From b2123c8957c9d6638e3e393b293670bf047b76b4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Leonardo=20Hern=C3=A1ndez=20Hern=C3=A1ndez?=
Date: Mon, 8 May 2023 12:39:19 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] update config

 config.def.h | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 249 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/config.def.h b/config.def.h
index ffa199c..c0fb7ba 100644
--- a/config.def.h
+++ b/config.def.h
@@ -5,44 +5,104 @@
                         (hex & 0xFF) / 255.0f }
 /* appearance */
 static const int sloppyfocus               = 1;  /* focus follows mouse */
-static const int bypass_surface_visibility = 0;  /* 1 means idle inhibitors will disable idle tracking even if it's surface isn't visible  */
-static const int smartborders              = 1;
+static const int bypass_surface_visibility = 1;  /* 1 means idle inhibitors will disable idle tracking even if it's surface isn't visible  */
+static const int numlock                   = 1;
+static const int capslock                  = 0;
+static const int smartborders              = 0;
 static const int smartgaps                 = 0;  /* 1 means no outer gap when there is only one window */
-static const int monoclegaps               = 0;  /* 1 means outer gaps in monocle layout */
-static const unsigned int borderpx         = 1;  /* border pixel of windows */
-static const unsigned int gappih           = 10; /* horiz inner gap between windows */
-static const unsigned int gappiv           = 10; /* vert inner gap between windows */
-static const unsigned int gappoh           = 10; /* horiz outer gap between windows and screen edge */
-static const unsigned int gappov           = 10; /* vert outer gap between windows and screen edge */
-static const char *cursortheme             = NULL; /* theme from /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 or ${XCURSOR_PATH} */
+static const int monoclegaps               = 1;  /* 1 means outer gaps in monocle layout */
+static const unsigned int borderpx         = 2;  /* border pixel of windows */
+static const unsigned int gappih           = 6;  /* horiz inner gap between windows */
+static const unsigned int gappiv           = 6;  /* vert inner gap between windows */
+static const unsigned int gappoh           = 6;  /* horiz outer gap between windows and screen edge */
+static const unsigned int gappov           = 6;  /* vert outer gap between windows and screen edge */
+static const char *cursortheme             = "breeze_cursors"; /* theme from ${XCURSOR_PATH} or /usr/share/cursors/xorg-x11 if emtpy*/
 static const char cursorsize[]             = "24";
-static const float bordercolor[]           = COLOR(0x444444ff);
-static const float focuscolor[]            = COLOR(0x005577ff);
+static const float focuscolor[]            = COLOR(0x6000ffff);
+static const float bordercolor[]           = COLOR(0x000000B3);
 static const float urgentcolor[]           = COLOR(0xff0000ff);
 /* To conform the xdg-protocol, set the alpha to zero to restore the old behavior */
 static const float fullscreen_bg[]         = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0}; /* You can also use glsl colors */
-static const float default_opacity         = 0.75;
+static const float default_opacity         = 0.95;
 /* tagging - TAGCOUNT must be no greater than 31 */
-#define TAGCOUNT (9)
+#define TAGCOUNT (10u)
 /* logging */
 static int log_level = WLR_ERROR;
+static const char *const autostart[] = {
+	/* from */
+	"import-gsettings", NULL,
+	/* I don't really care about gammastep errors */
+	"sh", "-c", "gammastep 2> /dev/null", NULL,
+	"sh", "-c", "ulimit -c unlimited; fnott", NULL, /* */
+	"swayidle", "-w", NULL,
+	"foot", "--log-level=error", "--server", NULL,
+	/* chbg is a script that print a random image. */
+	"sh", "-c", "wbg $(chbg --print)", NULL, /* */
