'use strict'; var test = require('./util').test; var assert = require("assert") var doT = require(".."); describe('doT', function(){ var basictemplate = "
"; var basiccompiled = doT.template(basictemplate); describe('.name', function (){ it('should have a name', function(){ assert.strictEqual(doT.name, 'doT'); }); }); describe('#template()', function(){ it('should return a function', function(){ assert.equal(typeof basiccompiled, "function"); }); }); describe('#()', function(){ it('should render the template', function(){ assert.equal(basiccompiled({foo:"http"}), "
"); assert.equal(basiccompiled({foo:"http://abc.com"}), "
"); assert.equal(basiccompiled({}), "
"); }); }); describe('encoding with doNotSkipEncoded=false', function() { it('should not replace &', function() { global._encodeHTML = undefined; doT.templateSettings.doNotSkipEncoded = false; var fn = doT.template('
'); assert.equal(fn({foo:"&"}), "
"); }); }); describe('interpolate 2 numbers', function() { it('should print numbers next to each other', function() { test([ '{{=it.one}}{{=it.two}}', '{{= it.one}}{{= it.two}}', '{{= it.one }}{{= it.two }}' ], {one:1, two: 2}, '12'); }); }); describe('evaluate JavaScript', function() { it('should print numbers next to each other', function() { test([ '{{ it.one = 1; it.two = 2; }}{{= it.one }}{{= it.two }}', ], {}, '12'); }); }); describe('encoding with doNotSkipEncoded=true', function() { it('should replace &', function() { global._encodeHTML = undefined; doT.templateSettings.doNotSkipEncoded = true; assert.equal(doT.template('
')({foo:"&"}), "
"); assert.equal(doT.template('{{!it.a}}')({a:"& < > / ' \""}), "& < > / ' ""); assert.equal(doT.template('{{!"& < > / \' \\""}}')(), "& < > / ' ""); }); }); describe('invalid JS in templates', function() { it('should throw exception', function() { assert.throws(function() { var fn = doT.template('
{{= foo + }}
'); }); }); }); });