Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven.git synced 2025-02-15 04:27:26 -08:00
2023-01-07 20:20:23 -08:00

175 lines
8.6 KiB

#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(custom_test_frameworks))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", test_runner(my_runner))]
mod async_tests;
mod testutils;
use testutils::*;
use colored::*;
use riven::consts::*;
use riven::models::summoner_v4::*;
fn validate_summoners(s1: Summoner, s2: Summoner) -> Result<(), String> {
rassert_eq!(s1.name, s2.name, "Names didn't match {}.", "");
rassert_eq!(s1.id, s2.id, "SummonerId didn't match {}.", "");
rassert_eq!(s1.account_id, s2.account_id, "AccountId didn't match {}.", "");
const ROUTE: PlatformRoute = PlatformRoute::NA1;
my_runner {
// Summoner tests.
summoner_double: async {
let l1p = RIOT_API.summoner_v4().get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, "lug nuts k");
let l2p = RIOT_API.summoner_v4().get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, "lugnuts k");
let l1 = l1p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or_else(|| "Failed to get l1".to_owned())?;
let l2 = l2p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or_else(|| "Failed to get l2".to_owned())?;
validate_summoners(l1, l2)?;
champion_getrotation: async {
let p = RIOT_API.champion_v3().get_champion_info(ROUTE);
let d = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let new_len = d.free_champion_ids_for_new_players.len();
let free_len = d.free_champion_ids.len();
let level = d.max_new_player_level;
rassert!(new_len >= 10, "New len: {}", new_len);
rassert!(free_len >= 15, "Free len: {}", free_len);
rassert_eq!(10, level, "New player level: {}", level);
leagueexp_get: async {
let p = RIOT_API.league_exp_v4().get_league_entries(ROUTE, QueueType::RANKED_SOLO_5x5, Tier::CHALLENGER, Division::I, None);
let d = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
rassert!(!d.is_empty(), "Challenger shouldn't be empty.");
// TO TEST THIS BUG: https://github.com/RiotGames/developer-relations/issues/572.
league_getforsummoner_tftbug: async {
const SUMMONER_NAME: &'static str = "LE ANTIFRAGILE";
let summoner_fut = RIOT_API.summoner_v4().get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, SUMMONER_NAME);
let summoner = summoner_fut.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or_else(|| format!("Failed to get \"{}\"", SUMMONER_NAME))?;
let league_fut = RIOT_API.league_v4().get_league_entries_for_summoner(ROUTE, &*summoner.id);
let leagues = league_fut.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
let tft_league = leagues.iter().find(|league| QueueType::RANKED_TFT_DOUBLE_UP == league.queue_type);
// matchlist_get: async {
// let sp = RIOT_API.summoner_v4().get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, "haha yes");
// let s = sp.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get \"haha yes\"".to_owned())?;
// let mp = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_matchlist(ROUTE, &s.account_id, None, Some(2500), None, None, Some(2600), None, None);
// let m = mp.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get matchlist".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(m.matches.len() > 0, "Matchlist should not be empty");
// Ok(())
// },
// matchlist_get2: async {
// let sp = RIOT_API.summoner_v4().get_by_summoner_name(ROUTE, "haha yes");
// let s = sp.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get \"haha yes\"".to_owned())?;
// let mp = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_matchlist(ROUTE, &s.account_id, None, None, Some(&[ Champion::SION, Champion::SIVIR, Champion::CASSIOPEIA ]), None, None, None, None);
// let m = mp.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get matchlist".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(m.matches.len() > 0, "Matchlist should not be empty");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 3190191338);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Match not found.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_bots: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 3251803350);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Match not found.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_odyssey: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 2881976826);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Match not found.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_aram: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 2961635718);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get match.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_aram2: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 3596184782);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Match not found.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_urf900: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 2963663381);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get match.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_tutorial1: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 3432145099);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get match.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_tutorial2: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 3432116214);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get match.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_get_tutorial3: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match(ROUTE, 3432156790);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Failed to get match.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.participants.is_empty(), "Match should have participants.");
// Ok(())
// },
// match_gettimeline: async {
// let p = RIOT_API.match_v4().get_match_timeline(ROUTE, 3190191338);
// let m = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?.ok_or("Match timeline not found.".to_owned())?;
// rassert!(!m.frames.is_empty(), "Match timeline should have frames.");
// Ok(())
// },
// Commented out, requires special API key.
// // LOR
// lor_ranked_get_leaderboards: async {
// let future = RIOT_API.lor_ranked_v1().get_leaderboards(Region::AMERICAS);
// let _leaderboard = future.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
// Ok(())
// },
clash_get_tournaments: async {
let p = RIOT_API.clash_v1().get_tournaments(ROUTE);
let tours = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
if let Some(tour0) = tours.first() {
let p = RIOT_API.clash_v1().get_tournament_by_id(ROUTE, tour0.id);
let tour1 = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
assert_eq!(Some(tour0.id), tour1.map(|t| t.id));
clash_get_team_by_id: async {
let p = RIOT_API.clash_v1().get_team_by_id(ROUTE, "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000");
let team = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
status: async {
let p = RIOT_API.lol_status_v4().get_platform_data(ROUTE);
let status = p.await.map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;
println!("{:?}", status);