit, method_rate_limit) { futures::select_biased! { _ = sleep(delay).fuse() => continue, _ = method_rate_limit.update_notify.notified().fuse() => {} _ = app_rate_limit.update_notify.notified().fuse() => {} }; log::trace!("Task awoken due to rate limit update."); } } fn acquire_both_or_duration( app_rate_limit: &Self, method_rate_limit: &Self, ) -> Option<Duration> { // Check retry after. { let retry_after_delay = app_rate_limit.get_retry_after_delay().and_then(|a| { method_rate_limit .get_retry_after_delay() .map(|m| cmp::max(a, m)) }); if retry_after_delay.is_some() { return retry_after_delay; } } // Check buckets. let app_buckets =; let method_buckets =; for bucket in app_buckets.iter().chain(method_buckets.iter()) { let delay = bucket.get_delay(); if delay.is_some() { return delay; } } // Success. for bucket in app_buckets.iter().chain(method_buckets.iter()) { bucket.get_tokens(1); } log::trace!( "Tokens obtained, buckets: APP {:?} METHOD {:?}", app_buckets, method_buckets ); None } pub fn get_retry_after_delay(&self) -> Option<Duration> { self.retry_after .read() .and_then(|i| Instant::now().checked_duration_since(i)) } /// Update retry-after and rate limits based on an API response. /// Returns the retry-after delay if set. pub fn on_response(&self, config: &RiotApiConfig, response: &Response) -> Option<Duration> { let retry_after = self.on_response_retry_after(response); self.on_response_rate_limits(config, response); retry_after } /// `on_response` helper for retry after check. /// Returns the retry-after delay if set. #[inline] fn on_response_retry_after(&self, response: &Response) -> Option<Duration> { // Only care about 429s. if StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS != response.status() { return None; } { // Get the X-Rate-Limit-Type header, `Some("application" | "method" | "service")` or `None`. let header_opt = response.headers() .get(Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE) .or_else(|| { log::info!("429 response missing {} header.", Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE); None }) .and_then(|header_value| header_value.to_str() .map_err(|e| log::info!("429 response, error parsing '{}' header as string: {}. Header value: {:#?}", Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE, e, header_value)) .ok()); // This match checks the valid possibilities. Otherwise returns none to ignore. // `Application` handles "application", `Method` handles all other values. let is_responsible = match header_opt { Some(Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_APPLICATION) => { self.rate_limit_type == RateLimitType::Application } Some(Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_METHOD | Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE_SERVICE) => { self.rate_limit_type == RateLimitType::Method } other => { // RateLimitType::Method handles unknown values. if self.rate_limit_type == RateLimitType::Method { log::warn!( "429 response has None (missing or invalid) or unknown {} header value {:?}, {:?} rate limit obeying retry-after.", Self::HEADER_XRATELIMITTYPE, other, self.rate_limit_type); true } else { false } } }; if !is_responsible { return None; } } // Get retry after header. Only care if it exists. let retry_after_header = response .headers() .get(reqwest::header::RETRY_AFTER) .and_then(|h| { h.to_str() .map_err(|e| { log::error!( "Failed to read retry-after header as visible ASCII string: {:?}.", e ) }) .ok() })?; log::info!( "429 response, rate limit {:?}, retry-after {} secs.", self.rate_limit_type, retry_after_header ); // Header currently only returns ints, but float is more general. Can be zero. let retry_after_secs = retry_after_header .parse::<f32>() .map_err(|e| log::error!("Failed to parse read-after header as f32: {:?}.", e)) .ok()?; // Add 0.5 seconds to account for rounding, cases when response is zero. let delay = Duration::from_secs_f32(0.5 + retry_after_secs); // Set `self.retry_after`. *self.retry_after.write() = Some(Instant::now() + delay); Some(delay) } #[inline] fn on_response_rate_limits(&self, config: &RiotApiConfig, response: &Response) { // Check if rate limits changed. let headers = response.headers(); let limit_header_opt = headers .get(self.rate_limit_type.limit_header()) .and_then(|h| { h.to_str() .map_err(|e| { log::error!( "Failed to read limit header as visible ASCII string: {:?}.", e ) }) .ok() }); let count_header_opt = headers .get(self.rate_limit_type.count_header()) .and_then(|h| { h.to_str() .map_err(|e| { log::error!( "Failed to read count header as visible ASCII string: {:?}.", e ) }) .ok() }); if let (Some(limit_header), Some(count_header)) = (limit_header_opt, count_header_opt) { { let buckets = self.buckets.upgradable_read(); if !buckets_require_updating(limit_header, &buckets) { return; } // Buckets require updating. Upgrade to write lock. let mut buckets = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(buckets); *buckets = buckets_from_header(config, limit_header, count_header, self.rate_limit_type); } // Notify waiters that buckets have updated (after unlocking). self.update_notify.notify_waiters(); } } } fn buckets_require_updating(limit_header: &str, buckets: &[VectorTokenBucket]) -> bool { if buckets.len() != limit_header.split(',').count() { return true; } for (limit_header_entry, bucket) in limit_header.split(',').zip(buckets) { // limit_header_entry "100:60" means 100 req per 60 sec. let bucket_entry = format!( "{}:{}", bucket.get_total_limit(), bucket.get_bucket_duration().as_secs() ); if limit_header_entry != bucket_entry { return true; } } false } fn buckets_from_header( config: &RiotApiConfig, limit_header: &str, count_header: &str, rate_limit_type: RateLimitType, ) -> Vec<VectorTokenBucket> { // Limits: "20000:10,1200000:600" // Counts: "7:10,58:600" let size = limit_header.split(',').count(); debug_assert!(size == count_header.split(',').count()); let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(size); for (limit_entry, count_entry) in limit_header.split(',').zip(count_header.split(',')) { let (limit, limit_secs) = scan_fmt!(limit_entry, "{d}:{d}", usize, u64) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to parse limit entry \"{}\".", limit_entry)); let (count, count_secs) = scan_fmt!(count_entry, "{d}:{d}", usize, u64) .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to parse count entry \"{}\".", count_entry)); debug_assert!(limit_secs == count_secs); let rate_usage_factor = if RateLimitType::Application == rate_limit_type { config.app_rate_usage_factor } else { config.method_rate_usage_factor }; let limit_f32 = limit as f32; let scaled_burst_factor = config.burst_factor * limit_f32 / (limit_f32 + 1.0); let bucket = VectorTokenBucket::new( Duration::from_secs(limit_secs), limit, config.duration_overhead, scaled_burst_factor, rate_usage_factor, ); bucket.get_tokens(count); out.push(bucket); } log::debug!( "Set buckets to {} limit, {} count.", limit_header, count_header ); out }