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use num_enum::{ IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive };
use strum_macros::{ EnumString, EnumIter, Display, IntoStaticStr };
/// Regional routes, used in tournament services, Legends of Runeterra (LoR), and other some endpoints.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[derive(IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive)]
#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Display, IntoStaticStr)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum RegionalRoute {
/// North and South America.
/// `1` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
/// Asia, used for LoL matches (`match-v5`) and TFT matches (`tft-match-v1`).
/// `2` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
ASIA = 2,
/// Europe.
/// `3` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
/// South East Asia, used for LoR, LoL matches (`match-v5`), and TFT matches (`tft-match-v1`).
/// `4` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
SEA = 4,
/// Asia-Pacific, deprecated, for some old matches in `lor-match-v1`.
/// `10` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
APAC = 10,
/// Special esports platform for `account-v1`. Do not confuse with the `esports` Valorant platform route.
/// `11` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
/// Platform routes for League of Legends (LoL), Teamfight Tactics (TFT), and Legends of Runeterra (LoR).
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[derive(IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive)]
#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Display, IntoStaticStr)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
// Note: strum(serialize = ...) actually specifies extra DEserialization values.
pub enum PlatformRoute {
/// Brazil.
/// `16` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="BR1", serialize="BR")]
BR1 = 16,
/// Europe, Northeast.
/// `17` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="EUN1", serialize="EUNE")]
EUN1 = 17,
/// Europe, West.
/// `18` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="EUW1", serialize="EUW")]
EUW1 = 18,
/// Japan.
/// `19` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="JP1", serialize="JP")]
JP1 = 19,
/// Korea.
/// `20` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
KR = 20,
/// Latin America, North.
/// `21` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="LA1", serialize="LAN")]
LA1 = 21,
/// Latin America, South.
/// `22` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="LA2", serialize="LAS")]
LA2 = 22,
/// North America.
/// `23` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="NA1", serialize="NA")]
NA1 = 23,
/// Oceana.
/// `24` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="OC1", serialize="OCE")]
OC1 = 24,
/// Philippines
/// `32` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="PH2", serialize="PH")]
PH2 = 32,
/// Russia
/// `25` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
RU = 25,
/// Singapore
/// `33` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="SG2", serialize="SG")]
SG2 = 33,
/// Thailand
/// `34` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="TH2", serialize="TH")]
TH2 = 34,
/// Turkey
/// `26` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="TR1", serialize="TR")]
TR1 = 26,
/// Taiwan
/// `35` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="TW2", serialize="TW")]
TW2 = 35,
/// Vietnam
/// `36` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="VN2", serialize="VN")]
VN2 = 36,
/// Public Beta Environment, special beta testing platform. Located in North America.
/// `31` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
#[strum(to_string="PBE1", serialize="PBE")]
PBE1 = 31,
impl PlatformRoute {
/// Converts this [`PlatformRoute`] into its corresponding
/// [`RegionalRoute`] for LoL and TFT match endpoints.
/// For example, [`match-v5`](crate::endpoints::MatchV5).
pub fn to_regional(self) -> RegionalRoute {
match self {
Self::BR1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::EUN1 => RegionalRoute::EUROPE,
Self::EUW1 => RegionalRoute::EUROPE,
Self::JP1 => RegionalRoute::ASIA,
Self::KR => RegionalRoute::ASIA,
Self::LA1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::LA2 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::NA1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::OC1 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::PH2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::RU => RegionalRoute::EUROPE,
Self::SG2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::TH2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::TR1 => RegionalRoute::EUROPE,
Self::TW2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::VN2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::PBE1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
/// Converts this [`PlatformRoute`] into its corresponding
/// [`RegionalRoute`] for LoR endpoints.
