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const spec = require('./.spec.json');
const dotUtils = require('./dotUtils.js');
}}{{= dotUtils.preamble() }}
// http://www.mingweisamuel.com/riotapi-schema/tool/
// Version {{= spec.info.version }}
//! Data transfer structs.
//! Separated into separate modules for each endpoint.
//! Several modules contain structs with the same name, so be sure to use the right ones.
//! Note: these modules are automatically generated.
let schemas = spec.components.schemas;
let schemaKeyByEndpoint = Object.keys(schemas)
.filter(schemaKey => 'Error' != schemaKey)
.groupBy(schemaKey => schemaKey.split('.')[0]);
for (let [endpoint, schemaKeyGroup] of schemaKeyByEndpoint) {
const endpoint_pascal_case = dotUtils.changeCase.pascalCase(endpoint);
/// Data structs used by [`{{= endpoint_pascal_case }}`](crate::endpoints::{{= endpoint_pascal_case }}).
/// Note: this module is automatically generated.
pub mod {{= dotUtils.changeCase.snakeCase(endpoint) }} {
for (let schemaKey of schemaKeyGroup) {
const [, rawSchemaName] = schemaKey.split('.');
const schemaName = dotUtils.normalizeSchemaName(rawSchemaName);
const schema = schemas[schemaKey];
const props = schema.properties;
const requiredSet = new Set(schema.required);
/// {{= schemaName }} data object.
{{? schema.description }}
/// # Description
/// {{= schema.description.split('\n').map(x => x.trim()).join('<br>\r\n /// ') }}
/// Note: This struct is automatically generated
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "deny-unknown-fields", serde(deny_unknown_fields))]
pub struct {{= schemaName }} {
for (let [ propKey, prop ] of Object.entries(props))
const name = dotUtils.normalizePropName(propKey);
const optional = !requiredSet.has(propKey);
{{? prop.description }}
/// {{= prop.description.split('\n').map(x => x.trim()).join('<br>\r\n /// ') }}
{{= dotUtils.formatJsonProperty(propKey) }}
{{? optional }}
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
{{? 'championId' === propKey && (prop.description || '').includes('this field returned invalid championIds') }}
/// Instead use [`Self::champion()`] which checks this field then parses [`Self::champion_name`].
#[deprecated(since = "2.5.0", note = "Use `Participant.champion()` instead. Riot sometimes returns corrupted data for this field: https://github.com/RiotGames/developer-relations/issues/553")]
#[serde(serialize_with = "crate::consts::Champion::serialize_result")]
#[serde(deserialize_with = "crate::consts::Champion::deserialize_result")]
pub {{= name }}: Result<crate::consts::Champion, std::num::TryFromIntError>,
pub {{= name }}: {{= dotUtils.stringifyType(prop, { optional }) }},
}} |