2024-04-05 08:23:17 -07:00
local visual_utils = require("codesnap.utils.visual")
local path_utils = require("codesnap.utils.path")
local string_utils = require("codesnap.utils.string")
local static = require("codesnap.static")
local table_utils = require("codesnap.utils.table")
local config_module = {}
local assets_folder = static.cwd .. "/assets"
2024-04-05 09:10:08 -07:00
-- Auto generated codesnap filename based on the following rule:
-- CodeSnap_y-m-d_at_h:m:s
local function auto_generate_snap_filename()
return os.date("CodeSnap_%Y-%m-%d_at_%H:%M:%S.png")
-- If the save_path is already configured, but no explicit filename is specified,
-- it will be replaced with auto-generated filename
local function parse_save_path(save_path)
if save_path == nil or string_utils.ends_with(save_path, "png") then
return save_path
local parsed_save_path = string_utils.ends_with(save_path, "/") and save_path or save_path .. "/"
return parsed_save_path .. auto_generate_snap_filename()
2024-04-07 02:24:43 -07:00
function config_module.get_config(extension)
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local code = visual_utils.get_selected_text()
if string_utils.is_str_empty(code) then
error("No code is selected", 0)
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local config = table_utils.merge({
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code = code,
extension = extension,
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code_file_path = vim.fn.expand("%:p"),
2024-04-05 08:23:17 -07:00
fonts_folder = assets_folder .. "/fonts",
themes_folder = assets_folder .. "/themes",
theme = "base16-onedark",
file_path = static.config.has_breadcrumbs and path_utils.get_relative_path() or "",
}, static.config)
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config.save_path = parse_save_path(config.save_path)
return config
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return config_module