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//! <h1 align="center">
//! Riven<br>
//! </h1>
//! <p align="center">
//! <a href="https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/"><img src="https://cdn.communitydragon.org/latest/champion/Riven/square" width="20" height="20" alt="Riven Github"></a>
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//! Rust Library for the [Riot Games API](https://developer.riotgames.com/).
//! Riven's goals are _speed_, _reliability_, and _maintainability_. Riven handles rate limits and large requests with ease.
//! Data structs and endpoints are automatically generated from the
//! [Riot API Reference](https://developer.riotgames.com/api-methods/) ([Swagger](http://www.mingweisamuel.com/riotapi-schema/tool/)).
//! # Design
//! * Fast, asynchronous, thread-safe.
//! * Automatically retries failed requests, configurable.
//! * Supports all endpoints, kept up-to-date using [riotapi-schema](https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/riotapi-schema).
//! * Can compile to Wasm for server-side or browser+proxy use.
//! # Usage
//! ```rust
//! use riven::RiotApi;
//! use riven::consts::PlatformRoute;
//! // Enter tokio async runtime.
//! let rt = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
//! rt.block_on(async {
//! // Create RiotApi instance from key string.
//! let api_key = std::env!("RGAPI_KEY"); // "RGAPI-01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef";
//! let riot_api = RiotApi::new(api_key);
//! // Get summoner data.
//! let summoner = riot_api.summoner_v4()
//! .get_by_summoner_name(PlatformRoute::NA1, "잘 못").await
//! .expect("Get summoner failed.")
//! .expect("There is no summoner with that name.");
//! // Print summoner name.
//! println!("{} Champion Masteries:", summoner.name);
//! // Get champion mastery data.
//! let masteries = riot_api.champion_mastery_v4()
//! .get_all_champion_masteries_by_puuid(PlatformRoute::NA1, &summoner.puuid).await
//! .expect("Get champion masteries failed.");
//! // Print champion masteries.
//! for (i, mastery) in masteries.iter().take(10).enumerate() {
//! println!("{: >2}) {: <9} {: >7} ({})", i + 1,
//! mastery.champion_id.name().unwrap_or("UNKNOWN"),
//! mastery.champion_points, mastery.champion_level);
//! }
//! });
//! ```
//! Output:
//! ```text
//! 잘 못 Champion Masteries:
//! 1) Riven 1236866 (7)
//! 2) Fiora 230679 (5)
//! 3) Katarina 175985 (5)
//! 4) Lee Sin 156070 (7)
//! 5) Jax 102662 (5)
//! 6) Gnar 76373 (6)
//! 7) Kai'Sa 64271 (5)
//! 8) Caitlyn 46614 (5)
//! 9) Irelia 46465 (5)
//! 10) Vladimir 37176 (5)
//! ```
//! The [`RiotApi` struct documentation](https://docs.rs/riven/latest/riven/struct.RiotApi.html)
//! contains additional usage information. The [tests](https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/tree/v/2.x.x/riven/tests)
//! and [example proxy](https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/tree/v/2.x.x/riven/examples/proxy)
//! provide more example usage.
//! ## Feature Flags
//! ### Nightly vs Stable
//! Enable the `nightly` feature to use nightly-only functionality. This enables
//! [nightly optimizations in the `parking_lot` crate](https://github.com/Amanieu/parking_lot#nightly-vs-stable).
//! ```toml
//! riven = { version = "...", features = [ "nightly" ] }
//! ```
//! ### rustls
//! Riven uses [reqwest](https://github.com/seanmonstar/reqwest) for making requests. By default, reqwest uses the native TLS library.
//! If you prefer using [rustls](https://github.com/ctz/rustls) you can do so by turning off the Riven default features
//! and specifying the `rustls-tls` feature:
//! ```toml
//! riven = { version = "...", default-features = false, features = [ "rustls-tls" ] }
//! ```
//! ### `log` or `tracing`
//! Riven is additionally able to produce [tracing](https://docs.rs/tracing) spans for requests if the `tracing` feature is enabled.
//! By default the `tracing` feature is disabled and Riven instead writes to [`log`](https://docs.rs/log).
//! ## Docs
//! [On docs.rs](https://docs.rs/riven/).
//! ## Error Handling
//! Riven returns either `Result<T>` or `Result<Option<T>>` within futures.
//! If the `Result` is errored, this indicates that the API request failed to
//! complete successfully, which may be due to bad user input, Riot server errors,
//! incorrect API key, etc.
//! If the `Option` is `None`, this indicates that the request completed
//! successfully but no data was returned. This happens in several situations, such
//! as getting a summoner (by name) or match (by id) that doesn't exist, or getting
//! spectator data for a summoner who is not in-game.
//! Specifically, the API returned a 404 HTTP status code in this situation.
//! The error type used by Riven is `riven::RiotApiError`. It provides some basic
//! diagnostic information, such as the source Reqwest error, the number of retries
//! attempted, and the Reqwest `Response` object.
//! You can configure the number of time Riven retries using
//! `RiotApiConfig::set_retries(...)` and the `RiotApi::from_config(config)`
//! constructor. By default, Riven retries up to 3 times (4 requests total).
//! Some errors, such as 400 client errors, are not retried as they would
//! inevitably fail again.
//! ## Semantic Versioning
//! This package follows semantic versioning to an extent. However, the Riot API
//! itself changes often and does not follow semantic versioning, which makes
//! things difficult. Out-of-date versions will slowly partially cease to work due
//! to this.
//! When the API changes, this may result in breaking changes in the `models`
//! module, `endpoints` module, and some of the `consts` module. "Handle accessor"
//! methods may be removed from `RiotApi` if the corresponding endpoint is removed
//! from the Riot API. These breaking changes will increment the **MINOR** version,
//! not the major version.
//! Parts of Riven that do not depend on Riot API changes do follow semantic
//! versioning.
//! ## Additional Help
//! Feel free to [make an issue](https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/issues/new)
//! if you are have any questions or trouble with Riven.
//! # Development
//! NodeJS is used to generate code for Riven. The
//! [`riven/srcgen`](https://github.com/MingweiSamuel/Riven/tree/v/2.x.x/riven/srcgen)
//! folder contains the code and [doT.js](https://olado.github.io/doT/index.html)
//! templates. `index.js` lists the JSON files downloaded and used to generate the
//! code.
//! To set up the srcgen, you will first need to install NodeJS. Then enter the
//! `riven/srcgen` folder and run `npm ci` (or `npm install`) to install
//! dependencies.
//! To run the srcgen use `node riven/srcgen` from the repository root.
// Re-exported reqwest types.
pub use reqwest;
mod config;
pub use config::RiotApiConfig;
pub mod consts;
pub mod endpoints;
mod error;
pub use error::*;
pub mod meta;
pub mod models;
mod models_impls;
mod req;
mod response_info;
pub use response_info::*;
mod riot_api;
pub use riot_api::*;
mod util;
/// Wasm compatibility layer for [`std::time`] or [`web_time`].
pub mod time {
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
pub use std::time::*;
#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
pub use web_time::*;
#[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))]
pub use tokio::time::sleep;
#[cfg(target_family = "wasm")]
pub use gloo_timers::future::sleep;