/// For example, [`lor-match-v1`](crate::endpoints::LorMatchV1).
pub fn to_regional_lor(self) -> RegionalRoute {
match self {
Self::BR1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::EUN1 => RegionalRoute::EUROPE,
Self::EUW1 => RegionalRoute::EUROPE,
Self::JP1 => RegionalRoute::ASIA,
Self::KR => RegionalRoute::ASIA,
Self::LA1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::LA2 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::NA1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
Self::OC1 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::PH2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::RU => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::SG2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::TH2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::TR1 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::TW2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::VN2 => RegionalRoute::SEA,
Self::PBE1 => RegionalRoute::AMERICAS,
/// Used in the LoL Tournament API. Specifically
/// [`tournament-stub-v4.registerProviderData`](crate::endpoints::TournamentStubV4::register_provider_data)
/// and [`tournament-v4.registerProviderData`](crate::endpoints::TournamentV4::register_provider_data).
pub fn to_tournament_region(self) -> Option<TournamentRegion> {
match self {
Self::BR1 => Some(TournamentRegion::BR),
Self::EUN1 => Some(TournamentRegion::EUNE),
Self::EUW1 => Some(TournamentRegion::EUW),
Self::JP1 => Some(TournamentRegion::JP),
Self::LA1 => Some(TournamentRegion::LAN),
Self::LA2 => Some(TournamentRegion::LAS),
Self::NA1 => Some(TournamentRegion::NA),
Self::OC1 => Some(TournamentRegion::OCE),
Self::TR1 => Some(TournamentRegion::TR),
Self::PBE1 => Some(TournamentRegion::PBE),
_other => None,
/// Get the slightly more human-friendly alternate name for this `PlatformRoute`. Specifically
/// excludes any trailing numbers and appends extra N(orth), S(outh), E(ast), and/or W(est)
/// suffixes to some names. Some of these are old region names which are often still used as
/// user-facing names, e.g. on op.gg.
/// Note these strings *are* handled by the `FromStr` implementation, if you wish to parse them
/// back into `PlatformRoute`s.
pub fn as_region_str(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Self::BR1 => "BR",
Self::EUN1 => "EUNE",
Self::EUW1 => "EUW",
Self::JP1 => "JP",
Self::LA1 => "LAN",
Self::LA2 => "LAS",
Self::NA1 => "NA",
Self::OC1 => "OCE",
Self::PH2 => "PH",
Self::SG2 => "SG",
Self::TH2 => "TH",
Self::TR1 => "TR",
Self::TW2 => "TW",
Self::VN2 => "VN",
Self::PBE1 => "PBE",
other => other.into(),
/// Platform routes for Valorant.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[derive(IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive)]
#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Display, IntoStaticStr)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub enum ValPlatformRoute {
/// Asia-Pacific.
/// `64` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
AP = 64,
/// Brazil.
/// `65` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
BR = 65,
/// Europe.
/// `66` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
EU = 66,
/// Korea.
/// `70` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
KR = 70,
/// Latin America.
/// `68` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
LATAM = 68,
/// North America.
/// `69` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
NA = 69,
/// Special esports platform.
/// `95` (riotapi-schema ID/repr)
/// Tournament regions for League of Legends (LoL) used in
/// [`tournament-stub-v4.registerProviderData`](crate::endpoints::TournamentStubV4::register_provider_data)
/// and [`tournament-v4.registerProviderData`](crate::endpoints::TournamentV4::register_provider_data).
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[derive(IntoPrimitive, TryFromPrimitive)]
#[derive(EnumString, EnumIter, Display, IntoStaticStr)]
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
// Note: strum(serialize = ...) actually specifies extra DEserialization values.
pub enum TournamentRegion {
/// Brazil.
BR = 16,
/// Europe, Northeast.
EUNE = 17,
/// Europe, West.
EUW = 18,
/// Japan.
JP = 19,
/// Latin America, North.
LAN = 21,
/// Latin America, South.
LAS = 22,
/// North America.
NA = 23,
/// Oceana.
OCE = 24,
/// Turkey
TR = 26,
/// Public Beta Environment, special beta testing platform. Located in North America.
PBE = 31,