+	"sh", "-c", "ulimit -c unlimited; yambar --log-level=error", NULL,
+	"sh", "-c", "ulimit -c unlimited; yambar --log-level=error -c ~/.config/yambar/config-bottom.yml", NULL,
+	"sh", "-c", "pgrep -u ${USER} -x wireplumber 2>&1 > /dev/null || gentoo-pipewire-launcher restart", NULL,
+	"sh", "-c", "pgrep -u ${USER} -x emacs 2>&1 > /dev/null || emacs --fg-daemon", NULL,
+	"keepassxc", NULL,
+	NULL /* terminate */
 static const Rule rules[] = {
-	/* app_id     title       tags mask     isfloating   alpha           monitor */
+	/* app_id      title       tags mask  isfloating opacity          monitor */
 	/* examples:
-	{ "Gimp",     NULL,       0,            1,           default_alpha,  -1 },
-	{ "Alacritty",NULL,       1 << 2,       0,           1.0,            -1 },
-	{ "firefox",  NULL,       1 << 8,       0,           default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag1",      NULL,       1 << 0,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag2",      NULL,       1 << 1,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag3",      NULL,       1 << 2,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag4",      NULL,       1 << 3,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag5",      NULL,       1 << 4,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag6",      NULL,       1 << 5,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag7",      NULL,       1 << 6,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag8",      NULL,       1 << 7,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag9",      NULL,       1 << 8,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "tag0",      NULL,       1 << 9,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "KeePassXC", NULL,       0,         1,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "firefox",   NULL,       1 << 0,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "chromium",  NULL,       1 << 0,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "Emacs",     NULL,       1 << 1,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "emacs",     NULL,       1 << 1,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "Alacritty", NULL,       1 << 2,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "foot",      NULL,       1 << 2,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ NULL,  "Passwords.kdbx", 1 << 3,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ NULL,       "TOTP.kdbx", 1 << 3,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ NULL, "Unlock Database", 0     ,    1,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "office",    NULL,       1 << 4,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "zathura",   NULL,       1 << 4,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "imv",       NULL,       1 << 5,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "zoom",      NULL,       1 << 6,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "mpv",       NULL,       1 << 6,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "telegram",  NULL,       1 << 8,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{"thunderbird",NULL,       1 << 8,    0,         default_opacity, -1 },
+	{ "weechat",   NULL,       1 << 8,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "neomutt",   NULL,       1 << 8,    0,         1,               -1 },
+	{ "wlroots",   NULL,       1 << 9,    0,         1,               -1 },
 /* layout(s) */
 static const Layout layouts[] = {
 	/* symbol     arrange function */
-	{ "[]=",      tile },
-	{ "><>",      NULL },    /* no layout function means floating behavior */
+	{ "[T]",      tile },
+	{ "[F]",      NULL },    /* no layout function means floating behavior */
 	{ "[M]",      monocle },
 	{ NULL,       NULL },
@@ -51,27 +111,21 @@ static const Layout layouts[] = {
  * The order in which monitors are defined determines their position.
