mod testutils; use riven::consts::*; use testutils::*; const ROUTE: PlatformRoute = PlatformRoute::EUW1; static TFT_MATCHES: &[&str] = &[ "EUW1_6307427444", // "EUW1_6307262798", // // "EUW1_6786745342", // 2024-02-16 "EUW1_6807630149", ]; #[tokio_shared_rt::test] async fn tftmatchv1_get_list() -> Result<(), String> { tft_match_v1_get(ROUTE.to_regional(), TFT_MATCHES).await } // /// Don't have acecess to tft-status-v1. // #[tokio_shared_rt::test] // async fn tftstatusv1_getplatformdata() -> Result<(), String> { // let p = riot_api().tft_status_v1().get_platform_data(ROUTE); // let _s = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; // Ok(()) // } #[tokio_shared_rt::test] async fn tftleaguev1_gettopratedladder() -> Result<(), String> { let p = riot_api() .tft_league_v1() .get_top_rated_ladder(ROUTE, QueueType::RANKED_TFT_TURBO); let l = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; rassert!( l.len() > 10, "Expected a few ranked players, got: {}.", l.len() ); Ok(()) } #[tokio_shared_rt::test] async fn tftmatchv1_getmatch() -> Result<(), String> { let p = riot_api() .tft_match_v1() .get_match(ROUTE.to_regional(), "EUW1_6455483163"); let _m = p .await .map_err(|e| e.to_string())? .ok_or("Failed to get TFT match.".to_owned())?; Ok(()) } #[tokio_shared_rt::test] async fn tftsummonerv1_getbyname() -> Result<(), String> { let p = riot_api() .tft_summoner_v1() .get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, "相当猥琐"); let _s = p .await .map_err(|e| e.to_string())? .ok_or("Failed to get TFT summoner.".to_owned())?; Ok(()) } #[tokio_shared_rt::test] async fn tftsummonerv1_getbyname_none() -> Result<(), String> { let p = riot_api() .tft_summoner_v1() .get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, "this summoner does not exist"); rassert!(p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.is_none()); Ok(()) } /// Get top rated player, get some of their matches. #[tokio_shared_rt::test] async fn tft_combo() -> Result<(), String> { let top_players = riot_api() .tft_league_v1() .get_top_rated_ladder(ROUTE, QueueType::RANKED_TFT_TURBO); let top_players = top_players.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; rassert!(!top_players.is_empty()); let top_player_entry = &top_players[0]; let top_player = riot_api() .tft_summoner_v1() .get_by_summoner_id(ROUTE, &top_player_entry.summoner_id); let top_player = top_player.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; println!( "Top player is {} with `puuid` {}.",, top_player.puuid ); let match_ids = riot_api().tft_match_v1().get_match_ids_by_puuid( ROUTE.to_regional(), &top_player.puuid, Some(10), None, None, None, ); let match_ids = match_ids.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?; tft_match_v1_get(ROUTE.to_regional(), &*match_ids).await?; Ok(()) }