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synced 2025-01-14 21:07:26 -08:00
- `example/proxy` is new folder for `example_proxy`. - `riven` is new folder for the main riven lib. - Updated metadata to be an array and include HTTP method.
150 lines
5.5 KiB
150 lines
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/* doT + auto-compilation of doT templates
* 2012, Laura Doktorova, https://github.com/olado/doT
* Licensed under the MIT license
* Compiles .def, .dot, .jst files found under the specified path.
* It ignores sub-directories.
* Template files can have multiple extensions at the same time.
* Files with .def extension can be included in other files via {{#def.name}}
* Files with .dot extension are compiled into functions with the same name and
* can be accessed as renderer.filename
* Files with .jst extension are compiled into .js files. Produced .js file can be
* loaded as a commonJS, AMD module, or just installed into a global variable
* (default is set to window.render).
* All inline defines defined in the .jst file are
* compiled into separate functions and are available via _render.filename.definename
* Basic usage:
* var dots = require("dot").process({path: "./views"});
* dots.mytemplate({foo:"hello world"});
* The above snippet will:
* 1. Compile all templates in views folder (.dot, .def, .jst)
* 2. Place .js files compiled from .jst templates into the same folder.
* These files can be used with require, i.e. require("./views/mytemplate").
* 3. Return an object with functions compiled from .dot templates as its properties.
* 4. Render mytemplate template.
var fs = require("fs"),
doT = module.exports = require("./doT");
doT.process = function(options) {
//path, destination, global, rendermodule, templateSettings
return new InstallDots(options).compileAll();
function InstallDots(o) {
this.__path = o.path || "./";
if (this.__path[this.__path.length-1] !== '/') this.__path += '/';
this.__destination = o.destination || this.__path;
if (this.__destination[this.__destination.length-1] !== '/') this.__destination += '/';
this.__global = o.global || "window.render";
this.__rendermodule = o.rendermodule || {};
this.__settings = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,"templateSettings") ? copy(o.templateSettings, copy(doT.templateSettings)) : undefined;
this.__includes = {};
InstallDots.prototype.compileToFile = function(path, template, def) {
def = def || {};
var modulename = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")+1, path.lastIndexOf("."))
, defs = copy(this.__includes, copy(def))
, settings = this.__settings || doT.templateSettings
, compileoptions = copy(settings)
, defaultcompiled = doT.template(template, settings, defs)
, exports = []
, compiled = ""
, fn;
for (var property in defs) {
// It looks like the code block inside "if" below can never be executed,
// because InstallDots constructor is private, compileToFile is only called from compileAll method
// and def parameter is never passed to it, so the condition in if will always fail.
// This code will be removed from the next major version.
// For now it is only excluded from coverage report
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (defs[property] !== def[property] && defs[property] !== this.__includes[property]) {
fn = undefined;
if (typeof defs[property] === 'string') {
fn = doT.template(defs[property], settings, defs);
} else if (typeof defs[property] === 'function') {
fn = defs[property];
} else if (defs[property].arg) {
compileoptions.varname = defs[property].arg;
fn = doT.template(defs[property].text, compileoptions, defs);
if (fn) {
compiled += fn.toString().replace('anonymous', property);
compiled += defaultcompiled.toString().replace('anonymous', modulename);
fs.writeFileSync(path, "(function(){" + compiled
+ "var itself=" + modulename + ", _encodeHTML=(" + doT.encodeHTMLSource.toString() + "(" + (settings.doNotSkipEncoded || '') + "));"
+ addexports(exports)
+ "if(typeof module!=='undefined' && module.exports) module.exports=itself;else if(typeof define==='function')define(function(){return itself;});else {"
+ this.__global + "=" + this.__global + "||{};" + this.__global + "['" + modulename + "']=itself;}}());");
function addexports(exports) {
var ret = '';
for (var i=0; i< exports.length; i++) {
ret += "itself." + exports[i]+ "=" + exports[i]+";";
return ret;
function copy(o, to) {
to = to || {};
for (var property in o) {
to[property] = o[property];
return to;
function readdata(path) {
var data = fs.readFileSync(path);
if (data) return data.toString();
console.log("problems with " + path);
InstallDots.prototype.compilePath = function(path) {
var data = readdata(path);
if (data) {
return doT.template(data,
this.__settings || doT.templateSettings,
InstallDots.prototype.compileAll = function() {
if (doT.log) console.log("Compiling all doT templates...");
var defFolder = this.__path,
sources = fs.readdirSync(defFolder),
k, l, name;
for( k = 0, l = sources.length; k < l; k++) {
name = sources[k];
if (/\.def(\.dot|\.jst)?$/.test(name)) {
if (doT.log) console.log("Loaded def " + name);
this.__includes[name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.'))] = readdata(defFolder + name);
for( k = 0, l = sources.length; k < l; k++) {
name = sources[k];
if (/\.dot(\.def|\.jst)?$/.test(name)) {
if (doT.log) console.log("Compiling " + name + " to function");
this.__rendermodule[name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.'))] = this.compilePath(defFolder + name);
if (/\.jst(\.dot|\.def)?$/.test(name)) {
if (doT.log) console.log("Compiling " + name + " to file");
this.compileToFile(this.__destination + name.substring(0, name.indexOf('.')) + '.js',
readdata(defFolder + name));
return this.__rendermodule;