  * Non-configured monitors are always added to the left. */
 static const MonitorRule monrules[] = {
-	/* name       mfact nmaster scale layout       rotate/reflect x y resx resy rate adaptive custom*/
+	/* name       mfact nmaster scale layout       rotate/reflect              x  y  resx resy rate     adaptive custom*/
 	/* example of a HiDPI laptop monitor at 120Hz:
-	{ "eDP-1",    0.5,  1,      2,    &layouts[0], WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 120.000, 1, 0},
+	{ "eDP-1",    0.5,  1,      2,    &layouts[0], WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0,   0,   120.000, 1,       0 },
 	/* defaults */
-	{ NULL,       0.55, 1,      1,    &layouts[0], WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1},
+	{ NULL,       0.55, 1,      1,    &layouts[0], WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0,   0,   40.005,  0,       0 },
 /* keyboard */
 static const struct xkb_rule_names xkb_rules = {
 	/* can specify fields: rules, model, layout, variant, options */
-	/* example:
-	.options = "ctrl:nocaps",
-	*/
-	.options = NULL,
+	0
-/* numlock and capslock */
-static const int numlock = 1;
-static const int capslock = 0;
 static const int repeat_rate = 25;
 static const int repeat_delay = 600;
@@ -109,7 +163,7 @@ static const uint32_t send_events_mode = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_SEND_EVENTS_ENABLED;
-static const enum libinput_config_accel_profile accel_profile = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_ACCEL_PROFILE_ADAPTIVE;
+static const enum libinput_config_accel_profile accel_profile = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_ACCEL_PROFILE_FLAT;
 static const double accel_speed = 0.0;
 /* You can choose between:
 LIBINPUT_CONFIG_TAP_MAP_LRM -- 1/2/3 finger tap maps to left/right/middle
@@ -117,70 +171,180 @@ LIBINPUT_CONFIG_TAP_MAP_LMR -- 1/2/3 finger tap maps to left/middle/right
 static const enum libinput_config_tap_button_map button_map = LIBINPUT_CONFIG_TAP_MAP_LRM;
-/* Autostart */
-static const char *const autostart[] = {
-        "sh", "-c", "swaybg --image /xap/local/background", NULL,
-        NULL /* terminate */
-/* If you want to use the windows key for MODKEY, use WLR_MODIFIER_LOGO */
+#define Control WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL
+#define Shift   WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT
 #define TAGKEYS(KEY,TAG) \
-	{ MODKEY,                    KEY,            view,            {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL,  KEY,            toggleview,      {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, KEY,            tag,             {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+	{ MODKEY,               KEY, view,       {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+	{ MODKEY|Control,       KEY, toggleview, {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,         KEY, tag,        {.ui = 1 << TAG} }, \
+	{ MODKEY|Control|Shift, KEY, toggletag,  {.ui = 1 << TAG} }
 /* helper for spawning shell commands in the pre dwm-5.0 fashion */
 #define SHCMD(cmd) { .v = (const char*[]){ "/bin/sh", "-c", cmd, NULL } }
-/* commands */
-static const char *termcmd[] = { "foot", NULL };
-static const char *menucmd[] = { "bemenu-run", NULL };
+/* helper for run programs */
+#define RUN(...)   { .v = (const char*[]){ __VA_ARGS__, NULL } }
 #include "keys.h"
-static const Key keys[] = {
-	/* modifier                  key          function        argument */
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_p,       spawn,          {.v = menucmd} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_Return,  spawn,          {.v = termcmd} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_j,       focusstack,     {.i = +1} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_k,       focusstack,     {.i = -1} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_i,       incnmaster,     {.i = +1} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_d,       incnmaster,     {.i = -1} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_h,       setmfact,       {.f = -0.05} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_l,       setmfact,       {.f = +0.05} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_Return,  zoom,           {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_Tab,     view,           {0} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_c,       killclient,     {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_o,       setopacity,     {.f = +0.1} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_o,       setopacity,     {.f = -0.1} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_t,       setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[0]} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_f,       setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[1]} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_m,       setlayout,      {.v = &layouts[2]} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_space,   setlayout,      {0} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_space,   togglefloating, {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_e,       togglefullscreen, {0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_0,       view,           {.ui = ~0} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_0,       tag,            {.ui = ~0} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_comma,   focusmon,       {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT} },
