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118 lines
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use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll, Waker};
use futures::future::FusedFuture;
use futures::FutureExt;
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use slab::Slab;
#[cfg(feature = "tracing")]
use tracing as log;
pub struct Notify {
internal: Mutex<NotifyInternal>,
struct NotifyInternal {
/// Incremented each time [`Self::notify_waiters()`] is called.
pub generation: usize,
/// List of waiters.
pub waiters: Slab<Waker>,
impl Notify {
/// Creates a new `Notify` instance.
pub fn new() -> Self {
/// Returns a future which waits for a notification via [`Self::notify_wakers`].
/// Dropping the returned future will de-register it from this `Notify` instance, which
/// [prevents memory leaks](https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/pull/67).
pub fn notified(&self) -> impl '_ + FusedFuture<Output = ()> {
struct Notified<'a> {
/// Parent notify reference.
notify: &'a Notify,
/// Generation of this notify. To prevent the ABA problem with `slab` keys.
/// Starts out `None`, set to the generation once the `Waker` is registered into [`NotifyInternal::waiters`].
generation_and_key: Option<(usize, usize)>,
impl Future for Notified<'_> {
type Output = ();
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
if let Some(_generation_and_key) = self.generation_and_key.take() {
// Already registered, this is waking via `notify_wakers` (probably).
// `generation_and_key.take()` to set back to `None`, avoid extra `Drop` work.
// Ok since we call `fuse()` to prevent re-polling after this return.
} else {
// Register and set the generation (to preven ABA problem).
let mut internal = self.notify.internal.lock();
let key = internal.waiters.insert(cx.waker().clone());
self.generation_and_key = Some((internal.generation, key));
impl Drop for Notified<'_> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Only bother deallocating if registered (i.e. `generation_and_key` is set).
if let Some((generation, key)) = self.generation_and_key {
let mut internal = self.notify.internal.lock();
// Ensure generation matches before removing, to prevent ABA problem.
// If no match, means `Notify::notify_waiters` has already been called and deallocated us.
if internal.generation == generation {
if internal.waiters.try_remove(key).is_none() {
// Rare race condition to get here, maybe?
log::trace!("Tried to de-register `Notified` on drop but corresponding waker not found.");
Notified {
notify: self,
generation_and_key: None,
/// Notifies all waiting tasks.
pub fn notify_waiters(&self) {
let mut internal = self.internal.lock();
// Increment generation when we clear the slab.
// Wrap, although not likely to matter. ABBB...BA problem with `usize::MAX` 'B's.
internal.generation = internal.generation.wrapping_add(1);
#[cfg(all(test, not(target_family = "wasm")))]
mod test {
use futures::FutureExt;
use super::*;
async fn memory_leak() {
let notify = Notify::new();
for _ in 0..100 {
futures::select_biased! {
_ = notify.notified() => {}
_ = std::future::ready(()).fuse() => {}
let internal = notify.internal.lock();
assert_eq!(0, internal.waiters.len());
assert_eq!(0, internal.waiters.capacity());