-	{ MODKEY,                    Key_period,  focusmon,       {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_comma,   tagmon,         {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT} },
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_period,  tagmon,         {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT} },
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_1,                       0),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_2,                       1),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_3,                       2),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_4,                       3),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_5,                       4),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_6,                       5),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_7,                       6),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_8,                       7),
-	TAGKEYS(                     Key_9,                       8),
-	{ MODKEY|WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT, Key_q,       quit,           {0} },
+#define DEFAULT_STEP "2"
+/* You'll probably wanna change some of these */
+static const Key keys[] = {
+	/* ------------------ Windows ------------------ */
+	/* Switch between windows */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_j,           focusstack,       {.i = +1} },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_k,           focusstack,       {.i = -1} },
+	{ MODKEY|Control|Shift,Key_Return,      zoom,             {0} },
+	/* Change window sizes */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_i,           incnmaster,       {.i = +1} },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_i,           incnmaster,       {.i = -1} },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_h,           setmfact,         {.f = -0.05} },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_l,           setmfact,         {.f = +0.05} },
+	/* Change window opacity */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_o,           setopacity,       {.f = +0.05} },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_o,           setopacity,       {.f = -0.05} },
+	/* Toggle floating */
+	{ MODKEY|Control,      Key_f,           togglefloating,   {0} },
+	/* Toggle fullscreen */
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_f,           togglefullscreen, {0} },
+	/* Cycle layouts */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_Tab,         cyclelayout,      {.i = +1 } },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_Tab,         cyclelayout,      {.i = -1 } },
+	/* Focus next - prev monitor */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_comma,       focusmon,         {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT} },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_period,      focusmon,         {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT} },
+	/* Send window to next - prev monitor */
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_comma,       tagmon,           {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_LEFT} },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_period,      tagmon,           {.i = WLR_DIRECTION_RIGHT} },
+	/* Kill window */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_w,           killclient,       {0} },
+	/* Quit dwl */
+	{ MODKEY|Control,      Key_q,           quit,             {0} },
+	/* ---------------- Workspaces ----------------- */
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_1,                             0),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_2,                             1),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_3,                             2),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_4,                             3),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_5,                             4),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_6,                             5),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_7,                             6),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_8,                             7),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_9,                             8),
+	TAGKEYS(               Key_0,                             9),
+	/* Switch between the last tag and the current */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_slash,       view,             {0} },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_slash,       view,             {.ui = ~0} },
+	/* ------------------- Apps -------------------- */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_m,           spawn,            RUN("fuzzel_run") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_m,           spawn,            RUN("fuzzel") },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_d,           spawn,            RUN("fnott-select-n-run", "dismiss") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_d,           spawn,            RUN("fnottctl", "dismiss") },
+	{ MODKEY|Control,      Key_d,           spawn,            RUN("fnottctl", "dismiss" "all") },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_a,           spawn,            RUN("fnott-select-n-run", "actions") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_a,           spawn,            RUN("fnottctl", "actions") },
+	/* Terminal emulators */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_Return,      spawn,            RUN("footclient") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_Return,      spawn,            SHCMD("alacritty msg create-window || alacritty") },
+	/* Browsers */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_b,           spawn,            RUN("firefox") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_b,           spawn,            RUN("chromium") },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_e,           spawn,            RUN("emacsclient", "-r", "-a", "") },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_c,           spawn,            RUN("nextcloud") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_c,           spawn,            RUN("nextcloud", "--background") },
+	/* Screenshot */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_s,           spawn,            SHCMD("grim - | swappy -f -") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_s,           spawn,            SHCMD("grim -g \"$(slurp)\" - | swappy -f -") },
+	/* Music Players */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_p,           spawn,            RUN("mpv", "--no-terminal") },
+	/* Mail client */
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_n,           spawn,            RUN("footclient", "-a", "neomutt", "startneomutt") },
+	{ MODKEY|Shift,        Key_n,           spawn,            RUN("footclient", "-a", "weechat", "startweechat") },
+	{ MODKEY,              Key_t,           spawn,            RUN("thunderbird") },
+	/* ----------------- Hardware ------------------ */
+	/* Shutdown computer */
+	{ ALTKEY|Control,      Key_Delete,      spawn,            RUN("loginctl", "poweroff") },
+	/* Restart computer */
+	{ ALTKEY|Control,      Key_Insert,      spawn,            RUN("loginctl", "reboot") },
+	/* Hibernate computer */
+	{ MODKEY|Control,      Key_Delete,      spawn,            RUN("loginctl", "hibernate") },
+	/* Suspend computer */
+	{ MODKEY|Control,      Key_Insert,      spawn,            RUN("loginctl", "suspend") },
+	/* rfkill */
+	{ 0,                   Key_XF86RFKill,  spawn,            RUN("toggle-rfkill") },
+	/* Volume */
+	{ 0,         Key_XF86AudioLowerVolume,  spawn,            RUN("wpctl", "set-volume", "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@", DEFAULT_STEP"%-")},
+	{ 0,         Key_XF86AudioRaiseVolume,  spawn,            RUN("wpctl", "set-volume", "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@", DEFAULT_STEP"%+")},
+	{ 0,         Key_XF86AudioMute,         spawn,            RUN("wpctl", "set-mute",   "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@", "toggle")},
+	{ 0,         Key_XF86MonBrightnessDown, spawn,            RUN("brightnessctl", "set", DEFAULT_STEP"%-") },
+	{ 0,         Key_XF86MonBrightnessUp,   spawn,            RUN("brightnessctl", "set", "+"DEFAULT_STEP"%") },
+	/* ------------ Control music players ------------ */
+	/* Previus or next song */
+	{ 0,                 Key_XF86AudioPrev, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-i", "spotify", "previous") },
+	{ 0,                 Key_XF86AudioNext, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-i", "spotify", "next") },
+	{ MODKEY,            Key_XF86AudioPrev, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-p", "spotify", "previous") },
+	{ MODKEY,            Key_XF86AudioNext, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-p", "spotify", "next") },
+	/* Play or pause */
+	{ 0,                 Key_XF86AudioPlay, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-i", "spotify", "play-pause") },
+	{ MODKEY,            Key_XF86AudioPlay, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-p", "spotify", "play-pause") },
+	/* Volume (all except spotify) */
+	{ MODKEY,     Key_XF86AudioLowerVolume, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-i", "spotify", "volume", "0.0"DEFAULT_STEP"-") },
+	{ MODKEY,     Key_XF86AudioRaiseVolume, spawn,            RUN("playerctl", "-i", "spotify", "volume", "0.0"DEFAULT_STEP"+") },
+	/* Volume (only for spotify) */
+	{ ALTKEY,     Key_XF86AudioLowerVolume, spawn,            RUN("vol_spotify", "-"DEFAULT_STEP"%") },
+	{ ALTKEY,     Key_XF86AudioLowerVolume, spawn,            RUN("vol_spotify", "+"DEFAULT_STEP"%") },
+	{ ALTKEY,     Key_XF86AudioMute,        spawn,            RUN("vol_spotify", "toggle-mute")},
+	/* Outputs power on/off */
+	{ MODKEY|Control,     Key_o,            spawn,            SHCMD("for o in $(wlr-randr | awk '/^[^[:space:]]+/ {printf $1}'); do\n"
+																		"wlr-randr --output \"${o}\" --toggle\n"
+																	"done")},
+	/* ------------------- TTY's ------------------- */
 	/* Ctrl-Alt-Backspace and Ctrl-Alt-Fx used to be handled by X server */
-	{ WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL|WLR_MODIFIER_ALT,Key_BackSpace, quit, {0} },
-#define CHVT(KEY,n) { WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL|WLR_MODIFIER_ALT, KEY, chvt, {.ui = (n)} }
+	{ Control|ALTKEY,      Key_BackSpace,   quit,             {0} },
+#define CHVT(KEY,n) { Control|ALTKEY, KEY, chvt, {.ui = (n)} }
 	CHVT(Key_F1, 1), CHVT(Key_F2,  2),  CHVT(Key_F3,  3),  CHVT(Key_F4,  4),
 	CHVT(Key_F5, 5), CHVT(Key_F6,  6),  CHVT(Key_F7,  7),  CHVT(Key_F8,  8),
 	CHVT(Key_F9, 9), CHVT(Key_F10, 10), CHVT(Key_F11, 11), CHVT(Key_F12, 12),